MKT 250-02 Syllabus v1 Spring12

Marketing 250 - 02
Course Syllabus – Spring 2012
Andrew G. Gilmore
1. Basic Information
Course: Principles of Marketing
Marketing 250
Class Meets Thursdays 6:05 p.m. to 9:25 p.m. Brehm Lab 165
Andrew G. Gilmore
Office Hours:
Available by appointment
Office: 266 Rike Hall
Phone: 937-830-3010
Instructor Home Page:
Marketing, 10th Edition
Roger A. Kerin, Southern Methodist University
Steven W. Hartley, University of Denver
William Rudelius, University of Minnesota---Minneapolis
Loose Leaf
©2010, ISBN-13 9780077405380
Supplemental Course Resources:
Supplemental course resources will be posted to Course Studio under the WINGS Academics Tab.
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2. Course Objectives / Student Outcomes:
Upon conclusion of this course the student will understand:
1. The role of marketing in business
2. Basic marketing concepts and terms
3. The marketing mix variables and their role in the marketing process
3. Prerequisites:
EC 204 (Taken or taking concurrently)
4. Mode of Instruction:
Lecture / Discussion / Projects
5. Course Overview:
This is a survey course dealing with the role of marketing in society, customer selection, product
management, channels of distribution, pricing concepts, promotional activity, research and planning
within an economic and business environment.
6. Expectations for Students:
Class Preparation:
It is essential you read each day’s assignment prior to class. The text provides fundamental
information and thought provoking concepts that will enable you to contribute to the learning
experience of the class as a whole. You will also be required to participate in small teams to prepare
and present an abbreviated marketing plan on a product or service that you develop. Adequate
preparation is pivotal to providing a clear, concise, and engaging presentation to the class.
To enhance your learning experience, you will be taking online assessments to test your understanding
of key concepts presented in class. Results from these assessments will be a factor in determining
points earned for class participation.
There is a midterm and final exam worth 250 points each. The midterm exam will test your
knowledge of the material covered up to that point. The final exam is comprehensive, with most of the
questions covering material from the midterm through the final exam. These two exams may consist
of various types of questions including multiple choice, true/false, and short answer questions.
There will be two quizzes worth a total of 100 points each. They will test your knowledge of
important marketing concepts covered in the lectures, class discussions, and text material up to that
point in the course.
Make-up exams will be given only if there is a valid excuse. If at all possible, notify the instructor of
your absence prior to the exam.
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Extra Credit Project (Optional):
You have the opportunity to earn up to 50 extra credit points for a short research project. This involves
conducting research into a current marketing issue and writing a two page, double spaced paper on the
results of your research. The paper will include a background, description of the issue, alternative
solutions, and recommendations. More information on this opportunity will be provided the first day
of class.
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Team Project – Abbreviated Marketing Plan:
A well-written marketing plan tells a comprehensive story about a product or service and the expected
outcomes from the commitment of resources for plan execution. In other words, things like
shareholder value, careers, and even company viability often depend on the successful marketing
plans. The plan should be well researched, clearly written, and concise. Pages 50-63 of the text
provide a very good overview. More detailed information will be provided the first day of class. In
addition, students can request assistance at any time for areas where they may be having difficulty.
This is an interactive course. You are expected to participate in the learning experience by asking
questions and making observations to demonstrate critical thinking. Material covered and issues
discussed in class may appear on the quizzes. It is your responsibility to take exams, meet and
contribute to your team’s project, and make presentations on the assigned dates.
7. Policies:
University privacy policy prohibits the distribution of grades via email and telephone.
Retention of Student Work for Teaching Portfolios: The instrucor reserves the right to retain for
pedagogical purposes either the original or a copy of any student’s test, written assignment, paper,
video, or similar work submitted by a student, either individually or as a group project. Students’
names will be deleted from any retained items. Students are encouraged to develop their own portfolio
and to keep relevant work from this course for future reflection, discussions with potential employers,
and so on.
Accommodations or Special Needs: If you have special needs as addressed by the Americans with
Disabilities Act and need any test or course materials provided in an alternative format, please notify
your instructor and contact the office of Disability Services.
Academic Integrity: It is the policy of Wright State University to uphold and support standards of
personal honesty and integrity for all students consistent with the goals of a community of scholars and
students seeking knowledge and truth. Furthermore, it is the policy of the university to enforce these
standards through fair and objective procedures governing instances of alleged dishonesty, cheating,
and other academic misconduct including, but not limited to forgery, alteration, destruction, or misuse
of university documents, records, identification cards, or papers. (Note: see Student Code of Conduct
– Academic Integrity).
Prerequisites: It is your responsibility to verify that you have successfully completed the prerequisite
classes prior to taking this class. Please note that if you register for this class without having met these
prerequisites, you may be removed from the class at any time.
Portfolio Assignment: Every undergraduate marketing class (except Mkt. 250) has a portfolio
assignment. It is recommended that marketing majors save the assignments and bring them to the
capstone course.
Changes: The instructor reserves the right to make changes to this syllabus during the course. It is the
student’s responsibility to attend class, read their email, and check the class web site for changes.
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8. How Students Will Be Graded:
Grading Information
Midterm Exam ………………………………………………………....
Quizzes …………………………………………………………….......
Team Project ...........................................................................................
Final Exam ……………………………………………………………..
Class Participation / Attendance ……………………………………….
Optional Extra Credit Independent Research Paper ……………………
Total Possible Points
Letter Grades
Possible Points
599 or below
To comply with university privacy guidelines, grades will not be released via phone or e-mail. Final
grades will be submitted to the Registrar as soon as they are calculated.
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9. Schedule
29 March
5 April
12 April
19 April
26 April
3 May
10 May
17 May
24 May
31 May
Week of
4-8 June
Topics / Assignments
Course Introduction
Team Project Introduction and Assignments
Ch. 1: Creating Customer Relationships and Value Through Marketing
Ch. 2: Developing Successful Marketing and Organizational Strategies
Ch 3: Scanning the Marketing Environment
Ch 4: Ethical and Social Responsibility in Marketing
Ch 5: Understanding Consumer Behavior
Ch. 6: Understanding Organizations as Customers
Ch. 7: Understanding and Reaching Global Consumers and Markets
Ch. 8: Marketing Research: From Customer Insights to Actions
Ch. 9: Market Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning
Ch. 10: Developing New Products and Services
Review for Mid Term Exam
Mid Term Exam – Chapters 1-10
Team Meetings
Ch. 11: Managing Successful Products and Brands
Ch. 12: Services Marketing
Ch. 13: Building the Price Foundation
Ch 14: Arriving at the Final Price
Ch. 15: Managing Marketing Channels and Wholesaling
Ch. 17: Retailing
Team Presentations
Ch 18: Integrating Marketing Communications and Direct Marketing
Ch. 19: Advertising, Sales Promotion, and Public Relations
Team Presentations
Ch. 22: Pulling it All Together: The Strategic Marketing Process
Team Presentations
Review for Final Exam
Final Exam –(Date and time to be announced)
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