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TRUE AND FALSE - SECTION 1 - [Each answer is worth 1 point!]
Instructions: Use a #2 pencil on the scan sheet form. Erase cleanly any answer you wish to
change. Mark “A” if your answer is TRUE or YES. Mark “B” if your answer is FALSE or NO.
FFA MANUAL #s 1 - 15
1. National Farm & Ranch Management Teachers Association (NFRMTA) is one of the
organizations of the National Council for Agricultural Education.
2016 FFA Manual Page 8 FALSE
2. Over the past 85 years, FFA and agricultural education have grown to encompass all aspects
of agriculture, from production farming, agribusiness and forestry to biotechnology, genetic
engineering and food processing.
2016 FFA Manual Page 9 FALSE
3. The basic requirement for the Placement/Internship SAE is that you own the enterprise,
equipment and supplies, making the management decisions and taking financial risk, with the
ultimate goal of earning a profit.
2016 FFA Manual Page 10 FALSE
4. Three individuals who were instrumental in starting the organization were G.W. Owens and
J.R. Thomas, teacher educators in agricultural education at Virginia State College who co-wrote
a constitution and bylaws for the New Farmers of Virginia, and Dr. H.O. Sargent, a federal
agricultural education official who conceived the idea of the New Farmers of America
2016 FFA Manual Page 15 TRUE
5. The State FFA Degree charm or American FFA Degree key should be worn above the name
or attached to a standard degree chain.
2016 FFA Manual Page 25 TRUE
6. Chapter supplies, plaques, trophies and award pins can be ordered through the National FFA
Gold and Core catalogs.
2016 FFA Manual Page 27 FALSE
7. To be eligible to receive the Chapter FFA Degree from the chapter, a member must after
entering agricultural education must have earned and productively invested at least $300 by the
member’s own efforts; or worked at least 45 hours in excess of scheduled class time; or a
combination thereof; and have developed plans for continued growth and improvement in a
supervised agricultural experience program.
2016 FFA Manual Page 28 FALSE
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8. To be eligible to receive the American FFA Degree from the National FFA Organization, the
member must have participated in at least 50 hours of community service, within at least three
different community service activities and these hours are in addition to and cannot be
duplicated as paid or unpaid supervised agricultural experience hours.
2016 FFA Manual Page 29 & 30 TRUE
9. In 1782, the United States adopted as its emblem the eagle with outspread wings, a shield
upon its breast and holding an olive branch and a sheaf of arrows in its talons.
2016 FFA Manual Page 40 TRUE
10. Unfinished business and general orders are designed to consider motions that were pending
and items on the agenda that were not considered when the previous meeting adjourned,
motions that were postponed to the present meeting, and motions that were laid on the table.
2016 FFA Manual Page 50 TRUE
11. If discussion ventures away from the main motion and attention needs to be brought back to
the matter at hand, the chairman should tap the gavel twice to get the group’s attention.
2016 FFA Manual Page 52 FALSE
12. Most chapters select a general chairman for the FFA Banquet and form these committees:
Menu and serving; Program outline (including entertainment) and creation of the paper program;
Invitations, guest list, thank-you cards and letters; Room arrangement and decorations; Publicity
(before and after the event); Courtesy Corps, and; Set-up and clean-up.
2016 FFA Manual Page 53 TRUE
13. The FFA Brand Center, FFA.org/FFA-brand-center, is a new section of FFA.org that helps to
define the organization’s identity, tone and voice, and should be considered a resource center
as you create materials and messaging about local and state FFA activities and events.
2016 FFA Manual Page 56 TRUE
14. The focus of NLCSO is to help officer teams identify their strengths and weaknesses and
continue to develop individual leadership styles, which will enhance their ability to work together
as a team.
2016 FFA Manual Page 58 TRUE
15. The National Agriscience Fair Division II & IV are open to teams of two students in grades
seventh, eighth and ninth.
2016 FFA Manual Page 61 FALSE
4TH GRAY’S #s 16 - 30
16. An agenda or order of business might pertain to the time for starting chapter meetings, the
place where meetings will be held, the penalty for being late to a meeting, the changes to the
chapter program of activities, or the spending of chapter funds.
4th Edition Gray’s Page 27 FALSE
17. Unanimous (general) consent is frequently used in situations where standing rules need to
be suspended.
4th Edition Gray’s Page 27 TRUE
18. A division of the assembly must be requested before another motion has been stated and
may be requested even if another member has the floor.
4th Edition Gray’s Page 29 TRUE
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19. The term “Time Only” refers to being able to amend the motions to Close Nominations and
to Reopen Nominations by changing the motions to stipulate a specific time to Close
Nominations or to Reopen Nominations.
