SEAMEO INNOTECH UP-Ayala Technohub, Commonwealth Avenue, Diliman 1101 Quezon City APEX CEBU Career Counseling Manual 1 I. Development Context Applied Academics for Excellence (APEX) is an approach to learning which focuses on motivating and challenging students to connect what they learn with their actual experiences and with what interests them. From a strategic standpoint, APEX aims to improve the job and livelihood prospects of high school students by providing them with basic workplace and entrepreneurship education. Project APEX exposes students to handson applications, interactive peer learning, and exciting activities. The basic premise is that if academic content is made more relevant, participatory and concrete, students learn more and apply learning in their lives thereby strengthening the student’s academic foundation and technical and life preparation skills, the skills necessary to pursue post-secondary education and/or their career of choice (APEX Brief, 2007). From the given project concept, presumably, that which “interests them [students]” lead toward a career option. As defined in the project brief of the Applied Academics for Excellence Project, there are three major legs that support the foundation of the APEX project. One is the Applied Academics component where the teachers were given training on the use of the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) approach, in the teaching of academic subjects particularly Math and Science, and later on expanded to the other subject areas. The second component is the Career Preparation Program component which prepares students to the world of work by exposing them to various programs on technical and enterprise development. Finally, the third component is the Project Management System which is the strengthening of the institution or the school community to carry out the project and this called for training of school heads and coordinators in project management and quality management. Of these three components, the APEX Career Preparation Program could be seen as the centerpiece program of the Applied Academics for Excellence (APEX) project. Where the applied academics component or the contextual teaching and learning approach is the means to make learning more relevant and the project management system is seen as the main support mechanism, the career preparation component of the APEX project is intended to be the vehicle that would lead students toward a “career of choice.” A. APEX Career Preparation Program The APEX Career Preparation program is intended to prepare students to the world of work by exposing them to various programs on technical and enterprise development. It is an exploration process designed to discover students career interests which may be in line with technical (occupational) skills or basic entrepreneurial skills development. Thus, the APEX Career Preparation Program has basically two major streams – an Entrepreneurial Preparation (EntreP) stream and a Technical Preparation (TechPrep) stream. The EntreP is an alternative model in implementing the TLE subject which provides opportunities for the students to master competencies related to core entrepreneurial knowledge, skills and attitudes. Students are exposed to the business development cycle starting from 1st year 2 where they learn to explore and recognize market opportunities through the 4th year where they are challenged to create with their family a business enterprise. The TechPrep on the other hand, is geared toward preparing students along industry-defined technologies or trades that upon graduation, the APEX high school graduate is expected to be equipped with the competencies for entry into a post-secondary education institution or with entry-level skills for employment in the industry. To build the Career Preparation Program in the APEX schools, training of TLE teachers had been undertaken on specific technical areas e.g. building/wiring, housekeeping, welding and on entrepreneurship. And though not originally part of the objectives of the project, TESDA accreditation became part of these technical trainings. B. Preparation of APEX Career Counselors Training on career counseling was conducted for guidance counselors, TLE coordinators, and school administrators. The major outputs of this training, which was delivered in two sessions – basic and advanced, were a strategic plan for a career counseling center, a career counseling management plan of activities for each TLE area of specialization per year level, and a career portfolio for TLE students (APEX End of Task Report, 2008). Two references have also been developed as a result of these training sessions – the Basic Career and Guidance Program material developed in September 2007, and the Training Manual for Advance Career Counseling Management developed in September 2008. C. Purpose of this Manual This Career Counseling Manual is expected to serve as a tool for its users – school head, guidance/career counselor, or TLE teacher – in carrying out a career counseling program or services. The Manual should be able to assist the user in guiding students discover their aptitudes and attitudes toward a “career of choice”, understand the relevance and relationship of their academic preparation to their career plans, and manage their learning toward that “career of choice”. The Training on Career Counseling had already provided the schools basic and advanced knowledge and skills in developing a career management system and there are already two manuals developed for this training. This Career Counseling Manual on the other hand, is expected to give the users more specific guidelines in applying the concepts gained from that training and implementing the career counseling program. II. The Career Counseling Relationship 3 Counseling "is a psychological specialty [that] facilitates personal and interpersonal functioning across the life span with a focus on emotional, social, vocational, educational, health-related, developmental and organizational concerns"(Society of Counseling Psychology, n.d. This is an expansive definition of counseling yet it is also simple. It underscores facilitation of personal and interpersonal functioning. What does this imply? This implies that counseling is not imposed but is facilitated. For something to be facilitated, that something, in this case, functioning in the personal (inner) and interpersonal (outer), whether it is at the level of the individual (seeking relief from emotional distress, efficacy in social interaction, decisions on vocational direction, etc.) or at the level of organizations, that facilitation has to exist in an environment of confidence, trust, and rapport. As such, counseling for any particular purpose essentially calls for relationship building, and not just any relationship, but a helping relationship. Career counseling is a professional relationship between guidance counselor and client with greater emphasis on helping the client understand the self as part of career development and as a prelude to decision making (CHED-UP, 2007). In this helping relationship, the helper is the Counselor, and the one who seeks or needs help, is the Student, particularly, the APEX Student. A prerequisite to this relationship is an understanding of the one who needs help and knowledge of the person and skills of him providing the help. A. Understanding the APEX Student APEX students usually are in the 12 – 18 years age group and belong to the secondary schooling population. Developmentally categorized as adolescents, these students are at the stage of transitioning from childhood to adulthood. As such, they are most often torn between the need to be nurtured and the need to assert themselves as grown-up individuals. They may exhibit unrestrained expression of thoughts and feelings against established rules which at times can be mislabeled as rebelliousness. On the other hand, they can also be very inhibited and highly self-conscious lest they be judged by what Elkind (1967) conceptualized as an imaginary audience or that consuming belief that they are the focus of people’s attention. A popular song of Freddie Aguilar (1989), “Estudyante Blues”, describes this somewhat unjustified concern for being the focus of attention particularly from parents and other family members. However, behind the façade of bravado more often hides a very fragile self. This self needs to be carefully handled for it be able to formulate realistic appraisals of both its strengths and weaknesses. Our students, who are mostly at that stage of adolescence, are also experiencing changes in the way they think and perceive the world. They are now able to think about their thinking 4 or metacognition, which is to reflect about one’s own thoughts. They are now able to think about, even be preoccupied, with societal values which if seized by their imagination, could most often latch on to these values strongly well through their adulthood. As such, idealism and sometimes activism, could already be seen in teenagers as they have already reach a level of cognitive development that enables them to perceive social realities as well as imagine possibilities (Cobb, 1992). Sroufe and Cooper (1988) summarized four critical tasks of adolescence which our APEX students are faced with and in which a career counselor could be of assistance. 1. They must evolve an identity or an understanding of the self that is integrated, goal-directed and unique. 2. They must achieve in peer relationships a new level of closeness and trust. 3. They must grow into a different form of connection with their family members characterized by independence and responsibility. 4. They must grow toward recognition of their role outside of themselves to their community and to the world at large. This would include among others, making their career choices or committing to societal values like care for the environment, gender equity, or world peace. In these four critical tasks, career counseling plays a very important role in helping the student grow in increasing self-awareness and cope with the demands of the tasks with particular attention to the specific task of exploring career options. Career development theorists underscored the importance of adolescents being able to assess realistically their own abilities and the options available to them as a sound foundation for future career development (Ginzberg, 1972; Super, 1976). The adolescent years, along with the task of evolving a person’s identity, are seen as a time where students acquire a vocational selfconcept, the sense that one is productive and competent at work, whether paid or unpaid, and become confident to look toward to one’s own place in the “career world of adults”. In helping a student explore his career options, the career counselor should be aware of the context where the student is in. Studies have shown that many factors influence a young person’s occupational choice and one of these critical factors along with personal aptitudes, is one’s life context – his family, the community where they live, their source of livelihood and the student’s degree of contribution, his network of social and emotional support, his access to educational facilities, health care, and other dimensions of his environment. The level of involvement of parents and the community in shaping career options should also be considered as this can promote or hinder sound career decisions of the student. 5 B. The Career Counselor Most people, at some point in their lives, would seek the help of a counselor. This counselor could be a professional or someone older in the family, or a friend whom a person thinks would be able to help him in a time of distress or in a need to be enlightened in some decision. In any of these instances, people hold an idea of who could best be a counselor. Basically, when one goes to a counselor, he has in mind a set of role expectations and idea of how competent that person is to handle the role expectations. There are various titles ascribed to the function of counseling in the school setting. Varied literature would show ‘guidance counselor’, ‘school counselor’, ‘career counselor’, ‘school psychologist’, ‘school social worker’, ‘career coordinator’, and a lot other titles. For the purposes of this manual, ‘career counselor’ would be adopted. The American School Counselor Association (ASCA) identifies school counselors as “professional educators with a mental health perspective who understand and respond to the challenges presented by today’s diverse student population…providing proactive leadership that engages all stakeholders in the delivery of programs and services to help the student achieve success in school…and align and work with the school’s mission to support the academic achievement of all students”. School counselors “help every student improve academic achievement, personal and social development, and career planning.” In this context, the school counselor is not narrowly focused on the exploration of students’ career options, rather involved in the overall development of the student as it supports academic achievement. In the Philippine context, a guidance counselor, as defined in Republic Act No. 9258 otherwise known as the "Guidance and Counseling Act of 2004,"( “is a natural person who has been registered and issued a valid Certificate of Registration and a valid Professional Identification Card by the Professional Regulatory Board of Guidance and Counseling and the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) in accordance with this Act and by virtue of specialized training performs for a fee, salary or other forms of compensation, the functions of guidance and counseling under Section 3 (a) of this Act.” In this definition, weight is put on the professional qualification of the person performing guidance and counseling functions in the school. The law also outlined the performance of the function of guidance counseling to include: “counseling, psychological testing, (as to personality, career interest, study orientation, mental ability and aptitude), research, placement, group process, 6 teaching and practicing of guidance and counseling subjects, particularly subjects given in the licensure examinations, and other human development services.” Within the context of the APEX School, these are the possible role expectations, some of which are already being expected of and fulfilled in some APEX schools[1]. 1. Recommend and/or develop guidance programs. In helping students meet their developmental tasks, career counselors could recommend and/or develop structured, competency based activities where the students can explore their knowledge about themselves, academic and non-academic interests, peer relations, community involvement, vocational plans, and career planning. Within APEX, this could be integrated in the ILEs (Integrated Learning Experiences) or the CALL (Community Adventures for Lifelong Learning) projects. 2. Provide individual or group counseling and related services. Career counselors should be equipped in helping students confront the difficulties and challenges they are faced with at school or even beyond the confines of the school as this impact on their educational, emotional, and social development. At any given time, career counselors would be expected to provide individual or group counseling sessions for students to help them with their academic and personal issues and concerns. They may also need to consult with parents, other teachers or other professionals and in special cases, may seek more appropriate intervention. 3. Administer assessment or appraisals and/or interpret results. Career counselors are generally seen as the most competent in gathering information about student competencies, behaviors and interests and as such, are also expected to administer assessment or interpret results of tests to inform individual career planning or other forms of intervention. The interpretation of the NCAE (National Career Assessment Examination) is an example of these tasks. 