APPENDIX D.1 RIALTO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT PRE-EVALUATION AGREEMENT (to be completed within 40 days of onset of service) Name of Evaluatee: Khoi Nguyen Status: Probationary 1 Date: 09/04/2018 Probationary 2 Site:Eisenhower High School School Year: 2018-2019 Permanent (check one) Position: Certificated Science Teacher Grade Level(s)/Assignment(s)/Track: 11th and 12th Adjunct Duties: A. California Standards for the Teaching Profession: Required Standards 1. Probationary 1 and Temporary teachers: CSTP 2, 3, and 5 2. Probationary 2 ( if second year in evaluation system) and tenured teachers: All Standards B. Evaluatee’s specific area(s) of focus: (as defined in Article IX:I:8): CSTP 2.6 Employing classroom routines, procedures, norms, and supports for positive behavior to ensure a climate in which all students can learn CSTP 3.1 Utilizing instructional strategies that are appropriate to the subject matter. CSTP 5.1 Applying knowledge of the purposes, characteristics, and uses of different types of assessments C. Methods of obtaining data: Classroom observation D. Additional materials, instructional aids and support services critical to the function of the program (indicate availability): No additional materials required. Any revisions to this agreement will be mutually agreed upon, in writing, signed by both parties, and attached to this document. Evaluatee Signature:________________________ Date: Evaluator Name: Evaluator Title: Evaluator Signature: ________________________ Date: rlw:revised 7/3/13 100