a block-spnng mecha cal Someproblemsdeal with the analogybetweenan LC,ele,ctricalcircuit and €.) 4 v' 1lk' and I system.Rememberthat4 e x' L # m' C you should know the relationshipbetweenthe maximum chargeon the capacitor and the maxlmum wdflen in lermsof cunent:,I- 6oQ.You shouldalsoknow that the totalenergyof t}e circuit canbe chargeon the the maximum : 8212C = LP/z Someproblemsask you to compute .irit".-"ftn"r",7 capacitor,given the maximum potential differenceacrossthe plates: Q CV^u*' of oscillation changes Someproblemsdeal with dampedcircuits.You shouldknow that the ftequency the maximum chargeon the capacitor with the addition ofresistance and that in succeeding.cycles, the relevantfactorbeing e-"""' exponentially. decreases you shouldknow how to calculatethe reactancesand the impedancefor an RIC seriescircuit: 7- Xr = aaL,Xc = l/a(rL' and a'+(xr- a;ais lhe angularfrequencY.Some problemsgivethefrequencyfrandyoumustuse then emf.If f,,: fi.,,,sin a11t, you shouldknowhow to computethecurrentgiventhe generator i=tdlrrtri f),whereI:8./ZurrdtanO:(XL-XdlR.Thintoflasaphasedffirence'Thatis'if "{'= V,,,sin(aat+ a), theni = I sin(aat+ o - il' the individual Giventhe current,you shouldknow how to computethe potentialdifferencesacross - n/2), andvY= IXL sln(adt+ El2)' va : lR, vc: D(c sin(roat circuitelements: suppliesenergyat the rate PE : i 8 ' theinductorstores Finally,you shouldknow thatthe generator generates tn" tutePL: ivL,thecapacitorstoresenergyat theratePc: lvc' andtheresistor "irgi'; therial energyat the rate Pn : i2R Theseareall time dependentquantities' You should al.egivenor requested' thermsvaluesof currentandpotentialdifferences Sometimes hold for thepotential - fl, then1,*.:1/ J2 . Similarexpressions thatif i : I sin(roat remember : + tl2) leadto differences.You shouldalsorecognizethat equationssuchasv1 IXL sin(a:at f'L rms - rmszrl. Questionsand ExampleProblemsfrom Chapter31 QuestionI leastpositivephase F-oreachof thecurvesof q(t) in the figurebelowfor anLC circuit,determinethe constant(Din the equation q = Qcos(at + @) requiredto producethe curve' wt+$-:o qru r) c) ----) (-- - d/* p>o a',"x*'"XM UY /<o n **aA-Poi^{c\} Question 2 The figure b91owshowsthree oscillating LC circuits with identical inductors and capacitors.Rank the circuits accordingto the time taken to fully dischargethe capacitorsduring the oscillations,greatest first. r,an nar.*"t 1;^1.f:'rAf"Z* r= Y+ w =-L{fr:},'f ..?. +=*-@ = i\rr iLC I Jb,?,' I Question3 The figure below showsthe current i and driving emf t for a seriesRLC circuit. (a) Does the current lead or lag the emf? (b) Is the circuit's load mainly capacitiveor mainly inductive? (c) Is the angular frequencyro6ofthe emf greaterthan or lessthan the natural angularfrequency co? \ fr, t)Jrv\9^v\ ) tr^ JlQ.d.d-a (t tt b) (, ) W tt'(Jc E,",.