4. Facilitate individual career planning. Career counselors should be able to assist students to think ahead and think for themselves, and teach them how to think through their choices of subjects or courses that closely matches their abilities and interests, and lead them to a desired career option. Career counselors should also be able to provide information to the student and his family on college or post-high school planning like college or post-secondary courses, public, private or technical colleges and universities, entrance examinations, admission procedures, financial aids or scholarships, military service, internships, on-the-job training and job placements. By enlightening them in these informational aspects, the student and his family can come up with a more informed decision that could impact not just his life but that of his family as well. 7 5. Work with the school head, teachers, PTCA (Parent Teacher Community Association) and other partners. The APEX project, being a community-driven project would expect a career counselor at some points, to coordinate with the members of the school community including parents and partners like the local government officials, business entities, and other agencies. To implement the guidance program, for instance, career counselors may need to enlist services of the Mayor or a business executive or a professional in the community. The career counselor would also need to ensure that the administration of career counseling activities are smooth and work in complement to the existing school curriculum and schedules. Given these expectations, what should the career counselor possess? The Republic Act No. 9258 clearly stated that those to perform functions in guidance and counseling should have the following credentials or qualifications: 1. Had been doctoral and masters degree holders in Guidance and Counseling with at least three (3) years of teaching experience in Guidance and Counseling courses and/or full-time counseling practice for the same period; 2. Had passed at least eighteen (18) units of Master’s level courses in Guidance and Counseling such as Counseling Techniques/Theories, Organization and Administration of Guidance Services, Tests and Measurement, Group Process/ Counseling and Career Guidance/Counseling; and have, at least seven (7) years of experience in counseling work; and 3. Had completed academic requirements for a master’s degree in guidance and counseling and have five (5) years experience as full-time guidance counselors. The law also provides that professionals working in the guidance and counseling profession should have successfully completed advanced coursework or application in the following areas: ● ● ● ● ● Philosophical, Psychological and Sociological Foundations of Guidance; Counseling Theories, Tools and Techniques; Psychological Testing; Organization and Administration of Guidance Services; and Group Process and Program Development. While the law is clear on the requirements of the function and the person to hold the position, it does not however prescribe the necessary personal attributes for a counselor. So what would be the person of the career counselor? What are the qualities and behaviors desirable of a counselor? 8 Depending on the school of thought, there are many offered attributes of a career counselor. The most common are: III. ● Congruence, empathy and respect. These are the three qualities in a counselor that humanist theorists proposed and later on, other schools of thought adopted as the most basic prerequisites in a counselor for counseling or a helping relationship to flourish. Congruence refers to the quality to be genuine and honest not only to the client but to oneself as well. Empathy is the capacity to feel how the client feels and sees things from the point of view of the client. Respect refers to the acceptance of the client for who he is or what is termed as ‘unconditional positive regard’. These three qualities according to Carl Rogers (1961), when present in a counselor or therapist would ensure growth in the client or counselee. Otherwise, improvement in the client is minimal regardless of the techniques employed. ● Helping attitude and orientation: Counselors are expected to be committed to seeing the personal growth of students. They take full responsibility in striving to understand and help students regardless of their background or orientation, and sees through that those students get the intervention they need and remain optimistic about the results. ● Dynamism. Having to encounter various situations and to handle multi-faceted tasks, a career counselor is best to be flexible, open to change, and maintains a positive outlook. He should be taking a proactive stance in exploring different approaches, methods and techniques that would work given the uniqueness of each student that he meets. Expected as a person that a student could look toward to for support, a counselor is expected to exhibit positive and constructive behavior toward all his relationships in the school community. The Career Counseling Process Career counseling is a formal relationship in which a professional counselor assists a client, or group of clients to cope more effectively with career concerns (NCDA, n.d.). It is a process where the counselor employs active listening skills to an individual’s story and communicates understanding, respect and empathy; clarifies goals and assists individuals with the decisionmaking process (UNESCO, 2002). And as a process-driven relationship, counseling, for any given purpose, follows a set of steps which need not be mutually exclusive or follow a strict format, but could flow freely to each of the other steps. The key is for the counselor to be aware at what points in the counseling process each step has been made or accomplished and work toward the resolution or a clear plan of action. Figure 1: Schematic Overview of the Counseling Process (WHO, 2008). 9 The steps in the counseling process may vary depending on the theory or approach that a counselor chooses to adopt for a given relationship. Just like any intervention, there are guiding principles and assumptions that are observed in a counseling situation. Depending on what school of thought a counselor comes from or draws from, these set of guiding principles define the nature of the interaction that results from the relationship between the career counselor and the counselee (student). A. Approaches to Career Counseling There are many different approaches as there are many different theories and emerging models in vocational or career psychology and consequently in the conduct of career counseling. As there is already existing exhaustive academic literature on this topic, this manual will just focus on the most applicable and more tested approaches to counseling that delivered change and improvement in clients, who in this present case would be our APEX students. 1. Person-centered approach The Person-centered approach, or also known as client-centered, non-directive, or Rogerian therapy (Rogers, 1962), is an approach to counseling that recognizes the capacity of the counselee (student) to resolve for himself his difficulty and to take responsibility for his own growth and development. The counselor is seen as taking a non-directive role in the counseling relationship. 10 The most important factor for the relationship to be beneficial for the student would not be the counselor’s credentials or skills, but rather his attitude. The counselor has to exhibit as a component of this attitude, first, congruence which refers to his openness and genuineness, that willingness to relate to the counselee at a level where the counselee sees the counselor as an ‘equal’ in terms of worth, being human, and capacity for meaning. The counselor however, maintains ‘inequality’ by virtue of the situation that exists in a counseling session – the counselor as the ‘helper’ and the counselee as the ‘helpee’. The counselor also has to show unconditional positive regard, that is, accept the student for who he or she is without judgment or censorship. The counselor would be able to exhibit this attitude by listening without interrupting or prematurely giving an advice. The premise in this approach is that by taking an attitude of positive regard to the counselee or the student, a non-threatening environment is created where the student would feel free to explore and share his or her thoughts and feelings without fear of censure or rejection by the counselor. The last component of the counselor’s attitude needed in this approach is empathy or the ability to appreciate the client's situation from the client's point of view, and consistently manifest understanding of and sensitivity to the client's feelings throughout the counseling session. To demonstrate empathy, a counselor should exercise active listening, which means giving the client a careful and perceptive attention to what he is saying. By being able to use methods such as reflection, which consists of mirroring to the client his thoughts and feelings based on what he is saying, the counselor would be able to communicate that the client is being well-listened to and gives him an incentive to explore further his thoughts and feelings as he hears them repeated by another person. In the person-centered approach, the counselor does not attempt to change the counselee’s thinking or feelings in any way. With this non-directive approach, students can explore the issues that are most important to them—not those considered important by the counselor. Based on the principle of self-actualization, or that assumption that every human being will rise up to his potentialities, this undirected, uncensored self-exploration allows clients to eventually recognize alternative ways of thinking that will promote personal growth. 2. Cognitive Approaches The cognitive approaches to counseling rest on the premise that a person’s way of thinking is influenced by his way of feeling. In this approach, emotional or psychological difficulties are seen as results of malfunction in the process of evaluating and interpreting personal experiences thus, information is processed in the way that is most often negatively biased leading to an experience of the world that is distorted. This malfunction in the thinking process lends to thinking that is more absolute and judgmental than normal or what is called as “logical errors.” 11 These cognitive approaches, taking directive as opposed to the non-directive stance of the person centered approach, can help a client by facilitating an understanding on how certain thoughts are distorted and reality misrepresented due to emotion or beliefs. The central assumption is that each person can change what goes on in their mind. Cognitive approaches focus on the present and the resolution in the present, for the present. This simply implies that events, feelings, beliefs in the past that are acting upon the present way of thinking, are recognized as valid but not focused on. What the counselor does instead is to work with the client in identifying those elements in the present that are causing difficulty in the present and work toward a solution for the present. There are many types of cognitive approaches with varying techniques but the focus remain on the capacity of the counselee to effect the change in his cognitive or thinking processes. Examples of these approaches are cognitive therapy, cognitive-behavior therapy, transactional analysis, virtual reality therapy and the rational emotive therapy. Of these approaches, the most popular is the Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy or REBT. Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy The Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) caters to the assumption that individuals have the natural disposition to form irrational behavior and beliefs, yet also have the capacity to change these behaviors and beliefs. What could be considered irrational are the ‘musts’ and ‘shoulds’ that many people occupy themselves with, and are acting upon their beliefs and behaviors. The REBT approach helps people address these irrationalities by teaching them how to become aware of, and modify the beliefs and attitudes that create present difficulties. Albert Ellis (1958), the proponent of REBT, offered a structured framework for the counselor in understanding and helping the counselee form a new set of ‘healthier’ beliefs for a more realistic appreciation of his situation. To understand the counselee, Ellis said that the counselor should look first into the A-B-C of personality. · A – ‘Activating event’. For example: A 4th year high school student fails the state university entrance exams. · B – ‘Belief’ that is formed as a result of A. Example: Student thinks that his future is doomed. · C – Emotional and behavioral ‘Consequence’ due to the belief. Example: Student misses classes and considers dropping out of school. To help the student, the counselor challenges the belief, in this example, the belief 12 that his future is doomed, and then guides him to develop a more effective philosophy so that a new set of feelings would result. To put it simply, the intervention goes in the following sequence: · D – ‘Disputing’ the belief. Example: Are you a fortune-teller? How do you know that your future is doomed? What could possibly happen if you believe otherwise, that is, that you have lots of other possibilities? · E – ‘Effective’ philosophy. Example: Student begins to think of possibilities and can start to think that he has the choice on how to react to one failure. · F – New set of ‘Feelings’ and behaviors. Example: Student feels good about himself again and tries to take as many entrance exams in other universities and colleges. Note that in this structure, the counselor need not be concerned with what could be in the student’s past that brought about the belief. The focus is the replacement of the irrational belief with a new set of healthier thoughts and feelings. 3. Social Constructionist Approaches The social constructionist approach to counseling is a very recent development in the field of counseling psychology and to date, the debate is still open on whether or not this approach can already be considered as a distinct paradigm in counseling (Cottone, 2007). Underlying social constructionist approaches are two key ideas: (1) that a person’s thoughts, feelings, motivations, learning, perception and memory, social behavior, etc. occur through a historical process of interaction with other groups of people and the environment and (2) that this interaction is central in the creation of a social reality (Hibberd, 2005). To social constructionists, the psychological constructs such as “mind”, “self”, and “emotion” are not innate to the individual but rather socially constructed processes. Simply put, social constructionist approaches observe these principles (Siu-Wai Lit, et. al., 2003): ● Realities are socially constructed. Meanings attached to realities are co-constructed through the process of social discourse or dialogue. ● Realities are defined through language. Language is a vehicle in the construction of worldviews. ● Knowledge is sustained by continuous social processes. Knowledge is co-created. ● A person creates and imposes meaning on the world. He is a knowledge creator. 13 These principles are to be borne in mind by the counselor in using social constructionist approaches. The central implication in these set of principles is that the counselee is an active agent in the creation of meaning or his understanding of reality as it is co-created in the process of discourse with the counselor. And as the counselee has the capacity to cocreate this reality, he also has the potential to create solutions. 3.1 Brief Therapy or Counseling Brief therapy or brief counseling is also known as “solution focused brief therapy (SFBT)” model and follows social constructionist principles. Unlike in the two previous approaches where the focus is on the counselee (e.g. his personal strivings to reach his potential, his thoughts that bring about the undesirable behavior), the SFBT or brief counseling focuses on the problem and its solution. First developed in the 1990s by Steve de Shazer and associates (1986), the approach follows three key steps or stages (Tanalega,, 1989): 1. Identify the presenting problem and the desired goal of the counselee toward that problem and state it in a positive form. For example: A student is not attending classes because she says she had to care for her baby brother while her mother goes to the market to work as a vendor. Her presenting problem is her not being able to attend classes. Her expressed desired goal is for her mother to not leave her the responsibility of taking care of her baby brother. To restate the goal in a positive form, it could be, “To find other sources of help to babysit her baby brother.” 