Video Clip - Chapter 16 Part 1 - Who is Charles Darwin? Question Answer 1. What is evolution? 2. What is a theory? 3. Who was Charles Darwin? 4. What is fauna? 5. What is flora? 6. Why was Charles Darwin a good scientist? 7. Charles noticed patterns of diversity, give examples. 8. What is an adaptation? 9. What is fitness? 10. What did Darwin notice about the fossils he collected? 11. Where were the Galapagos Islands located? 12. Describe the climate and habitat of the Galapagos Islands. 13. What did Darwin notice about the species present on the Galapagos Islands regarding adaptations? 14. What theory did Darwin develop based on his travels? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Lived – Family – College – Naturalist – H.M.S. Beagle - (How long?)