Incarnation Catholic Academy Computer Lab Proposal: Goal: To make a welcoming environment for all students to improve technology integration and increase student computer utilization by establishing a new lab consisting of 36 Chromebooks, software, 36 iclickers, 2 Bluetooth printers and ink, 2 3D printers and ink, all new furniture (desks, chairs and alternative seating), and power strips/extension cords. With the help of these materials teachers will be able to provide differentiation for all students, create an equitable learning environment, increase active learning and allow students to work at their own level and pace. It is our common vision that every student Incarnation Catholic Academy can be provided excellent technology-related instruction. For our students to be successful now and in the future, we must continue to grow professionally and consider technology in every aspect of the curriculum, not as a separate entity. Establishing a new computer lab equipped with challenging software and internet access will provide our students to be more than just literate with technology but to gain mastery of basic computer applications such as Microsoft office and Google Apps. With the knowledge of these computer applications our school will produce a 21st century learners that are innovated thinkers. Costs: Software: Microsoft Office School: $1,000 iClickers: $1,080 2 Bluetooth Printers: $1,100 from best buy Ink stock for printers: $500 2 3D Printers: $800 Filaments for 3D Printers (ink): $1000 New Desks: $8,000 New Chairs: $4,000 Alternative Seating: $1,500 Electrical accoutrement: $2,000 Total: ~$21,000