2. Construct solutions by looking back at past experiences where the counselee was at his best (that is, when the presenting problem was not yet there) and then looking into a desired hypothetical future when the presenting problem would have been resolved. Example: The counselor can ask questions like: “When you were still attending your classes, who was taking care then of your baby brother?”, “What were the arrangements and agreements you have made with your mother that made it possible for you to attend school?”, “If you were to find people who can help you care for your baby brother, what impact would that have on your attendance in school?” 3. Guide the counselee in working on simple tasks which serve to continue what is already working and to achieve the desired goal or future. Example: Student can start identifying people in their immediate or extended family 14 who are relatively free to care for her brother while she goes to school. This solutions-focused model or approach is very similar to the person-centered approach in that it is based on the affirmation of human potential, that it is the client or the counselee who is the expert regarding the problem. 3.2 Narrative Approach “The basic subject of career counseling is a person’s future”. This is the first statement of Larry Cochran (1997) in his book Career Counseling: A Narrative Approach, and well provides the basis and basic assumption of the narrative approach. The narrative approach sees a person’s career as a representation, a life-story, of the future and the counselor is regarded as someone who can assist in shaping that person’s story (McLeod, 1996). In using the narrative approach to career counseling, meaning is formed and identity is developed in much the same way as a story takes form through the plot and as the central character takes on an identity. It challenges the outdated view of career counseling as a process of helping a person arrive at a singular job or occupation, but rather toward helping a person create meaning in the change process (Brott, 2001). In using narrative career counseling, the counselor assists the student in constructing a narrative, or a “story” that links their past to their present to the desired future. The counselor helps the student discover new meanings about their experiences and their motivations. Brott’s “storied approach” (2001) to career counseling offers three stages of story development process. 1. Co-construction (Revealing). Exploration of the counselee’s (student) life stories in the past and present. For example, a student could not decide what course to take for college. The counselor, using the narrative “storied approach” could start with questions like, “What was your high point experience in your high school?”; or “What did you like best in your on-job-training?”. As stories are revealed, counselor takes note of the way the student constructs the story and his reaction to it, his values, interests, motivations, the people in the stories, his role in these stories. 2. Deconstruction (Unpacking). Examination of these life stories from various perspectives. The counselor guides the student in identifying those significant themes or points in the story and creating a future orientation for the story. For example, the counselor 15 could take note of the student’s emphasis on his role as a responsible student leader and could ask, “What is it that makes you motivated to be responsible?” 3. Construction (Re-author). Evolution of a new life story for the future as new meanings were discovered. The counselor facilitates the creation of a future life story by asking questions like, “Which possibility appeals best to you?”, as the student discovers new motivations and imagines different life roles. To facilitate this approach, quantitative and qualitative appraisal tools are employed. While quantitative assessment (i.e. interest inventory, personality tests) are utilized, these are used in complementation with qualitative tools like lifeline charts, genograms, or autobiographies, and the results are interwoven in the life story of the counselee. B. Key Steps in the Career Counseling Process These steps in the career counseling process can be taken from a macro perspective, that is, from the time a student enters the high school as a freshman to the time he is able to formulate a career choice; or from a micro perspective, the time he enlists himself to and is assisted in a counseling session to seek assistance to overcome a difficulty or challenge he is facing with that affects his overall adjustment to school and life in general. These steps can be used as a general guide and, depending on the theory or school of thought the career counselor comes from, may be modified as appropriate. 1. Building the relationship. A counseling relationship is opened at that point when a prospective “client” approaches the counseling center for assistance and an “intake form” is filled out. An “intake form” is a printed or electronic data capture of relevant information about a prospective client or counselee. It tries to gather basic e.g. name, contact address and phone numbers, person to be notified in case of emergency, etc. and background information about the presenting concern of the prospective client or counselee. In the school setting, each student could already have an initial form containing their basic data and a separate intake form be filled out when a student reports for a counseling session. Counseling sessions are usually conducted by appointment, that is, a person calls or comes to the counseling center and arranges for a counseling session. The counselor has to be able to identify at the time when the appointment was made who the “real client” is, as most often, the person making the appointment is somebody beside the person in need of the session. In the school setting, that person who usually makes the appointment is the parent. The reason for the referral has to be noted in the intake form. When the “real client” comes to the session, the information in the intake form has to be 16 validated. At this stage, the counselor has to be able to establish rapport principally, by being open – in language, posture, and countenance. As mentioned earlier, and in all counseling approaches even those not covered in this manual, the success of a counseling intervention is dependent on the quality of relationship that is formed between the counselor and the counselee. The primary objective in this first step is for the career counselor to create an environment of trust and acceptance for the counselee or student. The secondary objective is for the counselor to arrive at a tentative goal of the counseling session as most often the presenting problem or concern may not be the “real concern”. 2. Gathering of data. When a relationship has been established, the counselor can start facilitating the assessment of the situation. The goal of the counseling session may already be finalized at this step. Using directive, non-directive, or a combination of both stances, the counselee’s needs, beliefs, interests, personality, etc. are gathered. The use of appraisal tools are introduced at this step of the counseling process. Sometimes, the appraisal, particularly for personality inventories, may necessitate a different schedule. If the appraisal results were already available at the time of the session, then these are discussed with the student. The expected result is a heightened awareness of the counselee or student of himself. 3. Generation of alternatives and integrate information gaps between personal assessment and areas for further exploration. In this step, the counselor helps the counselee arrive at his own assessment of his situation and develop perspective. The counselor also assists the counselee to explore other areas that may need his awareness. Possible courses of action to address the concern or problem are identified and each course of action is assessed as to the counselee’s willingness and motivation to perform them. The objective of this step is for the student to develop a greater sense of self-confidence and mastery over his situation. 4. Prioritization of possible alternatives and development of a plan of action. When all the possible alternatives are enumerated, the counselor and the counselee arrive at a prioritization and develop a program of action to address the concern. The courses of action should have been made very specific at this point in the counseling process. These should be doable by the counselee or student, that is, can be carried out within a reasonable time period and within the capacity of the student (for example, preparation of a one-page resume against a life narrative if written communication is obviously not one of the student’s strengths). The counselor and counselee should also agree on the date the plan of action has to be implemented and the follow-up sessions which may be needed in the course of implementing the plan, and the final review of the results of the plan of action. With a clear plan of action, a counselee is given a key role, that of being the main agent for his personal growth and development. 17 5. Follow-up, review and evaluate. The counselor re-establishes rapport for each follow-up session and objectives are also reset. The results of the courses of action are assessed with the counselee and the review of the results of the implemented plan should yield new and higher objectives for development. The strengths of the counselee are reinforced and areas for further growth are explored. The central objective at this step is for the counselee to experience greater control over his situation and be able to independently formulate his own steps particularly for similar situations that he may encounter in the future. 6. Closing. To close the counseling session or series of sessions, the counselor works to summarize the goals that were set and achieved in the counseling and the key points or themes which were salient in their discussions. (Note that a thorough documentation from the intake to the succeeding sessions is needed to be maintained for a smooth closure and for records purposes.) The counselee may be asked to recapture his learning about himself and the counseling session, the goals he was able to accomplish, and the areas of further growth he may want to work on. The counselor may give the counselee a post-counseling “assignment” that he could do without the benefit of counseling intervention. Should the counselee need further assistance especially if the counselee already graduates and is no longer part of the student population being served, a referral may be put in place. Regardless of how the counselor and counselee agree to close the counseling relationship, the counselee is expected to leave that counseling relationship a better integrated individual, able to recognize his capacity and responsibility for personal growth and maturity. C. Specific Skills needed in Counseling Carl Rogers (1957) identified three prerequisites for a counseling relationship to develop – congruence, empathy, and “unconditional positive regard”. But as it is with any other counseling objective, career counseling needs these three basic requirements for a helping relationship to emerge, develop, and bear fruit. Aside from these qualities, there are specific skills that have to be honed in a counselor for a counseling relationship to develop and the counseling process to achieve its desired results. Some of these are: 1. Active listening. Active listening is the counselor’s “willingness and ability to hear and understand”, paying full and careful attention to the counselee without censure and prejudice. The skill requires that the counselor allow the counselee to take his time in composing his thoughts and express himself freely. The counselor should not in any way preempt the counselee by interrupting and completing his sentences. Active listening skills can be manifested by reflecting, clarifying, perception checking and other skills necessary in counseling. 2. Attending. Through this skill, the counselor manifests physically through bodily posture 18 and tone of voice his positive regard toward the counselee. The “counseling for the poor” program of the UGAT Foundation, Inc. based in the Ateneo de Manila University, summarized this skill set as the LOVER position – · L – Lean forward · O – Open posture · V – Voice modulation · E – Eye contact · R – Relaxed position 3. Reflecting. Also termed as “mirroring”, the counselor bounces back or repeats the thoughts, emotions, and experiences the counselee expressed. The objective is for the counselee to hear his own thoughts from an external source and examine it more objectively and then be able to own and be responsible for these. This is much the same way as looking at and appraising one’s own physical appearance – you see yourself in the mirror as you are and recognize the flaws and take these flaws (e.g. rumpled hair) as your own and work on them (e.g. comb your hair). For example, the student may say, “I couldn’t focus,” and the counselor can reflect that by, “There are many things going on around you”. Or a student may express, “I want to attend the university but I am scared to go to Manila”, and the counselor may reflect this through, “You are confident of your capacity for university work but somewhat unsure on how to navigate your way around the city.” 4. Clarifying. The counselor, observing honesty and genuineness, admits his own confusion and asks the counselee to explain further a given thought or the observed inconsistent emotion. For example, the counselor when faced with inconsistent thought-behavior patterns, can say, “I think I am confused. You say you do not enjoy drinking but you keep on attending these parties where expectedly there would be much drinking. Can you tell me what makes you continue attending these parties?” 5. Perception-checking. The counselor checks with the counselee if his impressions or interpretation of the observed behavior or words of the counselee is accurate. For example, if a student said, “I don’t like school anymore.”, the counselor could check his interpretation with, “Are you saying you do not like everything in the school or just some aspects of it?”. 6. Use of open-ended questions. Asking open-ended questions require answers that are more detailed than a simple “yes” or “no”. Instead of asking, “Are you happy with your grades?”, the counselor could ask, “How do you feel about your grades?”. This aids the counselee or student to have a more thorough examination of his feelings and thoughts. Using open-ended questions also allow probing or the elaboration and deeper examination of the shared experience, feelings or thoughts. 7. Focusing. In using this skill, the counselor is able to lead the counselee back into an organized way of thinking and expression particularly if the counselee starts to ramble on 19 with seemingly unrelated events or thoughts. By focusing, the counselor leads the counselee to a dominant theme or aspect of the sharing. For example, the counselor can propose, “Of all the concerns you presented, which one bothers you the most?” 8. Direct leading. The counselor, having determined a dominant theme in the shared thoughts, asks for more information about specific aspects of the dominant theme to pinpoint a subject of the counseling intervention. For instance, the student could have already expressed repeatedly how he disliked facing an audience whether in a performance or in the class. The counselor could ask, “What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you are asked to report in a group activity?”. Direct leading is used when the counselor is already “alerted” with a dominant theme of which core is still hidden. 9. Summarizing. The counselor puts into a nutshell the key points covered and themes which surface in the course of the counseling process or session. By summarizing, the counselor is able to give the counselee a basic structure of the learning covered and which he could easily recall. 