SULIT 1 4551 4551 BIOLOGI MAC 2017 1 Jam SEKOLAH MENENGAH KEBANGSAAN AGAMA WATANIAH PEPERIKSAAN AWAL TAHUN TINGKATAN 4 2017 BIOLOGI Satu jam JANGAN BUKA KERTAS SOALAN INI SEHINGGA DIBERITAHU 1. Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 20 soalan soalan objektif dan 2 soalan struktur. Jawab semua soalan. 2. Jawab dengan menghitamkan satu ruangan sahaja bagi setiap soalan dalam kertas jawapan objektif. 3. Kertas soalan ini adalah dalam bahasa melayu. 4. 5. 4551 Rajah yang mengiringi soalan dimaksudkan untuk memberi maklumat yang berguna bagi menjawab soalan. Rajah tidak dilukis mengikut skala kecuali dinyatakan sebaliknya. Penggunaan kalkulator saintifik yang tidak boleh diprogramkan adalah SULIT SULIT 4551 dibenarkan. ______________________________________________________________________ Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 12 halaman bercetak termasuk kulit. Disediakan oleh Disemak oleh Disahkan oleh Zuhazaid Tuan Harith En. Zulkifli Abdullah Hj. Abdul Rahman Mahmood 1. Maklumat berikut berkaitan suatu organel dalam sel tumbuhan. Guru Biologi KB Sains & Matematik Pengetua Kantung bermembran yang membentuk sebahagian besar sel matang. mengandungi air, makanan, garam dan bahan kumuh. Bahagian manakah yang berlabel, A, B, C dan D yang merupakan organel ini? A B C D 2. Rajah menunjukkan suatu organel. Apakah proses yang berlaku dalam organel ini? 4551 A Osmosis B Resapan SULIT SULIT C D 4551 4551 Respirasi Fotosintesis SULIT SULIT 3. 4551 Rajah menunjukkan sejenis tisu dalam haiwan. Apakah nama tisu tersebut? 4. A Tisu epitelium B Tisu penghubung C Tisu otot licin D Tisu otot rangka Rajah menunjukkan satu proses oleh Amoeba sp. Organel manakah yang TIDAK terlibat dalam proses di atas? 4551 A Lisosom B Vakuol makanan C Pseudopodium D Vakuol mengecut SULIT SULIT 5. 4551 Jadual menunjukkan ciri tisu tumbuhan X. Terdiri daripada sel rakan Mengandungi tiub tapis Namakan proses yang berlaku dalam tisu X? A Penyerapan B Pembiakan C Transpirasi D Translokasi 6. Rajah menunjukkan struktur membran plasma. X Y Bahagian berlabel X dan Y adalah X 4551 Y A Protein Liang Protein Liang B Protein Pembawa Protein Pembawa C Protein Pembawa Protein Liang D Protein Liang Protein Pembawa SULIT SULIT 4551 7. Rajah menunjukkan sejenis proses pengangkutan dalam Pam Natrium-Kalium dalam sel. Apakah yang terlibat dalam proses tersebut? A Osmosis B Resapan C Plasmolisis D Pengangkutan aktif 8. Maklumat merujuk kepada keadaan sel darah merah apabila direndam dalam suatu larutan. Sel mengecut Membran plasma menjadi berkedut Apakah proses yang dialami oleh sel tersebut? A Krenasi B Hemolisis C Plasmolisis D Deplasmolisis 4551 SULIT SULIT 4551 9. Proses manakah yang tidak menggunakan tenaga daripada proses respirasi sel? A Penghantaran impuls saraf B Pengangkutan aktif glukosa dalam vlius C Pembentukan gamet di gonad D Resapan oksigen merentasi permukaan alveolus 10. Apakah proses yang berlaku dalam sel rambut akar tumbuhan dalam keadaan ketiadaan oksigen? A Pengangkutan aktif dan osmosis B Pengangkutan aktif dan resapan C Pengangkutan aktif D Resapan 11 . Sel bawang berikut direndam dalam empat larutan berbeza kepekatan. Sel manakah yang direndam dalam larutan hipotonik? 4551 A C B D SULIT SULIT 4551 12. Graf menunjukkan perubahan panjang jalur ubi kentang dalam larutan berbeza. Panjang jalur ubi kentang /cm A B C D Masa / min Lengkung manakah A, B, C dan D menunjukkan perubahan panjang ubi kentang di dalam air suling? 13. Yang manakah menunjukkan struktur polisakarida? A B C D 4551 SULIT SULIT 14. 4551 Berapa banyak unit asas yang membentuk struktur DNA dalam rajah di bawah? . A. 3 B. 6 C. 9 D. 18 15. Rajah menunjukkan tindakan suatu enzim ke atas sukrosa. Q R P Apakah P, Q dan R? P 4551 Q R A Lactase Glucose Lactose B Sucrase Glucose Fructose C Sucrase Lactose Fructose D Lactase Galactose Lactose SULIT SULIT 4551 16. Rajah menunjukkan satu struktur protein. Apakah yang terbentuk daripada struktur di atas? A. Enzim B. Hormon C. Antibodi D. Haemoglobin 17. Yang manakah menunjukkan kesan pH ke atas aktiviti enzim pepsin? A. B. Kadar tindakbalas Kadar tindakbalas 0 C. 14 pH 0 7 14 pH D. Kadar tindakbalas 4551 7 Kadar tindakbalas SULIT SULIT 4551 0 4551 7 14 pH 0 7 14 pH SULIT SULIT 4551 18. Rajah menunjukkan kitar sel suatu organisma. Interfasa X Yang manakah merupakan urutan yang betul bagi proses X? A. Telofasa Anafasa Metafasa Profasa B. Anafasa Metafasa Profasa Telofasa C. Profasa Metafasa Anafasa Telofasa D. Profasa Anafasa Metafasa Telofasa 19. Bilangan kromosom dalam sel kulit seekor kucing adalah 24 Berapakah bilangan kromosom dalam sel ovum kucing tersebut? A 12 B 24 C 36 D 48 4551 SULIT SULIT 20. 4551 Rajah menunjukkan satu sel organisma yang sedang menjalani pembahagian sel. Apakah fasa yang ditunjukkan oleh sel tersebut? A. Prophase I B. Prophase II B. Metaphase I D. Metaphase II 21. Rajah menunjukkan beberapa peringkat dalam mitosis. Y Bagaimanakah perlakuan kromosom pada peringkat Y. A. Kromosom menebal dan memendek B. Kromosom tersusun pada satah khatulistiwa C. Kromosom homolog berpasangan dan pindah silang berlaku D. Kromosom homolog berpisah dan bergerak ke kutub bertentangan. 4551 SULIT SULIT 4551 22. Yang manakah menunjukkan perlakuan kromosom semasa meiosis? A. B. C. D. 23. Yang mana merupakan organisma autotrof? A. O r g a n i s m a parasit B. O r g a n i s m a h olofit C. Organisma saprofit D. Organisma kemosintesis 4551 SULIT SULIT 4551 24. Maklumat merupakan ciri suatu bahan. o melindungi daripada kecederaan fizikal o memberi tenaga untuk menjalankan aktiviti o sebagai penebat haba o membentuk hormon seks Namakan bahan yang mempunyai ciri di atas. A. Karbohidrat B. Protein C. Air D. Lipid 25. Rajah menunjukkan keratan rentas vilus manusia. S Bahan manakah yang didapati di dalam S? A. Vitamin A B. Vitamin D C. Asid Amino D. Titisan kecil lemak 4551 SULIT SULIT 4551 26. Yang manakah benar tentang tindakbalas cahaya dan tindakbalas gelap? Tindakbalas Cahaya Tindakbalas Gelap A. Berlaku di dalam stroma Berlaku di dalam grana B. Menggunakan ATP dan Hidrogen Menghasilkan ATP dan Hidrogen C. Tiada penurunan karnon dioksida Berlaku penurunan karbon dioksida D. Tidak menghasilkan Oksigen Menghasilkan Oksigen 27. Graf menunjukkan kadar fotosintesis melawan keamatan cahaya. ● Kadar Fotosintesis ● Y 0∙06 % CO2 ● X 0∙02 % CO2 Keamatan Cahaya Kadar fotosintesis meningkat daripada X kepada Y. Apakah faktor penghad yang diatasi? A. Keamatan cahaya B. Kepekatan Karbon Dioksida C. Suhu D. Air 4551 SULIT SULIT 4551 28. Apabila 0.4 g kacang tanah terbakar sepenuhnya, suhu 20 ml air meningkat dari 30°C kepada 70°C. ( Muatan haba tentu air ialah 4.2 Jg °C ) Kirakan tenaga yang terkandung di dalam kacang tanah. A 1.4 kJg−¹ B 3.4 kJg−¹ C. 8.4 kJg−¹ D. 76.2 kJg−¹ 29. Satu sampel makanan diuji untuk menentukan kandungannya. Jadual di bawah menunjukkan hasil kajian. Ujian Makanan Ditambah dengan Larutan Benedict dan dipanaskan Keputusan Mendakan merah bata Ditambah dengan iodin Warna perang Ditambah dengan Reagen Millon dan dipanaskan dalam kukus air Mendakan merah Apakah kelas makanan yang didapati dalam sampel makanan tersebut? A Kanji dan protein B Lipid dan protein C Gula penurun sahaja D Protein dan gula penurun 4551 SULIT SULIT 4551 30. Organ P merupakan sebahagian dari sistem pencernaan manusia. Organ P Apabila bayi meminum susu, apakan yang terjadi kepada protein susu di dalam organ P? A. Protein dicernakan oleh pepsin kepada asid amino B. Polipeptida dihidrolisis oleh tripsin kepada dipeptida C. Kaseinogen dikentalkan kepada kasein oleh renin D. Kasein ditukarkan kepada kaseinogen oleh asid hidroklorik 31. Rajah menunjukkan struktur respirasi suatu organisma Organisma manakah yang mempunyai struktur di atas?. A B C D 4551 Katak Ikan Buaya Belalang SULIT SULIT 4551 32. Rajah menunjukkan struktur alveolus. P Proses manakah yang berlaku antara alveolus dan struktur P semasa pertukaran gas? A. Osmosis B. Resapan ringkas C. Pengangkutan aktif D. Resapan berbantu 33. Struktur manakan yang terlibat dalam pertukaran gas oleh Paramesium sp?. A. Sitoplasma B. Vakuol makanan C. Vakuol mengecut D. Membran plasma 4551 SULIT SULIT 4551 34. Persamaan di bawah menunjukkan suatu proses yang berlaku di dalam yis. Glukosa S + Tenaga + Karbon dioksida Apakah S?. A. Air B. Ethanol C. Oksigen D. Asid laktik 35. Rajah menunjukkan model sangkar rusuk. Vertebra R Yang manakah diwakili oleh P, Q dan R? P A B C D 4551 Sternum Otot interkosta Sternum Otot interkosta Q Tulang rusuk Sternum Otot interkosta Tulang rusuk R Otot interkosta Tulang rusuk Tulang rusuk Sternum SULIT SULIT 36. Rajah menunjukkan sistem respirasi manusia. 