SLIDE # TAXONOMY Phylum Platyhelminthes Prosthogonimus macrorchis wm Phylum: Platyhelminthes Class: Trematoda Subclass: Digenea 1.1 Order: Plagiorchiida Family: Prosthogonimidae Fasciola hepatica wm Class: Trematoda Subclass: Digenea 1.2 Order: Plagiorchiida Family: Fasciolidae Fasciola hepatica eggs 1.3 Schistosoma mansoni male wm Class: Trematoda Subclass: Digenea 1.4 Order: Diplostomida Family: Schistosomatidae S. mansoni female wm 1.5 S. mansoni eggs 1.6 S. japonicum eggs 1.7 S. haematobium eggs 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 S. mansoni mouse intestine sec Fasciola hepatica miracidium Sporocysts sec Cercariae Clonorchis sinensis wm Class: Trematoda Subclass: Digenea Order: Plagiorchiida Family: Opisthorchiidae C. sinensis eggs C. sinensis liver sec Paragonimus westermani Class: Trematoda Subclass: Digenea Order: Plagiorchiida Family: Troglotrematidae Paragonimus eggs LIFE CYCLE INFORMATION Parasitize oviduct of female birds, wild & domestic - damages oviducts and can decrease or prevent egg laying - embryonated egg (via feces) → eaten by snail → sporocyst → cercaria → dragonfly nymph → bird Parasitizes liver ruminants & sometimes humans -inflammation of bile ducts, damage liver - egg (via feces )→ miracidium → snail → sporocyst → rediae → cercaria (encyst)→ metacercaria → human (via eating raw plants) Parasitize portal vein of large intestine - embryonated egg (via feces or urine)→ miracidium → snail → sporocyst → cercaria → human - intermediate host specificity Parasitize veins of small intestine - embryonated egg (via feces or urine)→ miracidium → snail → sporocyst → cercaria → human - least host specific Parasitize vein of urinary bladder plexus - embryonated egg (via feces or urine)→ miracidium → snail → sporocyst → cercaria → human - most host specific Human liver fluke - damage bile duct & interferes with liver function - embryonated egg (via feces) → eaten by snail → sporocyst → rediae → cercaria → fish (via skin) → metacercaria → human Parasitize human lungs & ectopic sites - embryonated egg (via feces or sputum)→ miracidium → snail → sporocyst → rediae → cercaria → crab (via skin or ingest snail) → metacercaria → human 1 2.6 2.7 2.8 Fasciolopsis buski wm Class: Trematoda Subclass: Digenea Order: Plagiorchiida Family: Fasciolidae Fasciolopsis buski eggs Heterophyes heterophyes wm Class: Trematoda Subclass: Digenea Order: Plagiorchiida Family: Heterophyidae Class: Cestoidea Subclass: Eucestoda Order: Pseudophyllidea Parasitizes small intestine of humans - immunopathologic, obstructive, & traumatic - egg (via feces)→ miracidium → snail → sporocyst → rediae → cercaria (encyst)→ metacercaria → human (via eating raw plants) Parasitizes small intestine of fish eating birds & mammals, including humans - embryonated egg (via feces) → eaten by snail → sporocyst → rediae → cercaria (encyst) → fish (via skin) → metacercaria → human - 3 developmental stages & 2 intermediate - oncosphere: - procercoid: in copepod crustacean hosts - plerocercoid: in all classes of vertebrates except birds - adults mainly in fish, but also amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals -typically has scolex with 2 longitudinal bothria Class: Cestoidea Subclass: Eucestoda Order: Cyclophyllidea 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 - 1 intermediate host: arthropod or vertebrate - oncosphere: - cysticercus: in muscle of mammal - adults mainly in fish, but also amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals - scolex with 4 acetabula, postovarian vitelline gland, usually rostellum with hooks Scolices: Moniezia, Taenia, Dipylidium Taenia solium scolex Subclass: Eucestoda Order: Cyclophyllidea Family: Taeniidae Taenia pisiformis comp. wm Parasites of dogs & wild canids Subclass: Eucestoda - gravid proglottids (via feces)→ embryonated eggs ingested Order: Cyclophyllidea by rabbit (oncosphere in liver, then cysticerci goes to Family: Taeniidae mesenteries and encysts) → dog eats cyst Cysticercus cellulosae Taenia saginata eggs Subclass: Eucestoda Order: Cyclophyllidea Family: Taeniidae Parasites of cows & humans - gravid proglottids (via feces) or crawl out of anus→ embryonated eggs ingested by cow (oncosphere “hexacanth” in muscle, then cysticerci develop) → human eats infected beef 2 3.6 3.7 3.8 4.1 4.2 Echinococcus granulosus wm Subclass: Eucestoda Order: Cyclophyllidea Family: Taeniidae Echinococcus alveolar cysts Diphyllobothrium latum mat Class: Cestoidea Subclass: Eucestoda Order: Pseudophyllidea Family: Diphyllobothriidae Gyrodactylus sp. Wm Class: Monogenea Subclass: Monopisthocotylea Order: Gyrodactylidea Family: Gyrodactylidae Hymenolepis nana