IFE & EFE Analysis
On each factor, please rate how your firm is doing using a 5-point scale below :
4-Very Good
1-Very Poor
5 4
Management Aspects
01 The firm’s use of strategic-management concepts.
02 Measurability and dissemination of the firm’s goals and objectives.
03 Planning effectiveness of the firm’s managers at all hierarchical levels.
04 Delegation of authority by the firm’s managers.
05 Clarity of the firm’s organizations and job specifications.
06 Employee morale.
07 The effectiveness of reward and control mechanisms of the firm.
Marketing Aspects
08 The effectiveness of the firm's market segmentation
09 The positioning of the organization vs its competitors
10 The increase in firm's market share.
11 The reliability and cost effectiveness of the present channels of distribution.
12 The effectiveness of the firm's sales organization.
13 The firm's conduct of market research.
14 The quality of product and customer service of the firm.
15 The appropriateness of the prices of products and services.
16 The effectiveness of the firm's promotion, advertising and publicity strategy.
17 The effectiveness of the firm's marketing, planning, and budgeting activities.
18 The adequacy of experience and trainings of the firm's marketing mgrs.
Finance/Accounting Aspects
19 The firm's financial strength as indicated by its financial ratios.
20 The firm's ability to raise needed short-term capital.
21 The firm's ability to raise needed long-term capital through debt &/or equity.
22 The firm's ability to raise sufficient working capital.
23 The effectiveness of the firm's capital budgeting procedures.
24 The reasonableness of the firm's dividend payout policies. (for corporation)
Production/Operations Aspects
25 The reliability and reasonableness of the firm's source of raw materials & parts.
26 The state/condition of the firm's facilities, equipment, machinery, and offices.
27 The effectiveness of the firm's inventory-control policies and procedures.
28 The effectiveness of the firm's quality-control policies and procedures.
29 The location of the firm's facilities, resources, and markets.
30 The firm's technological competencies.
Research & Development (R&D) Aspects
31 The adequacy of the firm's R & D facilities.
32 The cost-effectiveness of the use of outside R & D firms (If utilized).
33 The qualifications of the firms' R & D personnel.
34 The allocation of the firm's R & D resources.
35 The effectiveness of the firms' communication between R&D & other org. units.
36 The technological competitiveness of the firm's present products.
Management Information System Aspects
37 The use of information system by the firm's managers in decision-making.
38 The existence of a chief information officer or director of information systems in the firm.
39 The updating of data in the information system.
40 The contribution of managers from all functional areas in the inputs to the firm's info sys.
41 The existence of effective passwords for entry into the firm's information system
42 The familiarity of the firm's strategists, of information systems of rival firms.
43 The user-friendliness of the firm's information system.
44 The user's understanding of the competitive advantages that the info sys can provide the firm
45 The computer training workshops provided for users of the information system.
46 The enhancement of firm's information system vis-à-vis content & user-friendliness.
1 . Please answer, using the scale below, how the specific factor affects the growth and development of your
Economic Factors
01 Availability of liberal credit facilities
03 Unemployment trends/rate
04 Value of the dollar in world markets
05 Demand shifts of customers for different categories of goods and services
06 Price fluctuations of inputs
07 Attitude towards savings
08 Attitude towards investing
09 Tax rates
Social, Cultural and Demographic Factors
10 Social security programs
11 Location of retailing, manufacturing, and service business
12 Lifestyles
13 Traffic situation
14 Buying habits
15 Government regulation
16 Attitudes toward retirement
17 Attitudes toward leisure time
18 Attitudes towards product quality
19 Attitudes toward customer service
20 Regional changes in taste and preferences
Political, Governmental and Legal Factors
21 Government regulations or deregulations
22 Changes in tax laws
23 Special tariffs
24 Changes in patents laws
25 Environmental protection laws
26 Legislation on employment
27 Import-export regulations
28 Government fiscal and monetary policy changes
29 Special local laws
30 Size of government budgets
31 World oil, currency, and labor markets
32 Location and severity of terrorist activities
33 Local and national elections
Name of Company
Group Members
: ________________________
: ________________________