QUALITY CONTROL & QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCEDURES 2011 EDITION QUALITY CONTROL & QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCEDURES GUIDELINES AND SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF POLICIES AND PROCEDURES TO ENSURE THAT ALL ROAD, BRIDGE AND UTILITY DESIGN SUBMITTALS TO THE DESIGN SECTION MEET MUNICIPALITY OF ABU DHABI CITY QUALITY STANDARDS. QUALITY CONTROL & QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCEDURES 2011 EDITION | MUNICIPALITY OF ABU DHABI CITY Content 1 Quality Assurance Plan 4 Form 2 33 1.1 Introduction 6 Design Completion Certificates 33 1.2 Quality Assurance Form 8 Form 3 34 1.3 Design Completion Certificates 10 Consultant Evaluation Form 34 1.4 Design Review Checklists 12 Checklists 36 1.5 Submittals for Roads, Structures & Utilities 14 Checklist No. 1 – Plans to be submitted at Each Stage 36 Checklist No.2 - CIVIL – (Conceptual Design Stage) 38 Checklist No.3 – CIVIL – (Preliminary Design Stage) 40 Checklist No.4 – CIVIL (For all stages) 41 Checklist No.5 – CIVIL (for all stages) 42 Checklist No.6 – Structures (Concept Design Stage) 50 Checklist No.7 – Structures (Approval in Principle Report) 54 Checklist No.8 – Structures (Preliminary Design Stage) 61 Checklist No.9 – Structures (Detailed Design/Final Design Stage) 62 Checklist No.10 – Structural Drawings for all Stages 63 Checklist No.11 – Utilities (For Concept Design Stage) 66 Checklist No.12 – Utilities (Preliminary Design Stage) 67 Checklist No.13 – Utilities (For all stages) 68 2 Quality Control Plan 16 3 Consultant Evaluation 20 3.1 Introduction 22 3.2 Design Submittal Evaluation 24 3.3 Rating Definitions 26 3.4 How the ADM Reviewers Evaluate the Submittal 28 Appendix 30 Form 1 32 Quality Assurance Form 32 1. QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN QUALITY CONTROL & QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCEDURES 2011 EDITION | MUNICIPALITY OF ABU DHABI CITY 1.1 Introduction The purpose of these procedures is to enable consultants to demonstrate to the Municipality of Abu Dhabi City (ADM) that they are incorporating effective quality control measures into the design process. 6 The increased awareness and documentation from following these procedures will provide ADM with heightened confidence in the quality of design submittals and promote uniformity, consistency, and reduced review time, resulting in quicker turnaround times for design submittals. These procedures are not intended to replace the quality control measures that are currently in use, but rather to promote awareness regarding the importance of quality control throughout the design process. Computation sheets and drawings must still be initialled by the designer and the checker, as per current practice, and the review of items should still be carried out independently by qualified assessors. QUALITY CONTROL & QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCEDURES 2011 EDITION | MUNICIPALITY OF ABU DHABI CITY 1.2 Quality Assurance Form The project manager must complete the Quality Assurance Form (Form 1) and include it with each submittal stage. The consultant’s reviewer must sign the form and type his name below the signature line. The item blank will generally correspond to the appropriate checklist in Appendix, which must be completed by the reviewer. If any numbered items are not applicable for a specific project, they should be marked with a “N/A” (Not Applicable) in the reviewer space. When items to be reviewed do not correspond to a number in the checklist, a short description should be included in the item space. The Quality Assurance Form must be signed by the designer and the consultant’s reviewer, and then approved by a professional or qualified engineer. Prior to each submittal, the project manager must review the plans to ensure consistency between sheets, completeness and overall content. 8 This will include verifying that the proper number of plans and items, such as construction cost estimates, are included with the submittal. The project manager should submit a design review log sheet that includes all comments, which will confirm that all requested revisions from previous submittals have been made or communicated. Providing the name and the contact details of the consultant’s project manager is important for future communication between him and the ADM project manager. Telephone conversations are encouraged to clarify items or answer questions during the review process. The remarks section can also be used to list any requested revisions that were not made with an acceptable reason; however, the project manager is encouraged to discuss these items with the ADM reviewer prior to the submittal. QUALITY CONTROL & QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCEDURES 2011 EDITION | MUNICIPALITY OF ABU DHABI CITY 1.3 Design Completion Certificates Similar to the Quality Assurance Form, the Design Completion Certificates Form must be completed and signed by the project manager, the designer and the verifier to certify that the consultant has used his professional skill and care to produce the submittal. 10 This form is to be submitted at each design stage. Refer to Form 2 of the appendices for the form and the certificate. QUALITY CONTROL & QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCEDURES 2011 EDITION | MUNICIPALITY OF ABU DHABI CITY 1.4 Design Review Checklists The Municipality of Abu Dhabi City Roads Design Section has prepared these checklists to serve as guidelines for design consultants during the design review process and to submit to ADM as part of each design submittal. ADM expects consultants to use design review checklists for all design submittals. Care must be taken to ensure that the checklists cover the most critical aspects and considerations of a design. The consultant’s reviewer must sign the applicable checklists and type his name at the bottom. For design review checking to be effective, the reviewer must be an individual with in-depth knowledge of the relevant discipline. It is also important that he not be the creator of the calculation or drawing being checked. This enables the ADM reviewer to bring an impartial perspective to the review, helping to ensure that the intentions of the designer are accurately conveyed to the calculations and drawings. The size of the project will dictate how much information is contained on each drawing. More than one drawing checklist may have to be applied to check a single drawing, if it contains more than one design discipline. For