eggs Subclass: Eucestoda Order: Cyclophyllidea Family: Hymenolepididae Hymenolepis diminuta eggs 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 Dipylidium caninum wm Subclass: Eucestoda Order: Cyclophyllidea Family: Dilepididae Parasites of dogs, related carnivores & infective to humans - eggs (via feces) → ingested by sheep, deer, moose, other large herbivores and humans (oncosphere in liver & other sites where hydatid cyst forms)→ hydatid cyst digested by canid & scolex attaches to intestine Parasites of humans, bears, cats, dogs, & possibly other fish eating carnivores - egg (via feces)→ coracidia → procercoid in hemocoel of copepod → plerocercoid in muscle of freshwater fish → adult in fish-eating mammal (human) Parasitic on the gills of freshwater and marine bony fish - have direct development (no metamorphic changes) - have a direct life cycle (no intermediate hosts) Parasites of rats & infective to humans - eggs (via feces) → ingested by larval fleas or beetles & oncosphere in hemocoel (optional intermediate host) → adult insect ingested by rat Parasites of rats & infective to humans - eggs (via feces) → ingested by larval fleas or beetles & oncosphere in hemocoel → adult insect ingested by rat Parasites of dogs & infective to humans - eggs (via feces) → ingested by flea juveniles (oncosphere in hemocoel, then cysticercoid in adult flea), adult flea ingested by dog Dipylidium caninum eggs Hymenolepis diminuta wm Hymenolepis sp. Cysticercoid Subclass: Eucestoda Order: Cyclophyllidea Family: Hymenolepididae Phylum Acanthocephala Acanthocephalans wm 4.7 Macracanthorhynchus sec 4.8 Phylum Nematoda Ascaris male & female cs 5.1 Ascaris eggs 5.2 Trichuris trichiura male wm Subclass: Adenophorea Order: Enoplida 5.3 Superfamily: Trichinelloidea Family: Trichuridae Trichuris trichiura female wm 5.4 Parasites of humans (human whipworm) Trichuris trichiura Adult in ileocecal region → unembryonated eggs in feces & in 2 weeks L1 in egg → L1 in egg ingested & hatches, L1 in intestinal crypts & 4 molts → adult in ileocecal region 3 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 Trichuris trichiura eggs Trichinella male & female wm Subclass: Adenophorea Order: Enoplida Superfamily: Trichinelloidea Family: Trichinellidae Trichinella spiralis muscle sec Necator americanus male wm Subclass: Secernentea Order: Strongylida Superfamily: Ancylostomatoidea Family: Unicinariidae Necator americanus female wm Necator americanus eggs Ancylostoma duodenale male wm Subclass: Secernentea Order: Strongylida Superfamily: Ancylostomatoidea Family: Ancylostomatidae A. duodenale female wm Enterobius vermicularis female wm Subclass: Secernentea Order: Oxyurida Superfamily: Oxyuroidea Family: Oxyuridae E. vermicularis eggs Dirofiliaria immitis sm Subclass: Secernentea Order: Spirurida Superfamily: Filarioidea Family: Dirofilariidae Onchocerca volvulus tumor sec Subclass: Secernentea Order: Spirurida Superfamily: Filarioidea Family: Onchocercidae Parasites of humans, pigs, rats, cats, bobcats, dogs, foxes, and bears (porkworm) Trichinella spiralis Adult in intestinal mucosa → L1 in lymphatics, blood (some pass out in feces), penetrate skeletal muscle myofibers → L1 in nurse cell, ingested by definitive host & molts 4 times → adult in intestinal mucosa Parasites of humans (New World hookworm) Necator americanus Adult in small intestine → unembryonated egg in feces & in 24 hrs rhabditiform L1 in soil → 2 molts then L3 in soil – penetrates skin, travels in blood to the lungs, breaks through alveolus, coughed up, swallowed, molts twice → adult in small intestine Parasites of humans (Old World hookworm) Ancylostoma duodenale Adult in small intestine → unembryonated egg in fec es & in 24 hrs rhabditiform L1 in soil → 2 molts then L3 in soil – penetrates skin, travels in blood to the lungs, breaks through alveolus, coughed up, swallowed, molts twice → adult in small intestine Parasites of humans (human pinworm) Enterobius vermicularis Adult in ileocecal region – female migrates to perianal skin → unembryonated eggs on perianal skin & in 6 hrs L3 in egg → L3 in egg smallowed, hatches → L3 in duodenum – molts 2 times migrates posteriorly → adult in ileocecal region Parasites of dogs, foxes, wolves, coyotes, and cats (dog heartworm) Dirofiliaria immitis Adult in right heart & pulmonary artery of dog → microfilariae in peripheral blood – ingested by mosquito, molts twice → L3 in Malpighian tubules – migrates to mouthparts, invades bite wound, migrates to heart, molts twice → adult in right heart & pulmonary artery Parasites of humans (causes river blindness) Onchocerca volvulus Adult in subcutaneous nodules → microfilariae in skin – ingested by blackfly, molts twice → L3 in flight muscles – migrates to mouth parts, enters bite wound, molts twice → adult in subcutaneous nodules 4 Phylum Sarcomastigophora Entamoeba histolytica cyst 7.1 cyst - note the presence of 4 or fewer nuclei; chromatoidal bars have blunt ends trophozoite - note the nucleus with a central endosome and a fine peripheral ring of chromatin Entamoeba coli cyst cyst note the presence of more than 7.2 4 nuclei (8 present in mature cysts); chromatoidal bars have splintered ends trophozoite - note the nucleus with endosome usually in eccentric location and larger granules in ring of peripheral chromatin Endolimax nana troph - note the small size and prominent nuclear endosome 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 Iodamoeba buetschlii troph - note prominent nuclear endosome & numerous cytoplasmic vacuoles Iodamoeba buetschlii cyst - note oval shape, single nucleus, prominent nuclear endosome & one large glycogen-filled vacuole Trypanosoma brucei blood sm Parasites of humans Entamoeba histolytica trophozoite in cecum & colon → cyst in feces –ingested → trophozoite in cecum & colon Parasites of humans Entamoeba coli trophozoite in cecum & colon → cyst in feces –ingested → trophozoite in cecum & colon Parasites of humans Endolimax nana trophozoite in cecum & colon → cyst in feces –ingested → trophozoite in cecum & colon Iodamoeba buetschlii trophozoite in cecum & colon → cyst in feces –ingested → trophozoite in cecum & colon Parasites of humans (African sleeping sickness) -100% mortality unless treated Trypanosoma brucei trypomastigotes in blood – ingested by tsetse fly → dividing epimastigotes in fly gut → metacyclic trypomastigotes in fly saliva – fly blood meal → trypomastigotes in blood Tsetse fly: (Glossina palpalis & G. tachinoides) 5 T. cruzi blood sm 7.7 7.8 Leishmania donovani liver sm 7.9 Giardia lamblia troph 7.10 7.11 Parasites of humans (Chagas’ disease) Trypanosoma cruzi intracellular amastigotes (dividing) – burst cell → trypomastigotes blood (nondividing) – re-invade cell or ingested by kissing bug → dividing epimastigotes in bug gut → metacyclic trypomastigotes in bug feces – rubbed into bite would or eye → intracellular amastigotes Kissing bug: (Triatoma gerstaeckeri) Parasites of humans (kala-azar disease) Leishmania donovani dividing amastigotes in macrophage – burst macrophage → free amastigotes – re-phagocytosed or ingested by sand fly → dividing promastigotes in fly gut – injected into bite wound, phagocytosed → dividing amastigotes in macrophage Sand fly: (Lutzomyia sp. or Phlebotomus sp.) Parasites of humans Giardia lamblia trophozoite in small intestine → cyst in feces –ingested → trophozoite in small intestine Giardia lamblia cysts Trichomonas vaginalis troph Phylum Apicomplexa P. vivax thick sm 8.1 Parasites of humans Trichomonas vaginalis trophozoite in urogenital tract → sexual intercourse → trophozoite in urogenital tract Parasites of humans Plasmodium species Intermediate host: humans Definitive host: mosquito Sporozoite in mosquito salivary glands –injected during feeding → sporozoite in blood – invade hepatocyte → trophozoite in hepatocyte– mitotic division → schizont in hepatocyte – hepatocyte bursts → merozoites in blood – invade RBC → trophozoite in RBC – mitotic division → schizont in RBC – RBC bursts → merozoites in blood – reinvade RBC → schizont or gametocyte in RBC – gametocytes ingested by mosquito → gametes in midgut – fertilization → zygote – elongation → ookinete penetrates midgut epithelium, meiotic and mitotic division → oocyst containing sporozoites – sporozoite migration in hemolymph → sporozoites in salivary glands 6 8.2 P. falciparum ring stage sm 8.3 8.4 P. falciparum gametocytes P. malariae thin sm Parasites of humans Plasmodium malariae Babesia bigemina sm Parasites of cow and human Babesia bigemina Sporozoite in tick salivary glands –injected during feeding → sporozoite in blood – invade RBC → trophozoite in RBC– mitotic division → schizont (meront) in RBC – RBC bursts → merozoites in blood –reinvade RBC → schizont in RBC – ingested by tick → merozoite in gut – differentiation → gametes (ray bodies) in gut – fertilization → zygote – differentiation → primary kinite – invades organs, divides → secondary kinites in various organs – migration in hemolymph → secondary kinites in salivary glands – meiotic & mitotic division → sporozoites in salivary glands Balantidium coli troph Parasites of humans and Balantidium coli trophozoite in large intestine → cyst in feces –ingested → trophozoite in large intestine 8.5 8.6 8.7 Parasites of humans Plasmodium falciparum B. coli cyst 7