4551 R Apakah yang berlaku kepada struktur R semasa menghembus nafas? A. Mengendur dan menjadi rata B. Mengecut dan menjadi rata C. Mengendur dan berbentuk kubah D. Mengecut dan berbentuk kubah 37. Maklumat menunjukkan satu eksperimen untuk menentukan kandungan oksigen di dalam udara hembusan menggunakan tiub-J . Panjang asal udara hembusan = 10.0 cm Panjang udara hembusan selepas dirawat = dengan Kalium Hidroksida Panjang udara hembusan selepas dirawat = dengan Kalium Pirogalol 9.6 cm 8.5 cm Peratus oksigen dalam udara hembusan adalah A. 4.0 % B. 11.0 % C. 16.0 % D. 21.0 % 4551 SULIT SULIT 38. 4551 MO2Z0@C Rajah menunjukkan proses pertukaran gas di dalam peparu manusia. T Kapilari darah Alveolus S R Yang manakah benar tentang salur darah R, S dan T? R S T A Mengandungi darah beroksigen Membenarkan oksigen meresap ke alveolus Mengandungi darah terdeoksigen B Mengandungi darah beroksigen Membenarkan karbon dioksida meresap ke alveolus Mengandungi darah terdeoksigen C Mengandungi darah terdeoksigen Membenarkan karbon dioksida meresap ke dalam kapilari darah Mengandungi darah beroksigen Mengandungi darah terdeoksigen Membenarkan oksigen meresap ke dalam kapilari darah Mengandungi darah beroksigen D 4551 SULIT SULIT 4551 39. Rajah menunjukkan siratan makanan dan piramid nombor dalam suatu ekosistem. tumbuhan M lebah tikus arnab L K cicak ular J helang Yang manakah K? A. Ular B. Lebah C. Helang D. Tumbuhan 40. Rajah menunjukkan perubahan saiz populasi dua organisma di dalam sebuah adang kelapa sawit. Kedua-dua organisma saling bergantung di dalam rantai makanan. Populasi X Y Masa / Tahun Namakan jenis interaksi tersebut A. Mutualisme B. Parasitisme C. Mangsa-Pemangsa D. Komensalisme 4551 SULIT SULIT 4551 41. Rajah menunjukkan interaksi di antara dua spesis organisma. P Q Yang manakah menerangkan kesan interaksi tersebut kepada P dan Q? Species P Species Q A Untung Untung B Rugi Rugi C Tiada Kesan Rugi D Untung Tiada Kesan 42. Seorang pegawai dari Jabatan Hutan ingin menentukan taburan pohon Cengal di dalam Hutan Simpan Belum. Teknik manakah yang paling sesuai digunakan ? A. Membilang terus B. Kuadrat 1m X 1m C. Kuadrat 10m X 10 m D. Tangkap, Tanda, Lepas dan Tangkap Semula 4551 SULIT SULIT 4551 43. Rajah (a) menunjukkan profil paya bakau manakala rajah (b) menunjukkan tiga jenis akar pokok yang didapati di kawasan paya bakau. P Rajah (a) Rajah (b) Akar bakau yang manakah didapati di kawasan P? A. X B. Y C. Z D. X dan Y 44. Penicillin merupakan antibiotik yang pertama ditemui. Mikroorganisma manakah yang menghasilkan penicillin? A. Virus B. Fungi C. Bacteria D. Protozoa 4551 SULIT SULIT 4551 45. Rajah menunjukkan akar pokok kekacang. Nodul akar Apakah peranan bakteria yang terdapat di dalam nodul akar pokok kekacang dalam kitar nitrogen? A. Pengikatan nitrogen B. Pereputan C. Pendenitritan C. Penitritan 46. Maklumat berikut adalah berkaitan satu proses yang berlaku di dalam ekosistem. Fosfat melarut resap ke dalam sungai Pertumbuhan cepat organisma autotrof Proses tersebut adalah A. pengkolonian B. persaingan C. eutrofikasi D. pemfosforilatan 4551 SULIT SULIT 47. 4551 Rajah menunjukkan satu aktiviti manusia yang mengancam ekosistem. Yang manakah merupakan kesan aktiviti tersebut ? A. Pengurangan nilai BOD sungai. B. Menambahkan habitat fauna. C. Mengurangkan suhu di kutub. D. Meningkatkan aras karbon dioksida di atmosfera. 48. Apakah kesan jerebu kepada tumbuhan? A. Mengurangkan pengangkutan air. B. Memusnahkan klorofil pada daun. C. Mengurangkan keamatan cahaya yang diterima oleh daun. D. Memusnahkan lapisan mesofil palisad di dalam daun. 4551 SULIT SULIT 49. 50. 4551 Yang mana merupak sumber tidak diperbaharui? I Bijih besi II Balak III Petroleum IV Bijih timah A I dan III sahaja B II dan IV sahaja C I, III dan IV sahaja D I, II, III dan IV Penyakit manakah menjadi lebih buruk dengan pencemaran udara? I Asthma II Skurvi III Pellagra IV Bronkitis A. I dan III B. I dan IV C. II dan III D. I, III dan IV END OF THE QUESTIONS 4551 SULIT MOZ@C SULIT 4551 Biologi Oktober 2008 2½ jam Nama ...................................................... Tingkatan .................... 4551 BAHAGIAN PENGURUSAN SEKOLAH BERASRAMA PENUH DAN SEKOLAH KLUSTER KEMENTERIAN PELAJARAN MALAYSIA PEPERIKSAAN DIAGNOSTIK TAHUN 2008 TINGKATAN EMPAT BIOLOGI Kertas 2 Dua jam tiga puluh minit JANGAN BUKA KERTAS SOALAN INI SEHINGGA DIBERITAHU 1. Kertas soalan ini adalah dalam Bahasa Inggeris. 2. Calon dikehendaki membaca maklumat di bawah. Untuk Kegunaan Pemeriksa Bahagian Soalan Markah Penuh 1 12 2 12 3 12 4 12 5 12 6 20 7 20 8 20 9 20 INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES 1. This question paper consists of two sections : Section A and Section B. 2. Answer all questions in Section A. Write your answers for Section A clearly in the spaces provided in the question paper. 3. Answer any two questions from Section B. Write your answer for Section B on the lined paper in detail. You may use equations, diagrams, tables, graphs and other suitable methods to explain your answer. 4. Show your working, it may help you to get marks. 5. If you wish to cancel any answer, neatly cross out the answer. 6. The diagrams in the questions are not drawn to scale unless stated. 7. The mark allocated for each question or part of question is shown in brackets. 8. The time suggested to complete Section A is 90 minutes, and Section B is 60 minutes. 9. You may use a non-programmable scientific calculator 10. Hand in this question paper at the end of the examination. A Markah B Jumlah Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 15 halaman bercetak. 4551 [Lihat sebelah SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA SULIT 4551 Section A [ 60 marks ] Answer all questions 1. Rajah 1 menunjukkan organisasi sel tumbuhan. Sel J mengalami pembezaan dan pengkhususan sel untuk membentuk beberapa tisu di dalam daun. Sel J Pengkhususan sel K L Keratan rentas daun Xilem M RAJAH 1 (a) Namakan tisu K dan L K : ..……………………………………………………………………………… 1(a) L: ………………………………………………………………………………… [2 marks] (b) Nyatakan fungsi sel K dan M di dalam daun. K : ..……………………………………………………………………………… M: ……………...………………………………………………………………… 1(b) [2 marks] 4551 SULIT SULIT 4551 (c) (i) Terangkan proses pembezaan Sel J untuk membentuk tisu Xilem. …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… 1(c)(i) …………………………………………………………………………………… [2 marks] (ii) Semasa pembentukan tisu xilem, tumbuhan tersebut tidak dapat mensintesis lignin. Terangkan kesan terhadap fungsi daun. …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… 1(c)(ii) [2 marks] (d) Berdasarkan Rajah 1, nyatakan definisi bagi pengkhususan sel. …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… 1(d) [2 marks] (e) Daun merupakan organ fotosintesis utama bagi tumbuhan. Terangkan penyesuaian tisu L bagi membolehkan daun menjalankan fungsinya dengan cekap. …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… 1(e) [3 marks] TOTAL 4551 SULIT SULIT 2. 4551 Rajah 2.1 proses sintesis dan rembesan enzim di dalam sel haiwan. R P Q S RAJAH 2.1 (a) Namakan bahagian berlabel P dan R. P : ..……………………………………………………………………………… R: ……………...