U5 Macbeth Act2 Scene1

English II: Unit 5 – Macbeth
File Under: Lit Notes
Name: _________________________
Date: _______ Period: ___
Macbeth, Act 2 – Scene 1
“The Dagger Scene”
1. What has Macbeth just decided to do before this scene? _________________________________________
2a. How does Banquo react when Macbeth enters the scene? _______________________________________
2b. Why do you think Shakespeare has Banquo react this way? ______________________________________
3. Do you think Macbeth is telling the truth in line 21 when he says, “I don’t think about them now”? Explain
your reasoning. ____________________________________________________________________________
4. What does Macbeth mean when he tells Banquo in line 24-25 that “there will be something in it for you”?
5. What does Banquo’s response in lines 26-29 make you think about his opinion of Macbeth at this point?
6. What does Macbeth see in line 31? __________________________________________________________
7. What stage direction does Shakespeare give Macbeth through line 41, “as this which now I draw”? What is
the actor supposed to do? ___________________________________________________________________
8. Line 42 says, “Thou marshall’st me the way that I was going…” Where was Macbeth headed when he saw
this vision? ________________________________________________________________________________
9. What is “the bloody business” Macbeth refers to in line 48? _______________________________________
10. What does it seem Macbeth is about to do at the end of the scene? _______________________________