MKTG3450W19 - Sec 03v1

Course Outline
Department of Marketing and International Business
School of Business and Economics
MKTG 3450-03 Winter 2019
Professional Selling (3,0,0)
T/TH Section 03 –5:30-6:45 OM 2740
1 Instructor
Sheena van Dyk,
Office: OM3757 Ph: 250-371-5785
Office hours: Tuesday Thursday 1:00 to 3:30
2 Calendar Description
Students will gain an overall view of the professional selling function. They will come to understand
the role of personal selling in marketing and society and its application within organizations. Topics
include relationship selling opportunities; creating value with a relationship strategy; developing a
relationship strategy; communication styles; creating production solutions; buying process and buyer
behaviour; approaching the customer; developing and qualifying a prospect base; determining customer
needs; sales demonstration; negotiating buyer concerns; and closing and confirming the sale.
3 Educational Objectives/Outcomes
Upon completing this course, students will be able to:
1. Explain the many types of selling opportunities in the marketplace
2. Describe how selling has evolved and how it fits with current marketing practices
3. Explain the concept of value-added selling
4. Apply different communication styles in various selling scenarios
5. Create product solutions that add value
6. Describe the buying process and analyse buying behaviour
7. Develop and qualify prospects and accounts
8. Approach the customer with an adaptive selling style.
9. Investigate and diagnose customer needs
10. Make an effective sales presentation and demonstration
11. Negotiate buyer concerns
12. Identify buying signals and perform an effective close
13. Explain ethical influences on sales decisions
14. Role-play a sales situation
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4 Course Topics
1. Relationship selling opportunities
a. Definition of personal selling and philosophy
b. Employment opportunities and settings
2. Evolution of selling models
a. Evolution of personal selling
b. Personal selling and the marketing mix
c. Value creation selling
3. Creating value with A relationship strategy
a. Self-concept, “win-win” strategies
b. Verbal and non-verbal communication
c. Strategies for self-improvement
4. Communication styles
a. The 4 communication styles
b. Style bias, style flexing
c. Communication style principles
d. Communication style model
5. Product selling strategies
a. Designing a product configuration
b. Become a product, company, competition expert
6. Buying process and buyer behaviour
a. Consumer versus business buyers
b. Buying process
c. Types of business buying situations
d. Buyer behaviour
7. Approaching the customer
a. Planning the approach
b. Presentation objectives
c. Developing a presentation plan
d. Types of approaches
8. Developing and qualifying a prospect base
a. Prospecting and account development
b. Sources of prospects
c. Qualifying prospects
9. Determining customer needs
a. Need satisfaction
b. Questioning and need discovery
c. Types of questions
d. Matching needs with benefits
10. The sales presentation
a. Presentation strategies
b. Guidelines for value-added presentations
c. Presentation tools
11. Negotiating buyer concerns
a. Definition and process of negotiations
b. Planning and conducting negotiations
c. Types of buyer concerns
d. Methods of negotiating
12. Closing and confirming the sale
a. Guidelines for closing
b. Closing clues/ buying signals
c. Methods for closing
d. Confirming the sale
13. Servicing the Sale
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5 Prerequisites
MKTG 2430/3430 or equivalent
6 Texts/Materials
1. Manning, Ahearne, Reece, Mackenzie, Selling Today. 7th Canadian Edition.
2. Course book website (
7 Student Evaluation*
Total (%)
Chapter Quizzes
1% per quiz
Attendance/ Participation
Assignment 1
Assignment 2
Assignment 3
Midterm 1
Midterm 2
* Note: No electronic dictionaries or translators will be allowed in any exams. There will be a 5% deduction for each day a
project is late
8 The role of the course in relation to the program learning goals
This course contributes primarily to achieving the undergraduate learning goals and objectives as
1. Critical thinking and decision making:
 Students are able to use analytical and reflective thinking techniques to identify and analyze
problems, develop viable alternatives, and make effective decisions.
