Table of Contents 1. Why and how marketing is crucial for economic development and global economy...................................................................... 2 2. Briefly, differentiate marketing strategy, plan and program? Different relationship importance? .......................................................... 4 3. What is marketing information system? In addition, why it is important to marketing management process?.............................................. 5 4. How product life cycle affect strategy planning in the process of marketing management? ........................................................... 7 5. Discuss the ways in, which a nation can overcome, on unfavorable balance of payment? ............................................................... 9 6. What is competitiveness in process of marketing management? When competitive advantage does occurs in the process of marketing? In addition, what are its source of competitive advantage? .................. 11 References ......................................................................... 13 1|Page 1. Why and how marketing is crucial for economic development and global economy. Because of it, marketing considered the most important activity in a business enterprise while at the early stage of development it was considered the last activity. For convenience, the importance of marketing may be explained as under: 1.1. Delivery of standard of living to the society: A society is a mixture of diverse people with diverse tastes and preferences. Modern marketing always aims for customer satisfaction. Therefore, main liability of marketing is to produce goods and services for the society according to their needs and tastes at reasonable price. Marketing discovers needs and wants of society, produces the goods and services according to these needs creates demand for these goods and services. They go ahead and promote the goods making people aware about them and creating a demand for the goods, encouraging customers to use them. Thus, it improves the standard of living of the society. 1.2. Decrease in distribution cost: Second important liability of marketing is control the cost of distribution. Through effective marketing, the companies can reduce their distribution costs largely. Decrease in cost of distribution directly affects the prices of products because the cost of distribution is an important part of the total price of the product. 2|Page 1.3. Increasing employment opportunities: Marketing comprises of advertising, sales, distribution, branding and many more activities. Therefore, the development of marketing automatically gives rise to a need for people to work in several areas of marketing. Thus the employment opportunities are born. Also successful operation marketing activities requires the services of different enterprises and organization such as wholesalers, retailers, transportation, and storage, finance, insurance and advertising. These services provide employment to a number of people. 1.4. Protection against business slump: Business slump cause unemployment, slackness in the success of business and great loss to economy. Marketing helps in protecting society against all these problems. 1.5. Increase in national income: Successful operation of marketing activities creates, maintains and increases the demand for goods and services in society. To meet this increased demand the companies need to increase the level of production in turn raising their income. This increase, in turn, increases the national income. Further effective marketing leads to exports adding to the national income. This is beneficial to the whole society. Economic growth and development is a two-way relationship. According to them, the first chain consists of economic growth benefiting human development, since economic growth is likely to lead families and individuals to use their heightened incomes to increase expenditures, which in turn furthers human development. At the same time, with the increased consumption and spending, health, education, and infrastructure systems grow and contribute to economic growth. 3|Page In addition to increasing private incomes, economic growth also generates additional resources that can be used to improve social services (such as healthcare, safe drinking water, etc.). By generating additional resources for social services, unequal income distribution will be mitigated as such social services are distributed equally across each community, thereby benefiting each individual. Concisely, the relationship between human development and economic development can be explained in three ways. First, increase in average income leads to improvement in health and nutrition (known as Capability Expansion through Economic Growth). Second, it believed that social outcomes could only improve by reducing income poverty (known as Capability Expansion through Poverty Reduction). Lastly, social outcomes can also be improved with essential services such as education, healthcare, and clean drinking water (known as Capability Expansion through Social Services). 2. Briefly, differentiate marketing strategy, plan and program? Different relationship importance? A marketing plan introduction relies on research to identify specific target customers and how the company's products and services match up with the needs of those customers. Marketing strategies explain how you will meet your marketing objectives. The marketing strategy section in your marketing plan is your "game plan" for success. Various marketing guides and strategies offer blueprints for success. These strategies 4|Page help a company identify what benefits and values make its brand unique and better than the competition. A marketing program is a coordinated and well-designed set of activities to achieve marketing objectives. Marketing objectives are strategic sales goals that fit the products’ strengths and are based on various characteristics of the product. One may follow different marketing programs according to the situation. In order to build strong customer relationships and maximize sales, the organizations follow different marketing, sales and loyalty programs. 