Earth Science Book Report Assignment for Science 9B

Science 9B
Mrs. Tabachnik
Jan 8, 2019
Earth Science Book Report
You are going to read a book that discusses a phenomena or area of the Earth. Based on this book,
you are going to create a poster that summarizes the main facts that you have learned.
Your poster must be at least one full page of paper (it can be bigger) and must be in color. You can
do it either by hand or using Powerpoint/slides/Publisher etc.
It must include…
The topic as a title
A subtitle with the name, authors, and page numbers (if relevant) of the book
One or more pictures/drawings that show the topic
At least 15 interesting facts about your topic
3 Questions of things you still do not know about the topic (even after reading the book)
that you think would be interesting to learn.
Correct spelling and grammar. (If you are unsure, show me your text ahead of time and I
will correct it for you)
The poster is due at the beginning of class on Thurs, Jan 31, 2019. Late posters will be docked 1
mark/day late.
Grading scheme:
Required elements
Information is accurate
Spelling and grammar
Science 9B
Mrs. Tabachnik
Jan 8, 2019