-,,,,) UJa< ur) X. > X. ,T^dr4.lij A'ytr^,t,,)n; Question4 The figure above ion 3) showsthecurrenti anddrivingemf t for a seriesRLC circuit.Relative doesthe currentcurveshift leftwardor rightwardanddoesthe amplitudeofthat to the emf or decreaseif we slightly increase(a) L, (b) C, and (c) co6? A./ j (X,,',.,..-.-- , @ At L) t-ai r ( tu o-! ft2Wet L .tor*'',-*,..f...r..' ) " ( t,/* wvt&aAer) &4<t.)4y^**) ( X c) Problem I )cg4.4-r-"""^, -*) ) In an oscillatingLC circuit,L : 1.10mH andC = 4.00pF. Themaximumchargeon the capacitoris 3.00pC. Find themaximumcurrent. 'A ^ +-l*.n+)'\tEdt p^\y% I WhrA I ^"'^4""fi<t"*^frX/nuJ _+- -F- .l-- . . i'VvnJt her^n I ,/v.,,?'144 i\ VE =- qe/ a/gL = \)r= t1.Li\ = y^tt};r^1"**/) l\ r\ ^)r u= ve*L,rt3= a/1.= /ra/. = /^ Lr^ 7-_L - A,/--/It. lLe - 0X. r'et'(wt+ 3 . o o" l o - o c i; { t " ro' 1j ; 1v,or",l"^F) {rr" r^n* $) = Q *. ot".'t(*t'6) = ^"\zr( &^,jr a\ o.ryt,h _7-- Tvvaaqrz'&r..*th-94 f = 4"5A*to-'A * Jr,.t | Problem 2) An oscillatingLC circuit consistingofa 1.0 nF capacitorand a 3.0 mH coil has a maximum voltage of 3.0 V. what are (a) the maximum charge on the capacitor, (b) the maximum current through the circuit, and (c) the maximum energystoredin the magneticfield of the coil? q) C = t.o, ldi F f -pm ^ .-a^.;X" q = CV Q = CV = (l.o*to1 F)(a.ov) = f .o,.g6t'g 3.onC--3.oxlaqc- V^*a = 3.oY b) te'e ^*% l) = /a,V- : Jr: aV. ---Jf = e/C. r= (z.ox 16'H) ( t'o " to'rF) f= Uu= TrLir----+ \)p,.*= YaLr' : c) t/" LI' (r---Q) l.'7'lD-'A '/rG.ortorH)(1.?,rulA)a U g,"n,,= 4.5 ^ lo-q1Problem3 In anoscillatingLC circuitwith C : 64.0pF, thecurrentasa functionof time is givenby andthephaseconstantin radians. \-./ I in amperes, , = (1.60)sin(2500t+ 0.680),wheret is in seconds, (a) How soonafter t : 0 will the currentreachits maximumvalue?What are (b) the inductanceL and (c) the total energy? t = - I tt"^,(ut" 6) = 1-t,ooA)-a;r[(rsooi')Z + 0'6sa^'i.l (o) (l.* ^rzfrlt L^lA{ -alo(wt"@)=1 uiJ4 1,,^^* /r r#4i^,ur/wr n\r,1"'\rh^-k d I.t o A --.5 ;y' = n/e. --.' ot"fl wt*d.Ya = !-, i = -l.aoA ; fu n,rao.t -hoaq j;au,t"6) 1 /r/IrI "t --/g,q.t\ b^'AL.,'k4 n $*;*rq r/a - o"oroJ f = TI4:L = .) t= 3.5t",16qs L ^bbo 5 / ( b) *^ *, L c ct",,o,^) : tl w= /{lz -- Cc) L_ L---ro}c = 6F) (esoor;^(6 '1.o4o Xoi,! -e^,-nv U=QZa.=/aLf' | \ l/ / -> u - /x/-J ---) l-= J,"5o*to-3H Problem4 L :22a wH andcapacitance in serieswith aninductance R shouldbe connected what resistance of its initidl valuein 50.0 C = 12.0uF for the maximumchargeon the capacitorto decayto 99.0%o co'o o.) (Assume cycles? -B'L/rt = Q 2""'^" n-o (-'t"65 4 % ^ 2c Q e = g"r^.4( ma (vct,d) urt* = F\ -At/tt - 4*o rr q**" GJe )^ (s*/a) = -At/^, - At/tt ' r , *Y.&"" G" ^'^'" 5d-") -ht/tt- --------+ o.iq o g*".,.