4th Edition Gray’s Page 31 TRUE
20. Parliamentary information desired by a member may pertain to the procedure for introducing
business, rules governing a motion, action to take concerning a pending question, which motion
to use, or the effect of a motion.
4th Edition Gray’s Page 33 TRUE
21. A motion can be withdrawn after voting has commenced if the member who made the
motion and the member who seconded the motion are in agreement.
4th Edition Gray’s Page 34 FALSE
22. The motion to discharge a committee is amendable in special cases, such as time or
4th Edition Gray’s Page 38 TRUE
23. Motions to purchase an item in the future, or to hold an FFA banquet next month, are
examples of actions that may be rescinded.
4th Edition Gray’s Page 41 TRUE
24. The motion to rescind may be amended if the motion contains multiple parts, one that a
person or group wishes to cancel but the other part or parts in deemed appropriate.
4th Edition Gray’s Page 42 TRUE
25. If it is desired to transact business out of the adopted order, when an order of business has
been adopted, it is necessary to suspend the rules, which requires a majority vote.
4th Edition Gray’s Page 56 FALSE
26. The treasurer’s report is checked by the auditing committee and the chapter will act upon
that report. For this reason, the chapter should not vote to accept the treasurer’s report.
4th Edition Gray’s Page 58 TRUE
27. If an objection is made to a correction of the minutes, a formal motion in the form of a
referral may be offered and voted on by the chapter.
4th Edition Gray’s Page 59 FALSE
28. A constitution is the authorization from a central or parent organization to establish a new
branch, chapter.
4th Edition Gray’s Page 64 FALSE
29. A “Constitution” is a set of rules in which a parent organization governs itself and all subgroups of that organization.
4th Edition Gray’s Page 64 TRUE
30. A “Mass Meeting” is a meeting that that is held for a special reason by a group of people
having a common interest.
4th Edition Gray’s Page 65 TRUE
31. The Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources (AFNR) cluster includes occupations and
careers in the planning, implementation, production, management, processing and/or marketing
of agricultural commodities and services, including food, fiber, wood products, natural
resources, vegetable, and other plant and animal products.
2016 Leadership Guide Page 3 FALSE
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32. The Foundation High School Program provides students with a flexible approach to pursuing
their interest and insuring readiness for college or a career.
2016 Leadership Guide Page 4 TRUE
33. “Effective Communications: Develops proactive, external communications strategies which
promote positive public perception of agricultural education and FFA and highly effective
internal communications networks which reach students, teachers, volunteers and other
stakeholders and supporters” is one of the fifteen strategic priorities of the Texas FFA
2016 Leadership Guide Page 5 FALSE
34. Governor Woodrow Wilson made the acceptance of the Smith-Hughes Act an item for the
first of three called special sessions of the 35th Legislature in 1917.
2016 Leadership Guide Page 6 FALSE
35. Arthur Ellis of New Waverly was elected president of the fledgling FFT organization, but
resigned his office a few months later, allowing E. J. Hughes of Dublin to serve as acting
president until the state association met again in Dallas in October of the same year.
2016 Leadership Guide Page 6 TRUE
36. Engaging the Alumni interest in launching an alumni association began as early as 1936
when the Texas FFA adopted language in its constitution that encouraged the formation of
alumni chapters, but there is no record of any of these local organizations.
2016 Leadership Guide Page 7 TRUE
37. Impressed with their conduct and appearance, Jay Eudy walked into the 41st Texas FFA
Convention, spending the better part of the morning watching the state officers conduct the
business of the state association and give eloquent presentations.
2016 Leadership Guide Page 7 FALSE
38. Current corporate partners include CEV Multimedia Ltd., CHS Foundation, Farm Credit,
Ford Motor Company/Texas Ford Dealers, Justin Boots, La Quinta Inn and Suites, Mahindra
Tractors-USA, McCoy's Building Supply Centers, Priefert Ranch Equipment, Texas Farm
Bureau, and the Texas National Guard.
2016 Leadership Guide Page 8 TRUE
39. A 19-member board of directors, comprised of active agricultural educators, business and
industry representatives and the managerial leadership of the VATAT and Texas FFA
Foundation, meets quarterly and provides governance and leadership to the state association.
2016 Leadership Guide Page 9 FALSE
40. The National FFA Organization does not exercise direct oversight, but establishes
boundaries through the provisions of the policies and governance over state association
2016 Leadership Guide Page 10 TRUE
41. The state-winning Environmental and Natural Resources CDE team will be certified to
compete in the national Environmental and Natural Resources CDE held in Indianapolis in
2016 Leadership Guide Page 24 TRUE
42. During the Tractor Technician CDE team members appraise components and parts of
tractors and agricultural implements and make recommendations for services needed and not
needed, complete a written exam and finally the team of three members, working as a group,
compete in locating and correcting five deliberately placed malfunctions in diesel fueled tractors
and safely navigate the repaired tractor through a driving course within the 25-minute time limit.
