Buddy Scraps provides a proper paper management Solution in Siliguri

Siliguri is not only the gateway to North east India and the trading hub but also the dumping hub where
there are lot of dumping grounds where all the wastes including recyclable wastes such as paper waste,
organic waste, plastics, electronic waste are dumped by around 91 dumping trucks from all around
societies, township and from different market places.
So the scenario of the increasing waste fuelled by changing lifestyle and increased purchasing power of
urban Siliguri and the more and more dumping ground in making all around, has led us to the foundation
of Buddy Scrap which has taken an initiative that provides a proper paper management solution for the
first time in Siliguri. BuddyScrap is an initiative of 4 young entrepreneurs willing to be the change in
the sector of paper waste management trying to contribute our bit to the society. Being a better leader
of tomorrow and a responsible youth of today. We are a registered Start-up which collects all kinds of
paper scraps from educational institutes such as Schools, colleges and from different official organisations
such as bank, corporate office and also from residential and housing complex and townships and sent to
to the recyclers whilst reducing the volume of waste going to landfills.” Buddy Scrap is also forming a
channel for collection and recycling of Plastics and electronic waste.
Buddy Scrap not only aims to collect and recycle but also aims at educating the people in the city
through various campaigns.
•Awareness Campaign details:With the pressing issues of the environment; we want to create an impact in Siliguri where the youth
shows that we care for our society and environment.
So, we will implement projects as follows :
 Organising events, quizzing, elocution on important environment dates.
 Educating the society on paper waste management.
 Recycling of paper waste from schools ,colleges ,universities and business houses.
 Collection of household paper waste.
India is facing a sharp contrast between its increasing urban population and available services and
resources. Solid waste management is such service where India has an enormous gap to fill. And the
negligence to it is a severe threat to the public health and environment quality, accelerates natural
resources degradation, causing a massive climate change and greatly impacts the quality life of the
citizens.Climate change is such an issue that we the citizens of Siliguri have faced it live, if we look into the
climate prevailing five years before and we see now,there is a massive difference which is caused by
pollution of whether air or land.
People don’t take seriously about the phrase “there is treason in a trash” but it’s high time to realize and
wake up from our present comfort and look into upcoming environment with so much of pollution,
diseases and toxic air etc. So our motive is not only to collect and recycle but to educate the society about
waste and its segregation process. To encourage the soul of today and youth of tomorrow to look forward
to better city ,country and the world Tour vision is to be proper and consistent monitoring to ensure that
all the paper and cardboards to be recycled .We are here aimed to work from the ground level in order to
bring a change and the awareness on the waste handling efficiently in every office ,households and
educational institutes. We intend to develop Siliguri as a clean and beautiful city for better living of today
as well as tomorrow.
What can be Recycled through buddy scrap?
Paper –Paper is recyclable,but not everyone recycles. We need to make a small effort to be consistent
about recycling. We’ve come to the point where people need to contribute to a greener environment by
changing the way they manage their personal wastes. Remember to reduce, reuse and recycle- and
encourage everyone you know to do it.
advertisements in newspapers
junk mail
envelopes with plastic windows
old homework
printer paper
construction paper
Cardboards- Cardboard is widely recycled and represents a large part of waste stream and goes to
landfill. All the cardboards are recycling from shoe packing to egg cartoons unless it is tarnished
with grease of food. The cartoons which are used for packing from online delivery nowadays to a
chalk box in school ,everything can be recycled that too in exchange of cash.
cardboard phone books chipboard (i.e. cereal boxes, the box that comes around your
soda, etc.),toilet paper tubes
Why Paper Recycling is important ?
"Recycled paper produces 73% less air pollution than if it was made from raw materials. Some people
tend to be like “Why should I recycle paper?” Recycling paper is important for several reasons. Like all
recycling, it creates jobs and supports the nation to create the best of the alternative resources. .
Additionally, recycling paper saves natural resources. For every ton of paper recycled:
17 trees are not cut down
7,000 gallons of water are not used
380 gallons of oil will not be used
3 cubic yards of landfill space will not be filled
enough energy will be saved to heat your home for 6 months
So while saving trees as a natural resource is great, it is by no means the only natural resource being
saved. Additionally, when you use recycled paper you are not only saving trees but, in some cases, you
are saving diverse forests.
Most of the People are unaware that more than $5 million tonnes of waste in India remain untreated .It is
very important to tackle waste issues to meet the goal of clean India .And “Buddy Scrap” a new start-up
exactly deals with the above discussed issue. If this issues is ignored any further than by 2030 we will
need a landfill as big as bengaluru to dump all the waste. Over 75% of the waste is recyclable ,but in India
just 30%is recycled .
According to the Central Pollution Central Board ,less than 15% of the municipal Solid waste generated is
processed or treated. There are various issues plaguing efficient waste management in India, ranging
from Lack of proper guidance, planning on the part of authorities ,poor waste collection and treatment
system to pour awareness among citizens about waste segmentation. Its time for the nation to realize the
importance of recycling and start taking waste management seriously and every individual should take
initiatives to make “CLEAN INDIA” and is the need of the hour for a better place to live in today and for
Paper produced from virgin raw material uses far more energy and water than if it is manufactured using
recycled paper. If paper and card are sent to landfill it rots and in the process emits methane, a powerful
greenhouse gas.