………………………………………………………………… 2(a) [2 marks] (b) Nyatakan fungsi organel S. …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… 2(b) [1 mark] (c) Terangkan peranan organel Q dalam mensintesis enzim. …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… 2(c) [2 marks] Rajah 2.2 menunjukkan struktur enzim dan tiga substrat W, X dan Y. Enzim 4551 W X Y SULIT SULIT 4551 RAJAH 2.2 4551 SULIT SULIT 4551 (d) (i) Berdasarkan Rajah 2.2, pilih substrat yang betul dan lengkapkan rajah skemauntuk menunjukkan mekas=nisma tindakan enzim ke atas substrat + Enzim + Substrat Kompleks Enzim–Substrat + 2(d)(i) Enzim + Hasil [2 marks] (ii) Nyatakan dua ciri enzim berdasarkan jawapan di (d)(i). 1 : ..……………………………………………………………………………… 2: ……………...………………………………………………………………… 2(d)(ii) [2 marks] (e) Seorang kanak-kanak mengalami demam dengan suhu 41ºC. Terangkan kesan terhadap proses pencernaan di dalam sistem pencernaannya. 2(e) …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… TOTAL …………………………………………………………………………………… [3 marks] 4551 SULIT SULIT 4551 3. Rajah 3 menunjukkan fasa dalam pembahagian Sel X. Setiap fasa tidak disusun dalam urutan yang betul . P Q S R T U RAJAH 3 (a) (i) Namakan jenis pembahagian sel. …………………………………………………………………………………… 3(a)(i) [1 mark] (ii) Nyatakan organ di mana pembahagian sel ini berlaku.. …………………………………………………………………………………… 3(a)(ii) [1 mark] (b) Nyatakan bilangan kromosom sel X semasa Fasa P dan Fasa U. P: …….……………………… U: …….……………………… 3(b) [2 marks] (c) (i) Namakan setiap fasa di dalam Jadual 1 Fasa Nama Fasa P Q R S T U 4551 SULIT SULIT 4551 3(c)(i) JADUAL 1 [3 marks] 4551 SULIT SULIT 4551 (ii) Namakan fasa yang menghasilkan variasi kepada organisma. Terangkan jawapan anda. …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… 3(c)(ii) …………………………………………………………………………………… [3 marks] (d)) SelX is dirawat dengan sejenis bahan kimia yang merencatkan pergerakan sentriol. Terangkan kesan kepada perlakuan kromosom pada peringkat P. …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… 3(d) …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… TOTAL [2 marks] 4. Rajah 4 menunjukkan sistem pencernaan manusia. P Q R RAJAH 4 (a) (i) Namakan organ Q. …………………………………………………………………………………… 4(a)(i) [1 mark] 4551 SULIT SULIT 4551 (ii) Terangkan proses pencernaan makanan di Q. …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… 4(a)(ii) …………………………………………………………………………………… [3 marks] (b) Nyatakan dua kesan sekiranya kelenjar di Q gagal menghasilkan Asid Hidroklorik 1 : ..……………………………………………………………………………… 4(b) 2: ……………...………………………………………………………………… [2 marks] (c) Terangkan satu perbezaan antara makanan yang memasuki P dan R. …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… 4(c) [2 marks] (d) (i) Terangkan penyerapan protein di R. …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… 4(d)(i) …………………………………………………………………………………… [2 marks] (ii) Terangkan kepentingan pencernaan makanan yang membolehkan nutrien diserap oleh vilus. …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… 4(d)(ii) [2 marks] TOTAL 4551 SULIT SULIT 5. 4551 Rajah 5 menunjukkan sebahagian daripada kitar nitrogen. Nitrogen di atmosfera Pengikatan oleh bakteria pengikat nitrogen di dalam nodul akar kekacang Organisma mati dan bahan kumuh Proses X Ammonium Penyerapan Nitrites NO2 Sebatian Y RAJAH 5 (a) Name process X and compound Y. Process X: ……………………………………………………………………… Compound Y: ………………………………………………………………….. 5(a) [2 marks] 4551 SULIT SULIT 4551 MO1Z0@C (b) (i) Plants will convert compound Y into an organic compound. Name the organic compound. …………………………………………………………………………………… 5(b)(i) [1 mark] (ii) Describe the functions of the organic compound named in (b)(i) in plants. …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… 5(b)(ii) [2 marks] (c) (i) Name the bacteria involve in the fixation of nitrogen in nodules of a leguminous plant. 5(c)(i) …………………………………………………………………………………… [1 mark] (ii) The microorganism name in d (i) interacts with the leguminous plant. Name and explain the type of relationship between the two species. …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… 5(c)(ii) …………………………………………………………………………………… [2 marks] (d) Relate the importance of nitrogen cycle in the growth of rabbits. …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… 5(d) …………………………………………………………………………………… [3 marks] 4551 TOTAL SULIT SULIT 4551 MO1Z1@C Section B [ 40 marks ] Answer any two questions from this section. 6. (a) State two differences between passive transport and active transport. [2 marks] (b) Red blood cells in 3% sodium chloride solution after 30 minutes Red blood cells in 0.1% sodium chloride solution after 30 minutes DIAGRAM 6.1 Diagram 6.1 shows a red blood cell immersed in different salt solutions. Explain what happen to the red blood cell after being immersed in 3% of sodium chloride solution and 0.1% of sodium chloride solution for half an hour. [8 marks] (c) Diagram 6.2 shows the appearance of the plants cell which is immersed in different concentration of sucrose solution one after another. Plant cell in 17% of sucrose solution for 30 minutes Plant cell in 0.1% of sucrose solution for 30 minutes Plant cell in 30% of sucrose solution for 30 minutes Plant cell in 0.1% of sucrose solution for 30 minutes DIAGRAM 6.2 Based on Diagram 6.2, describe what happen to the cell in each concentration of sucrose solution. 4551 [10 marks] SULIT SULIT 4551 MO1Z2@C 7. Diagram 7.1 shows a respiratory structure of an insect. P tracheol body cell DIAGRAM 7.1 (a) (i) Explain the gases exchange between tracheol and body cell. [4 marks] (ii) Chitin is a polysaccharide on the outer surface of structure P. Due to the change in the environment, the insect is unable to form the polysaccharide. Explain how the absence of chitin affects inhalation and the energy production. [6 marks] (b) Diagram 7.2 shows the rate of oxygen intake before, during and after a vigorous exercise of an athlete. Oxygen intake (litre/minute) Vigorous exercise Time (min) DIAGRAM 7.2 (i) Based on the graph, compare the respiration before and during the vigorous exercise. (ii) Explain how the oxygen intake by the athlete returns to the normal level at the 25th minute. [10 marks] 4551 SULIT SULIT MO1Z3@C 4551 8. (a) Diagram 8.1 shows the daily menu of a pregnant woman. Breakfast A plate of fried rice A can of carbonated drink An apple Lunch A bowl of chicken rice complete with a piece of roasted drumstick and a bowl of chicken soup A plate of fried prawn A glass of sweetened fruit juice Dinner A plate of fried noodle 2 slices of cucumber A cup of coffee DIAGRAM 8.1 Does the menu provide a balanced diet for the pregnant woman? Evaluate the nutrients content and the effects of consuming the foods. . [10 marks] 4551 SULIT SULIT 4551 MO1Z4@C (b) Diagram 8.2 shows a schematic diagram of the photosynthesis process. chlorophyll C6H12O6 CO2 O2 H2O DIAGRAM 8.2 Based on Diagram 8.2, (i) write the chemical equation of photosynthesis. (ii) define photosynthesis. [4 marks] (c) Diagram 8.3 shows organisms in a pond ecosystem lotus Elodea sp Hydrilla sp DIAGRAM 8.3 Based on Diagram 8.3, describe how Hydrilla sp is able to obtain all the requirement for photosynthesis. [6 marks] 4551 SULIT SULIT 4551 MO1Z5@C 9. (a) The use of fertiliser increases the amount of phosphate and nitrate in the soil. This enhances the growth of plants. There are two main types of fertilizers, which are organic and inorganic fertilisers. Farmers are advised to use organic fertilizers rather than the inorganic fertilizers. The organic fertilizers release the nutrients gradually into the soil and this will reduce the amount of nutrients entering the water system. Based on the statement, explain how the use of excessive inorganic fertilizers in a long period of time reduces the population of aquatic organisms. [10 marks] (b) Diagram 9 shows a tree grown wildly in an agricultural area. Bird`s nest Insects Roots Soil DIAGRAM 9 A farmer plans to cut down the tree to grow vegetables. Discuss the good and bad effects of this action on human and the ecosystem. [10 marks] END OF QUESTION PAPER 4551 SULIT MOZ@C SULIT 4551 Biologi Oktober 2008 2½ jam Nama ...................................................... Tingkatan .................... 