2016 Leadership Guide Page 26 TRUE
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43. Eight division Senior Prepared Public Speaking champions are chosen in the semifinal
round at the state FFA convention in July and an overall champion is selected in the final round.
2016 Leadership Guide Page 27 FALSE
44. The third place winner of the Soil and Water Stewardship Public Speaking event receives a
$1000 scholarship.
2016 Leadership Guide Page 27 TRUE
45. Ryan Mott Memorial Scholarship is an academic/leadership scholarship selected outside of
the regular academic scholarship program and memorializes Ryan Mott, 1997-98 State Vice
President from Area IV, and the Quanah FFA chapter, who passed away shortly after his term
of officer following a valiant battle with cancer.
2016 Leadership Guide Page 28 TRUE
FARM FACTS #s 46 – 60
46. Ruminants include pigs, cattle, buffalo, deer, elk and giraffes.
Farm Facts Page 18 FALSE
47. Goats have 60 chromosomes.
Farm Facts Page 18 TRUE
48. Quarter Horses are the most popular horse breed in the racing industry, but other breeds
also race on Texas racetracks such as: Thoroughbreds, Paint Horses, Arabians, and
Farm Facts Page 19 FALSE
49. A 2,500 pound mare produces four gallons of milk per day for her foal.
Farm Facts Page 22 FALSE
50. Corn harvest dates for Area 1 are mid-July – August.
Farm Facts Page 24 TRUE
51. Corn plant seedling reaches the surface in 8 to 12 days, at which time it splits open
revealing the first leaves of the corn plant.
Farm Facts Page 25 TRUE
52. One bale of cotton can make 2,104 pillowcases.
Farm Facts Page 28 FALSE
53. Grain sorghum varieties are used in the U.S. for livestock feed, pet food, industry and
Farm Facts Page 29 TRUE
54. Soft Red Winter wheat produces flour that is desirable for baked goods that have a tender,
flaky or crisp texture, like cakes, doughnuts, cookies and crackers.
Farm Facts Page 31 TRUE
55. Sixty pounds of wheat (a bushel) produces 60 pounds of white flour.
Farm Facts Page 32 FALSE
56. Cotton has been produced commercially in America for more than 300 years.
Farm Facts Page 32 FALSE
57. Medium-grain rice accounts for 1 to 2 % of U.S. rice production.
Farm Facts Page 33 FALSE
58. There are more than 40,000 varieties of cultivated rice said to exist.
Farm Facts Page 33 TRUE
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59. Due to its abundant sunshine, specialized manufacturing base, and growing research
institutions, Texas is well positioned to compete in the solar energy market.
Farm Facts Page 35 TRUE
60. Southern Power Company’s energy generating facility in Nacogdoches, Texas, is the largest
biomass power plant in the nation.
Farm Facts Page 36 FALSE
61. The key to deciphering the legislative process is in understanding that legislation is grouped
into three main categories: Authorizing legislation; Appropriation bill; and, Entitlement
Ag Issues & Briefs Page 3 TRUE
62. The U.S. Majority Leader is elected by the majority party and he or she serves as the
principal “voice” of the majority party and sets the legislative agenda for the Senate.
Ag Issues & Briefs Page 4 TRUE
63. In the U.S. House of Representatives, the Democratic Congressional Campaign
Committee is the principal fundraising vehicle for House Democrats and provides financial
assistance to promising candidates for the House.
Ag Issues & Briefs Page 5 TRUE
64. If an appropriation bill does not pass, then the department whose budget is being discussed
will shut down, and all nonessential employees will be temporarily out of work.
Ag Issues & Briefs Page 7 TRUE
65. A member from a "safe" district — where his or her reelection is not in jeopardy — and who
wants to be a leader in Congress, may want to be named to a powerful committee, such as
Foreign Relations, Judiciary, or the House Ways and Means.
Ag Issues & Briefs Page 8 TRUE
66. Since its creation on December 21, 1801, the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition &
Forestry has helped establish, guide, and examine agricultural policies here and abroad.
Ag Issues & Briefs Page 9 FALSE
67. In Texas, Called sessions are limited to a period of 60 days, during which the legislature is
permitted to pass laws only on subjects submitted by the governor in calling for the session.
Ag Issues & Briefs Page 12 FALSE
68. The WOTUS precedence formed the legal basis of the Clean Water Act, which empowered
the EPA and Army Corps of Engineers to regulate how much pollution any property owner,
business owner or government entity could discharge into the US waters.
Ag Issues & Briefs Page 13 TRUE
69. EPA officials went to great lengths to try and convince lawmakers their new definition of
“waters of the United States” didn’t expand the agency’s powers or create any new permitting
requirements for farmers and others most affected by the rule.
