ENG 115 Teaching Tips: Reading, Theme, Assignments


TIPS for teaching ENG 115


-don’t overdo it

-fewer novels, more stories/poems/short-form works

-think what is reasonable to read from one class to the next (balance – 50 pages?)


-pick something that will interest the students and be accessible to them

-pick a theme that aids in constructing assignments

-(The monster in ____ is a metaphor for ____).


-re-visit the “college paper” over and over

-it is a writing class as much (if not more) than a literature course; instruction there is useful

-I found it helpful to have the students write the “same” paper several times

-RECOMMEND: several (4) shorter papers (3-4 pages) and one longer final paper (5-6 pages)


-focus on growth in two key areas (writing analysis and critical reading)

-don’t overwhelm the students (perhaps no critical research or presentations)

-do other things together (we would read critical research as a class, discuss it, and students would use that for their final paper)

-teach students how to write good papers (like how to use quotes from research, how to set up an analytical body paragraph [EEE], etc.)

-even if they learned something in 108, don’t expect them to remember how to do it

(review, not redo)

Remember, the class adheres to the WI program guidelines!