4551 BAHAGIAN PENGURUSAN SEKOLAH BERASRAMA PENUH DAN SEKOLAH KLUSTER KEMENTERIAN PELAJARAN MALAYSIA PEPERIKSAAN DIAGNOSTIK TAHUN 2008 TINGKATAN EMPAT BIOLOGI Kertas 3 Satu jam tiga puluh minit JANGAN BUKA KERTAS SOALAN INI SEHINGGA DIBERITAHU 1. Kertas soalan ini adalah dalam Bahasa Inggeris. 2. Calon dikehendaki membaca maklumat di bawah. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES 1. This question paper consists of two questions. Answer all the questions. 2. Write your answers for Question 1 in the spaces provided in the question paper 3. Write your answers for Question 2 on the lined pages at the end of the question paper in detail. You may use equations, diagrams, tables, graph and other suitable methods to explain your answer. 4. Show your working, it may help you to get marks. 5. If you wish to cancel any answer, neatly cross out the answer. 6. The diagrams in the questions are not drawn to scale unless stated. 7. Marks allocated for each question or part question are shown in brackets 8. The time suggested to complete Question 1 is 45 minutes and Question 2 is 45 minutes 9. You may use a non-programmable scientific calculator 10. Hand in this question paper at the end of the examination. Marks awarded: Score 3 2 1 0 Description Excellent: The best response Satisfactory: An average response Week: An inaccurate response No response or wrong response Untuk Kegunaan Pemeriksa Soalan Markah penuh 1 33 2 17 Markah JUMLAH Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 6 halaman bercetak. 4551 [Lihat sebelah SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA SULIT 4551 MOZ2@C Answer all questions. Question 1 Hydrogen peroxide is a chemical that bubbles when it reacts with a catalase enzyme. Catalase enzyme is an antioxidant enzyme in living cells. Hydrogen peroxide is converted into water and oxygen by the catalase enzyme 2H2O2 2H2O + O2 An experiment is carried out to investigate the effect of pH on catalase enzyme in potatoes. Bubbling of gases is used to indicate that a reaction is occurring. The rate of reaction is determined by measuring the volume of bubbles produced in a unit time. The experiment is conducted as followed: 1. Three measuring cylinders, P, Q and R are filled with 3.0 cm3 of hydrogen peroxide. 2. 6.0 cm3 of 0.1% hydrochloric acid is added to P, 6.0 cm3 of distilled water is added to Q and 6.0 cm3 of 0.1% sodium hydroxide is added to R. 3. pH paper is used to measure the pH value of each tube. 4. The potato is cut into three cubes, with the size of 1.0 cm3 each. 5. One potato cube is added into each measuring cylinder. 6. The volume of bubbles produced in each measuring cylinder is observed after 5 minutes and recorded. 7. The results are shown in Diagram 1. cm 3 25 Volume of bubbles cm 3 25 = Volume of bubbles 15 10 0.1% hydrochloric acid + 1.0 cm3 potato 3.0 cm3 3.0 cm 15 hydrogen peroxide + peroxide + 6.0 cm3 5 = 3 hydrogen 5 Volume of bubbles 20 3.0 cm3 10 25 = 20 20 15 cm 3 6.0 cm3 distilled water + 1.0 cm3 potato 4551 SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA hydrogen peroxide + 6.0 cm3 10 5 0.1% sodium hydroxide + 1.0 cm3 potato SULIT SULIT 4551 MOZ3@C P pH 2 Q pH 7 R pH 10 DIAGRAM 1 4551 SULIT SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA SULIT (a) 4551 MOZ4@C For Examiner’s Use List all materials and apparatus used in this experiment. Materials Apparatus 1(a) [3 marks] (b) Record the volume of bubbles formed in each measuring cylinder after 5 minutes in Diagram 1. 1(b) [3 marks] (c) (i) State two observations made on Diagram 1. Observation 1 ………………………………………………………………………….………… ……………………………………………………………………………….…… Observation 2 ………………………………………………………………………………….… ……………………………………………………………………………………. 1(c)(i) [3 marks] (ii) State the inference for each observation made in (b) (i). Inference for observation 1 ………………………………………………………………………………….… ……………………………………………………………………………………. Inference for observation 2 ………………………………………………………………………………….… ……………………………………………………………………………………. [3 marks] 4551 SULIT SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA SULIT MOZ5@C 4551 (d) (i) Construct a table and record all the data collected in the experiment based on the following criteria: pH value Volume of bubbles formed Rate of reaction (cm3 minute-1) 1(d)(i) [6 marks] (ii) Explain the relationship between the test tube content and the volume of bubbles formed in Q. ………………………………………………………………………………….… ………………………………………………………………………………….… ……………………………………………………………………………………. 1(d)(ii) [3 marks] (e) (i) State the variables and explain how the variables are operated. Variables Manipulated variable How the variables are operated …………………………… ……………………………………………… …………………………… ……………………………………………… Responding variable …………………………… ……………………………………………… …………………………… ……………………………………………… Fixed variables …………………………… ……………………………………………… …………………………… ……………………………………………… 1(e)(i) [3 marks] 4551 SULIT SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA SULIT (ii) 4551 MOZ6@C State the hypothesis of the experiment. ………………………………………………………………………………….… ……………………………………………………………………………………. 1(e)(ii) [3 marks] (f) State the relationship between volume of bubbles formed and time in a medium of pH 7. ………………………………………………………………………………….… ………………………………………………………………………………….… ……………………………………………………………………………………. 1(f) [3 marks] (g) Based on the experiment, what is enzyme? ...……………………………………………………………………………….… ………………………………………………………………………………….… ……………………………………………………………………………………. [3 marks] (h) The experiment is repeated by using 2 potato cubes sized 0.5 cm3 each. Predict the observation in measuring cylinder R. Explain your answer. ………………………………………………………………………………….… ………………………………………………………………………………….… ……………………………………………………………………………………. 1(g) [3 marks] 4551 SULIT SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA SULIT MOZ7@C 4551 Question 2 Acorbic acid, or vitamin C, is found in fruits and green vegetables. Ascorbic acid is a reducing agent which decolourises the blue colour of DCPIP solution. The vitamin C in solutions will deteriorate when exposed to oxygen. Plan an experiment to determine the vitamin C content in orange, papaya and watermelon juices. Your experimental planning need to include the following aspects: Statement of identified problem Objective of study Variables Statement of hypothesis List of materials and apparatus Technique used Experimental procedures Presentation of data Conclusion [17 marks] END OF QUESTION PAPER 4551 SULIT SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA F4 BIOLOGY DIAGNOSTIC 2008 1 MOZ@C MARKING SCHEME SULIT 4551 Biologi Oktober 2008 1¼ jam 4551 BAHAGIAN PENGURUSAN SEKOLAH BERASRAMA PENUH DAN SEKOLAH KLUSTER KEMENTERIAN PELAJARAN MALAYSIA PEPERIKSAAN DIAGNOSTIK TAHUN 2008 TINGKATAN EMPAT PERATURAN PEMARKAHAN BIOLOGI Kertas 1, 2 dan 3 UNTUK KEGUNAAN PEMERIKSAN SAHAJA Peraturan pemarkahan ini mengandungi 21 halaman bercetak. MARKING SCHEME SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA 4551 F4 BIOLOGY DIAGNOSTIC 2008 MARKING SCHEME MOZ2@C PAPER 1 No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Answer D D A D D C D A D D No 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Answer A A C B B D A C A A No 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Answer B C D D C C B C D C No 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Answer D B D B C C B D B C No 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Answer D C B B A C D C C B PAPER 2 Question 1 No (a) Able to state the function of cells K and M in a leaf. Sample answer: K: Protect the inner tissues. // Allows light to penetrate. M: Controls the size of stoma / transpiration / gaseous exchange // Allows gaseous exchange through the stoma. (b) (c) (i) (ii) (d) Criteria Able to name tissue K and tissue L. Answer: K: Upper epidermis (cells / tissue) L: Palisade mesophyll (cells / tissue) Able to explain the differentiation of