 Students are able to apply appropriate quantitative and qualitative techniques in solving business
2. Communication skills:
 Students are able to write effective business documents.
 Students are able to prepare and deliver effective oral business presentations using appropriate
3. Core business knowledge
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9 Course Schedule
Jan 7
Introduction - Relationship selling
Jan 14
Evolution of Selling Models
Creating Value with a Relationship
Jan 21
Communication Styles
Jan 28
Creating a Product Solutions
The Buying Process and
Quiz 1 – Ch. 2 &4 Due before
class on Tuesday
Quiz 2 – Ch. 5 -Due before class
on Tuesday
Feb 4
Developing and Qualifying a Prospects
Feb 11
Midterm - Ch,1,2,4,5,6,8,9
Feb 18
Mid-semester break
Feb 25
Approaching the Customer
March 4
Determining Customer Needs
March 11
Creating Value
March 18
Negotiating Concerns
March 25
Adapting the Close and Confirming the
Partnership - Closing techniques
Midterm – Ch 10,11,12,13,14
April 8
Role Playing - The Sales Call
Servicing the Sale
Course Outline MKTG 3450 Professional Selling
Practice Quiz
Key due dates
Quizzes & Assignments
Quiz 3 – Ch. 6 &8 Due before
class on Tuesday
Quiz 4 - Ch. 9 Due before class
on Tuesday
Assignment 1- Feb 5
Midterm #1 Feb 14
Quiz 5 Ch. 10 - Due before class
on Tuesday
Quiz 6 Ch. 11 - Due before class
on Tuesday
Quiz 7 Ch. 12- Due before class
on Tuesday
Assignment 2 – Due March 12
Quiz 8 Ch. 13 - Due before class
on Tuesday
Quiz 9 Ch. 14 - Due before class
on Tuesday Assignment #3 –
Due March 28
Midterm#2 April 2
Quiz 10 Ch. 15- Due before class
on Tuesday – This quiz will be
open the same time as Ch14.
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10 Quizzes on Moodle
The exams/quizzes consist of true-false or multiple-choice questions from material in the text or Moodle
notes. The quizzes will be due BEFORE the chapter is covered in class and will test your knowledge of
the selling concepts covered in the text chapter. You are responsible for reading all of the material in
each chapter PRIOR to attempting the quiz. This is an open book quiz, should take about 10 to 15
minutes, after reading the chapter. However, the quiz must be done individually and not shared with
others in the class. Sharing your answers may be grounds for a zero on the quiz and potential ejection
from the course. Each quiz is due to be completed on Moodle according to the tentative course schedule.
These quizzes ensure that all students are prepared for classroom discussions. Each quiz will count for
1% toward the final grade to a maximum of 10%.
11 Participation and attendance
Attendance will be taken regularly throughout the course at the start of the class and sometimes after a
break. Please note that every class starts promptly as scheduled and the attendance will be taken at that
Students should also note that attendance is not participation. In order to receive a high mark a student
must not only attend all classes but must also be active in the majority of class discussions. Students
must be prepared to answer questions, give examples and comment on relevant topics. Students will
also get credit for material brought to and discussed in class (relevant advertising, signs, packaging or
any aspect of the marketing mix).NOTE: Students who chat while others students are participating or
presenting or while the professor is speaking will be given a verbal warning. If the interruptions continue
they will be asked to leave the class.
Attendance will be taken regularly throughout the course at the start of the class and sometimes after
a break. Please note that every class starts promptly as scheduled and the attendance will be taken at
that time. Each class missed over 2 will be a .5% deduction from overall participation grade, for example
if at an 8 for participation, this will be lowered to 7 for 4 classes missed. Over 9 classes missed will be
0. There will be 1.5% deduction per class from participation mark for not attending each of the last 2
classes for role play in attendance mark.
