Welcome to MSE-608A International Management Tal Ovadia International Management Instructor – Tal Ovadia • Email Address – Talovadia@hotmail.com • Remember to put MSE608A (No Spaces) in the subject line – For example: – MSE608A – Question set 1 • Instructor’s web site: http://www.csun.edu/~to18470/ International Management Objectives of Session 1 Discussion Topics • • • • Introduction to course Course outline and requirements Standard operation procedures Class orientation and discussion International Management Course Description This is a study of business in various cultural and geographic settings, (e.g., U.S., Europe, Latin America, and Asia). It examines the reasons for these gains, the exportability, if any, of management practices and skills, and the feasibility of adapting and combining different national management styles in the operations of domestic and multinational corporations. It focuses on managing multinational and transnational companies. International Management Required Text International Management By: Luthans & Doh 7th Edition International Management Course Objectives • Compare and contrast the structure and the management styles of multinational corporations, based on their origin, objectives, capabilities, experience and cultural environment. • Compare and contrast international, multinational and transnational corporations, and the factors that define the criteria of these classifications. International Management Course Objectives • Analyze the problems and the dilemmas that each of these corporations face when transitioning from one category to another while changing their management style accordingly. • Evaluate the choices and the strategies; global firms select to reach their objectives. • Demonstrate how the structure of decision-making is a key element of controversy between centralized and decentralized management know the advantages and disadvantages deriving from various corporate structures. International Management Standard Operating Procedures • The class is aimed at engineering professional who are seeking to advance themselves into management positions. • The class does not have business experience as a prerequisite, but expects the student to behave in a professional manner at all time. • The instructor is the CEO, the class members are valued members of the engineering and management staff. • Dress code – During normal class sessions there is no formal dress code. However, a business professional dress code is required during presentations. International Management Standard Operating Procedures • Class members are encouraged to maintain personal and professional standards consistent with The Fundamental Principles of the Code of Ethics of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology; i.e., – Engineers uphold and advance the integrity, honor and dignity of the engineering profession by: • using their knowledge and skill for the enhancement of human welfare; • being honest and impartial, and serving with fidelity the public, their employers and clients; • striving to increase the competence and prestige of their engineering profession; • and supporting the professional technical societies of their disciplines. International Management Standard Operating Procedures Participations • Class members are expected to be prompt and to attend, be prepared for, and participate constructively in all class sessions. • Participation is a major part of your grade. – Participation points will be calculated out of 10 points per class session. – 2 Methods of collecting participation points: • Participating in class • Presenting in class – If you plan on missing class, please email the instructor ahead of time. You will be able to make up the participation points by presenting in the next class session. – Presentation will be based on current affairs related to the class material. International Management Discussion Questions Discussion questions for each chapter will be assigned weekly. Students will present and discuss each question. International Management Course Evaluation The course will be graded on a standard percentage scale as noted in the syllabus. Scores will be broken down as followed: Case Study I Case Study II Mid Term (Session 8): Final Exam / Project (Session 16): Questions ,Participation and quizzes: Presentation: 15% 15% 20% 20% 20% 10% Note: Attendance is mandatory. For every three unreasonable absences a students grade will be reduced one level. International Management Course Evaluation Presentation In Class Presentation: Each student will select a country (other than his/her country of origin) and will present for 10 -15 minutes about the business etiquette in that country. The presentation should include (but not limited to): -Demographics -Spoken language -Monetary system and exchange rate compared to the US. -Relations to time. -How do you great and say good bye -How do you shake hands -Eye contact -Special customs or special issues -Major problems that US based business people run into when dealing with people from that country -Negotiation style -Special holidays or national time off -Products / biggest export / national resources -Etc… International Management Course Evaluation Presentation In Class Presentation: Some countries to think of: -S. Korea , N. Korea, China, Japan , India, Germany, United Emirates ,Turkey , Israel ,Singapore, Vietnam, Russia ,Romania ,Bulgaria ,Egypt ,France ,Iran , S. Africa •Volunteers for Session 2 & 3 are needed International Management Course Evaluation Participation •Each class session is worth 10 points •Receiving the full 10 points depends on participation in the class discussion •Make up points will be given for additional in class presentation. International Management Course Grading 100%-95% 94%-91% 80%-88% 87%-83% 82%-80% <80% A AB+ B BC International Management Class member Introduction • • • • • • • • Who are you Expected graduation date Where & what is your undergrad degree in Why are you taking this class Are you currently working Are you currently managing people What do you expect out of the class Etc…. International Management Break • Group Formation • Case Study I Assignments • Selection of dates and countries for presentations International Management Resume Assignment • Mail in your resume to the instructor and to your team members • Mail your team members a critique of their resume • Mail the instructor a combined critique of your team member’s resume International Management Resume Assignment - Critique • Critique should include: – – – – Items you liked or didn’t like Formatting issues Suggestions for improvements What would you think if you were an employer. International Management Assignment for Session 3 • • Resume Assignment Hodgetts & Luthans • Read Chpt. 1, Globalization and international linkage Pages 2-32 • Discussion Review Questions Page 32, #2,4,5 • Read Chpt. 2, The Political, Legal and Technological Environment Pages 36-55 • Discussion Review Questions Page 55, #1, 2 International Management