example, under 12 certain circumstances, a single drawing may contain utilities, existing conditions and proposed plans. In this case, each of the three relevant checklists would be applied to the drawing. In other cases, a single checklist may have to be applied to several drawings. In order to ensure the accuracy of calculations, calculation checking should be a two-step process. The first step is to verify the validity of all assumptions, given parameters, and formulation. The second step is checking the numerical values for accuracy. The purpose of checking is to ensure that everything is accurate and consistent, and that each drawing properly and adequately relates to the others in the set, reflects the design analysis, uses the current standards of presentation, and provides all details needed for construction. All design review checklists for common design elements can be found in the appendices. It should be noted that these samples are not comprehensive, and ADM expects consultants’ reviews, prior to submittal, to be more thorough and exacting, when and where required. QUALITY CONTROL & QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCEDURES 2011 EDITION | MUNICIPALITY OF ABU DHABI CITY 1.5 Submittals for Roads, Structures & Utilities Roads All checklist forms can be found in the appendices. Checklist No.1 details the plans to be submitted at each stage. It should be seen as a guide for consultants, although the ADM project manager or reviewer may request additional drawings at any stage. Consultants are not required to submit a complete set of drawings at every stage, but rather only to submit those required by ADM for the particular design stage. Design Review Checklists should be used for all stages of the design process, as follows: 14 1. Pre-Study Stage (10%) 2. Conceptual Design Stage (30%); Checklist No.1, Checklist No.2 (Design Concept Report) 3. Preliminary Design Stage (60%); Checklist No.1, Checklist No.3 (Preliminary Design Report), Checklist No.4 and Checklist No.5 (All Drawings) 4. Detailed Design/Final Design (100%); Checklist No.1, Checklist No.4 and Checklist No.5 Bridges and Highway Structures 5. Conceptual Design Stage (10%); Checklist No.1 and Checklist No.10 (Design Drawings), the conceptualisation of solutions and development of alternative concepts is outlined in Checklist No.6 (Concept Design Report) 6. Preliminary Design Stage (60%); Consultant will use the Approval in Principle (AIP) document for selected alternative based on ADM’s structural design guidelines and criterion mentioned in Checklist No.7 (Approval in Principle) for ADM’s approval. Checklist No.1, Checklist No.10 (Design Drawings) and Checklist No.8 (Preliminary Design) 7. Detailed Design/Final Design (100%); Checklist No.1 and Checklist No.10 (Design Drawings), Checklist No.7 (Updated Approval in Principle), Checklist No.9 (Detailed Design/Final Design) Utilities 8. Conceptual Design Stage (20%); Checklist No.1 and Checklist No.11 (Design Concept Report) 9. Preliminary Design Stage (30%); Complete Design – Checklist No.1, Checklist No.12 (Preliminary Design Report) and Checklist No.13 (Drawings) 10. Detailed Design/Final Design (50%); Complete Design – Checklist No.1, Checklist No.12 and Checklist No.13 These checklists are meant to be used as guides and are not all-inclusive. Their purpose is to provide a minimum acceptable list of items that are to be independently reviewed prior to submittal; the consultant may propose additional items to be checked in the development of the design for approval. With the completion of each design stage, the consultant is required to make a formal presentation to ADM, describing the work completed and the details of the design itself. 15 2. QUALITY CONTROL PLAN QUALITY CONTROL & QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCEDURES 2011 EDITION | MUNICIPALITY OF ABU DHABI CITY 2.0 Quality Control Plan Consultants bear full responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, consistency and uniformity of their plans, calculations, and related documents furnished under the scope of services. To help ensure that accuracy and completeness, ADM requires consultants to implement and follow a quality control plan. A meaningful quality control plan must be in place before design work begins, and must remain in effect throughout the duration of the design contract. At a minimum, a functional quality control plan establishes processes to ensure the following: • All final plans and calculations are checked, back-checked, verified and approved. Checking should be done independently by a second party. The assessor must be an experienced engineer who has not participated in the production of the design plans. Check prints of all drawings and calculations are to be maintained for a minimum of seven years from the completion of a design contract. 18 • All related correspondence and memoranda are received by authorised persons and maintained in the project files within an established document control system. • Cross-checking has been carried out to avoid any mismatch and/or discrepancy between the documents (e.g. profiles match plans, drawings match specifications and BOQ, etc.). • Overall appearance, format and content of the deliverables correspond to the expectations of ADM. The consultant is expected to perform an internal quality control review of deliverables at all stages of design completion. These reviews are to be carried out by experienced engineers in the relevant disciplines. The purpose of these reviews is to satisfy the consultant that deliverables are of a quality that is acceptable to ADM and to the consultant itself. ADM may request that the consultant update its quality control plan at any stage of the design process, in order to enhance its functionality. 3. CONSULTANT EVALUATION QUALITY CONTROL & QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCEDURES 2011 EDITION | MUNICIPALITY OF ABU DHABI CITY 3.1 Introduction To monitor the quality of deliverables prepared by consulting firms and to evaluate the performance of consultants at each design stage, ADM project managers must complete consultant evaluation forms, and provide a copy of each evaluation to the consultant for their records and necessary corrective actions. 