= ,..,,/tt> A - = Q;^'t" , J\ '@a(utL-6) -AY^, -P^r(o"?q) = /<= -A7.9" (0.9, * ,ucp nzeA b;.a 4n 5o 4pA t = 60_r = 5o(a-nfZ) f = - l(?ao'ro-)t) g\ i:.,1\) (o.st'os) (a) At whatfrequencywould a 6.0mH inductoraada 10 pF capacitorhavethe samereactance? ib) What would the reactancebe? (c) Showthat this ftequencywould be the naturalfrequencyof an oscillatinecircuitwith the sameL andC. x"= d; zc,u+at,^-h* al,a^*a^r.s (a) -rrr. ur** f -Ar\ X"= X" ---+ ,l\ --b t LL , l ( a - o * r c i ')H( r o - i o " F ) (b) X.. 4. \-../ r,,J + L = (4orA "^A/r) ,/ttl,a = ,ltndts ),t,^-.1 --, f= G5ollz (6,o,.169p) ---r I - = @tL = QotX-A/s --1 $=*/^n w=).irf fi (1o8Aaa1t11 lo ^ td" F/ X " = Av.s-.'ir- ( c ) f\/d*J ^! a/xn = _,F1 +*Sr-rr,'".J "$ r"t LC rc.^^r-it : f = arr [/C 7 \ -- L ( n l l |- | \Ja-- t Problem6 - n/4), wheret^= 30.0V andao : 350radls.Theeurrent hasemf e : t- sin(coat An acgenerator - 3nl4),where1= 620mA. At whattime after producedin a connected circuit is i(t) : I sin(ro61 = i 0 does(a) the generatoremf first reacha maximumand(b) the currentfust reacha maximum? (c) The circuit containsa singleelementotherthanthe generator.Is it a capacitor,an inductor,or a resistor?Justify your answer.(d) What is the valueofthe capacitance,inductance,or resistance,as the case.may be? t = t,' i; i - (h) / ).^-rr\ ^r.rfdJ t-"A) t. =t = tp.)Onft Drt-T/,t = TA 6L 3n/4 wat. 3r/^-, ' ,--d = 1= t', = 3o-ov (c.1*1 -='/q) ,a-.v^-., = f (") U)4 = 35Aa-"1/+ (,n*t-Yo) 3n --J lQso^il1,,) (.?3 r lo-35 -^^'A.4 td+t - 37q = -/r. (r.F t =f ulrt = Sr/u 5- l_ ,_ srt1..., = /.r\pa, (.) t : 1pso"_ll+) /ul^/\!^"*glaAa ^$\ rn, emf t\t ! ,r*l-*. | (r) -t_ t A t VL' /, l. )1" )o-trs I I E tt- At"ala7,L"%) (at^r'*l^a" llro TcE *"n Xr'uDoL L-m (r...r.z-; Jwd L-- ( ao.ov) (r"ro^1614;1 ^4/a) "sD --'-) zl=D")3t'H Problem 7 Removethe inductor from the cirouit in the figure below and set R = 200 O, C = 15.0 pF,, : 36.0 V. What are (a) z, (b) { and (c) I? (d}E+a.*?ptra's-draetlaq. fa:60.0H2, and S, -ffi, *t c- Arif"C ) ( I 5.0-dlF) !,n^ (Go.ortz X" = l77JL a"L-o Xr= t t = J l'+(X.-X.)" (q) t oC = - -\ -r / X.-X" \ ) __ &^-'10-t"?-rL) ---+ p = .t.an \ _7_/ \ AoO-'L / ( D/ {A\(d.^.)^ -tlt.5" 6 = r---__-..--l 3r"'ov .>lJ=o'135AI = += f= Y--, 7 = ),lo'7s-r- / 6a.oot)a(o 1rh)" z ab"7rL Problem8 (a) hr anRLC circuit,canthe amplitudeofthe voltageacrossan inductorbe greaterthanthe amplitudeof thegeneratorem{?(b) ConsideranRLC circuitwith 6- = 10V, R : 10A, L = 1.0H, andC: 1.0uF.Find the amplitudeof the voltageacrosstheinductorat resonance. (")Ml (/ , t)\ *n A LC ^,,-rr' L r f &r 5 = :.9' a-t ,^*"--.-',r.q , X,_ = X. z Ao /-._..-..-._--? 7= tr Ar*(!.-X.)' Z=a : l,o-st- ( o u)d ,u,^uAtp+r,"l*^ d+ =* ==ft I .-.-....--.:-l_-:.t ta \ c-'- t. y' (l.otl V"=f X.=U X r . o , l o 6 Fl il+C Y7-.