Assignment No. 1 (SWOT ANALYSIS)

I have good interpersonal skills
I have a great degree
I have good critical / analytical skills as demonstrated by my result
Strong language writing skills
Communication Skills
Good with public speaking
I have plenty of advice work experience through working in PU
An ability to get on with people
Able to take initiative
Research skills
Attention to details
Have clear idea
Have contacts in industry
Make a point to be up to date with technology programs
Confidence in my abilities
Knowledge of IDE’s
Java/ SQL Coding
Knowledge in social media & usage of social media
Excellent in academic
Debate skills
Logical & critical thinking
Embrace challenges
Systematic & Meticulous
Sees the big picture
Good at working alone
Co-operative & Collaborative
Calm in a crises
Able to think on my feet
Know my colleagues
Good set of values
Not only doing it to make money, I’m passionate
Enjoy receiving constructive feedback
Excellent networking contacts
Have an exciting vision
Good time management skills
Ambitious about IT career
Quick learner
I apply things I learn
Problem solver
Unique relationship with internal & external supporter
Have wide & varied knowledge
Balanced work-life perspective
Multi-interested (e.g. work, recreational activities)
Unique perspective,positive energy & posture
Time keeping
Lack of confidence when dealing with people
No work experience related to academic studies
Lack of spreadsheet & database skills
Shy/afraid to speak up
My professional wardrobe
Freestyle public speaking
Do not handle multiple immediately competing demands well
Time pressure causes stress & can lead to emotional hijacking
Can be impatient i.e. not tolerate those who do not understand
Stress of many tasks & need to do each carefully can lead me to think unkindly about the
people & circumstances creating the tasks
I have a strong & compulsive need to do things quickly & remove them from my to do
list, & sometimes the quality of my result suffers as a result
This same need to get things done also causes me stress when I have too many tasks
I get nervous when presenting ideas & this fear of public speaking often takes the passion
out of my presentations
Little relevant work experience
I suffer from procrastination (bad concentration / attention span)
I have no useful work-placement experience
I lack stress management skills
I am poor at dealing with conflict
Despite what people might think I am low in confidence & self esteem
I am a poor planner
I’m lazy
I find it hard to motivate myself the more stressed I become
I worry about things that need to be done & this deepens as deadlines approach leading to
more stress
No experience in IT related job
Weak motivation at times
Depressive person at times
Procrastinate easily
Can forget things if I don’t apply them continuously
Organizational skills
Time management
Limited technical knowledge
Not very disciplined when it comes to working on my own
I have trouble meeting deadlines
Easily bored with routine work
Lacking personal marketing skills
Always try to do much at once
Can be too single minded
Find uncertainty quite difficult to manage
Gain experience of dealing with people
Gain experience of the world of work
Work abroad
Work in a team
Earn money
Good position at work
Commitment to further study
Support from work for further study
Early in carrier I can make a splash
Learning competition early
Get my carrier started early in right place
Still new so there are many learning opportunities
Future opportunities with emergence of online marketing
Emergence of online marketing specific job roles
Increase in number of start-ups looking for online marketing personal
New carrier direction
New challenges
Wider carrier prospects
Experience in different environment
Fewer restraints
No rigid carrier progression
Better earnings prospects
More autonomy
Can expand & grow business
I can become more organized through online resources & apps
I found a posting for a job that matches my skill sets exactly
There is a company willing to offer support to freelancers. If I do well in the trial period I
can work for them on retainer
Companies embracing change
Carrier fairs
New IT related courses
IT industry in booming. There are a lot of job opportunities with an IT degree
Self-teaching programming websites
I am more talented than some people
I have time to change & improve myself
There is a lot of information available to deal with my weaknesses
Eventually I could go on & do my PHD
I’m going to attend a conference next week. This will help me in developing my
knowledge & skills
To engage others in providing feedback about their experience of me
To receive coaching in service of improving my leadership skills
To learn from others in similar roles to mine
To enhance my equanimity about work-related tasks
To enhance my ability to manage the need to complete tasks quickly in order to be able to
deliberate more quickly
Being unsupported at work
Fitting into the company culture
Transport problems may result in my unreliability
Lack of time
Not enough money
Fear of failure
Fear of wasting my time
The multitude of every day demands, which conspires against self-reflection
Time pressure, which can derail my plan for self-improvement because it catapults me
back to my usual habits
Due to heavy burden of studies I’m often overworked which negatively impacts my
Life is expensive! You really do need to make money to make a decent living
Many jobs that give you the right experience want you to work for free which is very
difficult when trying to get by & the jobs can take up a lot of time
There are other people with greater talent than I have
Technology is changing fast & I may need to learn new skills
The current economic climate has resulted in slow growth for the industry which I want
to enter
Procrastination severely disturbs my work flow
IT job demand might drop
No job experience
High unemployment rates
Entry of new competitors in my field
The market is competitive
I have a health condition that causes me to miss time at work
Money threatens my ability to pursue my dreams
No specific training qualifications
No commercial experience
No experience of private sector
No management experience
Unused to working in a variety of environments
Lack of future growth opportunities as a future engineer
Very diverse consumers
Unhappy clients
Balancing work & home
No potential for promotion in my local area