22 The consultant has the right to question any or all of the ratings. The results of evaluations will be referenced by ADM when selecting consultants for future projects. QUALITY CONTROL & QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCEDURES 2011 EDITION | MUNICIPALITY OF ABU DHABI CITY 3.2 Design Submittal Evaluation The blank Consultant Evaluation Form (Form 3) must be attached to all submittals of plans and/or reports to be reviewed. ADM project managers use this form when a consultant makes a submittal. He must complete the general project information and the coordination team rating items. On the middle left of the evaluation form, the project manager indicates the type of plans and/or reports that have been submitted. Items to be rated are located on the right of the evaluation form. The ADM reviewer rates the items found in the middle right, under “ADM Reviewer’s Rating Items”. 24 The rating to be used is found at the lower right of the evaluation form. At the very bottom of the form is the final area to be completed by the reviewer. In this area, the reviewer can indicate what plans and/or reports are to be submitted next. The last line on the form is for the reviewer to sign and date the completed evaluation. QUALITY CONTROL & QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCEDURES 2011 EDITION | MUNICIPALITY OF ABU DHABI CITY 3.3 Rating Definitions The review of each submittal will be performed by ADM, providing the consultant with a clear understanding of how the quality of work is being perceived by ADM as the project progresses. The review of completed evaluations is extremely important to the consultant’s project manager because the evaluation reflects the comments within the reviewed plans and/or reports. If the consultant has any questions regarding the given rating, the ADM reviewer must answer these questions. The ratings range from a high of 5 to a low of 1. A rating of 3, 2, or 1 indicates that the reviewer assessed the item under consideration as not satisfactory. The general interpretations of the ratings are as follows: 26 5. Excellent: Consultant performed beyond expectations; submittal approved with very minor comments. 4. Good: Several revisions required; submittal approved with comments to be incorporated in next stage. 3. Average: Many revisions required, mostly minor but several major comments; submittal returned for revision and resubmittal. 2. Poor: Many major comments; submittal not accepted. 1. Unsatisfactory: Full of mistakes and major comments, poor document quality; submittal not accepted and returned to consultant with notice of concern from ADM. QUALITY CONTROL & QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCEDURES 2011 EDITION | MUNICIPALITY OF ABU DHABI CITY 3.4 How ADM Reviewers Evaluate Submittals Assurance Program, how well the computations were executed will not be examined as thoroughly as in the past. However, spot-checking will occur and the rating of this item will reflect the spot-checking. The scoring will be as follows: Form 3 illustrates the items to be evaluated at each project stage. The following briefly describes each item: 1. Design Concept: The consultant’s submittal will be evaluated on the completeness of the proposed design concept. The term completeness encompasses how well the consultant has thought through all of the necessary factors that result in the best possible design. If certain items omitted from the design concept are detrimental to the design, a lower rating will be issued. The evaluation will also consider how well the consultant addressed any encountered obstacle that was not foreseen at the time of completion of the Engineer’s Report. 2. Critical Design Elements: Failure to satisfactorily address all applicable design criteria will result in a rating no higher than 3. 3. Calculations: The operations of mathematical computations and deletions and/or additions to the computations are areas of scrutiny. With the implementation of the Quality 28 a.A major error is defined as an error originating from the computations that would result in a significant design change. b.A minor error is one that would pose no significant change to any element of the design. If computations are not submitted because of the nature of the submittal or because they are not warranted, this item will not be rated. If the reviewer believes that some computations were needed but failed to be submitted, the reviewer will not rate this category on this basis alone; this would be addressed in the Documentation of Work item, thereby avoiding double penalties. 4. Plan/Report Quality: All material submitted at each stage of development, such as plans, Design Summary Report (DSR), design computations, special provisions, and any other supporting material, will be evaluated. Ratings will be based on presentation, legibility, structure and print quality. 5. Engineering Judgement: The rating of this item is subjective to the evaluator. If it is felt that good or poor judgement was used, this will be reflected in the given rating. Engineering Judgement will be evaluated for areas such as value engineering, rehabilitation options, project constructability, selection of construction materials, and maintenance of traffic scheme. 6. Documentation of Work: This item will be rated based on how well each design decision is documented, or if the decisions were documented at all. The majority of the documentation will be found in the Design Summary Report, but documentation may also be found elsewhere. 7. Procedure/Standard Compliance: This category will evaluate how well the consultant is familiar with local policies, and will consider how well the consultant uses the available standards and guidelines, as well as whether the standards and guidelines were effectively implemented in the design. This category will also evaluate how well the consultant follows established procedures for specific items, including foundation reviews, final plans submittal memorandum to the Contract Section, etc. 9. Cooperation: This rating is based on how well the consultant cooperates with the ADM reviewer when changes are required and requested. Willingness to attend meetings, timely response to ADM’s queries, and ease of participation for project development will also be reflected in this category. 