cells J to form the xylem tissue. Sample answer: Cells J join end to end, / the wall of cells J at the joints dissolved, to form a hollow tube / continuous tube (from root to leaves). The wall of xylem vessel is thickened by lignin. (Any 2) Able to explain the effect on the function of the leaf when the plant unable to synthesise lignin during the formation of the xylem tissue. Sample answer: Xylem cannot be strengthened / cannot uphold leaf. Less sunlight received / absorbed. Slow down the rate of photosynthesis / less glucose produced Or (Any 2) Xylem vessels collapsed. Less water supplied to leaves. Slow down the rate of photosynthesis / less glucose produced (Any 2) Able to state the meaning of cell specialisation. Sample answer: Cells grow, change shape / differentiate. To carry out / perform specific function. MARKING SCHEME SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA Marks 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 4551 F4 BIOLOGY DIAGNOSTIC 2008 (e) MOZ3@C MARKING SCHEME Able to explain the adaptation of palisade mesophyll tissue to enable the leaf to carry out its function. Sample answer: Upright and closely packed. Contains large number of chloroplast. All cells receive maximum amount of sunlight. // Absorb maximum amount of sunlight // energy. 1 1 1 3 TOTAL 13 Question 2 No (a) (b) (c) (d) (i) (ii) Criteria Able to name the parts labelled P and R. Answer : P: Golgi apparatus R: vesicle // lysosomes 1 1 2 Able to state the function of mitochondrion. Sample answer : Site of (cellular) respiration // To produce ATP. 1 1 Able to explain the role of nucleus in the synthesis of an enzyme. Sample answer : (Nucleus / DNA) carries genetic information (for protein synyhesis). Ribosome synthesis the protein. 1 1 2 Able to complete the schematic diagram to show the mechanism of enzyme action. Sample answer : Suitable substances : Y Complete drawing 1 1 2 Able to name two characteristic of enzyme based on answer (d)(i). Sample Answer: The reaction of enzyme are highly specific // One enzyme only for one substrate. Enzyme reactions are reversible. Enzymes are not destroyed in the reaction. (Any 2) MARKING SCHEME SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA Marks 1 1 1 2 4551 F4 BIOLOGY DIAGNOSTIC 2008 (e) MOZ4@C MARKING SCHEME Able to explain the effect of temperature on the digestion in the mouth. Sample Answer: Reaction of enzyme decreases. The active sites change. Enzymes could not bind with substrates. Digestion becomes slow. (Any 3) 1 1 1 1 3 TOTAL 12 Question 3 No (a) (i) (ii) (b) (c) (i) (ii) (d) Criteria Able to name the type of cell division. Answer: meiosis 1 1 Able to state an organ where meiosis takes place. Answer: Testis // Ovary 1 1 State the number of chromosomes of cell X during phase P and phase U. Answer: P = 4; U = 2 1 1 2 Able to state the name of each phase of the cell division. Answer: Phase Name of the phase P Anaphase I Q Metaphase I R Telophase I S Anaphase II T Prophase I U Telophase II (6 correct=3m; 4-5 correct=2m; 2-3 correct=1m) 3 3 Able to state and explain the phase that brings about variation in organism. Answer: Phase T Crossing-over occurs. Exchange of genetic material / segment of chromatid between members of homologous chromosomes. Daughter cells have different gene combination. (Any 2) Able to explain the chromosomal behavior in stage P when Cell X is treated with a type of chemical that retards the function of centrioles. Sample answer: The centrioles form spindle fibers to separate chromosomes (during anaphase). so the retarded centrioles will cause spindle fibres cannot be formed. (As a result) the chromosomes do not line up at equator // metaphase cannot occur. (Any 2) Marks 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 TOTAL MARKING SCHEME SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA 3 12 4551 F4 BIOLOGY DIAGNOSTIC 2008 MOZ5@C MARKING SCHEME Question 4 No (a) (i) (ii) Criteria Able to name organ Q. Answer: Stomach 1 1 Able to explain the process of food digestion in the stomach. Sample answer: The food digested in stomach is protein. Stomach secrete gastric juices contain pepsin. Pepsin hydrolyses protein to polypeptide. 1 1 1 3 Able to state two effects if the gastric glands in the stomach are unable to produce hydrochloric acid. Sample answer: Bacteria in the food cannot be killed. Cannot provide acidic medium for enzyme reaction Pepsin inactive, so proteins are unable to be hydrolysed. Renin is inactive, so protein in milk cannot be coagulated // caseinogen unable to be transform into insoluble casein. (Any 2) (b) Able to explain one difference between the foods that enters P (oesophagus) and R (ileum). Sample answer: The food in R has less content of starch / protein / lipid (than in P). // The food in R has higher content of glucose / amino acid / fatty acid and glycerol (than in P). Starch is broken down / hydrolysed into maltose by amylase / into glucose by maltase / sucrase / lactase. // Protein is broken down / hydrolysed into polypeptides / peptones by pepsin / into peptides by trypsin / into amino acid by protease / erepsin. // Lipid is broken down / hydrolysed into fatty acids and glycerols by lipase. (c) (d) (i) (ii) Marks Able to explain the absorption of proteins in the ileum. Sample answer: Amino acids are absorbed (by the villi). by facilitated diffusion into blood capillaries. // The remaining amino acids is absorbed by active transport. Able to explain the importance of food digestion which enables nutrients to be absorbed by the villi. Sample answer: Complex food material is digested into simpler form. // Protein is hydrolysed / broken down into amino acids // Other examples. Simpler molecules / amino acids / other examples are able to pass through the plasma membrane of the villi. 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 TOTAL MARKING SCHEME SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA 12 4551 F4 BIOLOGY DIAGNOSTIC 2008 MARKING SCHEME MOZ6@C Question 5 No (a) (b) (i) (ii) (c) (i) (ii) (d) Criteria Able to name process X and compound Y. Answer: Process X : Decomposition / decaying Process Y : Nitrates Marks 1 1 2 Able to Name the organic compound in plants. Answer: Amino acids / protein 1 1 Able to describe the functions of the amino acids / protein in plants. Sample answer: Growth / build new cells / tissue repairs in plants. Forms nucleic acid / chlorophyll / photosynthetic and respiration enzyme / other examples. Able to name the bacteria involved in the fixation of nitrogen in nodules of a leguminous plant. Answer: Rhizobium sp. Able to name and explain the relationship between Rhizobium sp. and the leguminous plant. Sample answer: Mutualism Relationship / interaction between two spesies of organism which live closely together and give benefit to both. Able to relate the importance of nitrogen cycle in the growth of rabbits. Sample answer: Provides nitrate / nitrogen (elements / compound) Absorb by the plant to synthesise protein. (When the rabbit eats the plant) the protein is transferred to the rabbit to be used for producing plasma membrane / enzyme / hormones / growth / build new cells / tissue repairs. 