movie-worksheet-friends-thanksgiving-xmas (1)

Movie worksheet for the TV series FRIENDS Season 4, episode 8
'The One with Chandler'
Which is about another one of their Thanksgiving gatherings.
You can stream this episode on for instance.
You can have your students watch this episode with (or without) English subtitles or
those of their mother tongue depending on the proficiency level of pupils. Not only is
the American holiday of Thanksgiving mentioned a lot in this part but also many
traditions that are to do with Christmas. I showed this episode to German learners
(beginners/elementary students) with the German subtitles on. I had them form two
groups wheras one group was supposed to note everything to do with Thanksgiving,
the second team had to write down anything referring to Xmas. Afterwards, they
should create a mind map / a word cloud (perhaps on a big sheet of paper) or a
wordle ( for the respective topic.
At you might find something about thanksgiving
These are the keywords you will come across during the episode ('advent' and 'Black
Friday' are my extra ideas):
Secret Santa
Giving thanks
The spirit of Thanksgiving
The spirit of Christmas
Thanksgiving parade
Xmas gifts
Family dinner
To exchange a gift
Xmas Day
Mashed potatoes
Merry Xmas!
Black Friday
Black Friday
Note this saying: 'Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.' and let students find an
equivalent – ideally a rhyming one – in their native language. For German it would
be something along the lines of „Was du nicht willst, das man dir tu, das füg' auch
keinem Andern zu.; „Wer Andern eine Grube gräbt, fällt selbst hinein.“; „Gib kein
Versprechen, das du nicht halten kannst.“