8. Quality Assurance: The ADM reviewer will rate this category based upon the consultant’s compliance with the Quality Assurance Guidelines. Design computations should be initialled by both the design engineer and a second engineer, who has reviewed the design engineer’s work. This item rating is intended to monitor how well the consultant has performed the evaluation of checks and balances required for quality assurance, including the submittal of the Quality Assurance Evaluation Form. 29 APPENDIX QUALITY CONTROL & QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCEDURES 2011 EDITION | MUNICIPALITY OF ABU DHABI CITY Form 1 Form 2 Quality Assurance Form Design Completion Certificates ADM Quality Assurance Form Design Certificate (Consultant to complete this section) Form of Certificate to be used by the Designer for certifying the design of the Works in accordance with the Client’s requirements. Consultant: Project No.: Project Description: Submittal Stage: This submittal has been reviewed with regard to consistency, completeness, and overall content prior to submittal by , Project Manager, on _ , 2011, telephone number __________ (Reviewer to complete this section) WE CERTIFY THAT - 1. We have used reasonable professional skill and care in preparation of the Design Data for ………. Design listed below which: (a) Satisfy the Employer’s Requirements, the Contractor’s Proposals, and the following: (List, if any, the changes covered by any Change Certificate received and countersigned by the Employer’s Agent); and (b) Comply with the design requirements of the Contract; and The submittal described above has been reviewed for quality in accordance with ADM Quality Control and Quality Assurance Procedures The consultant is responsible for checking all of their work as outlined in ADM Quality Control and Quality Assurance Procedures. The table shown below indicates which of the reviewer’s personnel has reviewed which checklist. Checklist No. Designer Reviewer Approved By Date 2. We have used reasonable professional skill and care in translating the Design Data into safe design and drawings whose unique numbers is listed below. 3. The Design Data where used as part of the Temporary Works will have no adverse effect on the Permanent Works; and 4. Where required a Safety Audit Certificate for Stage *[2] *[3] is attached. LIST OF DESIGN DATA Designer Name: ............................………………........… Signed: ..........................…………………........ Date: ...........................……………….......…. Verifier Name: ............................………………........… Signed: ..........................…………………........ Date: ............................……………….......…. Project Manager/ Approver Name: ............................………………........… Signed: ..........................…………………........ Date: ...........................……………….......…. Please insert the following as part of the submission: Design Revision Log NOC’s Status 32 33 QUALITY CONTROL & QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCEDURES 2011 EDITION | MUNICIPALITY OF ABU DHABI CITY Form 3 Consultant Evaluation Form Project No.: Contract: Location: Work Type: Consultant: Consultant Project Manager: Description: Submittal Stage: Reviewer’s Rating Items Score Design Concept __ Critical Design Elements __ Calculations __ Plan/Report Quality __ Value Engineering / Engineering Judgment __ Documentation of Work __ Procedure Compliance __ Quality Assurance __ Scheduling / Cooperation __ Included With This Submittals Are: Markups of: Computations: __ Cost Estimate: __ Quantities: __ Q.A. Form: __ Other: Remarks ADM Reviewer’s Signature: Date: ADM Reviewer’s Printed Name and Phone Number 5 = Excellent 34 4 = Good 3 = Marginal 2 = Poor 1 = unsatisfactory QUALITY CONTROL & QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCEDURES 2011 EDITION | MUNICIPALITY OF ABU DHABI CITY Checklists Checklist No. 1 – Plans to be submitted at Each Stage Item No 1.0 CIVIL 1.1 G1- Location Plan Conceptual Design Stage X Preliminary Design Stage X Detailed/ Final Design Stage X 1.2 G2 – List of Drawings X X X 1.3 C1 – Typical Cross Sections X X X 1.4 C2 - Existing Conditions X X X 1.5 C3 – General Plan and Profiles 1.6 C4 – Design Detail Plans 1.7 C5 – Grading Plans 1.8 C6 – Proposed Plans 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 36 Drawings to be submitted C7 – Survey Control and Alignment Plans X X X X X X X X X C8 – Ramp Terminal Details C9 – Maintenance of Traffic and Construction Staging C10 – Traffic Control Devices – Signs and Pavement Markings C11 – Miscellaneous Details X X X X 2.0 STRUCTURAL 2.1 S0 – List of Drawings X X X 2.2 S1 – General and Design Notes X X X 2.3 S2 – Site Location and Bore Holes Location Plans X X X 2.4 S3 – General Arrangement Drawings X X X 2.5 S4 – Dimensional Details X X 2.6 S5 – Bearings and Expansion Joints Details X X 2.7 S6 – Reinforcement and Post Tensioning Details 2.8 S7 – Miscellaneous Details 3.0 UTILITIES 3.1 X X X X U1 – Existing Condition X X X 3.2 U2 – Utility Plans X X X 3.3 U3 – Service Reservations and Duct Plans X X X 3.4 U4 – Miscellaneous Utilities Details, Compliance with ADM and other stakeholders’(i.e. UPC, DOT, PRFD, etc.) guidelines and criteria are specified 3.1 ELECTRICAL X 3..1.1 E1 - Electrical, Lighting, / CCTV Plan , Scada System and Lightning Protection if it is required. X X X 3.1.2 E2 - Decorative Lighting or not decorative Plan X X X 3.1.2 E3 - Lighting Plan for Miscellaneous Roadway Structures X X X 3.1.3 E4 - Lighting Plan for Miscellaneous Other Facilities X X X X X 3.2 MECHANICAL 3.2.1 M1 - Mechanical Services for Pedestrian Underpass, Bridges X X X 3.2.2 M2 - Mechanical Services for Stormwater, Fountains and Fire Protection X X X 3.2.3 M3 - Mechanical Services for Miscellaneous Facilities and Scada System X X 37 QUALITY CONTROL & QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCEDURES 2011 EDITION | MUNICIPALITY OF ABU DHABI CITY Checklists Checklist No.2 - CIVIL – (Conceptual Design Stage) Item No Document Type: Item to be Checked 38 Design Concept Report (DCR) and Alternative Design Concepts Y N N/A Item No Remarks Document Type: Item to be Checked 1 The scope of work is clearly defined 10 Vertical grades, K values, vertical clearance are specified 2 All applicable codes and standards are specified 11 DOT’s circular for parking demand rates 3 Compliance with ADM and other stakeholders’(i.e. UPC, DOT, PRFD, etc.) guidelines and criteria are specified 12 Kerb/barrier parameters and clear zone are specified 4 Survey and geotechnical investigation requirements and methods are defined (i.e. coordinate system, datum, benchmarks, soil investigation requirements for compaction and structures) 13 Bus/taxi stop requirements, geometric details and proposed locations 5 Existing site data 14 Tram routes and dimensions (if applicable) 6 Roadway classifications, design vehicle, design/posted speed are specified. 