MATH 120 Fall 2013 Section 1 Instructor: Professor Stefen Hui, GMCS 523. Office Hours: 815AM-845AM, 11AM-1130AM. TAs & Office Hours:Kashif Bari and Jeremy Tolley Office hours to be announced. Prerequisites: Pass the Entry Level Mathamtics Test (ELM). Text: Mathematics 120, Calculus for Business Analysis, Special Edition for SDSU. Calculator: For the homework, you need one that has the exponential and logarithmic functions. If you don’t have one already, you should be able to get one for under $10, or if you have a smartphone, you can download a free calculator app. NO CALCULATOTRS ARE ALLOWED FOR THE EXAMS. Homework: (10%) To be completed online at the The exact URL will be announced when it becomes available from the publisher. Midterms: (20% each) There will be 3 midterms and they are tentatively scheduled for Sept 27, Oct 25, and Nov 22. These dates are subject to change. Make-up exams will be given only in cases of documented emergencies. The make-up exams will be different and possibly more difficult than the regular exams. Final: (30%) 1300-1500, Saturday, Dec 14, 2013. This is a comprehensive exam. Make-up finals will be given by the Math department in accordance with the group final guidelines. The exact details will be announced prior to the final. Scrantron: All exams use Scantron F-289-PAR-L form, available at the bookstore. Grades: The grades will be determined by a modified curving procedure with the guarantee that: 90% - A, 80% - B, 70% - C, 60% - D, and below 50% - F. Some Simple Rules of Courtesy • Try to arrive on time. • Do not leave before the end of class except for an emergency; this is very disruptive to your classmates and is strongly discouraged. • Turn off the sound on your cellphone. Do not text, web surf, etc, while in class.