Plate Tectonics & Tsunamis Worksheet: Philippines

Name:_____________________________________ Date:______________ Grade & Section:_________ Score: ________
Multiple Choice
Directions: Encircle the letter of your chosen answer.
1. How are tsunamis generated?
a. Through the subduction of the plate to the crust.
b. Through the subduction of the plate to the mantle.
c. Through the occurrence of strong underwater earthquakes.
2. How does the Philippine Trench and East Luzon Troughs form?
a. Through the subduction of the Philippine Sea Plate beneath the archipelago.
b. Through the subduction of the Eurasian plate.
c. Through the collision of the Eurasian plate and Philippine plate.
3. What caused the molten material in the mantle to rise and reach the crust?
a. Addition of volatile materials such as water.
b. Addition of another molten materials.
c. Occurrence of tsunamis
4. When two oceanic plates collide, one crust usually subducts beneath the other. Why does this happen?
a. Due to mass difference
b. Due to density difference
c. Due to other surrounding plates
5. How is the Philippine archipelago form?
a. The convergence of Eurasian plate and Philippine plate.
b. By the convergence of Pacific plate and Eurasian plate.
c. Convergence of North American plate and Philippine plate.
Essay (5pts.)
1. Explain how volcanic arcs are formed.
Name:_____________________________________ Date:______________ Grade & Section:_________ Score: ________
Multiple Choice
Directions: Encircle the letter of your chosen answer.
6. How are tsunamis generated?
d. Through the subduction of the plate to the crust.
e. Through the subduction of the plate to the mantle.
f. Through the occurrence of strong underwater earthquakes.
7. How does the Philippine Trench and East Luzon Troughs form?
d. Through the subduction of the Philippine Sea Plate beneath the archipelago.
e. Through the subduction of the Eurasian plate.
f. Through the collision of the Eurasian plate and Philippine plate.
8. What caused the molten material in the mantle to rise and reach the crust?
d. Addition of volatile materials such as water.
e. Addition of another molten materials.
f. Occurrence of tsunamis
9. When two oceanic plates collide, one crust usually subducts beneath the other. Why does this happen?
d. Due to mass difference
e. Due to density difference
f. Due to other surrounding plates
10. How is the Philippine archipelago form?
d. The convergence of Eurasian plate and Philippine plate.
e. By the convergence of Pacific plate and Eurasian plate.
f. Convergence of North American plate and Philippine plate.
Essay (5pts.)
2. Explain how volcanic arcs are formed.