Grade 7 BiWeekly Test Life Science 7.3

7th Grade Bi-Weekly Test
Unit: Life Science
Standards: L.7.3.1; L.7.3.2; L.7.3.4; L.7.3.5
Name___________________________ Date _____________ Period _______
Choose the most accurate answer to each of the following questions.
1. The study of relationships between living things and between the living things around them is
a) community
b) biome
c) ecology
d) dissipation
2. An organism that breaks down materials so they can be reused in an ecosystem is called a:
a) producer
b) consumer
c) biosphere
d) decomposer
3. All of the populations of organisms in an ecosystem is called a:
a) ecological niche
b) community
c) ecosystem
d) none of the above
4. The non-living, physical factors of an environment are referred to as:
a) biotic
b) matter
c) carnivores
d) abiotic
5. This kind of “scientific model” connects each organism with all of the organisms it eats and all
of the animals that eat it:
a) Matter cycle
b) Food web
c) Food chain
d) Kingdom
Bacteria, fungi, and worms are examples of ______ factors in a
landfill ecosystem:
a) biotic
b) abiotic
c) both (a) and (b)
d) none of the above
7. A system of living things that interact with each other and their environment is:
a) A biome
b) A centipede
c) An ecosystem
d) A biosphere
8. A single living thing is an:
a) ecologist
b) organism
c) scavenger
d) microbe
9. Water, heat and oxygen are examples of _________ factors in an environment:
a) bright
b) dull
c) biotic
d) abiotic
10. Photosynthesis and cellular respiration are the driving forces behind which cycle?
a) carbon
b) water
c) cell
d) nitrogen
11. Through what process is carbon dioxide removed from the atmosphere?
a) respiration
b) photosynthesis
c) burning fossil fuels
d) decomposition of dead material
12. The most abundant gas in the atmosphere is (78% of the atmosphere)………
a) oxygen.
b) carbon dioxide.
c) nitrogen.
d) methane.
13. Most nitrogen-fixing is carried out by
a) humans
b) plants
c) fungi
d) bacteria
14. In the nitrogen cycle, plants use nitrates and nitrites to form
a) amino acids.
b) nitrogen gas.
c) water.
d) ammonia and then later proteins.
15. The water cycle is the ____.
a) distribution of drinking water on Earth
b) unending circulation of Earth’s water supply
c) the recycling of water after industrial use
d) the evaporation of water from Earth’s surface
16. True or False
Most animals and humans get their oxygen while taking
part in the carbon cycle?
a) True
b) False
17. Plants release water into the atmosphere through a process called ____.
a) evaporation
b) infiltration
c) transpiration
d) precipitation
__ 39. 18. What process is illustrated by the arrows labeled A in Figure 6-1?
a. precipitation
c. runoff
b. evaporation
d. Infiltration
__ 40. 19. In Figure 6-1, what process is illustrated by the arrows labeled D?
a. precipitation
c. runoff
b. evaporation
d. Infiltration
__ 41. 20. What is the energy source for the water cycle shown in Figure 6-1?
a. running water
c. Earth’s internal heat
b. the sun
d. gravity