POPULATION DYNAMICS UNIT TEST True/False Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false. 1. Population density can only be measured in organisms/m . 2. Mark-recapture sampling is the most effective method for determining population size for any species. 3. The population density measurement that looks at the distribution of organisms within the usable areas of the habitat is known as ecological density. 4. A factor limiting population growth that has a greater impact as the density increases is said to be density independent. 5. An ecological relationship in which one animal kills and eats another is called parasitism. 6. A population is considered at risk of becoming extinct when its number falls below the minimum viable population size. 7. Competition is beneficial to one species, but usually lethal to the other. 8. Wolves kill and eat deer. The wolves starve if no deer are present. The deer overpopulate and starve if their numbers increase. The relationship between wolves and deer is commensalism. 9. Hunter-gatherer societies tend to be smaller in numbers than agricultural societies. 10. The dispersion pattern of the world's human population can best be described as random. 11. Approximately 20% of the energy in one organism is transferred to an organism in the next trophic level. 12. Human activity increases biodiversity on earth Multiple Choice Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. 13. A sampling area used for estimating population size is best known as which of the following? a. a mark recapture d. a head count b. a base line e. satellite surveillance c. a quadrat 14. The maximum number of organisms that can be sustained by available resources over a given period of time is known as which of the following? a. ecological load d. environmental overload b. carrying capacity e. none of the above c. Pop 15. The population dispersion pattern in which organisms are spread throughout their habitat in an unpredictable manner is known as which of the following? a. clumped d. patterned b. uniform e. ecological c. random 16. In a small mark-recapture study, 10 animals are marked, then released. Later, of 10 animals trapped, only 1 has a mark. What is the total size of the population? a. 10 animals d. there is no way to determine the size b. 100 animals e. none of the above c. 1000 animals 17. An orchard contains 20 apple trees in an area of 2.0 ha. Determine the density of the tree population. a. 20 trees /ha d. 10 trees/ha b. 40 trees/ha e. 4.0 trees/ha c. 0.10 ha/tree 18. Female mice produce an average of 200 offspring in their lifetime. This statement desccribes their a. fertility d. birth rate b. fecundity e. mating success c. natality 19. A population with very high mortality rates among the young and very low mortality rates among sexually mature adults exhibits which of the following? a. a type I survivorship pattern d. a type IV survivorship pattern b. a type II survivorship pattern e. none of the above c. a type III survivorship pattern 20. Elephants are slow to reach sexual maturity and few offspring. An elephant population exhibits which of the following? a. a type I survivorship pattern d. a type IV survivorship pattern b. a type II survivorship pattern e. none of the above c. a type III survivorship pattern 21. Factors limiting reproductive potential include which of the following? a. migration d. food availability b. disease e. all of the above c. mating success 22. The following mathematical expression: N(t + 1) N(t) can be used to determine a. biotic potential b. geometric growth c. exponential growth d. maximum population size e. population density 23. A population of groundhogs in a meadow exhibits geometric growth. During the year, the initial population of 100 animals had 45 births and 40 deaths. The geometric growth rate is closest to which of the following? a. 1.45 d. 1.05 b. 0.95 e. 5 c. 105 24. A curve showing the long-term exponential growth of a population is usually which of the following? a. a straight line d. negatively sloped b. a J-shaped curve e. none of the above c. an S-shaped curve 25. In natural populations, exponential growth does not continue indefinitely because of limited amount(s) of which of the following? a. energy d. space b. water e. all of the above c. shelter 26. The mathematical expression rmaxN [(K – N) / K] can be used to calculate which of the following? a. population size d. exponential growth rate b. logistic growth rate e. none of the above c. geometric growth arte 27. A smooth curve showing the effect of carrying capacity on the growth of a population is usually which of the following? a. a straight line d. a sigmoidal curve b. a J-shaped curve e. both c and d c. an S-shaped curve 28. Logistic growth curves differ from exponential growth curves in which of the following? a. the lag phase d. all phases b. the log phase e. no phases differ c. the stationary phase 29. As the number of raccoons in the forest increases, the availability of nesting sites limits population growth. This describes which of the following? a. a density-dependent factor d. both a and c b. a density-independent factor e. none of the above c. intraspecific competition 30. Overpopulating rabbits in Australia were finally controlled by a disease spread through the population. A higher mortality rate was recorded in regions with large populations than small populations. The disease can be considered a. a density-dependent effect d. interspecific