10. Strength building. Maintaining an “unconditional positive regard” or respect for the counselee is necessary for the skill of strength-building to be used. By building strength, the counselor is able to look past the counselee’s weaknesses and recognize his key abilities so that the counselee could start believing in his own capacity and responsibility for change and growth. For instance, a student who had repeatedly flunked his subjects but also repeatedly enrolled in these courses could be encouraged as, “Even when you fail your subjects, you show persistence and that is a commendable attitude.” This is not sugar-coating a weakness but sincerely recognizing what is positive in the person of the counselee. D. Tools and instruments for career counseling 1. The career counseling interview Most often, the career counseling interview is considered as the career counseling process itself. This is not however, accurate as there are different counseling approaches as there are interview strategies. The counseling interview, the one-to-one interaction between a counselor and a counselee, can be seen as one of the many instruments at the disposal of the career counselor. The counseling interview depends on the approach that a counselor follows. Some counselors would prefer to use a directive strategy, that is, to be guided by a framework and with specific outputs at specific steps of the interview. This strategy works well with the REBT and even with the constructionist approaches already discussed in the earlier section of this manual. Non-directive strategies, on the other hand, are mostly used by practitioners of the Rogerian or person-centered approaches. 20 Regardless of the counseling approach that the counselor adopts, an interview model could be helpful in analyzing the expected goals and process in a counseling interview and the factors affecting its flow. Presented below is that of Millar (1992) which was originally developed by Hargie and Marshall (1986) and can be used as a model for other types of interview e.g. research, job selection, medical, etc. (Kidd, 1996). In this interview model, five sub-processes which prompt on the behavior of the interviewer (counselor) and interviewee (counselee) are identified, and these are: 1. Goal or motivation: categorized as ultimate (e.g. helping the counselee arrive at a resolution of a concern) and mediational goals (help the client recognize ‘irrationalities’) 2. Mediating factors: the internal states or processes in the individual that come between the goals, feedback and response e.g. biases, beliefs, etc. 3. Responses: verbal and non-verbal reaction to a given behavior, statement, and other stimuli 4. Feedback: the return response 5. Perception: the translation of the stimuli into a coherent understanding for the receiver in the interview process Figure 2: Model of Interpersonal Interaction Source: Millar, (1992) as cited in Kidd (1996). 21 This model depicts that there are factors that affect the definition of the goals of the counseling process, both situational and personal, and the counselor has to be aware of these lest biases lead to false attributions. For example, if counselee has negativity toward the interview, counselor may readily attribute it to the counselee’s personality instead of examining if such negativity is caused by failure to establish the helping relationship. In looking at this model, it also shows that it is possible that a counselor’s goal may not be the same as that of the counselee and these have to be congruent, though not necessarily the same. Situational factors on the other hand, can be the environment, context or milieu when the counseling interview is taking place (e.g. economic boom, environmental disaster, etc.) or these could be the very conditions where the interview is being conducted (e.g. wellventilated private office, noisy hall, etc.). 2. Assessment or appraisal instruments Assessment or appraisal instruments have always been an integral part of career counseling as the development of vocational guidance grew historically alongside psychometric assessment (Swanson,,2010; Whiston, 2009). Tests are used in the counseling setting primarily to facilitate the goals of counseling and for assessment. Tests are most useful not because of the tests themselves but on how these and its results are used. More than as a tool of the counselor to evaluate the test-taker (counselee), assessment has to be seen as a means for self-exploration of the counselee, allowing him to learn from this exploration and empowering him to make his decisions (Campbell, 2000). 2.1 Aptitude and achievement tests. Aptitude and achievement tests are the most common assessment instruments available and they can also be easily constructed depending on the information needs. They are also however, the most misused. For instance, the use of ability tests to assign children to special classes or students to specific courses and schools, or individuals to specific jobs, is one aspect on the use of tests that is subject to debate. Nonetheless, tests still remain the best available means of determining what people are capable of and in advising them for the professions. Essentially, a test is a sample of behavior or knowledge at a given point in time. Tests could either be an achievement test or an aptitude test. Achievement tests are designed to measure accomplished skills and what can a person do at present, or simply what the person has learned so far given the training and education inputs. Aptitude tests on the other hand, are designed to measure what a person can do with training and education and as such, what can be predicted for future performance. But whether aptitude or achievement, these tests give a current picture of what the individual can do or not do. Both tests include similar types of questions and give highly correlated results. The most common aptitude tests are the intelligence tests or IQ tests. The most accepted of 22 these are the Stanford-Binet and the Wechsler scales for individual ability tests. Tests used to measure abilities of a group on the other hand are those administered for example, for the selection of military draftees or the university entrance exams (e.g. UPCAT), tests which measures how well a student can meet the demands of military training or university study. In the high school setting, the most known and is currently used, is the test for assessing aptitude for certain vocations – the NCAE (National Career Assessment Examination). In essence though, the NCAE is also an achievement test in that it captures the learning gained from high school that makes the student “suitable” for certain fields or courses. Achievement tests are those which measure the knowledge and skills learned from the education interventions which make the person prepared for performing tasks or a profession. Examples of these tests are the professional licensure examinations for teachers, lawyers, electricians or plumbers, administered by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) and the accreditation examinations for identified skills administered by the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA). 2.2 Personality tests or inventories. Whereas aptitude and achievement tests try to measure what a person knows or can do, personality tests or inventories try to give a picture of what the person is like. Like aptitude and achievement tests, personality tests also face the same issues regarding its history of and continuous susceptibility to misuse and abuse (Paul, 2004). Personality tests nonetheless, remain pervasive as a means to interpret current and future human behavior in relation to a given population. Caution has to be exercised however, by a practicing counselor in using personality tests or inventories for career counseling and guidance lest it be wittingly or unwittingly used to label students into certain personality types or worse, stereotypes. But what is personality? Simply defined, personality is the sum total of the “characteristic patterns of thought, emotion, and behavior that define an individual and influence his or her interaction with the environment” (Atkinson,, 1990). There are many personality theories dating from Hippocrates in 400 B.C. to the more loosely appropriated personality “theories” in the Internet age, and each spawning its own versions of measuring “who” that person is, his personality. What is more important however is for career counselors to check the relevance and practicality of the use of these theories and assessments to career guidance and how a person’s privacy is respected in the process of assessment. Most importantly, the career counselor has to be knowledgeable about the instrument before he can give it to the counselee as specific instruments, particularly those for personality assessment, require specific protocols for administration and interpretation. For instance, the MMPI is subject to clinical interpretation and might be more expensive and impractical to administer where behaviorally anchored rating scales would already meet the requirements. There is also no need to use all available assessments but it would be 23 advisable to use two or three assessments whose results could be correlated, for example, a Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) with the 16 Personality Factor (16PF). Further, in assessing personality traits using tests like the MMPI or the Rorschach, there may be aspects of personality that may remain ‘hidden’ to the individual or the individual would want ‘hidden’ but may be captured by the measure and as such, the counselor has to take utmost care that results of such tests, are kept highly confidential. When the counselee desires to know how the data to be generated from the tests are to be used, the counselor has to be able to satisfy that inquiry and establish trust and respect before proceeding to any form of assessment. Below is a table listing personality theories and approaches and their corresponding assessment of personality. Personality Theory Leading Proponent(s) Assessment Instrument Type or trait theories Gordon Allport Raymond Cattell Hans Eysenck Factor Analysis e.g. Big Five Factors: Neuroticism Extraversion Openness to experience Agreeableness Conscientiousness Q Sort 16 Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF) Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) California Psychological Inventory (CPI) Psychoanalytic Sigmund Freud Theory and Carl Jung derivations (e.g. Henry Murray Gestalt, Jungian, “need-press” theory) Dream analysis Rorschach Test Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) Edwards Personal Preference Schedule (EPPS) Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Phenomenological (person-centered approach) Q Sort Social Carl Rogers learning Lev Vygotsky Behaviorally anchored rating scales 24 Personality Theory Leading Proponent(s) Assessment Instrument theory Albert Bandura, (BARS) Integrative John Holland approaches (RIASEC Model) RIASEC (Realistic-InvestigativeArtistic-Social-EnterprisingConventional) Inventory Privately developed assessment instruments In the use of “personality tests” which are widely available in print or in electronic form particularly those which can be easily downloaded from the Internet, career counselors have to bear in mind to look into the reliability and validity of these tests in the same rigor that standardized aptitude and achievement tests are subjected to. 2.3 Interest and work values inventories. Interest inventories are designed to measure and evaluate the level of interest or preference of an individual for a variety of activities. Most common of these tools are self-report inventories of interest in specified knowledge areas (e.g. physical sciences), social or leisure activities (e.g. skydiving), and variously related occupational areas (e.g. hospitality industries). Interest inventories are most useful in assisting high school and college students become familiar with possible careers after graduation. The most common of these inventories are the Strong Interest Inventory, GuilfordZimmerman Interest Inventory, and the Kuder Preference Record. Derivations on J.L. Holland’s interest classification scheme (realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, and conventional) are also widely developed by private organizations. Values inventories on the other hand look at the reasons or motivations of people for working. The central assumption in a work values inventory is that people tend to look at those jobs or occupations where their values are realized. 2.4 Non-test appraisal techniques. Counselors can start assessment during the intake interview thru diagnostic interviewing and direct observation of behavior (Locke,, 2001). Academic and career interests can already be gleaned and assessed at the first interview with opening questions as unobtrusive as “How is school?” or “What interested you today in school?”. Social skills on the other hand, can already be observed with the way the counselee interacts with the counselor or with other participants in a group session. Does the counselee interact easily with the counselor? Does the counselee have the skills to get along with others? 25 Other non-test appraisal techniques are the more informal assessment tools which may be introduced depending on the situation and the skills of the counselor. Some examples are the genogram, life-space diagram, and family floor plan (Tanalega, 1994). A genogram is a diagram representing the family tree of the counselee with the identified career of each member in the family which may include those from earlier generations. This tool can be used as a tool for the student counselee in exploring the influences and motivations in his education and career choices (Gibson, 2005). Some processing questions could include: What were the traditional and non-traditional occupations represented in your family e.g. teachers, film actors, etc.? How is your choice of political science course influenced by your great-grandfather’s role in the history of your town? What are the career patterns or themes you discovered in your family? In looking at the emotional connections of the counselee to his family, a tool such as the lifespace diagram could be used (Tanalega, 1994). With this tool, the counselee is asked to draw each member of his family as a box with the size indicating the amount of authority or influence this family member has over other family members. In processing the life-space diagram, questions can be asked such as: Where do most of the boxes connect with (for overlapping boxes)? Who has the most decisions (bigger size, wider influence)? How are the boxes affecting your performance in school? Another tool that could be used in looking at the relationship of the counselee with his family is the family floor plan (Tanalega, 1994). The family floor plan was developed to look into the situation at home which may be emotionally significant to the counselee. The counselee would be asked to draw his house as a floor plan and describe the house in terms of its sounds, smells, colors and people living in the house. If the counselee lived in different homes, the counselor can ask him to choose his favorite home. Some processing questions could include: Do you have a special place in this house (e.g. workshop)? Where are the rooms that people normally gather? What activities in the house can help or hinder your performance in school (e.g. bingo, regular parties)? Note that these three mentioned non-test assessment tools can surface sensitive emotional issues and the counselor should be very careful not to probe further unnecessarily or more than could be handled by both the counselor and the counselee. Where necessary and when the counselor feels that issues have been opened that a more experienced therapist can handle, a referral could be arranged. 