3. What is marketing information system? In addition, why it is important to marketing management process? A marketing information system is a continuing and interacting structure of people, equipment and procedures to gather, sort, analyses, evaluate, and distribute pertinent, timely and accurate information for use by marketing decision makers to improve their marketing planning, implementation, and control. Marketing System 5|Page A level of creating a marketing information system is different in individual companies. It determined by size of a company, its structure of production, a degree of realization of products, hardware for management, as well as available sources. A rationally working marketing company's information system consists of essentially of four subsystems: 3.1. Internal Information Subsystem: it provides current information captured in corporate records regarding market data on production, costs, orders, shipments, payments, sales and so on. It formed in a company in a form of user-oriented system of intelligence. 3.2. Marketing Intelligence Subsystem: it provides information on developments in external corporate environment. A source of information is marketing intelligence of entities in the market, stock market news and information in a field of external services. 3.3. Marketing Research: marketing market research is a purposeful collection of information that is important for addressing and data completion of a particular marketing problem of the company. An aim of the market research and its segments is a creation of information and cognitive assumptions to predict future market development, especially its demand needs, but also offer in relation to the business plan. 3.4. Analytical marketing subsystem: is composed of advanced statistical procedures and models to evaluation of rigorous findings on information obtained in the first three subsystems. 6|Page 4. How product life cycle affect strategy planning in the process of marketing management? The marketing management process consists of the activities marketing managers do to optimize the marketing mix, including sourcing new marketing mix ideas, implementing them, analyzing the results, and doing it all over again. Different Products – Different Product Life Cycle Stages Not all products follow all five stages of the product life cycle. While some products are introduced and die quickly afterwards, others stay in the mature stage for a very long time. Some are cycled back into the growth stage after reaching the decline stage through strong promotion or repositioning. In fact, a well-managed brand could live forever if wise strategies are applied. Examples include Coca-Cola, Gillette, American Express, which still live on after more than 100 years. Product class, form or brand in the Product Life Cycle Stages Not only single products can go through the product life cycle stages. Indeed, the PLC concept can also describe a product class (for instance petrol-powered cars), a product form (e.g. four-wheel drives) or a brand (such as the BMW X5). In each case, the PLC concept applies differently. While product classes have the longest life cycles, staying in the maturity stage for a long time, product forms tend to have the standard PLC shape. Special Product Life Cycle Forms We can also apply the Product Life Cycle stages to styles, fashion and fads. Their product life cycles are somewhat special. A style is a basic and distinctive mode of expression. For instance, styles appear in homes (e.g. country cottage, functional art deco), clothing (e.g. formal and casual) and art (e.g. realist, surrealist and abstract). A style may last for generations, but usually 7|Page passes in and out of vogue. Therefore, a style’s product life cycle stages show several periods of renewed interest. A fashion is a currently popular or accepted style in a certain field. For instance, the more formal ‘business attire’ look in the 1980’s gave way to the ‘business casual’ look of the 2000’s. Fashions tend to grow slowly and remain popular for a while, before declining slowly. Fads are temporary periods of unusually high sales driven by consumer enthusiasm and immediate product or brand popularity. A fad may be part of an otherwise normal product life cycle, passing through the product life cycle stages. But at a certain point, sales raise unexpectedly, but drop afterwards equally quickly. The best example is the Rubik’s Cube. Product life cycle 8|Page 5. Discuss the ways in, which a nation can overcome, on unfavorable balance of payment? "Balance of payments" refers to the amount of money that a nation's citizens, government bodies and businesses take in from the rest of the world minus the money that they send out. If more money leaves the nation than is coming in, there is a balance of payments deficit. While most money entering and leaving the country is the result of purchases and sales of goods and services, other factors contribute as well. Nontrade factors that can affect the balance of payments include foreign aid paid or received, people moving in and out and taking their money with them, and individuals sending cash to family members in other nations. Make Domestic Companies More Competitive A balance of payments deficit is likely if foreign corporations produce better goods at a cheaper price than domestic companies do. In