CGC 1P Name: Introduction to Latitude and Longitude 8 A G 7 6 C 5 4 3 2 1 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 E 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 2 3 4 D 5 6 7 8 F 7 8 Instructions: 1. Label the horizontal base line at 0° LATITUDE (EQUATOR) 2. Label the vertical base line at 0° LONGITUDE (PRIME MERIDIAN) NOTE: Latitude is always 1st (North / South) Longitude is always 2nd (East / West) 3. Ask students which point is on the equator. (answer: E) Show them co-ordinates. (answer: 0° Latitude, 3°East Longitude) 4. Ask students which point is on the prime meridian. (answer: D) Show them co-ordinates. (answer: 5° South Latitude, 0° Longitude) 5. Work through calculating each consecutive point with the class. point A (7° N, 6° W) point B (2° S, 5° W) point C (4° N, 1° W) point F (3° S, 5° E) point G (7° N, 7° E) 6. Give students grid co-ordinates, and have them plot each new point. point H (5° N, 6° W) point I (7° S, 7° W) point J (5° N, 5° E) point K (7° S, 2° E) point L (2° S, 7° E)