Marks- less
Class Participation Guidelines
Outstanding Contributor: Comments in class show exceptional preparation. Participation is
active and regular by offering examples and asking or answering questions. Ideas are
insightful and help further the class by clarifying or explaining a current concept. Shows
leadership in the class by volunteering, organizing groups and bringing in relevant materials
and promoting class discussion. Never chats in class when professor is speaking. Talks one on
one with the professor to clarify assignments or concepts. Professor knows you by name.
Advises instructor by e-mail if going to be late or miss class. Exceptional leadership and cooperation in group work. Usually missed only one or two classes.
Good Contributor: Comments in class reflect good preparation; notes and chapters have been
read and understood. Usually offers examples and asks or answers questions. Helps move the
class along. Occasionally talks to the professor one on one. Professor recognizes your face, but
sometimes forgets your name. E-mails the professor and his/her group of any absence. Good
co-operation in group work.
Missed 4 or less classes.
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Adequate contributor: Contributions in class reflect some preparation. Have reviewed topic
and some notes and chapter headings. Sometimes volunteers answer to questions in class.
Only talks to the professor immediately after a class. Professor cannot link your face to your
name. Advises the professor and his/her group of any absences. Participated in group but
performance was not outstanding.
5 - 6.99
Missed 5 or less classes.
Poor contributor: Clearly is unprepared for class. Cannot answer most questions when asked.
Rarely volunteers answer or comment. Seldom if ever talks personally to professor. Professor
does not know your name, even near the end of the semester. Professor has to ask people in
the class if you are still in the class. Disrupts class by engaging in private conversations.
Given a low assessment by group members for marketing plan participation.
Missed more than 5 classes
12 Use of Technology
Students may use laptop computers or electronic devices in the classroom for purposes of taking notes
or looking up course-related information. Students may not use laptop computers or electronic devices
in the classroom for non-course related purposes. Students must to turn off their cell phones during
The following technologies will be used in the class:
 Moodle Online Learning Environment
13 Display your name card
Each student will receive a card from the instructor. Write your name on the card. This name card
should be displayed ever class.
14 Assignment Grading
The grading for the course and the examination is in accordance with the following University policy:
Very Good. Second Class Standing. Clearly above average performance
with knowledge of principles and facts generally complete with no serious
Satisfactory. Basic understanding with knowledge of principles and facts
at least adequate to communicate intelligently in the discipline.
Pass. Some understanding of principles and facts but with definite
Minimal Pass. A passing grade indicating marginal performance. Student
not likely to succeed in subsequent courses in the subject.
Excellent. First Class Standing. Superior Performance showing
comprehensive, in-depth understanding of subject matter. Demonstrates
initiative and fluency of expression.
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Unsatisfactory. Fail. Knowledge of principles and facts is fragmentary; or
student has failed to complete substantive course requirements.
Did not complete the course. Less than 50 percent of course work
completed, or mandatory course component(s) not completed. No official
If you must miss an exam, an assignment deadline or dialogue due to a serious medical problem, if
possible, please phone or email the professor prior to the assignment, exam or due date. A doctor’s
certificate will be required. Students are referred to the University Calendar for information on appeals,
withdrawal dates, plagiarism, cheating, and academic misconduct. Students are expected to abide by
these regulations of Thompson Rivers University.
15 Honour code, academic misconduct and plagiarism detection
Students enrolled in courses at Thompson Rivers University are expected to adhere rigorously to
principles of intellectual integrity. Plagiarism is a form of intellectual dishonesty in which another
person's work is presented as one’s own. Plagiarism or cheating on examinations or assignments is a
serious offence that will result in a zero grade on an assignment, a failing grade in a course, or expulsion
from the university. For more information on this important matter, please consult the TRU academic
calendar. It is important to note that some papers may be checked with plagiarism detection software.
