UNIVERSITY OF DAR ES SALAAM GEOLOGY DEPARTMENT GY 100 ASSIGNMENT NO. 4 RADIOMETRIC DATING; Use the following in solving the problem. 87Sr/86Sr = (87Sr/86Sr) i + 87Rb/86Sr (e λ t – 1) λ (87Rb) =1.42× 10-11 y-1 N = Noe-tλ , Half-life of carbon 14 = 5730 years 1.The following data were obtained for three minerals from a pegmatite. Muscovite Rb, ppm 238.4 87 Sr/86Sr Sr, ppm 1.8 1.4125 Biotite 1080.9 12.8 1.1400 k-feldspar 121.9 75.5 0.7502 i. ii. iii. Plot the three minerals on the isochron diagram using a graph paper. Calculate the slope and deduce the intercept of the isochron. Calculate the date from the slope of the isochron. What is the specific use of the initial strontium ratio (87Sr/86Sr) i concentration above? 2. How old is a piece of wood in which the Carbon-14 is 3.12% of that in the wood formed today? 3. A fossilized tree killed by a volcano was studied. It had 6.25% of the amount of Carbon-14 found in the sample of the same size from a tree that is alive today. When did the volcanic eruption take place?