NR320-NR326 College SimChart-SCE Document Punchlist 3.11.16

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Punchlist for: NR320 & NR326
Where should changes be made? X CMP Master; X CMP FCS;  ONL Master;  ONL FCS
Does this course have a companion in the curriculum due to a difference in credit hours/other reasons? X Yes
If yes, what other course(s) need these updates? ____NR326___________________________________________________________
Submitted by: Brandy Ebert
Session Changes to be effective: May 2016
General directions:
Location column: Please be specific on the exact course location to assure the correct information is updated.
Comments column: Use this column to provide information that will provide clarity of instructions. The reasons for the
changes do not need to be listed here.
Course Landing Page – Course introduction; Announcements
Item to be updated
For Faculty
Need to add an orange box for
Please add orange call out box with the following
heading “Course Simulation”
For Faculty
Need to add verbiage in orange
box for SCEs above
Please add the following verbiage in Course
Simulation call out box:
During NR320, students are required to
complete two Standardized Clinical
Experiences (SCEs), including documenting
the learning experience in SimChart. The
SCEs will be scheduled to occur during
Week/Unit 3-8. Please check with your
campus SimCare Manager for details about
dates/times to share with students as soon as
possible during the first week of class.
Students are required to complete pre-briefing
questions as part of this activity prior to
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attending the experiential learning activity.
Student-facing instructions, guidelines, and
other documents to support completion of
these activities are located in the Experiential
Learning tab on the left navigation pane, under
Course Home.
Faculty instructions and supporting documents
are located below.
For Faculty
Need to add an orange box for
SCEs for supporting documents
Please add orange call out box with the following
heading “Standardized Clinical Experience Faculty
and Student Documents”
For Faculty
Need to add verbiage in orange
box for SCEs for supporting
Please add the following verbiage in the
“Standardized Clinical Experience Faculty and
Student Documents” box added above:
In order to guide your understanding of the
SCE/SimChart learning experience, please explore
the documents below. Additional questions about
SimChart can be emailed
to Additional
information about the SCE and experiential
learning activity should be directed to your lab's
SIMCARE Center Staff or campus leadership.
Please review the NR320-NR326 Facilitator
Packet for Cecil Whitver and the NR320-326
Facilitator Packet for Jessie Hernandez early in the
course to assure students are prepared for this
learning experience.
 These documents provide the specific
instructions and guidelines for students for
the SCE/SimChart learning experience.
o NR320-NR326 Student SCE
Instructions- Cecil Whitver
o NR320-NR326 Student SCE
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Learning Tab
Need a new section for tab
Instructions- Jessie Hernandez
o SimChart Faculty FAQ for Faculty
These documents provide instructions for
faculty on how to access SimChart.
o Evolve 2015 Registration
o Accessing SimChart Student
Orientation Video
o Opening a Course Labeled
o Accessing SimChart NR320NR326 Simulations
These documents provide specific
information for faculty on how to operate
and setup SimChart for your course.
o Creating Folders in SimChart
o Creating Teams in SimChart
o Enrolling Co-Instructors
o Creating My Clinicals Assignment
o Unenrolling Process
o Checklist
o Faculty Facilitating Experiential
Learning Opportunities
o NR320-NR326 Campus Course
Faculty SimChart Responsibilities
These documents will provide information
for faculty on how to evaluate students’
completed work in Evolve.
o Generating Debriefing PDF Report
o Evaluating NR320-NR326
Simulation Assignments in Evolve
Please add the following section in EL tab:
Add section called “Simulation Information for
Learning Tab
Need verbiage for section
Please add the following verbiage in “Simulation
Information for Students” indicated above:
During NR320, you are required to complete two
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Standardized Clinical Experiences (SCEs),
including documenting the learning experience in
SimChart. All components of this required activity
must be completed. The SCEs will be scheduled to
occur during Week/Units 3-8. The specific date,
time, and location will be communicated by NR320
faculty. Please seek guidance from your NR320
faculty if you have questions.
The documents below contain all information you
need to complete the SCE/SimChart experience.
NOTE: A portion of this activity must be completed
prior to your lab/clinical experience.
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These documents provide the specific
instructi\ons and guidelines for this
course’s SCE/SimChart activity.
o NR320-NR326 Student SCE
Instructions- Cecil Whitver
o NR320-NR326 Student SCE
Instructions- Jessie Hernandez
 These documents include
information to complete
the required pre-work.