- f X. = .D (o"L) e) (,.2 ( t"or+) Qlk) (rca"",t/,) = V, . looat/ (. r.oA) ( V oo,.t/5)qt.otfl -| ooot/ l a Problem9 in series and.a0.94pF capacitorareconnected . Acoil.of inductance 88 mII.andunknownresistance voltage.and with an altematingemf of fiequoncy 9i30Hz.If thephaseconstantbefweenthe applied of thecoil? thecurrentis 75', what is the resistance L= Tl*lo'tr C - o"9{Ylo*c- /" L! -- Jw'^ A=? l= 93otl* 1e-fi r) - A= q= ?5" \t-- A= Lj. )ba"r I I (angnc; J l\,D'|Yl|I I B= )."rr(t:o#z)( fi"rc9*) - fry1";66;,15o.7 .,1r.,1 ?5' I A= 9qrL I rveraserate at which ent = &,o"I"^" o-d t. I i t.-, ( €,^,/z)(A/s) "---z (") (") ()\ an"fl ALc,ct^auL Jnga^a'rnar , 7--B (X.=X.) -*"', o gt"u*t1 ,;,f-.fr^tu /.;tt r-*) A =6 Z-"",Ar/ro ,o. n\^'/^ v ^\4 ) Jr(\t \4\4 9aJ )A I ) ,la ra alarttzv"rr..' Problem I I The figure bglow shows an ac generatorconnectedto a "black box" through.apair ofterminals. The box containsan RLC circuit, possibly even a multiloop circuit, whose elementsard connectlonswe do not know. Measurementsoutsidethe box revealthat 8(,)- fl5 0iDsinru6r66 i(l) - (120A)sa(r'ral* +z o') (a) What is the power factor? (b) Does the current lead or lag the emfl (c) Is the circuit in the box iargely inductive or largely capacitive?(d) Is the circuit in the box in resonance?(e) Must therebe a capacitorin the box? (f) An inductor? (g) A resistor?(h) At what averagerate is energydeliveredto thi box by the generator? (i) Why don't you need to,know the angular frequency w6 to answer all thesequestions? i = j|-^,.(ddt-d) ,{r} *,,$1 LJ-i Q 6 Fnd= ) ptt ^\r.d & ooq 7v.r'l/r.Jz? (i8 X. -X. R (tcc1 Q =o' Arr"'reQ=ln/^ /Ur;"" day, A*O /'..Yu,'+-!)< cd4^7'lh,v(, q n-e;",^tbtat,",) a c*-rtoli)at $eT-l-a l,toA - - q^'o' : fo'l;t tA^AfuAcD+*uh,(J) n* of nu-.o.*n , Z= ) (e) _l,'p'l C+)l;l ___r .t F''- ., .frwg )44e\'t-L@vttr t * X. ( (',) ?^*=t^,4., *d = (uyd(r/a)^p = t/t e ^T,t;a"$ = |/1(rr.o,r)(t.eo+)(o.r,l3) = 3?.,1W Problem 12 A' L: 6Q'0mH' In an RLC cireuit such as that of the figure below, assumethat R: 5'00 averagerate at which f^:60.0*z.and tm: 30.0 V. For what valuesof the capacitancewould the ii# l;ii,1oj1"'i'i*r'. '"'i'*"e whatare{c)the and(b)aminimum? be(a)amaximum rate andthe corresponding(d) phasgangleand(e) power factor?^Whatare ;il;;-tr*.1pation and (h) power factor? ?Oifr" *"rC*.r* dissipationrate andthecorresponding(g) phaseangle m ln rmo.rr i."_ -- 6.odJL e^r.t A /-= @o"Oxlo-tt Z^ 4 /^ iJ = 60'oHz 9 tYi = 3 o , o r / \- (O , olte ,{" ( X.-X-)' = o.rnro t,'aqa X. X.' ) dr u]dL = #r" t)o *r=# -->c=itL = d+"ru | c = (;)6;;G'o**n) (t) ? = €1-. rq f-=,r-"**-1 rr l:rdll=1 La -- - Z \o q,^.naa u."q,n 4^+ (X.-X) ^]* (x"=*) o * 4 urar>Ao<4!1A*or@ (€/::ia (.) ?**= "- ?*-= : + z '\ \ , \/ \/ \ d,t T,'\ Q = a_!: 2. =O (U) p-"ttrry'.A='-q Da,^oo =n I \f/ tll b, d = 4:eJ: -= -oD = coa (-to) =El -qo'o$- A Problem13 coil has supplies100V to thepriinarycoil of a transformerof 50 tums. If the secondary A generator voitage? 500tums,whatis the secondary Vp = loov Vu=? Nu = 5o N"= 5oo ..- rv/ t - - i / / N " l . f "P\ /Nl/ V, = (roov\(5"/r") tv*';t