15 Roundabout geometric details (if applicable) 7 Horizontal curve radius, normal cross slope, maximum super elevation (SE), SE transition, curve widening requirements are specified 16 Interchange alternatives (if applicable); pros and cons of each alternative, interchange spacing, ramp terminal computation, etc. 8 Typical cross section details; lane width, number of lanes, shoulder width, sidewalk and median widths, landscape zone and bikeway dimensions (if applicable), parking dimensions 17 Pavement design parameters and formula 9 Horizontal and vertical sight distance computation Design Concept Report (DCR) and Alternative Design Concepts Y N N/A Remarks 39 QUALITY CONTROL & QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCEDURES 2011 EDITION | MUNICIPALITY OF ABU DHABI CITY Checklists Checklists Checklist No.3 – CIVIL – (Preliminary Design Stage) Checklist No.4 – CIVIL (For all stages) Item No Document Type: Item to be Checked 1 NOI’s (Notice of Intent) sent to consultants and authorities 2 Liaison with the other stakeholders; minutes of coordination meetings held, design review log, critical issues, etc. 3 Detailed Site Data; survey and investigation results, and information received from consultants and agencies. In depth analysis of the data. Y Item No Document Type: Item to be Checked N N/A Remarks 1 Correctness of line weights, lettering sizes, and style 2 Correctness spelling, punctuation, and grammar 3 Details are clear and easy to read 4 Title block has correct formats; project name and number, Department name, consultant name, signature boxes (design/review/approve), drawing title and number 4 Traffic Impact Study (TIS) report and findings; average daily traffic (ADT), existing and proposed traffic circulation, parking demand/supply, existing and proposed pedestrian and bike paths, access/egress details, weaving analysis, etc. 5 Drawing title and number is consistent with the “List of Drawings” 5 Detailed cross sections (including existing and proposed service corridors) 6 Consistency of project title and identification with specifications, the Bill of Quantities, and other Contract Documents 6 Design progress report on the selected alternative by the Department 7 North arrow, street names, sector names, plot numbers, directions are shown 8 Location map (if needed) is accurate and proper area is highlighted 7 Approval of ADM and/or other stakeholders for the design items departing from standards 9 Legend is included (if needed) and representing the elements on the drawing (i.e. no unnecessary legend) 10 Notes referring to standards and/or other drawings are accurate 11 Match lines are consistent with referenced drawings 8 40 Preliminary Design Report (PDR) Feasibility Study (FS) - Preliminary engineering calculations according to FS IRI ADM requirements. 9 Value Engineering (VE) proposals including MEP Services 10 Constructability issues and solutions (i.e. excavation limits for tunnels, availability of detour areas, existing utility constraints, etc.) based on IRI ADM Sustainability Guideline 12 Drawing is on accurate coordinate system; Northing and Easting gridlines are accurate 11 Proposed location of critical utilities and structures (i.e. substations, pump stations…etc), and coordination with relevant agencies 13 Limit of construction (LOC) is shown 14 Symbols and abbreviations are matching with the typical details 12 Proposed guide sign locations and destination names (if applicable) 13 Cost Estimate All Drawings Y N N/A Remarks 41 QUALITY CONTROL & QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCEDURES 2011 EDITION | MUNICIPALITY OF ABU DHABI CITY Checklists Checklist No.5 – CIVIL (for all stages) Item No Document Type: Item to be Checked 42 Drawings Specific to Each Discipline Y N N/A Item No Remarks Document Type: Item to be Checked 1.0 G1 – Location Plan 3.3 Pavement section is designed as per the pavement calculation which is reviewed and approved by the Department 1.1 Scale is correct (as per ADM Consultant Procedure Manual) 3.4 Kerbs, barriers, pavement type, geometric details, cross slope/ SE, definitions (i.e.lane, aux. Lane, median, shoulder, sidewalk, landscape, SR,etc.), centerline are properly shown. 1.2 Existing and future developments in the vicinity of the project is shown 3.5 The limits (from/to station) should represent the correct typical section, any transition section should be shown seperately; check the stationing against the proposed plans 1.3 Traffic directions and destinations are shown 3.6 Side slopes, toe/top of slope are shown 2.0 G2 – List of Drawings 3.7 Limit of construction, plot/building lines are shown 2.1 Drawing sequence, numbering and titles are as per ADM Consultant Procedure Manual 3.8 The section contains the proposed improvement and removal of existing features; identifies all payment items 2.2 Drawing number and title shown in the list is consistent with the information on the drawings 4.0 C2 – Existing Conditions 2.3 Amendments are shown (i.e. addendum, revision, deletion) 4.1 Existing centreline and road names are shown 3.0 C1 – Typical Cross Sections 4.2 Existing service reservation and surface utility features are shown 3.1 All typical sections in the project are shown; check the cross section against the plan view 4.3 Existing buildings/plots, trees, and other structures (i.e. seawall, bridge, etc.) are shown 3.2 Typical section is as per the approved design criteria 4.4 Existing traffic directions/circulation and destinations are shown Drawings Specific to Each Discipline Y N N/A Remarks 43 QUALITY CONTROL & QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCEDURES 2011 EDITION | MUNICIPALITY OF ABU DHABI CITY Checklists Checklist No.5 – CIVIL (for all stages) Item No Document Type: Item to be Checked 44 Drawings Specific to Each Discipline Y N N/A Item No Remarks Document Type: Item to be Checked 5.0 C3 – General Plan and Profiles 5.11 Structures (i.e. bridges, tunnels, walls) and major utilities (i.e. pipelines, power lines) are shown on profile with the vertical clearance information 5.1 All roadway paving types are hatched on the plan 5.12 Locations of crossing and intersecting roads shown on the profile and proposed elevations are matching with crossing and intersecting roads’ elevations 5.2 Paving types are matching with the typical cross sections 6.0 C4 – Design Detail Plans 5.3 Service reservation (existing to remain and proposed) is shown on the plan 6.1 Project specific details as required by the Department 5.4 Kerb/barrier types are shown on the plan 7.0 C5 – Grading Plans 5.5 Existing and proposed structures (i.e. bridges, wingwalls, outfall structure, lifting station, etc.) are shown on the plan 7.1 Grading plans prepared for all intersections and merging/diverging roads; i.e. roundabouts, signalized/unsignalized intersections, T-junctions, ramp terminals, etc. 5.6 Cross section locations to be shown on the plan and shall be consistent with C1 series drawings 7.2 Grading plan is matching with the profile(s) and typical section 5.7 All removals are shown on the plan, and materials to be salvaged are covered by notes or specifications 7.3 Roadway drainage is properly maintained with the proposed grading plan 5.8 Check existing ground elevations against the survey data 7.4 Finish-grade elevations are specified at 10 -meter intervals at the roadway centerline, curb lines, and at geometric break points. The intervals shall be reduced as needed. 