this case, consumers will purchase imported products, while domestic manufacturers will have a hard time selling their goods to other nations. This will increase the money leaving the nation and decrease the funds coming in. An increase in the quality of domestic products can change the equation. This might involve developing a better-educated and more highly trained workforce, lowering the corporate tax burden or improving the country's infrastructure. Such interventions take time, however, and will take a while to pay off. Currency Devaluation One short-term solution to a balance-of-trade deficit is making the nation's currency less valuable. Suppose one Euro equals one U.S. dollar, and therefore a product costing 10 Euros in Germany costs $10 in the U.S. If the dollar is devalued, so that one Euro now buys 1.2 U.S. dollars, the same European-made product will now cost American consumers $12. This will reduce its consumption, shifting some demand to local manufacturers, whose price will not increase because of currency devaluation. Governments can influence exchange rates through various means, such as lowering or raising interest rates. 9|Page Import Taxes and Quotas A direct intervention that will have an immediate impact on a balance-of-trade deficit is simply putting a cap on the number of certain types of products that can be bought from abroad. Such import quotas will reduce the amount of foreign goods and the associated fund outflow, no matter the quality of domestic made products. A less dramatic measure involves charging importers some form of import tax or duty. This will not limit the number of imported quantities, but it will make them more expensive and typically reduce their consumption. However, such measures can backfire because foreign nations might take similar steps to reduce the exports of the nation in question. With fewer exports, a country's balance-of-trade deficit will not improve. Slowing Consumer Demand Sometimes the balance of payments deficit results from extravagant spending, such as citizens taking expensive trips or gravitating towards luxury and exotic products that can only be sourced from abroad. This is usually accompanied by an increase in consumer credit balances, as such spending is most easily done on credit cards and borrowed money. Governments can partially curb the resulting deficit by slowing economic growth and general consumer demand. This can be done through less government spending, which results in less money in the economy; a rise in interest rates, which raises the cost of borrowing; and increasing taxes to reduce disposable income. 10 | P a g e 6. What is competitiveness in process of marketing management? When competitive advantage does occurs in the process of marketing? In addition, what are its source of competitive advantage? As the cultural industries come under increasing competitive pressure, industry organizations cannot afford to focus exclusively on creative and artistic concerns. They have to allocate their resources to projects where there is a real market demand, and must conduct all aspects of their business affairs in a competent manner or fall by the wayside. They consider in turn marketing and distribution, new product development, general management and organizational analysis, accounting and management information systems, finance, and competitive strategy in a global environment. Moreover, as creative and other input resources are always limited, improving the marketing, financial, and operational efficiency of a cultural industry organization is one way of increasing industry output and providing a richer cultural environment. Three important points to keep in mind when thinking about the objectives of competition are: Underlying variable of competition (price, quantity, quality etc.); Aimed level of achievement; and Competitive process that is at least partly determined by the strategic objectives of agents. 11 | P a g e Source of competitive advantage are Business’s competitive advantages are, most owners will talk about their great products or outstanding customer service. While these can certainly offer competitive advantages, there are other areas where your business can set itself apart from the competition. Here are some typical sources of competitive advantage: High product quality – Most business owners will tell you that they produce highquality products. However, for some companies, it is smarter to produce a lower quality product and offer it at a lower price to appeal to price-conscious customers. Low price – Depending on the product or service and target customers, price can be a strong competitive advantage – or not. Businesses that have positioned themselves and their products as being of the highest quality generally will not focus on low price as their USP. High level of service – Similar to high product quality, some businesses stress exceptional customer service as their USP. Again, these businesses likely will not be among the low-price leaders in the industry. In fact, low prices would likely give customers the impression that their service might leave something to be desired. Industry knowledge and expertise – Some businesses possess in-depth industry knowledge that helps customers get the most out of the products and services they buy. They can often charge a premium for products and services because customers value this expertise and hands-on assistance. Better technology and innovation – This is the classic “better mousetrap” that Emerson (or whoever) was referring to. Businesses that can use the latest new technologies and innovations to make things easier for customers often have a key strategic advantage over their competitors. 12 | P a g e References equence=1 ecycle1304gard.pdf 13 | P a g e