Entry TITLE OF DESIGN PROGECT 2015 Project Report (Meeting Log) Team Member(s) Name of Student (Registration Number) Name of Student (Registration Number) Name of Student (Registration Number) _____________________________ Name of Supervisor Note: Do NOT use prefixes ‘Sir’ or ‘Mr.’ with supervisor name. Either write ‘Engr.” or ‘Prof. Dr.’ as per according the rank of your supervisor. University of Engineering & Technology, Taxila Design Project Portfolio Department of Computer Engineering MEETING DATE BETWEEN STUDENT AND SUPERVISOR/ADVISOR Semester: VII / VIII No. Week Meeting Date Summary of Discussion Supervisor/Advisor Signature ________________________________________________________________________________________ Sheet must be written at least 5 times and must be compiled as a project progress report Week: ....................... Project Phase: Survey Methodology Current progress Date: ................................ Analysis Implementation Next plan Supervisor Signature: ................................................. Supervisor Name: …………………………………… Advisor Signature: (if any) ……………………………………. Advisor Name & Address: (if any) ……………………………………