5.9 Vertical alignment calculations are as per the approved design criteria; i.e. minimum grade for proper drainage, K values, cross slope and superelevation, vertical sight distance, etc. 7.5 Grading plans for roundabouts are as per AASHTO and other international desing guidelines for roundabouts 5.10 Compare vertical alignment data against calculations and design software output 8.0 C6 – Proposed Plans Drawings Specific to Each Discipline Y N N/A Remarks 45 QUALITY CONTROL & QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCEDURES 2011 EDITION | MUNICIPALITY OF ABU DHABI CITY Checklists Checklist No.5 – CIVIL (for all stages) Item No 46 Document Type: Drawings Specific to Each Discipline Item to be Checked Y N N/A Item No Remarks Document Type: Drawings Specific to Each Discipline Item to be Checked Y 8.1 Centerline / reference line information is shown (i.e. centerline name, stationing every 100m, POB/POE, CT/TC/CTC, any stationing equation) 9.3 Horizontal alignment calculations and data are as per the approved design criteria by the Department 8.2 All dimensions are shown; widths, radius, tapers, transitions, island nose locations (Station/Offset), begin/end kerbs and barriers, etc. 9.4 Alignment calculations and design software output is matching with the alignment data on the drawings 8.3 All geometric details are as per the approved design criteria by the Department 9.5 Alignment data and curve data information is matching with the geometry on the plan 8.4 Traffic circulation/directions are shown 9.6 Horizontal sight distance is checked 8.5 Service reservation corridor is shown 9.7 Numbering for alignment points and curves to sequential and not repeated 8.6 Location of structures (i.e. bridges, tunnels, walls) and major utilities (i.e. pipelines, power lines) are shown 10.0 C8 – Ramp Terminal Details 8.7 Work to be done by others is properly annotated 10.1 Exit and entrance ramp terminal details (acceleration/deceleration length, auxiliary lane, taper lengths, weaving distance) are as per the approved design criteria by the Department and other international standards (i.e.AASHTO) 8.8 Limits of construction cover entire area of construction 10.2 Ramp terminal geometry is matching with the horizontal alignment data (i.e. no kinks or mismatch coordinates) 9.0 C7 – Survey Control and Alignment Plans 11.0 C9 – Maintenance of Traffic and Construction Staging 9.1 All control points are approved by ADM/TPD, and checked/verified by the Consultant by setting up traverse 11.1 Check constructability of the project with the proposed detour 9.2 Coordinate system and datum are as per the approved design criteria by the Department 11.2 Maintenance of traffic and construction staging has been reviewed and coordinated with the other stakeholders (AD Traffic Police, DOT, utility agencies), and verify any necessary permits and licenses have been obtained N N/A Remarks 47 QUALITY CONTROL & QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCEDURES 2011 EDITION | MUNICIPALITY OF ABU DHABI CITY Checklists Checklist No.5 – CIVIL (for all stages) Item No Document Type: Item to be Checked 48 Drawings Specific to Each Discipline Y N Item No N/A Remarks Document Type: Item to be Checked 11.3 Access to sectors, plots, pedestrian paths have been maintained at all times during construction 12.2 Existing structures and utilities are considered while locating the proposed signs in order to avoid any obstruction to signs. 11.4 Alternative routes proposed for the drivers with adequate signage 12.3 Pedestrian walkways and bikeways are not interrupted by the signs 11.5 Transition between construction stages is adequately addressed 12.4 Proposed pavement marking is tieing in with the existing pavement marking properly (i.e. no kinks, no sudden change in width and type) 11.6 All temporary works are properly labelled as such and that descriptions match the pay items 12.5 Signs and pavement markings has been reviewed and coordinated with the other stakeholders (AD Traffic Police, DOT) 11.7 Safety has been considered by all means; i.e. proper lane drops, proper signage and marking, additional traffic control devices such as crush cushions and portable VMS (variable message signs) have been proposed 12.6 Safety has been considered by all means; i.e. proper lane drops, proper signage and marking, additional traffic control devices such as crush cushions, etc. 12.0 C10 – Traffic Control Devices – Signs and Pavement Markings 13.0 C11 – Miscellaneous Details 12.1 Traffic signs and pavement markings are as per ADM’s Traffic Control Devices Manual and approved design criteria by the Department (i.e. all signs and markings are as per the approved design speeds and roadway classifications) 13.1 Project specific details as required by the Department Drawings Specific to Each Discipline Y N N/A Remarks 49 QUALITY CONTROL & QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCEDURES 2011 EDITION | MUNICIPALITY OF ABU DHABI CITY Checklists Checklist No.6 – Structures (Concept Design Stage) Item No Document Type: Item to be Checked 50 Concept Design Stage Y N N/A Item No Remarks Document Type: Item to be Checked 1.0 General 4.2 Typical Cross Section 1.1 ADM Structural Design Guidelines Adopted 4.3 Initial Dimensions 1.2 Applicable Codes and Standards Adopted 4.4 Type of Hand/ Traffic Railing 1.3 Purpose/Function of the Structure Identified 4.5 Type of Superstructure 1.4 ADM IRI Sustainability Guideline 4.6 Articulation Arrangement /Type of Bearings/Type of Expansion Joints 2.0 Roadway Design Features 4.7 Type of Abutment, Pier, Foundation 2.1 Horizontal Clearances, Vertical Clearances. Existing Restrictions, Typical Cross Sections etc. considered 4.8 Type of Retaining wall 3.0 Geotechnical Investigation 4.9 Signage Structures 3.1 Available Information and Recommendations 4.10 Protection