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 TOTAL 11 Question 6 No (a) Criteria Able to state two differences between passive transport and active transport. Answer: Passive transport Active transport Does not require energy Require energy Occurs down the concentration gradient Occurs against the concentration gradient MARKING SCHEME Marks SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA 1 1 4551 2 F4 BIOLOGY DIAGNOSTIC 2008 (b) MOZ7@C MARKING SCHEME Able to explain what happen to the red blood cell after being immersed in 3% of sodium chloride solution and 0.1% of sodium chloride solution for half an hour. Sample answer: Red blood cell in 3% of sodium chloride solution: 3% sodium chloride solution is a hypertonic solution compare to the cell. Water diffuses out from the cell / red blood cell by osmosis. The cell becomes flaccid / shrunken. This is known as crenation. Red blood cell in 0.1% of sodium chloride solution: 0.1% sodium chloride solution is a hypotonic solution compare to the cell. Water diffuses into the cell/ red blood cell by osmosis. The cell becomes swollen and burst. This is known as haemolysis (c) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 Able to describe what happen to the cell in each concentration of sucrose solution. Sample answer: Plant cell in 17% of sucrose solution for 30 minutes: The plant cell maintain its shape size 17% sucrose solution is isotonic to the concentration of the cell sap in the plant cell The rates of movement of water molecule in and out of the cell sap in the plant cell The size of the plant cell is maintained. (Any 3) Plant cell in 0.1% of sucrose solution for 30 minutes: 0.1% sucrose solution is hypotonic to the concentration of cell sap of the plant cell As a result, water molecules diffuse into the cell by osmosis The vacuoles will expand, causing a pressure to be exerted on the cell wall The pressure causes the plant cell expands and become turgid. (Any 3) Plant cell in 30% of sucrose solution for 30 minutes: 30% sucrose solution is hypertonic to the concentration of cell sap in the plant cell As a result, water molecules diffuse out of the plant cell by osmosis The vacuole becomes smaller, plasma membrane is pulled away from the cell wall The plant cell is plasmolysed and becomes flaccid. (Any 3) Plant cell in 0.1% of sucrose solution for 30 minutes: 0.1% sucrose solution is hypotonic to the concentration of cell sap As a result, water molecules diffuse in the plant cell by osmosis The cell undergoes deplasmolysis The cell return to its normal condition. (Any 3) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Max 10 TOTAL MARKING SCHEME SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA 20 4551 F4 BIOLOGY DIAGNOSTIC 2008 MOZ8@C MARKING SCHEME Question 7 No (a) (i) (ii) b (i) Criteria Able to explain the exchange of gases between tracheole and body cell. Sample answer: Partial pressure/concentration of oxygen in the tracheole is higher than partial pressure/concentration of oxygen in body cell . Oxygen diffuse from tracheole to body cell Partial pressure/concentration of carbon dioxide in the body cell is higher than partial pressure/concentration of carbon dioxide in tracheole . Carbon dioxide diffuse from tracheole to body cell Able to explain how the absent of chitin affect the process of inhalation and energy production of the insect. Sample answer: The function of chitin is to prevent trachea from collapsing/sustain the air pressure During inhalation high pressure air moves into the trachea. The absent of chitin will cause the trachea / P to collapse / burst / rupture. Air with oxygen cannot reach tracheal. Body cell cannot get enough oxygen for cellular respiration The insect does not produce enough energy and respire anaerobically. Less energy produced. (Any 6) Marks 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Able to compare and explain the respiration before and during vigorous exercise. Sample answer: Before (A) Aerobic Respiration During (B) Anaerobic Respiration 2 . The muscles are in normal condition The muscles are in the state of oxygen debt 3 . Energy produced is more/38 ATP Energy produced is less / 2 ATP 1 . MARKING SCHEME Explanation (E) Before - oxygen intake is low/the same as oxygen required/enough oxygen is supplied to the cell During – oxygen required is more than oxygen intake Before – oxygen is sufficient During – oxygen is insufficient / oxygen supplied is less than oxygen supplied. Before – complete break down of glucose (produce more energy) During – incomplete break down of glucose (produce less energy) SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA 4 4551 6 F4 BIOLOGY DIAGNOSTIC 2008 4 . No/less accumulatio n of lactic acid in the muscles MARKING SCHEME MOZ9@C High accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles Before – complete break down of glucose produce carbon dioxide and water During – Incomplete breakdown of glucose produce lactic acid A + B = 1m E=1m (Any one E) Max = 8m (b) (ii) Able to explain how the oxygen intake by the athlete returns to the normal level at the 25th minute. Sample answer: Lactic acid has been removed from the muscles The lactic acid has been converted to energy/ convert to glucose 8 1 1 TOTAL 2 20 Question 8 No (a) Criteria Able to state that the daily menu for the pregnant woman does not provide a balanced diet. Marks 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 Able to evaluate the nutrients content and the effects of consuming the foods in the menu correctly. Criteria: Food class / nutrients Effects Sample answer: Pregnant woman: Carbohydrate in fried rice / chicken rice / (fried) noodle Protein in chicken drumstick / fried prawn Vitamin C in apple / fruit juice / cucumber Lipids in fried prawn / fried rice Caffein in coffee Water in apple / fruit juice / chicken soup Excess sugar in carbonated drink / fruit juice with sugar Lack of / No calcium Lack of fibre (Any 5) Effects of nutrients intake: Carbohydrate provides energy Protein for the foetus growth / repairing the damaged tissue Lipid provides energy Vitamin C for a good skin / preventing scurvy Caffein may increase the blood pressure Excess sugar may lead to diabetis / hyperglysaemia Lack of / no calcium will lead to osteoporosis / teeth problem Lack of fibre may lead to constipation / defecaetion problem Water for replacing the water loss during daily activities / any suitable functions of water. (Any 4) MARKING SCHEME SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4551 F4 BIOLOGY DIAGNOSTIC 2008 (b) (i) MARKING SCHEME MO1Z0@C Able to write chemical equation of photosynthesis correctly. Answer: 6 H2O + 6CO2 Light 1+1 C6H12O6 + 6O2 chlorophyll 6 H20 + 6CO2 C6H12O6 1 + 6O2 Or equation is not balance. (ii) (c) 1 Able to define photosynthesis. Sample answer: Photosynthesis is a process where a leaf / green plant absorbs carbon dioxide and water to produce glucose and oxygen in the presence of chlorophyll and light. 2 1 1 2 Able to describe how Hydrilla sp is able to obtain all the requirement for photosynthesis. Sample answer: F No stomata Many small green leaves Many fishes/ and aquatic organism in the pond Penetration of sunlight Penetration of sunlight E Enables easy diffusion of photosynthetic gases. Contain a lot of chloroplast / chlorophyll Supply carbon dioxide through respiration Supply light Increase temperature in water 6 (Any 6) TOTAL 20 Question 9 No (a) Criteria Able to explain how the use of inorganic fertilizer reduces the population of aquatic organism. Criteria P: The effect of excessive inorganic fertilizer. Explanation of europhication. Sample answers : Inorganic fertilisers / phosphates / nitrates from agricultural area enter the river water. Excess inorganic fertilizer will encourage the high rate of growth of algae / blue green bacteria. This causes an algal bloom The algae increase in number and form a thick scum on the surface of river. Prevent the penetration of sunlight reaching the bottom of the water. MARKING SCHEME SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA Marks 1 1 1 1 1 4551 F4 BIOLOGY DIAGNOSTIC 2008 MO1Z1@C MARKING SCHEME Alga and other aquatic organism in the bottom of the water cannot do photosynthesis The decomposition by aerobic bacteria of dead organic matter will use up the dissolved oxygen This will raise the BOD level. Aquatic organism with low oxygen content will die. The river water will be polluted. (b) 1 1 1 1 1 10 Able to discuss the good and bad effects of this action on human and the ecosystem. Sample answers : Good effect: It can provide more space for another crop It can increase the economic use of the land It allow the crop to receives enough sunlight More product will be produces. It can reduces the possibility for the crop to be infected by insect / pest. So the crop can growth much healthier. It can increase the consuming of water and nutrient The crop will get enough nutrient (Any 7) Bad effect: No windbreaker / shelter /niche for bird/small animal No protection for the crop Soil erosion Roots of the plant will improve soil stability (Any 3) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 TOTAL MARKING SCHEME SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA 20 4551 F4 BIOLOGY DIAGNOSTIC 2008 MARKING SCHEME MO1Z2@C PAPER 3 Question 1 1 (a) [KB0602 - Classifying] Score Criteria Able to categorise all the materials and apparatus used in the experiment correctly. 