3. Career development or preparation workshop A career development or preparation workshop is a technique employed by career professionals in helping individuals assess their strengths and plan out for career directions 26 in an open environment usually with other individuals who may also be at the crossroads of career changes. This technique could be used nonetheless, in a school setting. The workshop generally proposes the following objectives: ● To generate awareness of one’s needs, values, or goals in life ● To assess what career education can do to one’s personal and professional growth ● To assess one’s strengths and weaknesses ● To explore the range of opportunities available ● To develop a personal plan of action The workshop usually may have one or more of the following features: ● Talks from resource persons from specialized fields and industries ● Activity to assess one’s timeline and its critical points ● Activity to assess one’s strengths and weaknesses ● Activity to look into one’s interests ● Preparation of a personal data sheet or a portfolio ● Preparation of a personal vision, mission, and goals E. Evaluation of the counseling process How do we know that the counseling process is achieving what it is supposed to achieve? In the first place, what outcomes do we expect in the career counseling process? What measures can we put in place to ascertain that our intervention was worth the effort? Bostick & Anderson (2009) summarized the key components that should be present in an “accountable school counseling program” and they noted that to be accountable, the school counseling program: 1. Should have been developed according to assessed needs at the school (Johnson & Johnson, 2003). 2. Use interventions that are evidence based (Carey & Dimmitt, 2006). 3. Use valid and reliable assessment procedures to evaluate the effectiveness of their activities (Steen & Kaffenberger, 2007; Studer, Oberman, & Womack, 2006). 4. Require counselors to collect and interpret the data and use it for program improvement and to inform their practice (Rowell, 2006). By considering these key components, counselors and the school management can work toward planning not only of the evaluation of the counseling program in the school but also in the earlier stages of setting up the career counseling center. 27 IV. Setting Up a Career Counseling Center Setting up a career counseling services center in the school should take into consideration the unique needs of the population the center caters to. While all targeted schools of this manual are APEX schools, still, no APEX school is like another and each career counseling program would require different features depending on the individual characteristics of each school. In the United States, a national model for school counseling program is being followed by the American School Counselor Association or ASCA ( The ASCA National Model answers what school counseling is and its purpose and goals, its delivery features and management, the roles of the school counselor, and the accountability features of the school counseling program. The model emphasizes the role of the counseling service for student achievement and the use of data-driven research to inform improvements in the delivery of counseling services and accountability. Whether or not this model could be applied in the Philippine setting however, is subject to review given the different social, political, economic and cultural environment that such model was based on. (A more detailed discussion of this model and references can be found at To set up the career counseling service in the school, Evangelista (2005) gleaned from various literature that such service should be based on (1) an assessment of the real life environment or context; (2) school’s mission, vision, and philosophy of career education; (3) definition of goals and objectives of the career counseling center; (4) analysis of information about the learner/student population; and (5) feedback from evaluation. Taking into consideration these aspects, setting up a career counseling program may seem arduous yet can also be simple. Perhaps, it would be good to review the school’s current services and review how these services were determined, implemented, and reviewed. A. Proposed Career Counseling Management System for High School The proposed program of career counseling will aim at helping high schools students explore themselves in relation to occupations. This proposed program will involve not only the dissemination of career and occupational information materials but will also further stress that career counseling involves more than the need to help students gain self-knowledge as they explore the vast fields of occupations. Two important considerations need to be made in developing a career-counseling program. First, having one total program, which covers a number of services, minimizes cost and space. Second, it avoids unnecessary duplication of services and therefore, minimizes, if not eliminates wastage. Third, under one total framework of career counseling, the task of 28 hiring, training and maintaining personnel becomes more simplified and more effective since the personnel’s specialized skills and abilities can be applied to the program as a whole rather than be confined to fragmented services. Fourth, when career guidance services are organized into a whole, the evaluation of these services can be built into the program itself and can be conducted more effectively. The second important consideration is the concept of student development. The concept that guidance and counseling is a continuous developmental process, follows not only from the basic principles of physical development leading to progressive stages of maturity but also from more recent theoretical formulations of the progressive developmental nature of vocational interests, career planning and career choice. Basic Assumptions and Steps in Career Counseling Management System The proposed system is based on the set underlying basic assumptions. 1. Career and its implementation is a developmental process. 2. The high school years are time of high potentials for developing an awareness of relevant factors to be considered in decision-making. 3. Students should have experience in meaningful decision-making and in accepting responsibility for their decisions. 4. Students should be provided an opportunity to explore the world of work in their own community and in the country. 5. Students should have opportunity to (a) develop a positive self-concept, (b) be aware of their strengths and weaknesses, and (c) top reflect more positive interests. In general, a systems approach to career counseling follows these steps: 1. Identify student needs and establishing program goals and priorities. 2. Translate goals into specific behavioral objectives. 3. Specify processes and methods. 4. Plan, implement and evaluate process. 5. Evaluate output. 6. Adopt and recycle. 1. Identifying Student Needs and Establishing Program Goals and Priorities Assessment of student needs may be obtained through survey questionnaires, such as the form suggested in Appendix A. The Careers Survey (see Appendix B) may also be used to identify students’ career plans, their socioeconomic background, educational attainment of their parents, etc. This instrument can also be used to identify potential dropouts. Demographic data about the community, the school, the students and alumni are used together with the developmental needs of students and projections for future employment 29 opportunities. The participation by the community is required since this phase has social, cultural, economic, ethical, and professional implications. Also its participation is needed in setting goals and assigning of priorities to these goals. Therefore, there is a need to form a career counseling committee composed of the school administrators, parents, students, teachers, and guidance staff. This group would provide general direction and support for the career-counseling program. An example of an activity for this step is to form a career counseling committee to give direction to the career-counseling program. This group will assess the guidance needs of students and develop goals and priorities for the following year. The group reviews general data about the community and the characteristics of the student population. The characteristics of the student population may be determined by administrating a survey such as the suggested form appearing as Appendix A. For instance, a survey of the graduating high school seniors of a public school in the Manila area may show that 30% have definite plans on the choice of a course in college; 50% have no decisions while 20% have no post high school plans. It may also discover that the dropout rate of students during the past year was 25%. The outcome of this step would be a rank-ordered priority listing of goals, such as the following: Priority 1. Students should be able to state their career plans before graduation from high school, i.e., be able to state their choice of a course or major subject in college, or choice of a vocational-technical course, or to seek available employment. Priority 2. The dropout rate should be reduced. Priority 3. The percentage of students going into vocational-technical schools should be increased. 2. Translating Goals into Specific Behavioral Objectives The school counselor will probably assume primary responsibility for the activity. The outcome of this phase would be an outline of specific behavioral objectives, including “minimum” and “desired” levels, and methods of assessment. These statements of objectives provide the guides for the following phases. In priority 1 goal (i.e., senior students should be able to state their career plans after graduation) is selected, the counselor guidance staff or the TLE teacher will now translate this goal into the following behavioral objectives: 1. A minimum of 60% up to a desired level of 80%, of the graduating seniors next school year should be able to state their plans after graduation. 30 2. Of those with a post high school plan, at least 80% must be able to describe in specific terms, the steps they will undertake to implement their plans. 3. They must be able to describe the first steps they will undertake to implement their plan. It is suggested that the Career Choice Checklist Pre-test form (see Appendix C) be administered to all students in the high school who have definite career plans and those who do not have or are uncertain. The results from the Pre-test can be compared with the results of the Post-test from (see Appendix D) to be administered later in Phase 5. 3. Specifying Processes and Methods Since the resources of the school and the cooperation of teachers are important for this phase, the support of the school administration is both necessary and urgent. The first task in this phase is to find or device procedures, materials and programs, which should logically achieve the objectives, developed in Phase 2. Alternative methods should be included whenever possible since budgetary constraints, limited resources and even resistance by other teachers to certain procedures, may arise. The second task is to review these alternatives, probably with the career-counseling group (formed in Phase 1) and to select one or more for trial implementation. The product of this phase would be listing of alternative methods for achieving the objectives and designating one as the method to be implemented on the trial basis. 4. Planning, Implementing and Evaluating Processes Problems arising from implementing career counseling approaches, methods and techniques such as the resistance of other members of the school staff, unavailability of needed resources, non-cooperation of some teachers, budgetary limitations, time scheduling of activities, etc., must be considered and included on the planning and implementation. This underscores the need to have alternative approaches, as emphasized in Phase 3. The program requires that the guidance staff be effective in their interpersonal relations with school administrators, teachers, parents, students and other segments of the community. The purpose of process evaluation (as distinguished from product evaluation in Phase 5) is to determine whether the program is going on as expected; identify problems of implementation; and, if possible, take some sample measurements of the outcome criteria. If unforeseen problems occur, corrections may be required. Unexpected results should also be noted. Often there are desirable outcomes that have considerable impact but were not planned for. Undesirable consequences should also be noted. 31 The product of this step is an evaluation of the activities designed to achieve the behavioral objectives formulated in the previous steps. The following questions may be asked: 1. Are teachers introducing career information in their class? 2. What activities are students undertaking to gather information about their career choice(s)? 3. How do students show interest in gathering career information? In addition the following data may be collected: 1. Extent of teacher’s awareness of the career needs of their students; 2. Minimum and desirable levels of student behavior as defined in previous steps. 5. Output Evaluation Toward the end of the school year, possibly in February, an evaluation is made about the effectiveness of the program. A random sample of all TLE high school students may be interviewed to obtain their responses to the following questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Do you think there is some advantage to having career plans? Why? What plans have you made for your future? What do you have made for your future? What do you plan to do for the first year after graduation from high school? What do you need to do first in order to implement your palm? At this point, the Career Choice Checklist, Post-test from (Appendix D) is administered to all students to determine if the career counseling approaches, methods and techniques implemented in Phase 4 had the desired impact on students in so far as they succeeded in accomplishing the behavioral objectives in Phase 2. Comparing the pre-test and post-test measures will determine if students modified their career choices; whether those who had no career plans or had initially been uncertain of their choices, now had career choices based on information that had been gathered and evaluated. The results are compiled, analyzed, and compared with the minimum and/or desired objectives as developed in the previous steps. The product of this fifth step is the report, which is submitted to the guidance and counseling committee. 6. Adopting and Recycling The evidence is in and now a decision must be made about the program. Should it be adopted, expanded, modified or dropped entirely? The guidance and counseling committee formed in the first step again becomes an important entity as the process of decision-making 32 comes into play. The systems approach requires an objective evaluation of results against predetermined objectives. It also allows for full adoption or recycling to an earlier phase. Perhaps new local conditions call for reordering of priorities; perhaps the behavioral objectives were poorly stated or the standards set were inappropriately high or low. If the objectives had not been achieved, recycling could lead to rephrasing the objectives, specifying different procedures, or improving the implementation phase. It is even possible that a reordering of priorities would result in a completely new set of goals, objectives and procedures. It may also be possible that some of the unexpected results may become the primary focus for subsequent planning. On the other hand, if the outcomes are satisfactory, the program may be repeated or adopted for the following school year. The product of this phase is the decision to continue or to recycle. The systems approach has several advantages. It focuses the career counselor’s attention on his objectives; it helps make these objectives clear and easy to evaluate, and it considers various viewpoints before goals are set up. There is also an explicit time line, which suggests when the various activities should take place. Another advantage of a systems approach is that it is outcome oriented; it discourages becoming enthralled with procedures while neglecting the results. As a tool to the organization and planning of a counseling program, the systems approach seems to have considerable potential. B. ISSUES AND CHALLENGES OF THE CAREER COUNSELING OFFICE AND CAREER COUNSELOR 1. Learn the Culture Every company is unique and has its own culture. Our number one priority as a neophyte of the organization is to understand and blend into it, without compromising your own professional goals. In essence, this means learning the subtle differences between policies and politics. Policies refer to the written rules and standard procedures for getting things done. During the first weeks of training, you'll be required to read a voluminous of materials such as employee handbook, company policies, standard operating procedures, and organizational charts. And you thought school was out---not! Just like the textbooks from your not-sodistant past, this material is meant to educate you about the basics. By reading them, you'll gain useful knowledge about what you will do in your job. Keep them handy so that you may refer to them often. 