Structures 4.0 Selection of Structural Elements 4.11 Other Structures 4.1 Span Arrangement 5.0 Selection of Materials Concept Design Stage Y N N/A Remarks 51 QUALITY CONTROL & QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCEDURES 2011 EDITION | MUNICIPALITY OF ABU DHABI CITY Checklists Checklist No.6 – Structures (Concept Design Stage) Item No Document Type: Item to be Checked 5.1 6.0 52 Concept Design Stage Y N N/A 6.10 Deflection/Camber (Vertical/Incremental/Lateral) 7.0 Other Considerations 7.1 Structure Drainage and Stormwater Systems 7.2 Lighting System over and under Structure Compliance with ADM and other stakeholders’(i.e. UPC, DOT, PRFD, etc.) guidelines and criteria are specified 7.3 Existing Site Condition/ Constructability and IRI ADM Sustainability Guideline 7.4 Proposed Arrangements for Maintenance and Inspection 7.5 Utilities Carried through or Affected by the Structure 7.6 Environmental & IRI ADM Sustainability Guideline & Environmental &Considerations 7.7 Risk and Hazards Considerations 7.8 Execution of Work, Traffic Management and Utilities Diversion 7.9 Coordination with all Concerned Authorities and Any Special Conditions Remarks Concrete, Reinforcement Steel, Pre stressing Steel, Structural Steel Design Considerations 6.1 Design Specifications 6.2 Service Life 6.3 Durability Considerations 6.4 Analysis and Design Methodology 6.5 Construction Sequence 6.6 Operational Considerations Crack Sensitivity (Gas Tightness/Liquid Retaining) Vibration, Wind and Fire Sensitivity 6.7 Permanent Loads 6.8 Live Loads 7.10 Time (Design, Coordination and Execution) 6.9 Other Loads 7.11 Cost (Initial, Final and Maintenance) 53 QUALITY CONTROL & QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCEDURES 2011 EDITION | MUNICIPALITY OF ABU DHABI CITY Checklists Checklist No.7 – Structures (Approval in Principle Report) Item No Item to be Checked 54 Approval in Principle (AIP) Document Type: Y N Item No N/A Remarks Approval in Principle (AIP) Document Type: Item to be Checked 1.0 General 4.1 Available Information 1.1 ADM Structural Design Guidelines 4.2 Acceptance of Recommendations of the Geotechnical Report 1.2 Applicable Codes and Standards and Other References 5.0 Description of Structure 1.3 Design Verification Process 5.1 Pedestrian/ Traffic Railing 2.0 Architectural/ Aesthetics 5.2 Superstructure 2.1 Overall Scheme 5.3 Sub Structure 2.2 Pedestrian/ Traffic Railing, Pier, Abutment, Retaining Wall, Movement Joints, Drainage System etc. 5.4 Articulation Arrangement 3.0 Roadway Design Features 5.5 Foundation 3.1 Proposed Horizontal and Vertical Clearances and Existing Restrictions 5.6 Others 3.2 Proposed Geometric Design (Typical Cross Sections, Type of Road, Permitted Speed etc.) 6.0 Materials 4.0 Geotechnical Information 6.1 Concrete Y N N/A Remarks 55 QUALITY CONTROL & QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCEDURES 2011 EDITION | MUNICIPALITY OF ABU DHABI CITY Checklists Checklist No.7 – Structures (Approval in Principle Report) Item No Item to be Checked 56 Approval in Principle (AIP) Document Type: Y N Item No N/A Remarks Approval in Principle (AIP) Document Type: Item to be Checked 6.2 Reinforcement 8.0 Structural Design 6.3 Pre-stressing Strands 8.1 Design Specifications 6.4 Structural Steel 8.2 Service Life 7.0 Durability Considerations 8.3 Structural Analysis and design Methodology 7.1 Concrete Strength/ Steel grade 8.4 Construction Methodology 7.2 Minimum Concrete Cover 8.5 Operational Considerations Crack Sensitivity (Gas tightness/Liquid and retaining) Vibration, Wind and Fire Sensitivity 7.3 Concrete Crack Control 8.6 Load Modifier, Load Factor , Resistance Factors etc. 7.4 Concrete and Steel work protection 8.7 Permanent Loads 7.5 Concrete Surface Finish 8.8 Dead Load 7.6 Waterproofing 8.9 Superimposed Load 7.7 Other Durability Considerations 8.10 Utilities Load Y N N/A Remarks 57 QUALITY CONTROL & QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCEDURES 2011 EDITION | MUNICIPALITY OF ABU DHABI CITY Checklists Checklist No.7 – Structures (Approval in Principle Report) Item No Item to be Checked 58 Approval in Principle (AIP) Document Type: Y N Item No N/A Remarks Approval in Principle (AIP) Document Type: Item to be Checked 8.11 Live Loads 8.22 Temperature, Shrinkage, Settlement 8.12 Pedestrian Live Load 8.23 Friction Force 8.13 Vehicular Live Load including Dynamic, Centrifugal and Braking Effects 8.24 Vessel Collision Load 8.14 Exceptional Abnormal Load 8.25 Other Loads 8.15 Rail Transit Load 8.26 Wind load 8.16 Live Load Surcharge 8.27 Earthquake load 8.17 Vehicular Collision Load 8.28 Fatigue 8.18 Earth Load 8.29 Plant and equipment load 8.19 Earth Fill 8.30 Construction Load 8.20 Earth Pressure (Earth pressure coefficients) 8.31 Any Special loading not covered above 8.21 Water Load/ Uplift Load 8.32 Deflection/ Camber (Vertical/incremental/Lateral) Y N N/A Remarks 59 QUALITY CONTROL & QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCEDURES 2011 EDITION | MUNICIPALITY OF ABU DHABI CITY Checklists Checklists Checklist No.7 – Structures (Approval in Principle Report) Checklist No.8 – Structures (Preliminary Design Stage) Item No Item to be Checked 60 Approval in Principle (AIP) Document Type: Y N Item No N/A Remarks Document Type: Preliminary Design Stage Item to be Checked Y 9.0 Other Considerations 1 Updated Approval in Principle (AIP) Report 9.1 Structure Drainage System Compliance with ADM and other stakeholders’ (i.e. UPC, DOT, PRFD, etc.) guidelines and criteria are specified 2 Compliance of AIP to the Preliminary Design 9.2 Lighting system on and under structure Compliance with ADM and other stakeholders’(i.e. UPC, DOT, PRFD, etc.) guidelines and criteria are specified 3 Architectural Plans 9.3 Farthing and Stray Currents requirements 4 Applicable Roadway/ Utilities Design Plans 9.4 Existing Site Condition 5 Structural Design Drawings 9.5 Proposed arrangements for Maintenance and Inspection 6 Structural Design Calculations 9.6 Utilities Carried Through or Affected by the Structure Compliance with ADM and other stakeholders’(i.e. UPC, DOT, PRFD, etc.) guidelines and criteria are specified 7 Geotechnical Report 9.7 Environmental & IRI ADM Sustainability Guideline considerations 8 Bill of Quantities 9.8 Risk and Hazards considerations 9 Construction Specifications 9.9 Execution of work, Traffic Management and Utilities Diversion 10 Design Verification Report 9.10 Coordination with all Concerned Authorities and any Special Conditions N N/A Remarks 61 QUALITY CONTROL & QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCEDURES 2011 EDITION | MUNICIPALITY OF ABU DHABI CITY Checklists Checklists Checklist No.9 – Structures (Detailed Design/Final Design Stage) Checklist No.10 – Structural Drawings for all Stages Item No Item to be Checked 1 Final Approval in Principle (AIP) Report 2 Durability Report 3 Compliance of AIP to the Final Design 4 Final Applicable Roadway/ Utilities Design Plans 6 Final Structural Design Drawings 7 Final Structural Design Calculations 8 Final Geotechnical Report 9 Bill of Quantities 11 12 62 Y N Item No N/A Remarks Document Type: Item to be Checked 1.0 S0 – List of Drawings 2.0 S1 – General and Design Notes 2.1 Design criteria, necessary information and assumptions to develop design drawings. 