<html> <head> <title>Paradise Mountain Family Resort: Rates and Accommodations</title> </head> <body> <p>|<a href="index.htm">Home</a>| |<a href="contact.htm">Contact Us</a>| |<a href="rates.htm">Rates and Accommodations</a>| |<a href="activities/index.htm">Activities and Events</a>| |<a href="spa/index.htm">Paradise Garden Day Spa</a>|</p> <h1>Rates and Accommodations</h1> <p>Watch this space! Information on Paradise Mountain Family Resort rates and accommodations will be here soon. </p> <p>Call the resort office at: 1.970.555.7890, or the reservations desk at: 1.970.555.7780 to get details regarding our deluxe accommodations, find out about our summer specials, request a brochure or to make reservations.</p> <p>For questions or comments about this site, contact: <br /> <a href="mailto:webmaster@paradisemtn.com">webmaster@paradisemtn.com</a> </p> <p>Page Modified by: Your Name, May 25, 2008</p> </body> </html>