COURSE OUTLINE Code/Title : 928122 / English Language (Intermediate 2) Lecturer(s) : 1. Ms. Christine Academic Year/Semester : Semester 2, Year 2 Credit Hours : 3 Prerequisite (if any) : Completed English Language 1. The OBJECTIVES of this course are to develop: _ listening, speaking, reading & writing skills _ vocabulary skills _ an awareness of language usage _ critical thinking skills _ develop confident on public speaking and presentation skills 2. LANGUAGE SKILLS & LANGUAGE CONTENTS to be covered include: 2.1 Language Skills: - discerning main ideas - locating specific details - predicting outcomes - using correct pronunciation, stress & intonation - speaking coherently - interacting in group discussions - skimming & scanning for information - identifying main ideas - identifying supporting details - making inferences - writing thesis statement, topic, supporting & concluding sentence - understanding writing process and paragraph structure 2.2 Language Contents: - Grammar (prepositions/present tense/present progressive/concord/ conjunctions/sentence structure/compound & complex sentences ) -Vocabulary (words related to themes/topics/synonyms/antonyms) - Mechanics of Writing (capitalisation, commas, full stops, paragraphs) 3. LEARNING OUTCOME: - Students will be able to plan and write a good thesis and able to develop their own writing style. - Students will be able to write Comparison and Contrast, Cause and Effect, and Persuasive and Arguementative Essay which able to support in the topic. - Students will be able to develop self learning skills and research skills in contemporary issues. - Students will be able to express their personal opinion in confident manner. 4. TEACHING STRATEGIES: - Exercise (Oral and Written) - Essay Writing - Group / Class disucssion - Oral Presentations - Role plays - Peer Evaluation 5. COURSEWORK (50%): _ Quizzes (spelling, grammar, vocabulary etc.) ....................10% _ Oral Presentation …………………………………………20% _ Mid-Term Test ……………………....................................20% 6. FINAL EXAMINATION (50%): _ Section A: Reading Comprehension [30 marks] _ Section B: Language Usage, Vocabulary & Cloze Passage [40 marks] _ Section C: Writing [30 marks] 7. LEARNING UNITS: 1. Academic Success 2. Life Choices 3. My Culture, Your Culture 8. TEXTBOOK: Fellag,L.R.,(2005),Write Ahead:Skills for Academic Success (2), NY: Longman 9. REFERENCE: Blanchard,K., & Root,C.,(1994), Ready to Write, Longman Blanchard,K., & Root,C.,(1997), Ready to Write More, Longman Eastwood, J., (2000), Oxford Practice Grammar, (14th ed.), OUP cyy/2001