2.2 Notes common to all structures such as design code, basic loading values, surface finish etc. 2.3 Notes specific to a particular structure e.g. bridges, underpass, concrete structures, steel structures etc. as applicable. 2.4 Unless otherwise covered above, each drawing may have specific notes related to that particular drawing. 3.0 S2 – Site Location and Bore Holes Location Plans 3.1 Project location, existing and future developments in the vicinity of the project. 3.2 Project location Plan 3.3 Existing site conditions and bore holes location Plans. 3.4 Proposed Structure location with project key plan highlighting structure location including. Drawings Specific to Each Discipline Y N N/A Remarks Final Architectural Plans 5 10 Detailed/ Final Design Stage Document Type: Construction Specifications Design Verification Report Any Other Relevant Details not Stated Above 63 QUALITY CONTROL & QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCEDURES 2011 EDITION | MUNICIPALITY OF ABU DHABI CITY Checklists Checklists Checklist No.10 – Structural Drawings for all Stages Checklist No.10 – Structural Drawings for all Stages Item No Document Type: Item to be Checked Y N Item No N/A Remarks Document Type: Item to be Checked 4.0 S3 – General Arrangement Drawings 7.0 S6 – Reinforcement and Post tensioning Details* 4.1 Architectural drawings 7.1 Foundation including footing and pile caps 4.2 Structure plan, elevation and typical cross sections showing Span arrangement and types of structural elements. 7.2 Substructure elements 7.3 Superstructure elements 4.3 Setting out details, key levels, Clearance envelope, and radius of curves* 7.4 Box structures 4.4 Bore holes location and bore log details.* 7.5 Retaining walls 4.5 Existing/ proposed utilities crossing or affecting structures, deck drainage, lightings and other necessary features. 7.6 Other Structures 4.6 Construction sequence 7.7 Bar cutting and bending schedules 5.0 S4 – Dimensional Details* 8.0 S7 – Miscellaneous Details 5.1 Foundation including footing and pile caps 8.1 Waterproofing. 5.2 Substructure elements 8.2 Joints. 8.3 Drainage and structure lightings. 8.4 Wearing course. Curbs, Sidewalks, and pedestrian and traffic railings. 8.5 Surface protection. 8.6 Other necessary details. 5.3 64 Drawings Specific to Each Discipline Superstructure elements 5.4 Box structures 5.5 Retaining walls 5.6 Other Structures 6.0 S5 – Bearings & Expansion joints Details* Drawings Specific to Each Discipline Y N N/A Remarks *Not required for submission of Concept Design stage. *Except S6, all above drawings are required for submission of Preliminary Design Stage. However approximate quantities of steel with bar diameter is required for pricing purposes. * Detailed drawings of S0, S1 to S7 are required for submission of detailed design/ Final Design Stage. 65 QUALITY CONTROL & QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCEDURES 2011 EDITION | MUNICIPALITY OF ABU DHABI CITY Checklists Checklists Checklist No.11 – Utilities (For Concept Design Stage) Checklist No.12 – Utilities (Preliminary Design Stage) Item No Document Type: Item to be Checked 1 2 3 4 Sustainability Strategy: to follow Estidama requirement for 2 Pearl rating for the Building Areas and will implement accordingly in our Design IRI ADM Sustainability Guideline for mentioned areas but not limited because the proposed HVAC (A/C) shall be VRF (VRV) System or equivalent The Parking Garage: to coordinate with CD the Induction Fan system Plumbing: design according to the last version of ADM implemented standard for materials. All temporary works are properly labelled as such and that descriptions match the pay items Electrical Systems based on : a- Electrical Power: A breakdown (calculations) required for Total Load of the project such as electrical power and LED Lighting or equivalent using ADM Specification and Standard. b- CCTV and Security ( control access)Systems will be provided 4 c- Elevators (Elec. Or Hyd.) All Drawings Y N Item No Document Type: Item to be Checked N/A Remarks 1 Submittal form filled, stamped & singed 2 Letter from consultant stamped & singed 3 Key plan (show the location of project). 4 Proposed roads layout 5 Existing roads layout 6 Existing roads lighting services. 7 Existing roads lighting poles with mention height and luminaries. 8 Watts and type as per standard legend 9 Existing cable with size and circuits 10 Existing feeder pillar location 11 Existing roads lighting ducts 12 Estimated cost 13 Total proposed roads length. 14 Existing substations location 15 Height of poles (Columns) 16 Pole spacing. All Drawings Y N N/A Remarks d- Fire Alarm System e- Scada System f- Lightning Protection if it is required. More over, study the possibility to provide gas line . 66 67 QUALITY CONTROL & QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCEDURES 2011 EDITION | MUNICIPALITY OF ABU DHABI CITY Checklists Checklist No.13 – Utilities (For all stages) Item No Document Type: Item to be Checked 68 1 Submittal form filled, stamped & singed. 2 Key plan (show the location of project). 3 Four set of color drawing 4 CD digital copy as drawing index layout. 5 Bill of Quantities 6 Existing & proposed substation with location & number 7 DEWA overhead lines (Proposed). 8 Details for DEWA overhead with lighting poles section & profile 9 Single line diagram with each circuit load & total load for FP. Voltage drop on each circuit maximum 4% to be show. 10 Under bridge lighting & design calculation 11 Tunnel lighting drawing & design calculation 12 Roads lighting design calculation 13 Prepare a schedule of work. 14 Copy of Updates/new standards from the Consultant implemented for the design All Drawings Y N N/A Remarks QUALITY CONTROL & QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCEDURES 2011 EDITION Municipality of Abu Dhabi City