Gender Intelligence Report

Gender Intelligence
(under the guidance of Prof)
By :
Group 1 Section A
1. Introduction
Neuroscience has shown that the brains of men and women are hardwired differently.
These differences affect how both genders think, communicate, and behave. In the
workplace, this often leads to communication misunderstandings, which can be avoided by
building gender intelligence.
Gender Intelligence is an understanding of and appreciation for the natural differences
between men and women that goes beyond the biological and cultural to include variations
in brain structure and chemistry that influence thoughts and actions. Gender Intelligence is
the awareness that gender differences are first informed by nature, and then influenced by
family, education, culture, and environment.
It is an evaluation between men and women based on their value and recognizing the
uniqueness and differences of each gender capabilities and increasing productivity. It is not
about comparing men and women just based on their sheer numbers.
Only 20% of the thinking of males and female overlap and rest 80% don’t , and you can’t compete
with each other when you have different thinking.
2. Objective
Since Gender Intelligence is a misunderstood topic, first our objective was to find out about
its awareness level and identifying whether or not people are confusing it with Gender
equality and thereby spreading awareness about the same. Then using the primary data
gathered and observing the social trends analyse the need of Gender Intelligence. After the
analysis and studying previous research, identifying the benefit the organization can derive
from Gender Intelligence. Finally finding the methods to implement Gender Intelligence and
suggest the same to the organizations.
3. Methodology
First, a thorough research on gender intelligence was conducted to enhance our knowledge
for the same and use it later on to analyze the primary data collected.
After research, questionnaire was created to find out awareness level and how an
organization can tap on to the potential of gender intelligence to increase its productivity.
Two questionnaire was devised depending on whether the person being surveyed was
student or an employee. For both the subgroups the question asked were consist of two
parts , first whether there current course for the career was same or different from their
desired career path and second, was there comfortability level in the discussions conducted
in the organization or college.
Current Course vs
desired course
Feel Ease in Student
Level of Awareness
Current Role vs
Desired Role
Feel Ease in
Level of Awarness
The following questionnaire was developed and data from more than 200 candidates were
collected :-
 Gender of your current or last Manager/Supervisor ?
o Male
o Female
 Are you satisfied with your current or previous role in the organization ?
o Yes
o No
o Not Sure
 Which Role do your think suit you the most ?(Descriptive Question)
Do you believe your manager and team are able to properly utilize your skill?
o Yes
o No
o Not Sure
Does your manager give you task based on your skills or according to companies
o Skill Oriented
o Company Oriented
Does the gender of manager matter to you ?
o Yes
o No
Which Manager is best able to use your skill ?
o Male
o Female
o Doesn’t Matter
Have you felt constraints in professional life because of your gender ?
o Yes
o No
Do you think your skills if used properly can help your organization ?
o Yes
o No
o Not Sure
Are you aware of difference between gender intelligence and gender equality?
o Yes
o No
The role in which you are working is :
o Male Dominated
o Female Dominated
The role in which you want to work is :
o Male Dominated
o Female Dominated
o Doesn’t Matter
Do you think giving equal opportunity ensure fairness ?
o Yes
o No
Will you promote someone who is better even though it may effect the gender
equality of the organization?
o Yes
o No
Will you switch job to find better work life balance ?
o Yes
o No
Similar type of questionnaire was also made for students where in place of organization,
college/institute based questions were asked .
4. Results & Conclusions
In our survey, we found almost 70% of the people agreed that they know the difference
between Gender intelligence and gender intelligence. However, this result seems wrong, as
gender intelligence is a relatively new concept. Therefore, there is a good chance that
people are actually confused between two. This can be inferred again, from the question
‘does equal opportunity ensures fairness?’ and 93% people said yes. Which means people
think gender intelligence is similar to gender equality implying they are confused.
Are you aware about difference between Gender Intelligence and Gender Equality?
Does equal opportunity ensure fairness?
Do you believe your manager and team are able to properly utilize your skill?
Approximately 50 % of the sample think that the supervisor are not able to utilize their skill
Does your manager give you task based on your skills or according to companies
Approximately 80% employees are given organization oriented task rather than task based
on their skills which is actually very inefficient as the employee will not be able to perform
their fullest if they are not given task based on their skill.
Have you felt constraints in professional life because of your gender and do you
think your skills if used properly can help your organization?
Approximately 80 % of the sample have not faced gender discrimination and have gotten
equal opportunities but as seen from the data above, still their skills have not being used
efficiently and 95 % of the sample thinks that their skills are relevant for the organization
but are not used optimally.
Will you promote someone who is better even though it may effect the gender
equality of the organization?
Approximately 84 % of the people are willing to promote talent even though it may affect
the gender ratio in the organization, which implies that they willing to adapt to Gender
intelligence but they are not willing to compromise on the performance.
5. Recommendations
After analysis, we divided our sample into four categories: Strongly agrees and are willing to
implement Gender Intelligence, Agrees, Confused, and Disagree.
For strongly agrees and are willing to implement GI, we do not need to do much but just
give them a direction. For Agrees but are not taking steps, we need to identify the obstacles
or reasons for the same. For confused people, we need to organize awareness programmes
and provide them with conclusive data, which can help them take action. For people who
disagree, we need to take it slow to change them and indirectly influence them
Instead of Competition, male and female should collaborate. Males have a better problem
solving skills and they take all the variables in account. However, in all males group if you
introduce female, which gives them new perspective to think about the solution, improves
qualitatively. This approach helps a lot in FMCG companies where the consumer group
varies and only taking one perspective is not enough.
6. References
Doreen Kimura, University of Western Ontario :- ARE MEN'S AND WOMEN'S BRAINS
REALLY DIFFERENT? Canadian Psychology/Psychologie Canadienne, 1987, 28:2
Gender Intellingence by Barbara Annis and Keith Merron