33 Politics, on the other hand, refers to the unwritten rules of how things are done or not done, and understanding them could set you apart from your co-workers or fellow trainees, particularly when exceptional assignments are given out. The secret to becoming politically savvy in your new environment is two-fold. First, observe everyone around you, especially the top performers. How do they dress? How do they communicate ideas? How do they interact with others, especially with the boss? And, how do they behave in meetings? Second, gain insight about work place politics by simply asking around but not in so many words. Meet with your boss to discuss what his or her specific expectations are of you and exactly how meeting them translates into achieving your performance standards. Talk to your co-workers informally about who the key players are, your boss' work and management styles and ‘hot' topics as far as job performance is concerned. Don't take anything for granted, including what might seem like minor issues such as lunch hours or use of office supplies because ultimately, what you perceive as minor might be your boss' biggest upset (or vice versa). Remember, being politically savvy on-thejob can help you reach your goals and those of your employer, while keeping your credibility intact. 2. Establish and Maintain Relationships Getting off to a good start on a personal level is very important. Much like in high school success hinders also on having many friends and contacts. It’s not on how many friends you gain but on your attitude of being friendly. A good relationship is always a must. There is no excuse on harboring grudges or being selfish (specially in not wanting to share one’s knowledge to the others). Friendship like marriage is a give and take relationship. You know you are truly friends with your neighbor when you are able to help one another in times of need. 3. Be Aware of Stereotypes Communication skills are a key factor in demonstrating a high level of professionalism. You should be able to communicate well with everyone above you, below you and beside you. Remember that professionalism also includes how others perceive your behavior. When all is said and done, don't let stereotypes discourage you from making a difference. If appropriate, make suggestions and present alternative plans, that are well thought out and in line with the company's mission. However, don't be too eager to criticize. Learn to listen with the hopes of incorporating at least one of your ideas into the current plan and know that respect is earned by your conduct as well as your track record. 34 4. Be a Student of Your Trade The transition from in-school training (student-life) to corporate life will require you to strike a balance between gaining respect from your colleagues and accepting that you are the new kid on the block. Give yourself time to adjust to your new life. C. ADDITIONAL GUIDELINES 1. Five Important Kinds of Information for People in Making a Career Decision There are five kinds of information to help people make the most appropriate choice of a career at whatever stage of development (J. Santamaria and A.G. Watts 2002): a) Information about self (interests, personality, strengths and weaknesses, mental abilities, aptitudes, other abilities and skills, motivation, personal values). b) Information on training and education, what curriculum will provide the knowledge and skills, in what TVET, HEI or SUC and where are their locations, tuition and fees. c) Career information – a set of tasks describing a career or occupation; what the tasks require in terms of mental abilities, aptitudes, skills, interests and personality and how the career can satisfy a person’s work motivation and values; education and training required and where to get them; working conditions (such as working with data, with people, manipulating objects); amount of co-ordination with others, extent of decision-making required, reports to be made (how many and how often), equipment and machines used, and environments (working inside an office or field work); employment and career advancement opportunities (where and at what level); potential income; etc. d) Labor market information, i.e. what occupations/careers are currently in high demand and those for which there is little demand, who are the employers, and what industries are in need of these occupations and at which levels. e) Projected manpower requirements for the next 3-5 years: which skills, at which levels (operators, technical and professional) and which industries will require them. These five kinds of information are required for an effective delivery of career guidance services by competent guidance staff with professional training in career guidance. 2. Resources for Career Counseling If a career counseling center is just getting started, some resources and ideas may be easier to implement while others require a greater investment of time and/or financial resources. For example, at the beginning stages, students might learn about job shadowing, resumes 35 and interviews, or community members may be invited to come as guest speakers to talk about their jobs. These tasks are easier to implement than, for example, developing a thorough system of occupational information. The latter is a more complex task that may be developed over time. In order to assist students with career concerns, it is helpful to have various research tools available as well as individuals with specialized training who are familiar with the process of career counseling. The ideas provided in this handbook reflect options and possibilities. It is not necessary to implement all of the suggestions at once in order to establish a service that provides career assistance to students. • Books. The kinds of books that could be purchased include those that provide information about different types of jobs, such as educational requirements, amount of pay and descriptions of the work. It is important that the information be up to date. • Videos. Videos can be made available on various career topics for students to watch. Videos are particularly useful on the topic of interviewing skills, where students can watch examples of how to answer questions in a job interview situation. If the recording equipment is available, it is also useful to videotape students as they practise interviewing skills. They can observe themselves as the video is played back and learn what went well and what needs to be altered in their behavior. • Well-classified information on careers/ jobs. It is useful to have a classification system of jobs where specific jobs that are related have been grouped together. This kind of a system allows individuals to expand their options when they are researching job possibilities. In countries where this kind of a classification system does not exist, career counselors may consider creating this type of a system using classifications from other countries as a guide. It is important that this type of information be up to date, relevant, easily accessible, and reflective of the nature of the work world and current possibilities for students. • Career tests / assessments. In career counseling, career tests and assessments are often utilized to provide information regarding a variety of areas, such as interests or personality style. Unfortunately, many of these assessments do not translate well cross-culturally due to differences in cultural values and norms. However, there may be assessments available that have been developed or translated to fit the cultural context. It is beyond the scope of this paper to provide information regarding these kinds of instruments. It may be worthwhile to investigate the possibilities of incorporating formal or informal assessments into career programming. • College and university calendars. Schools, colleges and universities typically print 36 calendars describing the programs offered. It is useful to have local, national and international information regarding the various educational programs that are available. These resources can also be accessed through CD ROM or the Internet. • Computer-based information. Career counselors are increasingly utilizing internet resources and computer assisted guidance systems. Through the internet, individuals can easily obtain career information from around the world. In addition to the internet, there are also CD ROM or web-based career guidance systems that may be purchased. Website addresses are almost endless but a few examples are included below: • Career Development and Career Counseling Websites. Kirk (2000) considers the changes in career counseling practices due to the impact of the Internet. There are many resources available in the web that students and teachers can easily access. Some examples are: • Journals. It is helpful to have journals available so that those working with students can inform themselves about new strategies, theories, and resources. Some examples of career journals include the following: African Journal of Education Australian Journal of Career Development The British Journal of Guidance and Counseling The British Journal of Education and Work Canadian Journal of Counseling The Career Development Quarterly Career Guidance Study (Japan) Career Planning and Adult Development Journal The Counsellor: Journal of Counselling Association of Nigeria Guidance and Counselling International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance Journal of Career Assessment Journal of Career Development Journal of Employment Counseling Journal of Higher Education (India) Journal of Organizational Behavior 37 Journal of Vocational Behavior Journal of Vocational Education and Training Nigerian Journal of Guidance and Counseling V. CAREER STARTER KIT This section of the manual aims at assisting the APEX student in exploring career options. This will try to provide a picture of his strengths, values, and vocational interests which could eventually direct him to his desired career for the future. However, like a mirror, this section can only try to show what is the state of the beholder at the present time. The mirror in itself cannot tell how one would look like in the future, but it can guide one to look at those areas that could be improved so that he could move closer to the desired image. With the assistance of a counselor or a teacher, the APEX student is expected to move closer to a decision on what career choices he could take. These choices could be a higher education that best fits one's values, aptitude, and unique context, or an option to work in one's own enterprise . Whatever the choice, the APEX student should be able to make this through a guided and informed decision making process. A. WHAT IS A “CAREER”? The definition of a “career” changes over time with the changing social and economic environment. The shifting of roles among men and women also impact on the changing conception of what constitutes a career. Most often, young people seem to think that a career is a job or an employment. A “career” generally refers to the progress and actions that a person takes throughout a lifetime. More commonly in the past than in the present, a career relates to a person's progression or advancement in terms of work responsibilities and job titles held in one organization over a period of time. However, due to a changing business landscape, there had been an increasing trend for people to change jobs more frequently. As new jobs are created with the rise of new industries (for instance, call center agent jobs only became in existence with the rise of business process outsourcing industry), people are faced with new opportunities and are therefore, more receptive to the concept of changing jobs or organizations. For example, some graduates of nursing courses may not be able to take jobs as nurses in hospitals but are taking on jobs as personal caregivers, medical transcriptionists or call center agents for emergency assistance. The harsh economic reality also forces some medical professionals to work later on as nurses in a different country, a trend that had been more prevalent at present than before. A career is most often seen as a linear progression, like a ladder that one climbs from the 38 lowest to the highest rung, or a straight path that one walks throughout life. This is especially true for those who are on the professional or technical tracks like medicine or engineering. An individual's career could involve from being a physician in independent practice and work toward becoming an expert in his field. However, for those who are in more fluid fields like the liberal arts, interdisciplinary studies or economics, career paths are not as well-defined. A person graduating with a degree in political science for example, may take him from a job in desktop publishing to a job in corporate marketing or as a career service diplomat. This goes to show that a career need not be one, clear, singular path where the points are well laid out. For most people, a career might lead them to various possibilities or divergent paths and the challenge is to see how one's knowledge and skill strengths, values, and interests are developed and contributed along the way. A career, also takes more than being involved in paid or renumerated work. Artists for example, take on a career that is hinged on the pursuit of expression of aesthetic interests. Some people also live their lives in the service of society e.g. taking care of the elderly, helping organize tribal communities, assisting victims of crime and their families – and they may or may not receive renumeration for such services. In a sense, a career is seen as a person's continued application of his knowledge, skills, values and interests, to a life's work. To some, a career is that of finding security in an ever-growing salaried position. To others, a career would mean taking risks in investing money and time in independent business ventures. Either way, a career provides a means to achieve life's goals. It implies a level of commitment, responsibility, and involvement that goes beyond much more than spending time and drawing pay. With continued and consistent application of oneself, a career can dictate one's direction in life, his development as a person, and his role as a contributor to society. B. CHOOSING A “CAREER” High school is the best time to start making career choices. The objective is not necessarily to have one fixed choice but to open up oneself to various career options and later narrow the list down to those that most fit the student's personality, interests, and aptitudes. It should be noted however, that in this decision-making process, opportunities will be opened up and some will have to be let go. High school indeed is a time when there seems to be limitless opportunities. And while it is true that one has to follow one's heart, there are also choices which may no longer be available to a young person finishing high school. For example, one has to face the reality that embarking on a career in professional ballet might already be late but modern dance is still plausible. There are also considerations defined by community, family traditions or religious beliefs, and the student should be made aware how these limit or expand one's options. 