3 Sample answer: Material Potato* Hydrogen peroxide* Hydrochloric acid Sodium hydroxide Distilled water pH paper Apparatus Knife Measuring cylinder* Stopwatch 2 Able to categorise any 4 materials and any 2 apparatus into correctly. (*compulsory) 1 Able to categorise 2 materials (*) and 1 apparatus (*) correctly. 1 (b) [KB0603 - Measuring Using Number] Score Criteria Able to record all the volume of bubbles formed in each measuring cylinder 3 accurately with correct unit. Answer: P Q Q Volume of bubbles Volume of bubbles Volume of bubbles = 0 cm3 = 11.5 cm3 = 0 cm3 2 Able to record two readings (which include Q) accurately with correct unit. 1 Able to record any one reading accurately with correct unit. 1 (c) (i) [KB0601 - Observation] Score Criteria Able to state any two observations correctly according to the criteria: 3 pH value test tube bubbles produce Sample answers: 1. At pH 7 in test tube R, volume of bubbles produced in 5 minutes time is 11.5 cm3. 2. At pH 2 in test tube P, volume of bubbles produced in 5 minutes time is 0 cm3. 3. At pH 10 in test tubes Q, volume of bubbles produced in 5 minutes time is 0 cm3. MARKING SCHEME SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA 4551 F4 BIOLOGY DIAGNOSTIC 2008 2 MO1Z3@C MARKING SCHEME Able to state any one observation correctly. or Able to state any two incomplete observations ( any 2 criteria) Sample answers: 1. pH affect the volume of bubbles formed. 2. The volume of bubbles formed depends on pH. 1 Able to state any one idea of observation (any 1 criterion) Sample answers: 1. Bubbles formed in neutral pH. 2. No bubbles in test tube P / Q. 3. Rate of enzyme reaction is higher at pH 7. 4. Bubbles are produced when potatoes react with hydrogen peroxide. 1 (c) (ii) [KB0604 - Making inferences] Score Criteria Able to make one logical inference for each observation based on the criteria: 3 pH enzyme in potato react with H2O2 producing oxygen Sample answers: 1. Neutral medium is suitable for enzyme catalase in potato to react with hydrogen peroxide and produce oxygen. 2. Acidic / alkali medium is not suitable for enzyme catalase in potato to react and no oxygen is produced. 2 Able to make one logical inference for any one observation. or Able to make one logical and incomplete inference base on 2 criteria for each observation. Sample answers: 1. pH of the medium affects enzyme catalase in potato to react with hydrogen peroxide and produce oxygen. 2. Acid / alkali medium is not suitable for enzyme reaction. 3. Neutral medium is suitable for enzyme reaction. 1 Able to make an idea of inference with one criterion. Sample answers: 1. Reaction of enzyme is affected by pH. 2. Gas produced when the medium is suitable for enzyme reaction. MARKING SCHEME SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA 4551 F4 BIOLOGY DIAGNOSTIC 2008 MO1Z4@C MARKING SCHEME 1 (d) (i) [KB0606 - Communicating] Score Criteria Able to tabulate a table and fill in data accurately base on three criteria: 3 pH value Volume of bubbles formed (cm3) Rate of reaction (cm3 minute-1) Sample answers: pH value 2 7 10 Volume of bubbles formed (cm3) 0 11.5 0 2 Able to tabulate a table base on two criteria. 1 Able to Able to tabulate a table base on one criterion. Rate of reaction (cm3 minute-1) 0 2.3 0 1 (d) (ii) [KB0607 - Interpreting Data] Score Criteria Able to explain clearly and accurately the relationship between the test tube 3 content and the volume of bubbles formed in Q, base on 3 criteria. Test tube content Volume of bubbles formed Explanation: Relationship between pH value / medium and the rate of reaction. Sample answer: 1. The content of test tube Q is hydrogen peroxide, distilled water and potato cube, at pH 7 / neutral the rate of reaction is the highest / optimum pH for enzyme reaction which produces highest volume of bubbles / 11.5 cm3. 2 Able to state / explain clearly but less accurate the relationship base on 2 criteria. Sample answers: 1. The content of test tube Q is hydrogen peroxide, distilled water and potato cube, which produces highest volume of bubbles / 11.5 cm3. 2. The content of test tube Q is hydrogen peroxide, distilled water and potato cube, at pH 7 / neutral the rate of reaction is the highest / optimum pH for enzyme reaction. 3. At pH 7 / neutral the rate of reaction is the highest / optimum pH for enzyme reaction which produces highest volume of bubbles / 11.5 cm3. 1 Able to state the idea of the relationship base on 2 criterion Sample answer: 1. At pH 7 / neutral the rate of reaction is the highest / optimum pH for enzyme reaction. 2. Test tube with hydrogen peroxide, distilled water and potato cube, produced bubbles. 3. The volume of bubbles in pH 7 / neutral is 11.5 cm3. MARKING SCHEME SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA 4551 F4 BIOLOGY DIAGNOSTIC 2008 MO1Z5@C MARKING SCHEME 1 (e) (i) [KB061001 - Controling Variables] Score Criteria Able to state all the variables and the method to handle the variables correctly. 3 Sample answers: Variables Manipulated variable: pH (value of mediums) // acidic, neutral and alkaline mediums Responding variable: Volume of bubbles formed // The rate of reaction / (catalase) enzyme action Fixed variable: Volume / concentration of solutions / H2O2 / acid / alkali / distilled water / potato cube Method to handle the variables Three mediums of different pH are used // Hydrochloric acid, distilled water and sodium hydroxide solutions are used. Observe / measure and record the volume of bubble formed (in 5 minutes) by using a measuring cylinder (and a stopwatch) // Calculate the rate of reaction by dividing the volume of bubble formed with time in cm3 minute-1 / using formula (show the formula) Use 3.0 cm3 of H2O2 for all experiment // Use 6.0 cm3 of acid, alkali and distilled water // Put 1 potato cube with size of 1.0 cm3 each for all experiment 2 Able to state 4 - 5 of the variables and the method to handle the variables correctly. 1 Able to state 1 - 3 of the variables and the method to handle the variables correctly. 1 (e) (ii) [KB0611 - Making Hypothesis] Score Criteria 3 Able to state a hypothesis to show a relationship between the manipulated variable and responding variable and the hypothesis can be validated, base on 3 criteria: Manipulated variable Responding variable Relationship Sample answers: 1. In neutral medium / pH 7 the reaction between the potato enzyme and H2O2 produces the highest volume of bubbles / the highest rate of reaction. 2. In acidic / alkali medium / pH 2 / pH 10 the potato enzyme will not react with H2O2 producing no bubbles. 2 Able to state less accurate hypothesis to show a relationship between manipulated variable and responding variable base on 2 criteria. Sample answers: 1. The pH affects the reaction of potato enzyme with H2O2 producing bubbles. 2. The bubbles produce by potato’s enzyme reaction depends on different pH. 1 Able to state idea of hypothesis to show a relationship between manipulated variable and responding variable base on 1 criterion. MARKING SCHEME SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA 4551 F4 BIOLOGY DIAGNOSTIC 2008 MO1Z6@C MARKING SCHEME Sample answers: 1. pH medium affect the reaction. 2. Suitable pH causes the production of bubbles. 