HVAC Training

“Pusat Informasi Training Indonesia”
Regular Training – Yogyakarta
29 - 30 November 2017
Deskripsi dan Tujuan
HVAC is an acronym that stands for “heating, ventilation, and air conditioning”. HVAC
is sometimes referred to as climate control and is particularly important in the design of
medium to large industrial and office buildings such as skyscrapers and in marine
environments such as aquariums, where humidity and temperature must all be closely
regulated whilst maintaining safe and healthy conditions within. In certain regions the term
“Building Services” is also used, but may also include plumbing and electrical systems.
Refrigeration is sometimes added to the field’s abbreviation as HVAC&R or HVACR, or
ventilation is dropped as HACR.
Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning is based on the principles of thermodynamics,
fluid mechanics, and heat transfer. The invention of the components of HVAC systems
went hand-in-hand with the industrial revolution, and new methods of modernization,
higher efficiency, and system control are constantly introduced by companies and inventors
all over the world.
The three functions of heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning are closely interrelated.
All seek to provide thermal comfort, acceptable indoor air quality, and reasonable
installation, operation, and maintenance costs. HVAC systems can provide ventilation,
reduce air infiltration, and maintain pressure relationships between spaces. How air is
delivered to, and removed from spaces is known as room air distribution.
In modern buildings the design, installation, and control systems of these functions are
integrated into one or more HVAC systems. For very small buildings, contractors normally
“size” and select HVAC systems and equipment. For larger buildings where required by
law, “building services” designers and engineers, such as mechanical, architectural, or
building services engineers analyze, design, and specify the HVAC systems, and specialty
“Pusat Informasi Training Indonesia”
mechanical contractors build and commission them. In all buildings, building permits and
code-compliance inspections of the installations are the norm.
At the end of the program, participants will be able to:
1. Develop a working knowledge of HVAC Systems;
2. Differentiate between the different types of HVAC Systems;
3. Implement strategies and methodologies to create an effective HVAC
maintenance program;
4. Improve performance by developing detailed HVAC specifications;
5. Establish an effective HVAC maintenance team.
1. Introduction
v Radiation
v Conduction
v Convection
v The Refrigeration Cycle
2. Equipment
v Chillers
v Air handling Units
v Evaporators
v Condensers
v Cooling Towers
v Fans
v Fan Coil Units
3. Ducting
v Construction
v Types
v System Components
v Cleaning
4. Energy Efficiency
v Thermostats
v Zone Valves
v Zone Dampers
v Energy Conversion
v Examples of Energy Efficiency
5. Types of Air-Conditioning Systems
v Vapour Compression
v Gas Absorption
1. Types of Ventilation Systems
1) Natural Ventilation
v Process
v Design
2) Forced Ventilation
v Types of fans
v Fan Motor
2. Indoor Air Quality
v Air Quality Index
v Air Pollution Index
v Indoor Air Hazards
“Pusat Informasi Training Indonesia”
v Water Heating
v Storage Heater
v Radiant Heating
v Central Heating
29 - 30 November 2017
09.00 sd 17.00 WIB
 Presentation
 Discuss
 Case Study
Ir. Windy Hermawan Mitra Kusuma,
 Evaluation
 Pre & Post Test
(Non Residential)
Rp. 6.000.000/ participants.
(Training selama 2 hari)
Fasilitas include transportation airporthotel and during training, meeting
room, 2 x coffee break, lunch, flashdisk,
training bag.
“Pusat Informasi Training Indonesia”
Alamat :
Jl. Kapten Haryadi No. 74, RT.02/ 23, Ngentak, Sinduharjo, Ngaglik, Sleman
Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55581
Email : nofita.training@gmail.com
Website : www.jogja-training.com
Contact Person : 082133272164
Nomor Rekening: 105601000190302 (Bank BRI an. CV Lokal Media)