16 Course policies
1. Grading Policy – In accordance with TRU Policy ED 3-5.
2. Team Conflict Policy – All team members must actively participate in the assignments, and act
professionally towards each other. During the course, if a student feels this is not occurring, they should
discuss this matter with their group or bring this matter to the attention of the instructor immediately so
they can investigate the conflict and take the appropriate action including assigning student a failing
grade for the assignment.
A student who in the opinion of the group and the instructor is not “pulling their weight” will be given
1. A verbal warning by the group leader and expectations,
2. A written warning by the group leader with the instructor copied on it,
3. A meeting with the instructor and group. Working effectively in teams and acting
professionally towards one’s colleagues is a major learning goal of an MBA program.
3. Academic Integrity Policy – In accordance with TRU Policy 5-0.
4. Late Assignment Policy – A grade of zero will be given for all late or missed assignments.
5. Examinations Policy – In accordance with TRU Policy ED 3-9.
6. Appeals – In accordance with TRU Policy ED 4-0.
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17 Assignment One
You have the choice of doing one of the following for assignment:
1A- Interview an outside sales representative.
1B - Book review on selling or personal development
Assignment 1A - Due as on course outline. Hard copy handed in at the beginning of class.
Please read the entire assignment
When deciding on a career path an informational interview is a great way to find out if this type of work
might be interested to you. For this assignment, you will be doing an information interview. By talking
to a person in sales job function, you can:
- practice in your communication and interviewing skills
- get an understanding about a particular industry
- get an understanding if sales would be a career choice that would be of interest to you and
would suit your lifestyle
- gain a networking contact. Making contact with people who may be able to help you in the
- hear firsthand what it is really like to be a salesperson in a particular industry, please note
not every industry is the same
- get knowledge of the "realities" of sales from a person doing the job.
In this assignment, you must interview an outside salesperson. This should be done in person and not
by telephone. The salesperson should not be a consumer retail salesperson, so it cannot be your friend
at the clothing store. You also cannot work with a close friend or relative. The preference is an outside
B2B salesperson or a salesperson for a large ticket item such as a real estate agent. Please note only one
interview per salesperson.
Teams or Individual
This assignment can be done in pairs or individually. If working in pairs both students must be present
at the interview. You also must provide proof that you went. When seeing the sales person in person,
please have them sign the attached form and hand that in with their business card. Any person/group
that does not hand in this form or forges the information may receive a 0.
The assignment should be at least3 to 5 pages, single-spaced with the information gained from the
interview. It is important to reflect if selling is a possible career choice for you or your partner and the
significant insights you learned. Format for this assignment should be business style writing so use
headings (could be interview questions), bullet points and white space. Please do not hand in a 5 pages
Your paper should include:
1. Cover page (not included in page number)
2. A brief background on the salesperson, the company and the products sold
3. Answers to your selected questions - list of questions can be in the appendix if not in the main
part of the paper.
4. Reflect upon what you found significant in your findings
5. Is sales career an area you would like to investigate further? Why/ Why not/ maybe.
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Requesting and setting up the interview
Prepare and rehearse a script about setting up an interview before contacting a potential salesperson.
You might try email but you will find few people will respond to this type of initial contact. If emailed,
you will often have to follow up with a telephone call or go in person to request a meeting. Do not get
discouraged if it is hard to find a person to interview. Don't give up, I have found that most business
people are very helpful but you have to have the courage to ask! Sell yourself.
If requesting the interview in person be prepared to do it right away. Also, it may be a more valuable
exercise if you pick a company or industry you might like to work for when you graduate.
The Interview
Once you have confirmed an interview time, develop a list of what you consider to be important
questions to ask during this session. Set a time limit, 20 to 25 minutes. You might not be able to get
through all your questions so put them in order of priority. You can email the questions prior to the
information interview.
If the discussion goes in a direction you find helpful, go with it. However, you might need to get the
salesperson back on track. Learn how to do this tactfully. Often in a sales situation this needs to be
Dress appropriately. You can ask what company dress code is when setting up the meeting.