1 (f) [KB0608 - Space and Time Relationship] Score Criteria Able to state clearly and accurately the relationship between the volume of bubbles 3 formed and the time in a medium of pH 7 base on criteria: Volume of bubbles formed Time Relationship Sample answers: 1. In a medium of pH 7, the volume of bubbles formed in 5 minutes is 11.5 cm3. 2 Able to state clearly but less accurate the relationship between the volume of bubbles formed and the time in a medium of pH 7 base on 2 criteria. Sample answers: 1. In a medium of pH 7, the rate of reaction is 2.3 cm3 minute-1. 1 Able to state the idea of the relationship base on 2 criteria. Sample answer: 1. Bubbles are formed in 5 minutes. 1 (g) [KB0609 - Define Operationally] Score Criteria Able to state what an enzyme is base on experiment correctly according to the 3 criteria: Chemical / substance / molecule / enzyme in potato React with H2O2 which produce bubbles Affected by pH Sample answer: 1. Enzyme is a chemical in potato that able to react with H2O2 producing bubbles and the reaction is affected by pH of the medium. 2. Enzyme in potato react with H2O2 producing bubbles and affected by pH. 2 Able to state what an enzyme is base on experiment less accurately according to 2 criteria. Sample answers: 1. Enzyme react with H2O2 producing bubbles. 1 Able to state the idea of an enzyme or the theoretical definition of enzyme. Sample answers: 1. Enzyme reacts with H2O2. 2. Enzyme in potato reacts to produce bubbles. 3. Enzyme is a biological catalyses that accelerate the reaction. MARKING SCHEME SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA 4551 F4 BIOLOGY DIAGNOSTIC 2008 MO1Z7@C MARKING SCHEME 1 (h) [KB0605 - Predicting] Score Criteria Able to predict and explain the observation accurately when 2 potato cubes 0.5 cm3 3 is used in measuring cylinder P. Expected observation Compare to which Reason Sample answer: 1. The volume of bubbles produce is 23 cm3 (any value between 11,5 - 23 cm3), more than the experiment when using 1 potato cube (sized 1 cm3), because more enzyme for the reaction / larger surface area of potato (in contact with H2O2). 2 Able to predict the result less accurately (2 criteria). Sample answers: 1. The volume of bubbles produce is 23 cm3 (any value between 11,5 - 23 cm3), more than the experiment when using 1 potato cube (sized 1 cm3). 2. The volume of bubbles produce is more than the experiment when using 1 potato cube (sized 1 cm3), because more enzyme for the reaction / rate of reaction is higher. 1 Able to give idea of the result. Sample answers: 1. The volume of bubbles produce is 23 cm3. 2. The rate of reaction is higher. MARKING SCHEME SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA 4551 F4 BIOLOGY DIAGNOSTIC 2008 MO1Z8@C MARKING SCHEME Question 2 Problem Statement Score Criteria 3 Able to state the problem statement of the experiment correctly that include criteria: Manipulate variables Responding variables Relation in question form and question symbol [?] Sample answers: 1. Does orange juice contain higher amount / more vitamin C than papaya and watermelon juices. 2. Which fruit juice has the highest amount of vitamin C? 3. What is the amount of vitamin C in orange, papaya and watermelon juices? 2 Able to state the problem statement of the experiment with two criteria. Sample answers: 1. Do different fruit juices have different amount of vitamin C? 2. Does the content of vitamin C in fruit juices differ? 1 Able to state the of problem statement with one criteria. Sample answers: 1. What is the amount of vitamin C in orange juice? Aim Score Criteria To determine the concentration / percentage of vitamin C in orange, papaya and watermelon juices. Hypothesis Score Criteria 3 Able to state the hypothesis correctly according to the criteria: Manipulate variables Responding variables Relationship of the variables Sample answers: 1. Orange juice has the highest concentration / percentage of vitamin C than papaya and watermelon juices. MARKING SCHEME SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA 4551 F4 BIOLOGY DIAGNOSTIC 2008 2 MO1Z9@C MARKING SCHEME Able to state the hypothesis with two criteria Sample answers: 1. The vitamin C content depends on types of fruit juice. 2. Different fruit juices have different amount of vitamin C 1 Able to state the idea of the hypothesis. Sample answers: 1. Fruit juices have vitamin C. Variables Score Criteria Able to state the three variables correctly Sample answers: Manipulated variable: Fruit juices // orange, papaya and watermelon juices Responding variable: Concentration / percentage of vitamin C Fixed variable: Volume DCPIP solution // Concentration of ascorbic acid. Materials and Apparatus Score Criteria 3 Able to state all functional materials and apparatus / 2*materials + 1 other material and 1*apparatus + 2 other apparatus for the experiment. Materials: *Orange, papaya and watermelon juices, 0.1% ascorbic acid solution, *DCPIP solution. Apparatus: *Syringes with needles, beakers, test tubes / specimen tubes, gauze / muslin cloth. 2 Able to state 2*materials and 1*apparatus + 1 other apparatus for the experiment. 1 Able to state 2*material and 1*apparatus for the experiment. Technique Score Criteria Able to state the action on responding variable with an apparatus / formula. Bonus Sample answer: Calculating and recording the concentration / percentage of vitamin C in fruit juices 1m by using the following formula. Concentration of Vitamin C = Volume of 0.1% ascorbic acid mg cm3 Volume of fruit juice Or / Percentage of Vitamin C = Volume of 0.1% ascorbic acid x 0.1 % Volume of fruit juice MARKING SCHEME SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA 4551 F4 BIOLOGY DIAGNOSTIC 2008 MARKING SCHEME MO2Z0@C Procedure Score Criteria Able to state five procedures P1, P2, P3, P4 and P5 correctly. 3 P1 : How to Set Up The Apparatus (3P1) P2 : How to Keep Constant The Control Variable (2P2) P3 : How to Manipulate The Manipulated Variable (1P3) P4: How to Record The Responding Variable (1P4) P5 : Precaution (1P5) 2 Able to state three of any procedures P1, P2, P3, P4 and P5 correctly 1 Able to state two of any procedures P1, P2, P3, P4 and P5 correctly Example of Procedure: 1. Measure (1 cm3) of DCPIP by using a syringe and place in a test tube. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. P1 (1 cm3) P2 Fill a 5 cm3 syringe with (0.1%) ascorbic acid. P1 (0.1%) P2 Place the needle of syringe into the DCPIP solution. P5 Add the acid ascorbic solution, P1 drop by drop into the DCPIP solution. P5 Stir the mixture gently with the needle of the syringe. P5 Add the acid ascorbic solution continuously until the DCPIP solution decolourise. P1 Record the volume of acid ascorbic used. P4 Repeat steps 1 to 7 by using orange juice, papaya juice and watermelon juice. P3 Record the results in a table. P4 Data Score Criteria Able to tabulate the correct table with observations. Bonus Sample answers: Solution / Fruit juice 1m Volume of solution / fruit juice needed to decolourise 1 cm3 DCPIP solution (cm3) Concentration / Percentage of vitamin C in fruit juice (mg cm3) / % 0.1% ascorbic acid Orange juice Papaya juice Watermelon Juice Conclusion Score Criteria Able to rewrite the hypothesis correctly. Sample answers: Orange juice has the highest concentration / percentage of vitamin C than papaya and watermelon juices. (Hypothesis is accepted). MARKING SCHEME SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA 4551 F4 BIOLOGY DIAGNOSTIC 2008 MARKING SCHEME MO2Z1@C Planning the Experiment Score Criteria 3 Able to plan the experiment based on 7 – 9 ( ) of the following criteria: Statement of identified problem Objective of study Variables Statement of hypothesis List of materials and apparatus Technique used Experimental procedures Presentation of data Conclusion 2 Able to plan the experiment based on 4 – 6 ( ) of the criteria. 1 Able to plan the experiment based on 1 – 3 ( ) of the criteria. END OF MARKING SCHEME MARKING SCHEME SMS MUZAFFAR SYAH , MELAKA 4551