Ag Issues & Briefs Page 15 TRUE
70. In a House Agriculture Subcommittee on Conservation and Forestry hearing held the week
of May 16, witnesses discussed impacts of WOTUS on small family farms.
Ag Issues & Briefs Page 18 TRUE
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71. A requirement of the VFD policy is that a Veterinarian Client Patient Relationship (VCPR)
must be in place.
Ag Issues & Briefs Page 20 TRUE
72. Medically important antibiotics, which are essential to human medicine as outlined in
Guidance Document 213, are being added to the list of drugs being moved to VFD status.
Ag Issues & Briefs Page 21 TRUE
73. Currently (September 2015) there are three VFD drugs: florfenical (Nuflor, swine; Aquaflor,
aquaculture); avilamycin (Kavault, swine); and tilmicosin (Penicillin– swine, beef, dairy).
Ag Issues & Briefs Page 21 FALSE
74. The approximate weight range of the animals is option on a lawful VFD order.
Ag Issues & Briefs Page 23 TRUE
75. A second human case of E. coli was detected in a person in New York a month after the
case in Pennsylvania was diagnosed, according to Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, a
journal of the American Society for Microbiology.
Ag Issues & Briefs Page 26 TRUE
Department of Agricultural Sciences and Engineering Technology
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A Member of The Texas State University System
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MULTIPLE CHOICE – SECTION 2 - [Each answer is worth 1 point!]
Instructions: Use a #2 pencil on the scan sheet form to indicate your answer.
Erase cleanly any answer you wish to change.
FFA MANUAL #s 1 - 15
1. What should chapter decisions be based upon?
2016 FFA Manual Page 43
a. the constitution and bylaws
b. the Program of Activities
c. the school policy
d. the majority vote
e. the advisor and executive team approval
2. All of the following are divisions used to form POA committees except:
2016 FFA Manual Page 45
a. Environmental and Natural Resources
b. Alumni Relations
c. Human Resources
d. Citizenship
e. Agricultural Promotion
3. How should reports of special (select or ad hoc) committees that were established for a
specific project present their findings during a meeting?
2016 FFA Manual Page 50
a. in the order they are listed in the bylaws
b. in the order aligned with the POA
c. in the order the committees were appointed
d. in the order decided upon by the vice president
e. none of the above
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4. What is the rotation for the 212°?
2016 FFA Manual Page 58
2014-2015 Virtues Conference
2015-2016 Growth Conference
2016-2017 Virtues Conference
2016-2017 Grit Conference
2017-2018 Growth Conference
2018-2019 Virtues Conference
2014-2015 Status Conference
2015-2016 Growth Conference
2016-2017 Virtues Conference
2017-2018 Virtues Conference
2018-2019 Status Conference
2019-2020 Growth Conference
e. none of the above
5. The Blast Off conference specifically designed for all of the following, except:
2016 FFA Manual Page 58
a. Master speech development and delivery.
b. Presentation development and delivery techniques.
c. Identify strengths and individual contributions to the team.
d. Develop personal best assessment and personal growth plans.
e. Understand the key concept of stakeholders.
6. Which of the follow divisions of the National FFA Agriscience Fair is open to teams of two
members in grades 10th, 11th, and 12th?
2016 FFA Manual Page 61
a. Division I
b. Division II
c. Division III
d. Division IV
e. Division V
7. The purpose of which of the following awards is to recognize outstanding contributions made
at the national level to agricultural education and FFA program.
2016 FFA Manual Page 63
a. Honorary American FFA Degree - Other
b. Honorary American Degree - Teacher
c. VIP Citation
d. H.O. Sargent Award
e. Distinguished Service Citation
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P a g e | 10
8. The Chapter Star in Agriscience candidates will have an SAE in which the member is
actively engaged in agriscience research and experimentation in Animal Systems;
Plant Systems; Environmental Service/Natural Resource Systems; Food Products and
Processing Systems; Power, Structural and _____ Systems; Social Sciences or a combination
of these research areas.
2016 FFA Manual Page 64
a. Technical
b. Engineering
c. Electrical
e. Management
9. Who was the second National FFA President?
2016 FFA Manual Page 15
a. Harold Gum
b. Marvin Jagels
c. David Simmons
d. Wade Turner
e. Leslie Applegate
10. Where was Elbert Pettiford from?
2016 FFA Manual Page 16
a. Mississippi
b. Alabama
c. Georgia
d. South Carolina
e. North Carolina
11. Which of the following individuals was an agricultural educator from Virginia Tech?
2016 FFA Manual Page 16
a. Robert Boone
b. Walter S. Newman
c. H.O. Sargent
d. Arthur Lacey
e. Carlton Patton
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P a g e | 11
12. Which of the following is not a requirement to receive the American FFA Degree?
2016 FFA Manual Page 29
a. Have a record of outstanding leadership abilities and community involvement and have
achieved a high school scholastic record of “C” or better as certified by the principal or
b. Have graduated from high school at least 12 months prior to the national convention at which
the degree is to be granted.