A thank you card after your meeting with the salesperson is a great way to say thank you. Also,this is
a technique to have them remember you for future networking opportunities.
There is a lot of information on how to set up and conduct an information interview on the internet. You
will need to do some research on how to set up an interview and the best questions to ask.
Berkeley Career center
Career UCLA
Forbes article
If you use outside sources in your write-up, please do not forget to reference them.
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Assignment 1A
Student Name(s):
 The assignment is easy to read, flows well, and is concise - little
unnecessary information
 Correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation
 Clear organization and use of headings
 Appearance, language, and level of formality appropriate for
target audience
 Relevant material and answers to questions were presented with
sufficient depth and breadth
 Questions were well thought out and relevant
 Logical progression of information
 Significant insights were well thought out and reasonable
Overall Question
 Answered the question: Is sales career an area you would like to
investigate further? Why/ Why not/ maybe
If in a group, this question must be answered individually by
both students.
Total out of:
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Confirmation - Assignment 1A
Your names:___________________________________________________________________
Appointment date and time: ________________________________________________________
Name of person interviewed: ______________________________________________________
His/her title: _____________________________________________________________________
Name of Company: _______________________________________________________________
Office phone number_______________________________________________________________
E-mail address: ___________________________________________________________________
These students did an interview with me on the above date.
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Assignment # 1B – Individual Book Review (10%) – Due as on Course outline
You can do a book review for a book on selling or personal development. A book on selling can be on the process,
improving your sales techniques or an individual sales topic such as cold calling. Personal development should
be on how to improve confidence, motivation, limiting beliefs or self-esteem. Please email me or check in class
to get your book selection approved.
Student will also need to do a 5 to 10 minutes presentation on the book. My preference is not to use PowerPoint
for your presentation.
Your review should contain the following:
1. Purpose of the book & why you chose it.
2. Short background of author and their credentials for writing in this field. Do you feel they are competent
in writing about this area? Intended audience
3. Summary of the book
- key concepts
- authors viewpoint
4. Evaluation - explain your reasons for all your points and give some examples to support your analysis.
You can go over viewpoints such as
- What are your views on the value of the information and concepts? Are the concepts usable, easy to
understand and implement? What are some of the strengths and weaknesses of the key concepts?
- Did the author use an effective writing style and layout?
- Does the author support his views and concepts with strong evidence or just opinion? Is it believable?
- What was the most interesting aspect of the book to you? What insights did you gain from the
5. Overall Conclusion - did you like it, not like it? Would you recommend the book and if so to whom?
The book review should be about 1000 words (3-4 pages). Please use headings and write concisely.
 The assignment is easy to read, flows well, and is concise - little
unnecessary information
 Correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation
 Clear organization and use of headings
 Appearance, language, and level of formality appropriate for
target audience
 Relevant material was presented with sufficient depth and
 Logical progression of information
 Clear summary of book
 Good use of examples to explain concepts and viewpoint
 Evaluation and views were well thought out and reasonable.
Justified reasons and opinions.
 Clear conclusion
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Presentation - well rehearsed
 Easy to understand
 Natural gestures
 Appropriate rate and volume
 Eye contact / appropriate use of notes (no reading!)
 No use of fillers (um, like uh)
 Speakers are poised and enthusiastic about the subject
 Speech is relevant to audience, easy to follow, and engages the
 Logical progression of arguments
 Knowledgeable on subject matter
Total out of:
18 Assignment Two - 15%
Do either Assignment 2A or 2B but not both.
Assignment 2A
What an assignment - you can contribute to the community and complete 15% of your mark!
You are to volunteer to be a fundraiser for a non-profit organization or student organization. You are contact a
non-profit organization that is doing door-to-door fundraiser, by telephone (cold-call) fundraising or at an event.
