Exploration Day One


Exploration Day One:

Please fill in the blanks using the Powerpoint. Answer the questions below.


 Henry the Navigator:

 Vasco Da Gama:

 Christopher Columbus:

 Ferdinand Magellan:

 Circumnavigate:

 Francis Drake:

 Spanish Armada:

The Big Idea

 European explorers made discoveries that brought _____________________,

__________________, and ________________________ to their countries.

Main Ideas

 Europeans had the _________________ and ______________________ to explore.

 Portuguese and Spanish _________________________led to discoveries of new

____________________, ______________________, and


 English and French explorers found ________________ in


 A new European _______________________ developed because of the discoveries.

Desire and Opportunity to Explore:

 European explorers made discoveries that brought knowledge, wealth, and influence to their countries. o An interest in discovery and exploration grew in ________________in the

_________________________. o Improvements in n_______________ tools, ____________________, and

___________________________ allowed European sailors to go farther than ever before.

 Reasons to Explore o People in Europe wanted ________________ from _________________. Italy and ___________ controlled the _____________________ and charged high prices.

o Europeans wanted to find their ___________________ routes so they wouldn’t have to _________________ the fees. o ______________________wanted to spread their_________________ about

_____________________to other parts of the _______________________. o Advances in ______________________ made exploration possible.

 Advances in Technology o Sailors now had ____________________ such as the ______________ and the

_____________________ to find new ___________________. o More accurate ____________________allowed ________________ to travel from one ___________________ to the next by using the

___________________________ and by not having to follow the

_____________________. o Shipbuilders, especially the ______________________, made new

__________________ with better ___________________ and better


Portuguese and Spanish Exploration:

 Portuguese and Spanish explorations led to discoveries of new trade routes, lands, and people. o Prince ___________________________ was responsible for most of

_________________success on the seas. He built an _____________________ and a ___________________________ school and paid people to

________________ on explorations.

 Africa o In 1498 ______________________ sailed around__________________ and landed on the west coast of ______________________. o This established the sea route to _____________________.

 A “New World” o Spanish explorers called the ________________ the “____________________.” o One ______________ sailor, _____________________, believed that he could reach ____________________ by sailing _______________ across the

________________________. o The king and queen of _____________ gave __________________ the money to make his journey. o In _________________________ Columbus landed on a

_______________________ in the_____________________. He believed that he had reached ______________________. o __________________________ was the first explorer to sail around the tip of

______________________ and _____________________, or go all the way around, the globe.

****The first people to “discover the Americas were the Vikings”****

 Conquest of America o When ________________ explorers arrived in ______________________, the

____________________ and ____________________ empires were at the

_____________________ of their powers. o Spanish explorers in the New World found ___________ and

_________________as they conquered the ___________________- there. o They also passed along _________________ to the _____________peoples that killed possibly more than __________________________ of them.

Europeans in America

 Exploring New Lands o Since the ____________________ and ____________________ already held the

_________________routes through the Americas, the _____________________ and ________________ explored northern routes. o The ________________ sailor ___________________- sailed along North

America’s coast in search of the __________________ passage. o Although a northern route to ___________ was not _________________-, these explorers claimed __________________ lands for their counties. o The French established ____________________________-in present-day

___________________ in the early ____________________. o In 1607, ___________________ established _____________________. o The _________________ established the settler colony of


 Competing for Land and Wealth o The Spanish _________________ the __________________ and

_____________________ from the former _______________ and

________________ empires. o An English sailor named ___________________ began stealing

________________ and _____________________- from the Spanish ships

 Defeat of the Spanish Armada o The Spanish were ________________ with the English for these

______________ and sent __________________, known as the_______________________________, to

______________________________ England. o The ___________ ships were ___________ and had better __________. They were able to defeat the __________.

A New European World View

 A new European worldview developed because of the discoveries. o The explorations brought new __________________ and _______________ and

_______________ that some old __________________ were _______________.

o _________________ made ________________ maps that reflected new

__________________. o New trade routes gave more _____________ for _________________ and

__________________. o Europeans spread their _______________ around the world by establishing

___________________ and setting up new trade ____________________.
