Physics 11 Optics Assignment: Mirrors & Lenses

PHYSICS 11 Chapter 2 Optics Assignment
Name: ________________________
Earn full marks for EACH calculation by:
 Showing the generic equation
 Showing the equation with the variables written in – before calculating
 Correcting the final answer for significant digits
 Overall neatness and organization: Can Mom follow your solution?
Feel free to write directly on this paper. Or, answer on a separate page clearly numbering your responses.
Submit in one file using a scanner, or smart phone app such as Cam Scanner or send via toll-free fax.
(NOTE: You will need a ruler and a protractor to complete this assignment)
1. Find the distance to the image in the following curved mirror problems and state whether the
image is virtual or real AND whether it is upright or inverted. (Before using the optics equation
remember to first determine whether the focal length is positive or negative) 4 marks each.
a. An object is placed 1 cm from a convex mirror with a focal length of 4 cm.
b. An object is placed 12 cm from a convex mirror with a focal length of 5cm.
c. An object is placed 110 mm from a concave mirror with a focal length of 5 cm.
d. An object is placed 9cm from a concave mirror with a focal length of 9cm.
e. An object is placed 1.5 cm from a concave mirror with a focal length of 3cm.
2. Choose three of the above mirror problems and draw a scale diagram for each one that shows
geometrically how the distance to the image is found. ( 5 points each)
Be sure to:
 Label do, di, and f
 Use a ruler or straight-edge for neatness
 Draw to scale
3. Find the distance to the image in the following lens problems and state whether the image is
virtual or real AND whether it is upright or inverted. (Before using the optics equation remember
to first determine whether the focal length is positive or negative) 4 marks each.
a. An object is placed 40 mm away from a convex lens with a focal length of 10 cm.
b. An object is placed 2.5 cm away from a concave lens with a focal length of 1.5 cm.
c. An object is placed 7 cm away from a concave lens with a focal length of 7 cm.
d. An object is placed 65mm away from a convex lens with a focal length of 30 mm.
e. An object is placed 12 cm away from a convex lens with a focal length of 6 cm.
4. Choose three of the above lens problems and draw a scale diagram for each one that shows
geometrically how the distance to the image is found (5pts each)
Be sure to:
 Label do, di, and f clearly.
 Use a ruler or straight-edge for neatness
 Draw to scale.
5. Explain using mathematics and a geometric diagram why a plane mirror has no focal length. (5
Please double check your work. Have you shown enough detail?