ABBREVIATION LIST q qd bid tid qid qod qh h hr q4° q6° PRN STAT am pm ad ud hs ASAP ac pc biw tiw w qw qow TIME every every day or daily twice a day three times a day four times a day every other day every hour hour hour every4 hours every 6 hours as needed now morning evening as directed as directed at bedtime as soon as possible before meals after meals 2 times a week 3 times a week Week every week every other week < > cc cm g, gm gr iu kg L lb max mcg mEq mg min ml mm oz qs ss ug MEASUREMENT less than greater than cubic centimeter centimeter gram grain international unit kilogram liter pound maximum microgram milliequivalent milligram minimum milliliter millimeter ounce “up to” half microgram IV IM ID SQ PV ROUTE OF ADMINISTRATION intravenously intramuscularly intradermally subcutaneously per vaginal or vaginally IVP AD AS AU OD OS OU PR SL PO TOP AA IV push right ear left ear both ears right eye left eye both eyes per rectum or rectally sublingually by mouth, orally topical affected area Amp App Aq Bot Cap Chew Cmpd Crm Elix Emul Gtt Gtts Inh Inj Liq Lot Mdi Neb Oint Sol Supp, sup Syr Tab Tbsp Tinct Tsp FORM Ampule Applicator water Bottle Capsule Chewable Compound Cream Elixir Emulsion a drop Drops Inhaler Injection Liquid Lotion Multi dose inhaler Nebulizer Ointment Solution Suppository Syrup Tablet tablespoonful Tincture Teaspoonful I V X L C D M ROMAN NUMERALS 1 5 10 50 100 500 1000 Roman Numerals C&S CBC VO NPO bm bp x2 d&c NKDA H/A qty amt d/c Sx sig disp Rx LM x3 H2O rf DAW eq U/A ds rep cont K Ca PKU HCG RBC WBC UTI U/C Vol UV a p c s rxn dx dz tx MISCELLANEOUS culture & sensitivity complete blood count verbal order nothing by mouth bowel movement blood pressure times 2 dilation & curettage No Known Drug Allergies headache quanty amount discharge, discontinue symptoms directions dispense prescription left message times 3 water refill dispense as written equivalent urinalysis double strength repeat continue potassium calcium phenylketonuria human chorionic gonadotropin red blood cells white blood cells urinary tract infection urinary culture volume urinary volume change before after with without reaction diagnosis disease therapy, or treatment increase decrease