Imagine Beyond Foundation: Mission & Initiatives

Imagine Beyond Foundation
About Founders
Navina Mohan is an undergraduate sophomore at the University of Texas at Dallas, TX
Shwetha Menon is a senior at Hebron High
School, Carrollton, TX
Anjitha Nair is a sophomore at Jasper High
School, Plano, TX
Navnit Mohan is a sophomore at Jasper High
School, Plano, TX
A nonprofit organization
501c(3) Tax ID 47-3398611
From Left to Right
Navnit Mohan, Navina Mohan,
Anjitha Nair, Shwetha Menon
Visit us at
Email :
P.O. Box 262632, Plano, Texas 75026-2632
Imagine Beyond Foundation
“Good deeds for beautiful minds“
Our Mission
Our Story
Our Progress
The primary mission of this organization is to
We have been participating in several
bring hope and help to children and adults in
volunteering programs for years, either
the United States of America, who are
together or individually, helping out various
underprivileged, and need a support system
organizations in the Dallas Metropolis. In
Immediately, we all felt that we
to help define their future.
October 2014, we were casually talking
had some obligation to help
about the many volunteering activities and
support activities that build the
opportunities around us in DFW. There
support system for Autistic
have been a plenty of volunteering
individuals and bring awareness
opportunities in our city, but it was always
that helps early detection of the
Chocolate Sales
Education will be one of the primary areas
a struggle to find the right kind of
that the foundation will focus on, since we
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is
Consequently, we thought of creating a
a range of complex
We organized two Chocolate Sales in 2015 and
one in April 2016 and raised a few hundred dollars every time. The net proceeds were donated
to ATC.
platform that would nurture the
neurodevelopment disorders,
compassion and empathy in kids towards
characterized by social
people who need special assistance and
impairments, communication
provide an opportunity to build their
difficulties, and restricted,
creativity and leadership skills. We want
repetitive, and stereotyped
this foundation to be a platform that brings
patterns of behavior. Experts
out the creativity, confidence, and courage
estimates that one in 88 children
in the kids to tap their best motives and
under age 8 will have autism or
dream for a better tomorrow, while helping
ASD. Although there is no cure for
out the less fortunate people.
ASD, the early detection and
The foundation wants to help out individuals
with special needs. We also want to be part
of initiatives that help make their lives better.
firmly believe that it can truly define the
future. A portion of the funds that the
foundation raises, will be used to empower
the underprivileged kids with the tools and
support system needed to provide education
(especially in STEAM- Science, Technology,
Engineering, Arts, Mathematics) and training
for their bright future.
The foundation wishes to nurture hope and
confidence in people to imagine beyond
their capabilities for the betterment of their
treatment helps to reduce the
We discussed about the various
volunteering activities that we did early on
and one of those activities was working
with autistic kids in school through the
Physical Education Program. I
impact in affected people.
School Chapters
Imagine Beyond Foundation has expanded to
public schools in the DFW Metroplex including
Jasper High School (Plano), Coppell High School
(Coppell), and Pioneer Heritage Middle School
Annual Fundraiser Event—2015
We hosted our First Annual Fundraising EventIgnite 2015 on Oct. 4, 2015. We featured premier
Indian classical dance schools from the DFW
Metroplex as well as UTD Groups such as Dhunki
A Capella, Big Bang Bhangra, and Sharara. The
children who benefit from ATC's services performed the inaugural dance. We donated $7500
to ATC of Dallas from this fund-raiser.
Free Autism Screening Event
Imagine Beyond Foundation in association with
Autism Treatment Center of Dallas presents
"Free Autism Screening" event on May 14, 2016
from 10am to 2pm.