c. Have participated in at least 100 hours of community service, within at least three
different community service activities. These hours are in addition to and cannot be
duplicated as paid or unpaid supervised agricultural experience hours.
d. Have received the State FFA Degree, have been an active member for the past three years
(36 months) and have a record of satisfactory participation in the activities on the chapter and
state levels.
e. Have satisfactorily completed the equivalent of at least three years (540 hours) of systematic
secondary school instruction in an agricultural education program, or have completed at least
the equivalent of 360 hours of systematic secondary school instruction in agricultural education
and one full year of enrollment in a postsecondary agricultural program, or have completed the
program of agricultural education offered in the secondary school last attended.
13. Which two officers speak during the Discovery FFA Degree Ceremony along with the
2016 FFA Manual Page 33 & 34
a. vice president and student advisor
b. president and vice president
c. president and secretary
d. reporter and secretary
e. vice president and treasurer
14. All of the following are educational programs, events and activities available at the national
convention and expo, except:
2016 FFA Manual Page 59 & 60
a. National career development events and award competitions.
b. National band, chorus and talent programs.
c. Leadership and career success workshops for high school members, middle school members
and agriculture educators.
d. Career and interview training activities
e. National FFA Days of Service
15. When considering the order of business, _____ and general orders are designed to consider
motions that were pending and items on the agenda that were not considered when the
previous meeting adjourned, motions that were postponed to the present meeting, and motions
that were laid on the table.
2016 FFA Manual Page 50
a. new business
b. agenda items
c. precedence
d. general rules
e. unfinished business
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4TH GRAY’S #s 16 - 30
16. _____, but are not limited to, unfounded appeals, irrelevant points of order, divisions without
merit and inappropriate or even ridiculous amendments; it the chair’s duty to prevent these type
of motions.
4th Edition Grays Page 9
a. Germane motions
b. Obstructive motions
c. Coronary motions
d. Dilatory motions
e. none of the above
17. Unless the rules of debate were _____, a member is entitled to speak twice on the same
proposal that is debatable, on the same day.
4th Edition Grays Page 10
a. incorrect
b. modified
c. improved
d. updated
e. none of the above
18. What are the pertinent facts to a motion that is made to have a counted standing vote, roll
call or ballot vote?
4th Edition Grays Page 12
a. Main in type and requires a second, is undebatable, amendable and requires a majority vote
b. Incidental in type and requires a second, is undebatable, amendable and requires a
majority vote
c. Incidental in type and requires a second, is debatable, amendable and requires a majority
d. Main in type and requires a second, is debatable, amendable and requires a majority vote
e. none of the above
19. Which of the following are the pertinent facts of the motion to lay on the table?
4th Edition Gray’s Page 17
a. A second is required; It is undebatable and unamendable; A two-thirds vote is necessary; It
cannot be reconsidered
b. A second is required; It is debatable and amendable; A majority or two-thirds vote is
necessary; It cannot be reconsidered
c. A second is required; It is undebatable and unamendable; A majority vote is necessary; It
cannot be reconsidered
d. A second is required; It is undebatable and unamendable; A majority vote is
necessary; It cannot be reconsidered
e. none of the above
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P a g e | 13
20. When would it be undesirable to place the action in question in a committee?
4th Edition Gray’s Page 19
a. to secure more detailed information,
b. to ensure privacy when dealing with a delicate matter,
c. to allow a more informal discussion of the item of business
d. to give a committee power to act.
e. none of the above
21. Which of the following are the pertinent facts of an Appeal from the Decision of the Chair?
4th Edition Gray’s Page 25 & 26
a. Recognition is necessary; It is debatable except in cases where it relates to indecorum
(improper conduct), priority of business or deviation from the rules of speaking; It requires a
second; It is not amendable; A majority vote or tie vote is required to sustain the chair; It may be
b. Recognition is not necessary; It is debatable except in cases where it relates to
indecorum (improper conduct), priority of business or deviation from the rules of
speaking; It requires a second; It is not amendable; A majority vote or tie vote is required
to sustain the chair; It may be reconsidered
c. Recognition is not necessary; It is not debatable except in cases where it relates to
indecorum (improper conduct), priority of business or deviation from the rules of speaking; It
requires a second; It is not amendable; A majority vote or tie vote is required to sustain the
chair; It may be reconsidered
d. Recognition is not necessary; It is debatable except in cases where it relates to indecorum
(improper conduct), priority of business or deviation from the rules of speaking; It requires a
second; It is not amendable; A majority vote or tie vote is required to overrule the chair; It may
be reconsidered
e. Recognition is not necessary; It is debatable except in cases where it relates to indecorum
(improper conduct), priority of business or deviation from the rules of speaking; It requires a
second; It is not amendable; A majority vote or tie vote is required to sustain the chair; It may
not be reconsidered
22. Rules of speaking deal with: the presenter of a motion offering remarks or debate before
presenting the motion, the time allotment (10 minutes), the number of debates per member (2)
per debatable motion, and the right of _____ for the presenter of the motion.