39 The high school graduate would thus need to be guided accordingly. They have to be made aware of the possibilities but they also need not be given false expectations. If one is of small physical built for example, and desires to be in the military service where physical attributes are highly required, it might be best to assist the student in exploring other career options that would take on the same discipline yet accentuate the student's other strengths, for instance, forensic psychology. For a start, students could be asked to answer the following questions: • • • • • What are the career/job goals you now are considering? Who or what helped you learn about your choices? Who or what has had the greatest influence on your career decisions? What do you think are the barriers to achieving your employment goals? Where in the future do you plan to work? Or “what kind of environment would you like to see yourself working in e.g. a big office, outdoors, working by yourself or with a large group? In the next pages are sample instruments that could help the counselor in assisting the student arrive at his options. Note that these are just instruments that gauge one's interests or aptitudes, not the interest itself. While the results may indicate certain leanings, these should not be taken at face value but should only serve as a guide in the decision-making process. 1. Learning your Learning Style Different people approach situations in different ways. Some people would think before acting, while some would act without much evaluation. Some would be more affected emotionally than others, and some would see possibilities where others would ask questions. The way a person approaches a situation is one's learning style. Learning style consists of distinctive behaviors which serve as indicators of how a person learns from and adapts to his environment. It also gives clues as to how a person's mind operates. Knowing one's learning style can help in maximizing a learning experience. Carl Jung observed that man normally experiences the world through four modes: sensing, thinking, feeling and intuition. Sensation is the reality function – it tells that something is. Thinking is the logical function – it tells us what that something is. Feeling enables us to make a value judgment about the object, whether we like or dislike it. Intuition, the method of relating to the world through hunches and guesses, enables us to see possibilities inherent in the object. Intuition and sensation are conflicting modes of perceiving the world. Thinking and feeling, which are ways one analyzes the world, also conflict. Persons who are strong in one function tend to be weak in its opposite, but everyone has potential for all four 40 functions. Another theorist, David Kolb (1984), identified four learning styles along a continuum of concrete/abstract in perceiving information and a continuum of reflecting/doing in processing information. Juxtaposing the continuum. Four learning styles are created: 1) Thinking Doer (Converger). Those who perceive with their intellect and process actively by doing. • Applies ideas to problem-solving • Makes theories useful • Tests hypotheses objectively • Uses reason to meet goals • Reviews alternatives • Enjoys being in control of situations • Sets up projects • Uses investigative skills to solve problems • Learns by testing ideas before arriving at conclusions 2) Reflective Thinker (Assimmilator). Those who perceive with their intellect and process reflectively by observation. • Excellent theory builder • Synthesizes ideas • Precise, thorough, careful • Methodical, follows a plan • Avoids over-involvement • Pushes mind, analyzes ideas, critiques • Rational, logical • Works and learns better independently 3) Reflective sensor-feeler (Diverger). Those who perceive concretely with their senses and feelings and process reflectively by observation. • Sees the whole picture and vast alternatives • Uses imagination • Oriented toward relationships with people • Avoids conflict • Likes assurance from others • Observes others and can model behavior • Waits for the right time until ready • Learns by listening and sharing ideas with small number of people 4) Doing Sensor-feeler (Accommodator). Those who perceive concretely with their senses and feelings and process actively by doing. 41 • • • • • • • • Gets involved with lots of new activities – good starter Operates on trial-and-error, gut reaction Depends on others' opinions and feelings Involves and inspires other people Seeks out new experiences Enjoys risks, changes, excitement and thrills Dislikes routine Likes learning with people through discussions, projects and activities Anthony Gregorc (1982), like Kolb, used the concrete and abstract dimension but he crosses it with a different processing dimension which he labels random/sequential. He thus arrived at his four types of learning styles: 1. Concrete Sequential Learners (CS) • Has tendency to derive information through direct, hands-on experience. • Appreciate order and logical sequence • Like touchable, concrete materials • Look for and follow directions • Like clearly ordered presentations and quiet atmosphere 2. Abstract Random Learners (AR) • Attuned to nuances of atmosphere and mood • Associate medium with the message • Evaluate the learning experience as a whole • Prefer to receive information in an unstructured manner and therefore like activities that involve multi-sensory experiences and busy environments • Prefer freedom from rules and guidelines • Seem to gather information and delay reaction and organize material themselves through reflection to get what they want from the learning experience 3. Abstract Sequential Learners (AS) • Have excellent decoding abilities with written, verbal and image symbols • Have wealth of conceptual pictures in their minds against which they match what they read, hear or see in graphic and pictorial form • Like to use reading and listening skills • Prefer substantive, rational and sequential presentations from which they can extract the main ideas • Learn well from authorities and like vicarious experiences 4. Concrete Random Learners (CR) • Have an experimental attitude 42 • • • • • Get the gist of ideas quickly and make intuitive leaps in exploring unstructured problem-solving experiences Learn by trial-and-error Work well by themselves and small groups Do not follow assignments exactly but add their own twist Do not respond well to teacher intervention in their independent efforts SUMMARY : FOUR TYPES OF LEARNING STYLES ACCORDING TO – AUTHOR FEELER THINKER DOER INTUITOR Carl Jung Feeling-directed (Feeling) Intellect-directed (Thinking) Body-directed (Sensing) Intuition-directed (Intuiting) David Kolb Assimilators “Logical” Convergers “Practical” Accommodators “Enthusiastic” Divergers “Imaginative” Anthony Abstract Random Gregorc Abstract Sequential Concrete Sequential SOME CHARACTERISTICS OF: FEELERS THINKERS Concrete Random DOERS INTUITORS Seek practical Learn by doing Like hands-on Concrete things Rely on senses Action oriented Need power/influence Present-oriented Pragmatic Directional Results-oriented Seek perfection Seek possibilities Creative Relish change Self-discovery Trial-and-error Flexible Risk taking Future-oriented Idealistic Visionary Original Adaptive CRITICISMS OFTEN HEARD ABOUT FEELERS THINKERS DOERS INTUITORS Impulsive Manipulative Over-personalize Short-sighted Status seeking Self-involved Unrealistic “Far out” Fantasy bound Seek meaning Need involvement Like sharing ideas Like discussion Intense feelings Catch mood, nuance Need affiliation Past oriented Spontaneous Empathetic Introspective Loyal Seek facts Expert knowledge Like ideas, concepts, theories, paradigms Like lectures Logical thinker Need achievement Linear time view Deliberative Rational Weighs alternatives Objective Verbose Indecisive Over-cautious 43 Sentimental Postponing Guilt-ridden Subjective Over-emotional Conforming Over-analyze Unemotional Non-dynamic Too controlled Over-serious Critical Act too fast Scattered Lack trust in others Out-of-touch Expect too much of Fanatic others Impractical Dominating Disorganized Excitable LEARNING STYLE INVENTORY Mark “A” if you strongly identify with the word on the left; “B” if less so; “D” if you strongly identify with the word on the right; and “C” if less so. Do the same for the numbers in the succeeding section. Talk Act Take individual steps Experiment Work quickly Carry out ideas Prefer changes Animated Doer Goal-oriented Practical Change as I go Find solutions Answer questions TOTAL A _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ B _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ C _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ D _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Intuition Personal Emotional Support Discuss with others New experiences Opinion Accepting Feeling Take risks 1 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 2 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 3 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 4 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 44 Listen Wait Get overall picture Let others experiment Work deliberately Think up ideas Prefer stability Reserved Observer Process-oriented Ideal Follow a clear plan Identify problems Ask questions Logic Impersonal Intellectual Critique Analyze by myself New ideas Theory Questioning Thinking Calculate risks Trial-and-error People oriented Get involved Dependent TOTAL _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Plan and organize Task oriented Get facts Independent LEARNING STYLE INVENTORY PROFILE 1. Draw a dotted line down through all the boxes, starting with your highest letter score. 2. Draw a dotted line across through all the boxes, starting with your highest number score. 3. Mark the place where the letter line (1) and the number line (2) intersect. This area in the box indicates the most preferred learning style. A B FEELING Accommodators C D Divergers 1 2 DOING INTUITING Convergers Assimilators 3 4 THINKING 2. Interest Checklist United States Department of Labor 45 Below are 115 activities listed in 23 groups. Read each activity and place a check next to those that you would like as jobs or hobbies. Check an activity even if you are interested in only one part of it. If you have not done an activity but think that you would like to, given the opportunity, check that one also. If you are not interested in the activities in any one group, leave a blank. Work quickly by not spending too much time thinking about one kind of work. A _____ Sketching and painting portraits, landscapes, still lifes or figures on canvass _____ Creating, designing and painting posters, signboards, showcards, charts, diagrams, labels, and illustrations for advertising copy, books, and magazines _____ Modeling or carving various objects from wood, clay, plaster or stone _____ Sketching rooms and planning the arrangement of furniture, wall decorations, and color schemes _____ Creating and drawing to scale patterns for new types and styles of clothes B _____ Playing a musical instrument _____ Singing various types of song _____ Creating and composing musical compositions or arranging a melody for orchestral use _____ Conducting an orchestra _____ Studying musical theory and techniques, melody and harmony C _____ Writing magazine articles, plays, short stories, poems _____ Translating from one language to another _____ Reporting news for a newspaper or magazine _____ Writing or editing news items for a newspaper, periodical or book _____ Doing literary research for historical publications D _____ Acting in a play or dramatic production _____ Announcing radio programs _____ Dancing for the entertainment of others _____ Making a living by playing football, basketball or other sports _____ Entertaining others by juggling, pantomime or magic E _____ Developing advertising campaigns _____ Applying the principles of accounting, statistical analysis, contracts, credit, marketing conditions, and applied psychology to the problems of business 46 _____ Drawing up legal documents such as contracts, partnerships, deeds and wills _____ Conducting lawsuits _____ Working up sales methods F _____ Figuring out arithmetic problems using multiplication, division, squares and square roots _____ Copying long lists of numbers and checking to be sure they are copied right _____ Finding mistakes in answers to arithmetic problems _____ Doing addition and subtraction _____ Working with fractions and decimals G _____ Keeping business records, such as sales slips, receipts, bills, attendance records, and amount of goods purchased or work done _____ Typing letters and reports _____ Taking dictation in shorthand or on stenotype machine _____ Receiving, checking, counting, grading, examining, and storing supplies _____ Sorting, indexing, and assembling papers and other written records H _____ Being a sales clerk, selling or taking tickets, handling money, or making change _____ Answering the telephone _____ Giving people information such as street directions or location of merchandise in stores _____ Preparing lists of prospects and contacting them in order to make sales _____ Attempting to interest prospective buyers by showing sample articles or displaying a catalog I _____ Teaching school _____ Talking to individuals or families and assisting them in solving their personal or financial problems _____ Interviewing and advising individuals concerning their schooling, jobs, and social problems _____ Studying social and economic conditions in order to help individuals or groups solve problems of general welfare _____ Enforcing laws involving fire and crime prevention, traffic, sanitation, or immigration J _____ Planning a balanced diet, a menu or meal _____ Mixing foods to obtain new flavor 47 _____ Going to some trouble to make foods look attractive _____ Learning the right way to season foods _____ Selecting meats and vegetables in a grocery store for freshness and quality K _____ Playing games with children _____ Telling stories to children _____ Looking after children to see that they are kept neat and clean _____ Taking care of children when they are sick _____ Helping children dress or undress L _____ Giving first aid treatment _____ Setting tables and serving food or drinks _____ Acting as a hostess or headwaiter in a dining room _____ Caring for people's hair and fixing their nails _____ Waiting on other people and caring for their clothes M _____ Studying the soils, weather, climate and so on, in which plants and animals grow best _____ Plowing, planting, cultivating or harvesting crops _____ Trying out various methods of growing plants the best way _____ Breeding, raising, and caring for livestock such as cattle, sheep, hogs, and chicken N _____ Catching fish with nets, hooks, harpoons, spears or guns _____ Cleaning fish _____ Steering ships and plotting a course with the aid of a compass or a sextant _____ Standing watch on a ship to look out for rocks, lighthouses, buoys or other ships _____ Observing activity of fish to determine their habits and food requirements O _____ Using a trap to catch animals _____ Acting as a guide to hunting parties _____ Chopping or sawing down trees and trimming branches from trees using an ax or saw _____ Moving or piling up stacks of logs and loading and fastening logs with chains _____ Caring for forests by looking out for fires or tree diseases P _____ Designing machinery and mechanical or electrical equipment _____ Developing and executing plans for the construction of buildings or bridges _____ Using drafting tools to prepare detailed plans and drawings for building or machines 48 _____ Doing research in a chemical, physical or biological laboratory _____ Drawing maps Q _____ Taking apart mechanical things such as bicycles, automobile engines, pumps, typewriters, or guns and putting them back together again _____ Examining mechanical equipment for wear or damaged parts to see what needs to be done _____ Following complicated directions and diagrams to put parts of machines together _____ Tuning up motors to see that they are running right _____ Greasing and oiling machines R _____ Repairing electric stoves, refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, fans and motors _____ Studying the theory of electricity, including direct and alternating current, volts, amperes, etc. _____ Wiring, splicing, soldering, and insulating electrical connections _____ Building and testing radio sets _____ Changing fuses, repairing electric irons, wiring lamps, fixing light plugs and short circuits S _____ Working on scaffolds and climbing around on building while assembling large pieces with a hammer, rivets, or welding equipment _____ Painting, plastering, puttying, or paper hanging _____ Working with hand tools such as saws, plumb lines, rulers, and squares _____ Bending, threading, and fitting pipes, fixing drains and faucets _____ Doing carpentry, plumbing, floor-laying