QUESTIONNAIRE ABOUT SISWAWI SECURITY ALERT 1. When there is an incident, emergency, accident or disaster actually or potentially happening in the University Putra Malaysia, what is the UPM students’ main point of contact to coordinate with emergency services? ( ) a. Police ( ) b. Firefighter ( ) c. Ambulance ( ) d. UPM Security ( ) e. Others: __________________________ 2. From using this UPM SISWAWI SECURITY ALERT mobile application, will get fast response from the emergency services. ( ) Yes. Why? _____________________________________________________. ( ) No. Why? _____________________________________________________. 3. What scenarios or emergency situations do you think this UPM SISWAWI SECURITY ALERT mobile application should be used for and which should it not be used for? ___________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________. 4. What is your suggestions to make this UPM SISWAWI SECURITY ALERT mobile application more effective to the UPM students’? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 5. What is your rating to our UPM SISWAWI SECURITY ALERT mobile application?