4th Edition Gray’s Page 26
a. the floor
b. the first discussion
c. first refusal of debate
d. precedence
e. first sine die
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P a g e | 14
23. Which of the following is FALSE about a division of the assembly?
4th Edition Gray’s Page 29
a. It may interrupt a speaker
b. A vote is not necessary
c. It can be reconsidered
d. It is undebatable and unamendable
e. A second is not required
24. Sometimes, an error is made by offering the motion “to _____ and elect by acclamation.”
4th Edition Gray’s Page 32
a. make nominations
b. close nominations
c. reopen nominations
d. cease nominations
e. B & D
25. Which of the following are the pertinent facts of parliamentary inquiry?
4th Edition Gray’s Page 33
a. Recognition is necessary; It is undebatable; It is unamendable; A vote is not required; It
cannot be reconsidered
b. Recognition is not necessary; It is undebatable; It is amendable; A vote is not required; It
cannot be reconsidered
c. Recognition is not necessary; It is debatable; It is amendable; A vote is not required; It cannot
be reconsidered
d. Recognition is not necessary; It is undebatable and unamendable; A vote is not required; It
can be reconsidered
e. None of the above
26. The motion to discharge a committee is in order only when the committee has _____.
4th Edition Gray’s Page 37
a. has made its final report to the assembly
b. not yet made its final report to the assembly
c. not started deliberations
d. not yet developed recommendations
e. has allocated or disbursed funds, if the committee had power to act.
27. What is previous notice?
4th Edition Gray’s Page 41
a. a written notice by a member of a society that he/she intends to try to cancel business that
was previously passed by that society
b. a written announcement by a member or committee of a society that business that was
passed will again be discussed
c. a verbal or written notice by a member of a society that he/she intends to try to cancel
business that was previously passed by that society
d. a verbal or written announcement by a member or committee of a society that business that
was passed will again be brought before the group for discussion
e. none of the above
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P a g e | 15
28. It is sometimes customary to adopt a program, or order of business, especially in _____ or
sessions lasting more than one day.
4th Edition Gray’s Page 56
a. meetings
b. business
c. chapters
d. conventions
e. none of the above
29, Which of the following is not part of an inclusive order of business?
4th Edition Gray’s Page 56 & 57
a. Order of the day.
b. Committee report: Special
c. Unfinished business.
d. Old business.
e. None of the business.
30. A copy of the treasurer’s report should be filed with the _____ and with the _____ for their
4th Edition Gray’s Page 58
a. treasurer; secretary
b. auditing committee; treasurer
c. financial committee; treasurer
d. auditing committee; secretary
e. financial committee; secretary
31. The Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources (AFNR) cluster includes occupations and
careers in the planning, _____, production, management, processing and/or marketing of
agricultural commodities and services, including food, fiber, wood products, natural resources,
horticulture, and other plant and animal products.
2016 Leadership Guide Page 3
a. designing
b. implementation
c. organization
d. development
e. scheduling
32. Which of the following is not one of the eight distinctive career AFNR pathways?
2016 Leadership Guide Page 3
a. Animal Systems
b. Food Products and Processing Systems
c. Biotechnology Systems
d. Power, Construction and Technical Systems
e. Environmental Service Systems
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P a g e | 16
33. One of the six strategic priorities of the Texas FFA is “Effective Communications.” Within
this priority communications networks should reach _____.
2016 Leadership Guide Page 5
a. volunteers
b. other stakeholders
c. teachers
d. supporters
e. all of the above
34. Three of the new programs were approved to begin December 1, 1917: Corsicana State
Orphans Home, _____ and Yancey.
2016 Leadership Guide Page 6
a. Ellis
b. College Station
c. Penelope
d. Dublin
e. Winters
35. Arthur Ellis of New Waverly was elected president of the fledgling organization, but resigned
his office a few months later, allowing _____ of Dublin to serve as acting president until the
state association met again in Dallas in October of the same year.
2016 Leadership Guide Page 6
a. Jim Wallrath
b. “Dick” Weekly
c. C.J. Davidson
d. E. J. Hughes
e. Fred McClure
36. Howard Strother, became the first president of the Texas FFA. Agricultural and Mechanical
College of Texas teacher educator E. R. Alexander is credited as being the father of the Texas
Future Farmer movement and served as the organization’s first advisor until _____.