or roofing T _____ Assembling or repairing instruments such as watches, locks, cameras, fountain pens or field glasses _____ Examining, inspecting, and separating objects according to quality, size, color, or weight _____ Cutting and shaping glass or stone for jewelry and similar small articles _____ Cutting, shaping, and rolling dough for breads and pastries _____ Cutting, sewing, or repairing clothing, shoes, or other articles from cloth, leather, or fur U _____ Running lathes, drill presses, and other machine shop equipment _____ Making calculations to determine angles, curves, or shapes of small metal or wooden 49 parts _____ Pushing levers and buttons or turning hand wheels to start, stop, slow down or speed up machines _____ Operating heavy equipment to move dirt or rocks _____ Making parts and tools from metal V _____ Doing freehand lettering or copying sketches on wood, metal, canvas or film _____ Making photographic copies of drawings, records, or pictures for books or newspapers _____ Setting type by hand or machine for printing, or working with sizes, styles, and spacing of type or proofreading _____ Using soft crayon to copy maps, charts, posters, and drawings _____ Cutting designs or letters into metal, stone, or glass, using hand tools or engraving wheels W _____ Observing formulas, timing, temperature, and pressure directions _____ Handling or pouring hot metals, or plating metals _____ Operating furnaces, boilers, ovens, and other equipment _____ Grinding, mixing, or separating chemicals _____ Measuring, mixing, or cooking foods for canning SCORING THE CHECKLIST 5 4 3 2 1 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W First, count the number of checks in each group of activities. Then darken the bar graph above, beginning at the bottom, up to the appropriate level in that letter group. If there were no checks in any one group, leave the column bar blank. INTERPRETING YOUR SCORES A : Artistic B : Musical 50 C : Literary D : Entertainment E : Clerical and Sales: Technical Work F : Clerical and Sales: Computing Work G : Recording and General Clerical Work H : Public Contact Work I : Service Work: Public Service J : Service Work: Cooking K : Child Care L : Personal Service M : Farming N : Marine O : Forestry P : Engineering: Technical Work Q : Mechanical Work R : Electrical Work S : Structural Crafts T : Bench Crafts U : Machinery and Machine Operation V : Graphic Art Work W : Processing High Categories. List the letters of your four highest groups below. Next to each letter write the job category associated with that letter from the above list. By having these as your four highest categories, you are stating that, relative to all of the job characteristics listed, these are the most appealing to you. Look at the labels of these four categories and at the activities that make up those groups. Pay particular attention to any similarities among the types of activities involved. Checking the activities as you have done ranks these as important to you in your own vocational choice. If you have more than four groups high in number of checks, you are reporting a diversified interest pattern which probably allows you to choose from many jobs that will provide high satisfaction. Your highest level of job satisfaction will come from a position that allows you to be involved in as many of the checked activities as possible. 51 Low Categories. List the letters of your four lowest groups below. Next to each letter write the job category listed with that letter above. By ranking these as your lowest categories, you are reporting little interest in having these activities involved in your job or hobbies. You would likely be unhappy if you were to have a job that stressed these activities. If however, your job were also to emphasize these areas in which you scored high, your satisfaction would depend on the intensity of your likes and dislikes for these activities. If you find yourself having a job that does involve low ranked activities, involving yourself in hobbies that stress high-ranked ones may increase your overall satisfaction with work. 3. TELIC DOMINANCE SCALE Stephen Murgatroyd, Cyril Rushton, Michale Apter, and Collete Ray Presented below are 42 pairs of activities. Select the alternative within each pair that you would prefer, or that most nearly applies to the way you see yourself. Use a separate sheet for your answers. 1. a. Compile a short dictionary for financial reward. b. Write a short story for fun. 2. a. Going to evening class to improve your qualifications. b. Going to evening class for fun. 3. a. Improving a sporting skill by playing a game. b. Improving it through systematic practice. 4. a. Work that earns promotion. b. Work that you enjoy doing. 5. a. Planning your leisure. b. Doing things on the spur of a moment. 52 6. a. Going to formal evening meetings. b. Watching television for entertainment. 7. a. Investing money in a long-term insurance or pension scheme. b. Buying an expensive car. 8. a. Spending $200 having an enjoyable weekend. b. Spending $200 repaying a loan. 9. a. Fixing long-term life ambitions b. Living life as it comes. 10. a. Always trying to finish your work before you enjoy yourself. b. Frequently going out for enjoyment before all your work is finished. 11. a. Not needing to explain your behavior. b. Having purposes for your behavior. 12. a. Playing a game. b. Organizing a game. 13. a. Planning ahead. b. Taking each day as it comes. 14. a. Planning a holiday. b. Being on holiday. 15. a. Leisure activities which are just exciting. b. Leisure activities which have a purpose. 16. a. Spending one's life in many different places. b. Spending most of one's life in one place. 17. a. Having your tasks set for you. b. Choosing your own activities. 18. a. Staying in one job. b. Having many changes of job. 19. a. Seldom doing things for “kicks”. b. Often doing things for “kicks”. 53 20. a. Taking holidays in many different places. b. Taking holidays always in the same place. 21. a. Frequently trying strange foods. b. Always eating familiar foods. 22. a. Recounting an incident accurately. b. Exaggerating for effect. 23. a. Having continuity in the place where you live. b. Having frequent moves of house. 24. a. Taking risks. b. Going through life safely. 25. a. Winning a game easily. b. Playing a game with very close scores. 26. a. Steady routine in life. b. Continual unexpectedness or surprise. 27. a. Working in the garden. b. Picking wild fruit. 28. a. Traveling a great deal in one's job. b. Working in one office or workshop. 29. a. Going to a party. b. Going to a meeting. 30. a. Leisure activities. b. Work activities. 31. a. Going away on holiday for two weeks. b. Given two weeks of free time finishing a needed improvement at home. 32. a. Taking life seriously. b. Treating life lightheartedly. 33. a. Going to an art gallery to enjoy the exhibits. b. To learn about the exhibits. 54 34. a. Watching a game. b. Refereeing a game. 35. a. Eating special things because you enjoy them. b. Eating special things because they are good for your health. 36. a. Climbing a mountain to try to save someone. b. Climbing a mountain for pleasure. 37. a. Happy to waste time. b. Always having to be busy. 38. a. Watching a crucial match between two ordinary teams. b. Watching an exhibition game with star performers. 39. a. Glancing at pictures in a book. b. Reading a biography. 40. a. Reading for information. b. Reading for fun. 41. a. Arguing for fun. b. Arguing with others seriously to change their opinions. 42. a. Winning a game. b. Playing a game for fun. SCORING THE SCALE. To find your score, compare your answers to those on the scoring key. Give yourself one point for each match. To compute for your final score, add the total for question 1 through 14, and note it in the space below. Repeat this process for questions 15 through 28, and questions 29 through 42. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. SCORING KEY a a b a a a a b a 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 55 a b b a a b b a a 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. a b b a a b a a a b b b b 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. a b b b a b a b a b a TOTAL 1 – 14 _________ TOTAL 15 – 28 _________ TOTAL 29 – 42 _________ INTERPRETING YOUR SCORE This test is actually divided into three sub-tests pertaining to the three personality characteristics of planning orientation (Items 1-14), arousal avoidance (Items 15 – 28), and serious-mindedness (Items 29 – 42). These three personality characteristics can be important considerations in job or career satisfaction. The issue is not just whether you are high or low on one or all of these traits; it is, rather, how your level of each of these relates to the degree that that characteristic is required for a potential or a present job. To best interpret your scores, read the description of the subscales, and then think about how that trait is involved in your job preference. Look at your own score and compare each to the job requirements. Interpret your scores not as good or bad, but rather in terms of how your characteristics match those needed in your vocational or career preference. DESCRIPTION OF SUBSCALES 1. Planning Orientation (Items 1 – 14) : These questions measure how much an individual plans ahead and organizes in pursuit of goals rather than taking things as they come. High scorers are oriented toward the future and gain pleasure from the planning for goals as as from anticipated achievement. Low scorers, on the other hand, are “here-andnow” oriented, wanting pleasure from immediate behavior rather than from things sometime in the future. Very high scorers may be regarded as too future-oriented by friends 56 and work colleagues, perhaps to the point of being seen as rigid and non-spontaneous. Jobs that involve long-range program development or that hold out the possibility of future success (even at the sacrifice of present rewards) fit with high levels of planning orientation. 2. Arousal Avoidance (Items 15 – 28) : This scale measures the degree to which an individual avoids situations that generate stimulation or high arousal. If you scored high on this sub-scale, you probably seek out situations that have low arousal levels, such as jobs that require little travel, have a fixed schedule, and have a clear set of responsibilities. High scorers are generally more comfortable being able to predict their daily routines than having a life full of surprises. Low scorers are inclined toward change and adapt easily to new situations. 3. Serious-mindedness (Items 29 – 42) : This sub-scale measures the degree to which you are oriented toward goals which you see as important to yourself or those close to you. High scorers tend to be business- or work-oriented rather than into activities just for fun. They also avoid spending energy for goals which are seen as arbitrary or inessential. Jobs that primarily involve intellectual tasks fit well with high levels of this trait. 4. LIFE VALUES INVENTORY An Assessment of Values that Guides Behavior and Decision making Values are beliefs that influence people's behavior and decision-making. For example, if people believe that telling the truth is very important, they will try to be truthful when they deal with other people. On the following pages is a list of beliefs that guides people¡¦s behavior ad helps them make important decisions. Read each one and then choose the response (1-5) that best describes how often the belief guides your behavior. Almost Guides Behavior 1 Never My Sometimes Guides Behavior 2 EXAMPLE: 1. Being healthy 3 1 Almost Always Guides My Behavior My 4 2 3 5 4 5 If a belief in being healthy almost never guides your behavior, circle 1. If being healthy almost always guides your behavior, circle 5. If the best answer for you is between 1 and 5, circle the number 2,3, or 4 that most accurately describes how this belief guides your behavior. 57 Now you are ready to begin. Read each item carefully and circle only one response. Usually your first idea is the best indicator of how you feel. Answer every item. There are no right or wrong answers. Your choices should describe your own values, not the values of others. Almost Never Guides My Behavio r VALUES Someti mes Guides My Behavio r Almost Always Guides My Behavi or 1. Challenging myself to achieve 1 2 3 4 5 2. Being liked by others 1 2 3 4 5 3. Protecting the environment 1 2 3 4 5 4. Being sensitive to others and their needs 1 2 3 4 5 5. Coming up with new ideas 1 2 3 4 5 6. Having financial success 1 2 3 4 5 7. Taking care of my body 1 2 3 4 5 8. Downplaying compliments or praise 1 2 3 4 5 9. Being independent (doing things I want to do) 1 2 3 4 5 10. Accepting my place in my family or group 1 2 3 4 5 11. Having time to myself 1 2 3 4 5 12. Being reliable 1 2 3 4 5 13. Using science for progress 1 2 3 4 5 14. Believing in a higher power 1 2 3 4 5 15. Improving my performance 1 2 3 4 5 16. Being accepted by others 1 2 3 4 5 17. Taking care of the environment 1 2 3 4 5 18. Helping others 1 2 3 4 5 19. Creating new things or ideas 1 2 3 4 5 20. Making money 1 2 3 4 5 21. Being in good physical shape 1 2 3 4 5 22. Being quiet about my success 1 2 3 4 5 23. Giving my opinion 1 2 3 4 5 58 24. Respecting the traditions of my family or group 1 2 3 4 5 25. Having quiet time to think 1 2 3 4 5 26. Being trustworthy 1 2 3 4 5 27. Knowing things about science 1 2 3 4 5 28. Believing that there is something greater than 1 ourselves 2 3 4 5 29. Working hard to do better 1 2 3 4 5 30. Feeling as though I belong 1 2 3 4 5 31. Appreciating the beauty of nature 1 2 3 4 5 32. Being concerned about the rights of others 1 2 3 4 5 33. Discovering new things or ideas 1 2 3 4 5 34. Being wealthy (having lots of money, land or 1 livestock) 2 3 4 5 35. Being strong or good in a sport (being athletic) 1 2 3 4 5 36. Avoid credit for my accomplishments 1 2 3 4 5 37. Having control over my time 1 2 3 4 5 38. Making decisions with my family or group in mind 1 2 3 4 5 39. Having a private place to go 1 2 3 4 5 40. Meeting my obligations 1 2 3 4 5 41. Knowing about math 1 2 3 4 5 42. Living in harmony with my spiritual beliefs 1 2 3 4 5 LIFE VALUES INVENTORY SCORING SUMMARY Add up the ratings for each question. Record the total scores for each letter below and in the SCORES column on page 6. This will give you your scores for the 15 major life values identified by this inventory. A ______________ Questions 1 + 15 + 29 B ______________ Questions 2 + 16 + 30 C ______________ Questions 3 + 17 + 31 D ______________ Questions 4 + 18 + 32 E ______________ Questions 5 + 19 + 33 F ______________ Questions 6 + 20 + 34 G ______________ Questions 7 + 21 + 35 H ______________ Questions 8 + 22 + 36 59 I ________________Questions 9 + 23 + 37 J ________________ Questions 10 + 24 + 38 K ________________ Questions 11 + 25 + 39 L ________________ Questions 12 + 26 + 40 M________________ Questions 13 + 27 + 41 N ________________ Questions 14 + 28 + 42 LIFE VALUES INVENTORY VALUES PROFILE A ______ ACHIEVEMENT It is important to challenge yourself and work hard to improve. B ______ BELONGING It is important to be accepted by others and to feel included. C ______ CONCERN FOR THE ENVIRONMENT It is important to protect and preserve the environment. D ______ CONCERN FOR OTHERS The well-being of others is important. E ______ CREATIVITY It is important to have new ideas or to create new things. F ______ FINANCIAL PROSPERITY It is important to be successful at making money or buying property. G ______ HEALTH AND ACTIVITY It is important to be healthy and physically active. H ______ HUMILITY It is important to be humble and modest about your accomplishments. I ______ INDEPENDENCE It is important to make your own decisions and do things your way. J ______ LOYALTY TO FAMILY OR GROUP It is important to follow the traditions and expectations of your family or group. K ______ PRIVACY It is important to have time alone. L ______ RESPONSIBLITY It is important to be dependable and trustworthy. M ______ SCIENTIFIC UNDERSTANDING It is important to use scientific principles to understand and solve problems. N ______ SPIRITUALITY It is important to have spiritual beliefs and to believe that you are part of something greater than yourself. VI. REFERENCES American School Counselor Association (n.d.). 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