Test on Renaissance & Reformation

Renaissance & Reformation Test - World History II
Match the Person or term with their accomplishments.
A. Started the Anglican Church in England
1. Leonardo Da Vinci
because the Pope would not let him
divorce his wife.
2. Martin Luther
B. Believed in Predestination, Wrote
3. Machiavelli
Institutes of Christian Belief, Ruled in a
Theocracy in Geneva Switzerland.
4. Erasmus
C. Was a famous sculptor and Artist who is
created David, and the Sistine Chapel.
5. Henry the VII
6. John Calvin
7. Michangelo
D. He wrote the little book “the Prince”
which came to have a great influence on
leaders. He promoted the idea that a
leader could be harsh, cruel or unjust if it
was in the best interest of the state. Also
known as the ends justify means.
E. Posted the 95 Thesis on the door on the
Wittenburg Chapel that eventually
caused a division of the Church and the
beginning of the Protestant Reformation.
F. Artist, Scientist, Philosopher and
Inventor who was painted the Mona Lisa
and the Last Supper.
G. Wrote in Praise of Folly
This was an attempt by the Catholic Church to reform itself and examine its doctrine
or teachings.
A. Protestant Reformation
B. Renaissance
C. Counter Reformation
D. Council of Trent
9. This began as an effort to improve the Catholic Church and to correct specific abuses,
but resulted in the formation of several new religions.
A. Protestant Reformation
B. Renaissance
C. Counter or Catholic Reformation
D. Spanish Inquisition
10. A church run state; no differentiation between religious leaders/ laws and government
A. Oligarchy
B. Theocracy
C. Monarchy
D. Tyranny
This was the rebirth of classical art and culture following the Middle Ages ( 1 point)
Protestant Reformation
Counter or Catholic Reformation
Spanish Inquisition
This refers to the cultures of the ancient Greeks and Romans.
13. Philosophy of the Renaissance that man was good by nature and each individual
possessed dignity and worth.
A. Classical
B. Epicureanism
C. Stoicism
D. Humanism
14. The period of Renaissance existed between
A. 650 to 900 AD
B. 1300 to 1500 AD
C. 900 to 1300 AD
D. 900 to 1500 AD
Write 3 or 4 sentences identifying who they were and what their important accomplishments were.
Include as many details as you can remember about them. Write in complete sentences.
Identify the Term - Martin Luther
Identify the Term - Council of Trent
Identify the Term- Leonardo Da Vinci
What is the Gutenberg Printing Press and why was it important? Why was this a revolution in new
technology? Describe the world before the Gutenberg Printing Press and the way it helped change the
Short Essay Question- In two or three paragraphs Describe what the Protestant reformation was and what
impact it had on Europe and the world . There are at least 5 results.
Start Complete Paragraph here. Start with a Topic Sentence or Main idea.