2016 Leadership Guide Page 6
a. 1929
b. 1931
c. 1933
d. 1935
e. none of the above
37. Which chapter was officially chartered by the National Future Farmers of America one April
10, 1930?
2016 Leadership Guide Page 6
a. Dublin FFA chapter
b. Corsicana FFA chapter
c. Strothers FFA chapter
d. Winters FFA chapter
e. none of the above
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38. In ____, the racial wall that separated white and black began to crumble with the landmark
U.S. Supreme Court decision Brown v. Topeka Board of Education that held that separate
schools were inherently unequal.
2016 Leadership Guide Page 6
a. 1943
b. 1952
c. 1947
d. 1954
e. 1964
39. Girls were allowed to participate as FFA Sweethearts and some chapters designated a
female student to be the chapter’s _____.
2016 Leadership Guide Page 7
a. secretary
b. typist
c. historian
d. reporter
e. talent team
40. Interest in launching an alumni association began as early as _____ when the Texas FFA
adopted language in its constitution that encouraged the formation of alumni chapters, but there
is no record of any of these local organizations.
2016 Leadership Guide Page 7
a. 1930
b. 1934
c. 1936
d. 1944
e. 1954
41. At the state level, each star award winner receives a $1,000 _____.
2016 Leadership Guide Page 21
a. Justin Boots Star Award Scholarship
b. Dina Wallrath Robertson Memorial Scholarship
c. Texas FFA Award Scholarship
d. Richard Wallrath Star Award Scholarship
e. none of the above
42. The winner of the John Justin “Standard of the West” award will be highlighted in one of the
issues _____.
2016 Leadership Guide Page 21
a. of the Texas FFA Convention Chronicle
b. of the Texas FFA News online
c. of the Texas FFA Magazine
d. of the Texas FFA Website
e. of the Texas FFA social media
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43. When was the first official FFA speaking event held?
2016 Leadership Guide Page 27
a. June 15, 1931
b. June 21, 1931
c. May 20, 1928
d. June 15, 1928
e. April 20, 1931
44. Which event requires contestants to identify insects?
2016 Leadership Guide Page 24
a. Environmental and Natural Resources
b. Food Science and Technology
c. Agronomy
d. Forestry
e. none of the above
45. For which of the following do contestants complete at the state event at Sam Houston State
2016 Leadership Guide Page 25
a. Land Evaluation
b. Forestry
c. Entomology
d. Homesite Evaluation
e. Marketing Plan
FARM FACTS #s 46 – 60
46. What percentage of small family principal operators are female?
2016 Farm Facts Page 5
a. 21%
b. 18%
c. 15%
d. 12%
e. 11%
47. Which of the following is not one of the top five agricultural commodities as based upon the
Texas Agricultural Cash Receipts?
2016 Farm Facts Page 8
a. Cotton
b. Broilers
c. Dairy Products
d. Rice
e. Greenhouse/nursery
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48. When was the Humane Slaughter Act passed?
2016 Farm Facts Page 9
a. 1875
b. 1907
c. 1927
d. 1958
e. 1978
49. In 2012, what percentage of dairy farms were family owned or individually owned in the
United States?
2016 Farm Facts Page 10
a. 45%
b. 51%
c. 68%
d. 77%
e. 85%
50. Which of the following essential nutrients found in milk helps build and repair body tissues?
2016 Farm Facts Page 11
a. Folate
b. Calcium
c. Protein
d. Niacin
e. Folate
51. Where were pigs first commercially harvested?
2016 Farm Facts Page 14
a. Cuba
b. Cincinnati
c. New York City
d. Boston
e. New Orleans
52. There are over _____ sheep and lamb operations in Texas and over 68,000 in the United
2016 Farm Facts Page 17
a. 5,000
b. 6,000
c. 7,000
d. 8,000
e. 9,000
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53. Spanish conquistadors introduced cows and horses to the Texas area around _____.
2016 Farm Facts Page 19
a. 1462
b. 1506
c. 1541
d. 1685
e. 1797
54. In regards to corn harvesting, _____ is considered the Texas Panhandle.
2016 Farm Facts Page 24
a. Area 1
b. Area 2
c. Area 3
d. Area 4
e. Area 5
55. Not only is grain sorghum an important grain crop, it is also very important as a forage, hay,
and silage crop generating more than _____ for Texas annually.
2016 Farm Facts Page 28
a. $1 billion
b. $500 million
c. $250 million
d. $25 million
e. $2.5 million
56. Spring wheat is planted in _____ and harvested in August or September.
2016 Farm Facts Page 31
a. December or January
b. January or February
c. February or March
d. March or April
e. none of the above
57. Wheat classes are determined by time of year they are planted and harvested, _____, color
and shape of kernels.