Fundraising can include not only asking for donations but also selling tickets to an event or an in- kind donation
(food clothing etc.).It must be an activity that has you asking a person for something with the chance of being
This volunteer work includes selling tickets or raising money for clubs or associations on campus. It also includes
asking for in-kind donations from companies.
If fund raising in-person (i.e. door to door) please ensure proper credentials and check with instructor for
validity of non-profit organization. . If the non-profit does not supply one please get a letter of introduction
from me.
You must put in at least 6 hours of volunteer canvassing. Upon completion of your canvassing you will submit
to me:
1. Signed verification that you completed your canvassing as directed (including name & phone number of
your supervisor).
2. Total time spent canvassing. Total $ amount raised. Average amount per donation
3. Your donation to contact ratio (i.e., # of donations / # of calls or households/ prospects approached that
you spoke to). Out of 10 people approached and spoken to - 4 donated - 40%. (not just the number of
houses you rang the doorbell – must answer)
4. A written reflection on the experience. What you liked, did not like. How did it feel when you were told
no? How did it feel when you got a donation? What seemed to work and what did not. Reflect on your
learnings and feelings doing the assignment.
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Marking- Assignment 2A
Student Names:
 Completed 6 hours of fundraising
 Significant insights were well thought out and reasonable
 Expressed feeling on getting a rejection and the actual sales
 Described what seemed to work, what did not. Any changes in
your approach.
 Ratios analyzed (10 marks)
Total out of:
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Confirmation - Assignment 2A
Your name: ___________________________________________________________________
Volunteering date and time: ________________________________________________________
Type of fundraising: _ _____________________________________________________________
Name of Non-Profit: _______________________________________________________________
Name of person who supervised you for the non-profit fundraising:
Office phone number: _______________________________________________________________
Amount raise: ____________________________________________________________________
This student did volunteer for a total of 6 hours to help us fundraise:
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Assignment 2B - Preparing for the sale
This assignment can be done individually or in teams of 2.
Select a product to sell. The product should be appropriate for sale to a company, B2B and not to retail
customers. . It might be better to choose a product you know something about or have some interest in.
A professional sales person gathers information before they approach a customer. At this time, the sales
person gathers information on the potential prospect and their industry, the industry their firm participates
in and the competitor product or service you are selling against. Please note that this assignment is designed
to illustrate the scope of knowledge required by professional salespeople. Some of the information will be
unavailable to those outside the industry. However you should check more than just a “Google” search. Look
at annual reports, journals, magazines, and newspapers
Required: A brief email informing your instructor of the product you want to sell, your company who is
selling the product and potential customers. . Your instructor must approve your choice of products before
you begin working on the next assignment. If you are having trouble thinking of an appropriate product, please
talk to your instructor before this assignment is due.
In the report – about 4 - 5 pages – business style, single spaced.
Develop and describe your personal selling philosophy.
Describe the product or service you want to sell for this assignment, the company you are selling
the product for,
Company Information
a. Company information and history of the company, product line, size, sales area.
b. Have sales for the product been growing or declining?
c. What major improvements have been made in recent years?
d. How can this product best be demonstrated?
e. List several reasons why customers should buy from this firm
f. Describe the features and benefits of the product relevant to your chosen target market.
g. Does the firm offer any warranties or guarantees?
h. What services does your company offer its customers after a sale is made?
i. Pricing of product
j. Current promotional and distribution.
Prospect information. – describe to whom you want to sell this product (who is your B2B target
market). Identify at least two firms by name and possibly contact.
a. What type of organization is it? (manufacturer, wholesaler, retailer, etc)
b. How large is the firm? How long has it been in business?
c. What industry is this firm and relevant information on this industry
d. What product lines does it sell?
e. What are some potential problems and needs of this firm and how can your product or service
solve the problems or satisfy the needs
f. Who makes the buying decisions for your product or service at this firm? What are the
person’s title and major responsibilities?
g. If you are selling a product to a wholesaler or retailer who will resell it to the ultimate
consumer (for example, food products or clothing):
Industry Information - describe the industry your product services.
