Agricultural Project Design Requirements in Egypt

Design requirements
1- Low Cost:
According to our project's aim, we have to make improvements on the
agricultural field in order to keep Egypt’s water share, and this in order means
that the project should be affordable, as it is granted that the affordability and
the low cost are important factors for the success of any project. In order to
achieve the affordability in the project we have to exploit the materials in the
surrounding nature which are very cheap, also having a feasibility study for the
project is very important because it helps us to control the cost of the project,
and from the factors that help.
Efficiency is an important factor for the project success, as for having a
successful project we should achieve high efficiency because efficiency
correlates moderately strongly to overall project success. The project
Efficiency is a ratio for determining the relationship between the input and the
output of a project, If the outputs are adequate to inputs, then project efficiency
is equal to 100%, and if a project is underperformed, then its rate can be 90%
so, we have to calculate the efficiency of our project in order to know if our
project is successful or not .We can increase the efficiency of our project by
many ways including:
Safety is an important design requirement. Which means that the project needs
high percentage of safety to avoid disasters from chemicals and sharp
materials. To ensure safety our project shouldn’t contain any toxic materials or
chemicals that may harm the people, plants and the environment. Another
important point is during operation, maintenance, inspection and testing of
systems, employees must be aware of the potential hazards they might be
exposed to and understand safe work practices necessary around these systems.
Employees that will construct the project should understand equipment and
Installation Requirements (What systems look like), they must install
equipment correctly.
For a project to succeed, the environmental impact is one of the main
requirements to be considered. How the project is affecting the ecosystem in
the present or further on is known to be a major variable in starting. An
example for its importance, that in June 2003 the European Commission
adopted a Communication on Integrated Product Policy (IPP). They were
highly aware of the importance of maintaining a balanced clean ecosystem.
This 146 highlights the importance of keeping a project eco-friendly. The
project can be considered as Eco-friendly as we produce clean water and
energy without polluting the air or the nature. And we depend on
environmental materials that cannot affect the health of the environment.
Applicability is one of the primary prerequisites that separates between a
logical research and a working, advantageous item. It is the exacting
importance of transforming hypothetical speculations into an undertaking that
benefits the economy. It is important to re-examine the procedures used to
construct a composite venture, with the end goal to protect it works, as a
model, as well as in an entire framework, satisfying a particular assignment.
This prerequisite is basically expressing whether a logical base, and its reliant
undertaking can be developed on a vast scale.
The undertaking can be built on a substantial scale as it intended to suit each
conceivable circumstance.