2016 Farm Facts Page 31
a. clarity
b. hardness
c. density
d. viability
e. none of the above
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58. Much of the wheat used for livestock and poultry feed is a by-product of the _____.
2016 Farm Facts Page 31
a. grain industry.
b. bread and cereal industry.
c. food processing industry.
d. feed industry.
e. none of the above
59. Developing countries have long depended on the versatility and _____ of rice.
2016 Farm Facts Page 33
a. high fiber
b. variability
c. low caloric value
d. high caloric value
e. cook ability
60. _____ ethanol is produced using a method similar to the corn-based ethanol process.
2016 Farm Facts Page 36
a. Sugar-based
b. Biomass
c. Cellulosic
d. Algea
e. none of the above
61. _____ leads the Policy Committee in developing minority policy positions?
2016 Issues and Briefs Page 4
a. Assistant Minority Leader
b. Democratic Whip
c. Republican Whip
d. Majority Leader
e. Democratic Policy Committee Chairman
62. Which part of the United States government ratifies treaties?
2016 Issues and Briefs Page 3
a. House of Representatives
b. Congress
c. United States Senate
d. the President of the United States (POTUS)
e. the Supreme Court
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63. _____ is a measure that guarantees a certain level of benefits to persons who meet
eligibility requirements set by law, such as Medicare, Medicaid and college student loan
2016 Issues and Briefs Page 3
a. Appropriations bill
b. Authorizing legislation
c. Entitlement legislation
d. Action legislative bill
e. Federal Component bill
64. Who mobilizes support for party positions on key votes and works to maintain lines of
communication between minority leadership and rank-and-file Members.
2016 Issues and Briefs Page 5
a. Minority Whip
b. Majority Whip
c. Majority Leader
d. Speaker Pro Tempore
e. none of the above
65. Which of the following is not a U.S. Senate Standing Committee?
2016 Issues and Briefs Page 8
a. Armed Services
b. Foreign Relations
c. Environment and Public Works
d. Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs
e. Resources
66. Which of the following is an important topic the Senate Agriculture, Nutrition & Forestry
Committee is facing during the 114th Congress, 2nd Session?
2016 Issues and Briefs Page 9
a. Review of Conservation of Wildlife Provisions
b. Settlement of Ag Subsidy Payment levels
c. Setting Standards of Grain Production
d. Evaluating Beef Production Rules
e. Addressing Organic Livestock and Poultry Production Standards
67. The expansion of the order went into effect on _____, however, only a small number of
antibiotics (tilmicosin, florfenicol, and avilamycin) were affected
2016 Issues and Briefs Page 20
a. December 1, 2011
b. October 1, 2015
c. June 21, 2016
d. May 24, 2014
e. May 16, 2011
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68. As established by the Texas Constitution, members must be at least _____ years of age, a
citizen of Texas for two years prior to election, and a resident of the district from which elected
one year prior to election.
2016 Issues and Briefs Page 11
a. 18
b. 19
c. 20
d. 21
e. none of the above
69. Full implementation of FDA Guidance #213 including phasing numerous over-the-counter
feed-grade antibiotics to VFD status will take place on _____.
2016 Issues and Briefs Page 20
a. December 1, 2011
b. October 1, 2015
c. June 21, 2016
d. May 24, 2014
e. January 1, 2017
70. In _____, half of all the native-born men in the U.S. labor force were high school dropouts
eager to take unskilled outdoor jobs in agriculture and construction.
2016 Issues and Briefs Page 30
a. 1950
b. 1960
c. 1970
d. 1980
e. 1990
71. Who is the AFBF Farm Labor Specialist?
2016 Issues and Briefs Page 31
a. Michael Bloomberg
b. Kristi Boswell
c. Zippy Duvall
d. Donald Trump
e. Joe Arpaio
72. Bacteria in raw milk can cause a number of illnesses including tuberculosis, brucellosis,
_____, and listeriosis.
2016 Issues and Briefs Page 39
a. endemic diarrhea
b. asthma
c. leptospirosis
d. salmonellosis
e. spongiform encephalitis
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73. The main sign of _____ infection is diarrhea, which often is bloody.
2016 Issues and Briefs Page 42
a. salmonella
b. toxoplasma
c. listeria
d. shigella
e. campylobacter
74. _____ is an infection caused most often by eating raw or undercooked contaminated pork.
2016 Issues and Briefs Page 43
a. Yersiniosis
b. Shigellosis
c. Spirogyra
d. Listerosis
e. Escherichia coli
75. When were gestation stall first introduced as a way to help protect and nurture sows during
2016 Issues and Briefs Page 47
a. 1940’s
b. 1950’s
c. 1960’s
d. 1970’s
e. 1980’s
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