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a. What is the history of the industry?
b. What is the size of the total industry in terms of sales? Is the industry growing?
c. What advancements have been made in the industry in recent years?
Competitor Information - Identify two of your firm’s main competitors and secure the following
information for this competitor: This can written up using a competitor analysis grid.
a. Has your company been in business longer than your competitor? What is the size of your
competitor in relation to your firm? Is it growing more quickly or more slowly than your firm
b. What is your competitor’s policy on extending credit to its customers? Are your firm’s policies
more or less liberal?
c. What price does your competitor charge for its product or service? How does it compare to
your firm?
d. How do the product compare?
e. How quickly can your competitor deliver its product or perform its service compared to your
f. What services does the competitor offer its customers after a sale is made?
g. What are your competitor’s major strengths and weaknesses?
Some, but not all of the resources for this assignment can be accessed from the TRU library and via the internet.
Topic areas
Canadian Business
and Current Affairs
1. Industry information(NB. a product is not
an industry)
2. Industry advancements
3. Competitor information (presumes a
provincial or national profile)
4. Product or service information.
This is a database of business
articles that you can access by
Company name.
1.Product or service information
American bias but good for
product and service development
Small Business
Product and service information: general
Somewhat complicated to use,
terminology is precise (
industry not wineries). Suggest
librarians help. Gives the cost of
running and revenue figures.
Statistics Canada
Index of
Industry information
Quite selective, but some
industries are represented
Online Annual
Company information
Paper annual reports files are
Search by company not
to understand the importance of researching potential customers prior to contacting
To develop an appreciation of the importance of strategically thinking through what it
is you are going to do.
To appreciate the level of preparation required to conduct a professional sales call
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Assignment 2B Evaluation
Student Names:
Format –
 The assignment is easy to read, flows well, and is concise
- little unnecessary information
 Correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation
 Clear organization and use of headings
 Appearance, language, and level of formality appropriate
for target audience
Citation and reference list
 External sources are fully documented and cited
 Appropriate use of quotes
 Valid sources
 Complete – all major sections presented
 Relevant material is presented with sufficient depth and
 Research was insightful and relevant
 Information was obtained for a variety of valid sources
 Applies critical thinking
 Logical progression of arguments
 Facts/examples support claims
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19 Assignment 3 - Role Play
There will be 1% deduction for not attending each of the last 3 classes for role play in attendance
Assignment 3 - Role Play
You will be assigned a group for role playing which will be done in the last three classes of the
semester. You will also be assigned three roles:
- as a seller
- as a buyer
- back-up buyer’s role. This back-up role is in case another student in your group is not able to attend.
For the backup role, you do not need to complete a buyer's questionnaire.
Seller role preparation - Sales Call Planning Guide - Fill out the sales call planning guide to be
prepare you for your role as a seller. Please bring two copies to class on due date. Do not use the
information from the buyer’s role play. You can gain more product information on the web and I
have put some information in a file called notes.
Buyer’s role preparation - Buyer’s questionnaire - fill out the buyer’s questionnaire based on
information from the buyer’s role play. This is to familiarize yourself for your role-play as the buyer.
The role play scenarios, sales call planning guide and buyer guide are in a folder on Moodle. Please
make sure you hit the triangle to open up the file
Marking – Assignment #3
Name of Student
Sales Call Planning Guide
Out of 50
Sections in Planning Guide
- meeting outcome - who is the buyer
- questions for the needs analysis
- features and benefits
- closing
- concerns
1. Answered all the questions
2. The questions were well thought out
3. The answers showed the student understood
the concepts
4. the answers were not taken from the Buyers
Role Play
Buyers Questionnaire
Out of 20
1. had read the buyers questionnaire
2. The student was able to paraphrase
3. Understood their role as buyer
Total out of 70
Course Outline MKTG 3450 Professional Selling
Page 19