How do we deal?
We Are Just A Call Away!!!
Educational Institutes –We provide a proper waste paper management
solution to the schools through efficient collection of paper waste and send
it to the recyclers who use it as raw material. We also organize several
workshops and awareness campaign for students, teachers and cleaning
staff of the organizations.
Housing societies/township-We install a recycling bin in your township
in different areas where the paper scraps can be collected by filling up a
single form and it will be collected once in a week and on that particular
day itself u can cash for your trash. We provide a convenient paper waste
collection which includes Newspapers, Old academic year books ,housing
paper waste ,cardboards of all kind .
As we are here to work from the ground level ,we are happy to come to
your society and create a campaign on waste segregation for source so the
waste doesn’t contaminate and act as a resource to the nation.
Official organisation-We understand there are lot of paper works in
organization and all goes to dumping or burnt due to no service or
inefficient service .So by understanding the need of the hour, Buddy Scrap
is here to take care of all kinds of paper waste including printing papers
,magazines, envolopes, cardboards etc .So the paper waste needs to be
collected until reaches to certain minimal amount when it becomes
feasible to collect by the team.
Advantages of Recycling
1. Recycling minimizes pollution
All forms of pollution in the modern world emanate from urban cities,households and
industries. Recycling of these wastes such as paper,plastics, cans, and chemicals go a
long way towards considerably cutting back on levels of pollution because these waste
products are reused rather than just being thrown away recklessly.
2. Protects the environment
The great benefit of recycling waste material is that it plays a big part in protecting
Mother Nature in the most balanced way. While many trees are felled every day,
recycled paper manufactured from specific trees is continually utilized to reduce
deforestation. This classical example demonstrates that other natural resources can be
recycled and made useful this way to conserve the environment.
3. Recycling minimizes global warming
It is perfectly true that recycling minimizes global warming and its grave impacts.
During waste disposal, huge amounts of waste are combusted that lead to emission of
vast greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, sulfur, and nitrogen, which contribute to
climate change and global warming.
Recycling process involves minimal combustion and waste is transformed into reusable
materials with zero or minimal harmful impact on the environment. The whole process
of processing and manufacturing products from waste materials emits few greenhouse
gases because the very waste recycling industries burn little fossil fuels.
4. Conserves natural resources
If the process of recycling used and old materials was not there, it means new products
will be manufactured by extraction of fresh raw materials underneath the earth through
the process of mining and extraction. Recycling is a surefire way of conserving existing
raw materials and protecting them for future use. Taking steps to conserve natural
resources like minerals, water and wood ensures sustainable and optimal use.
5. Recycling cuts down amount of waste in landfill sites
Recycling old and used materials into reusable products enormously reduces the
possibility of choking of landfill sites. This is beneficial because it helps minimize land
and water pollution since landfills contribute mightily to environmental degradation.
6. Recycling ensures sustainable use of resources
Recycling guarantees that existing resources will be used sensibly and sustainably. The
recycling process alleviates the possibility of discriminate use of raw materials when
they are obtainable in huge supply. Governments these days have stepped in to
encourage recycling from lower levels, for instance, schools, small-sized organizations
and also at global levels. This means that manufacturing industries can leave existing
natural resources for exploitation by our children in the future without affecting current
7. Recycling contributes to creation of jobs
To add to the benefits it brings to the environment; recycling opens up job
opportunities. Recycling means many recycling plants will be set up, thus, leading to a
long chain of collection and delivery. All these activities are performed by humans, so
this will trigger an explosion of opportunities.
8. Reduces energy consumption
A lot of energy is used to process raw materials in the course of manufacture. Recycling
plays a big role in reducing energy consumption, which is vital for large-scale
production, for instance, mining and refining. Recycling also renders the whole process
of production less expensive, which is a great victory for manufacturers.
Paper Waste Facts
The environmental impact of paper production is important to note since it has many negative
effects. Here are some of them:
40% of the world’s commercially cut timber is used for the production of paper.
Pulpwood plantations and mills endanger natural habitats.
Over 30 million acres of forest are destroyed annually.
The pulp and paper industry is a big contributor to the problem of deforestation and is
partly to blame for the endangerment of some species that live in the forests.
The life cycle of paper is damaging to the environment from beginning to end. It starts
off with a tree being cut down and ends its life by being burned – emitting carbon
dioxide in the atmosphere.
Paper production uses up lots of water. An A4 paper requires 10 liters of water per
Most of the materials in landfills are made of paper. When paper rots, it emits methane,
a greenhouse gas. When it is burned or composted, carbon dioxide.
How Can We Stop Deforestation?
Pulp and paper mills discharge water that’s riddled with solids, dissolved organic matter
called lignin, alcohol, inorganic material such as cholates, chlorine and metal compounds.
All of this contributes to soil and water pollution.
The paper industry is the 5th largest consumer of energy in the world. It uses up 4% of
the world’s energy. To produce 1 ton of virgin paper, it is estimated that 253 gallons of
petrol is used.