competition b. a density-independent effect e. none of the above c. the Allee effect 31. The theory that two species with similar requirements cannot coexist in the same community was proposed by a. Allee d. Gause b. Darwin e. Bates and Muller c. Malthus 32. An ecological relationship between two species, where one species benefits and the other is harmed is which of the following? a. competition d. commensalism b. predation e. both b and c c. parasitism 33. Termites eat wood, but cannot digest cellulose. In their gut live a protist that can digest cellulose, but is unable to survive outside the termite. If the protists are removed, the termite will starve. This is an example of which of the following? a. parasitism d. resource partitioning b. mutualism e. none of the above c. commensalism 34. Organisms introduced into a region that is not their natural habitat and in which they have few natural predators are known to ecologists as which of the following? a. invasive d. non-native species b. predators e. both a and d c. accidents 35. Invasive species presently causing concern by affecting naturally-occurring species in Ontario include which of the following? a. wolves d. rabbits b. killer bees e. none of the above c. zebra mussels 36. The present estimate of the world's human population is closest to a. 60 million d. 7 billion b. 7 million e. 6 billion c. 600 million 37. The change from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle to its present form can be explained by a. climate change d. psychology b. domestication e. disease c. family planning 38. The present distribution of the world's human population can best be described as a. clumped d. random b. uniform e. controlled c. planned 39. Which of the following statements is not true of epidemic diseases? a. Many evolve where population densities are high. b. Many have evolved from diseases of domestic animals. c. Epidemics are density-independent factors. d. Humans develop some resistance to epidemic diseases. e. Human migration introduced epidemic diseases to new populations. 40. Which of the following is not a result of the Industrial Revolution? a. increased food supply b. higher percentage of farming c. increase in carrying capacity of the Earth d. lower percentage of people farming e. decline in death rate 41. A population pyramid showing rapid growth a. has a narrow base, and bulges as it extends upward b. shows an even age distribution for many decades c. narrows steadily from its base upward d. has a broad base and curves sharply upward e. has a narrow base and gradually widens 42. A population showing negative growth a. has a narrow base, and bulges as it extends upward b. shows an even age distribution for many decades c. narrows steadily from its base upward d. has a broad base and curves sharply upward e. has a narrow base and gradually widens 43. Which of the following populations exhibits growth momentum? a. a population with a high proportion of young individuals b. a population with a high proportion of middle-aged individuals c. a population with a high proportion of older individuals d. a population with an equal proportion of all age groups e. none of the above 44. If population growth continues, it would degrade which of the following factors determining Earth's carrying capacity? a. food production b. land use c. water quality d. availability of non-renewable resources e. all of the above 45. A food chain consists of grain, cattle, and human populations. If 700 kJ in harvested grain is fed to the cattle, how much energy is available for the human population? a. 70 kJ d. 0.70 kJ b. 7.0 kJ e. 700 kJ c. 63 kJ 46. Which of the following food chains would be best from an energy-transfer point of view? a. grain human b. Grain cattle human c. algae insect trout human d. algae insect fish human e. algae insect frog fish human 47. Which is not a major threat to biodiversity? a. Invasive species b. Habitat loss c. Bioremediation d. Overexploitation e. Habitat fragmentation 48. In a hypothetical situation, a polar bear population has an initial number of 375. During one year there are 50 new cubs born and 15 adults die. If the population grows geometrically calculate the growth rate. Estimate the population size after 5 years. The growth rate is ________, and the population size is _________. a. 1.09, 479 d. 1.39, 543 b. 1.39, 510 e. 2.46, 617 c. 1.09, 578 49. A population is growing continuously (logistic growth). The carrying Capacity of the environment is 1400 individuals and its maximum growth rate is 0.6. Determine the population growth rate on a population size of 300. a. 9.8 d. 134.3 b. 120.2 e. 141.4 c. 96.7 50. To estimate the size of the slug population on a golf course, biology students randomly selected five 2m2 quadrats in a 9m x 9m site. The numbers of slugs in each quadrat were 6,9,10,12, and 5. Estimate the population density and then the size of the slug population in the study site. The population size is a. 220 d. 340 b. 360 e. 305 c. 295 47. Population Dynamics Unit Test Answer Section MODIFIED TRUE/FALSE 1. ANS: F, is often measured in LOC: PD1.02 2. ANS: F, motile organisms LOC: PD1.02 3. ANS: T LOC: PD1.02 4. ANS: F, density dependent LOC: PD1.01 5. ANS: F, predation LOC: PD1.01 6. ANS: T LOC: PD1.02 7. ANS: F, predation LOC: PD1.01 8. ANS: F, predation LOC: PD1.01 9. ANS: T LOC: PD1.05 10. ANS: F, clumped LOC: PD1.02, PD1.05 11. 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