Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton 10 (1-2): 342 (1988) - abbrev. as "Cell Motil. Cytoskel." Optical Approaches to the Dynamics of Cellular Motility: A Marine Biological Laboratory Centerary Symposium in Honor of Robert D. Allen Woods Hole, MA, USA, 5-8 October 1987 See also: (talks only listed here) Another (similar) paper (with an illustration): Ellis G.W. (1988) Scanned aperture light microscopy. In: Proceedings of the Forty-sixth Annual Meeting of EMSA. San Francisco Press, San Francisco, pp 48-49 (Proceedings of the Electron Microscopical Society of America) page 342 © 1988 Alan R. Liss, Inc. (now "Wiley-Liss, Inc.")