These documents will provide instructions
on how to access SimChart for this
o SimChart Student Self-Enrollment
o Accessing SimChart Student
Orientation Video
o Accessing SimChart NR320NR326 Simulations Assignments
These documents will provide specific
information on how to navigate and
operate SimChart for your course.
o SimChart FAQ
o Checklist for NR320-NR326
Student SimChart
o Complete SimChart My Clinicals
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Confidentiality Form
Syllabus Items
Item to be updated
Course ScheduleUnit 3
Assignments Column needs to have SCE added
In assignments Column of Unit 3;
please add
Standardized Clinical Experience
Course ScheduleUnit 4
Assignments Column needs to have SCE added
In assignments Column of Unit 4;
please add
Standardized Clinical Experience
Course ScheduleUnit 5
Assignments Column needs to have SCE added
In assignments Column of Unit 5;
please add
Standardized Clinical Experience
Course ScheduleUnit 6
Assignments Column needs to have SCE added
In assignments Column of Unit 6;
please add
Standardized Clinical Experience
Course ScheduleUnit 7
Assignments Column needs to have SCE added
In assignments Column of Unit 7;
please add
Standardized Clinical Experience
Course ScheduleUnit 8
Assignments Column needs to have SCE added
In assignments Column of Unit 8;
please add
Standardized Clinical Experience
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Units 1 thru 8 – Items that are the same in all Units of the course
Item to be updated
Unit 1 – Items on any page within this unit
Item to be updated
Unit 2 – Items on any page within this unit
Item to be updated
Unit 3 – Items on any page within this unit
Item to be updated
Need to Add in Standardize
Clinical Experience (SCE)
In the section added above,
we need verbiage
Please add in a section and call it
“Standardized Clinical Experience
Please add the following verbiage:
“During NR320, you are required to
complete two Standardized Clinical
Experiences (SCEs), including
documenting the learning experience
in SimChart. Students are required to
complete any pre-work and submit to
the faculty facilitating the simulation
prior to the start of pre-briefing. If
you do not complete the pre-work and
submit to faculty facilitating the
simulation prior to the start of pre-
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briefing, you will not be permitted to
participate in the simulation. All
components of this required activity
must be completed. The SCEs will be
scheduled to occur during
Week/Units 3-8. Assignment
Guidelines and additional information
about this learning experience are
found in the Experiential Learning
tab under Course Home in the
navigation pane to the left.
Be sure to check with your instructor
for specific due dates.
Unit 4 – Items on any page within this unit
Item to be updated
Need to Add in Standardize
Clinical Experience (SCE)
In the section added above,
we need verbiage
Please add in a section and call it
“Standardized Clinical Experience
Please add the following verbiage:
“During NR320, you are required to
complete two Standardized Clinical
Experiences (SCEs), including
documenting the learning experience
in SimChart. Students are required to
complete any pre-work and submit to
the faculty facilitating the simulation
prior to the start of pre-briefing. If
you do not complete the pre-work and
submit to faculty facilitating the
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simulation prior to the start of prebriefing, you will not be permitted to
participate in the simulation. All
components of this required activity
must be completed. The SCEs will be
scheduled to occur during
Week/Units 3-8. Assignment
Guidelines and additional information
about this learning experience are
found in the Experiential Learning
tab under Course Home in the
navigation pane to the left.
Be sure to check with your instructor
for specific due dates.
Unit 5 – Items on any page within this unit
Item to be updated
Need to Add in Standardize
Clinical Experience (SCE)
In the section added above,
we need verbiage
Please add in a section and call it
“Standardized Clinical Experience
Please add the following verbiage:
“During NR320, you are required to
complete two Standardized Clinical
Experiences (SCEs), including
documenting the learning experience
in SimChart. Students are required to
complete any pre-work and submit to
the faculty facilitating the simulation
prior to the start of pre-briefing. If
you do not complete the pre-work and
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submit to faculty facilitating the
simulation prior to the start of prebriefing, you will not be permitted to
participate in the simulation. All
components of this required activity
must be completed. The SCEs will be
scheduled to occur during
Week/Units 3-8. Assignment
Guidelines and additional information
about this learning experience are
found in the Experiential Learning
tab under Course Home in the
navigation pane to the left.
Be sure to check with your instructor
for specific due dates.
Unit 6 – Items on any page within this unit
Item to be updated
Need to Add in Standardize
Clinical Experience (SCE)
In the section added above,
we need verbiage
Please add in a section and call it
“Standardized Clinical Experience
Please add the following verbiage:
“During NR320, you are required to
complete two Standardized Clinical
Experiences (SCEs), including
documenting the learning experience
in SimChart. Students are required to
complete any pre-work and submit to
the faculty facilitating the simulation
prior to the start of pre-briefing. If
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you do not complete the pre-work and
submit to faculty facilitating the
simulation prior to the start of prebriefing, you will not be permitted to
participate in the simulation. All
components of this required activity
must be completed. The SCEs will be
scheduled to occur during
Week/Units 3-8. Assignment
Guidelines and additional information
about this learning experience are
found in the Experiential Learning
tab under Course Home in the
navigation pane to the left.
Be sure to check with your instructor
for specific due dates.
Unit 7 – Items on any page within this unit
Item to be updated
Need to Add in Standardize
Clinical Experience (SCE)
In the section added above,
we need verbiage
Please add in a section and call it
“Standardized Clinical Experience
Please add the following verbiage:
“During NR320, you are required to
complete two Standardized Clinical
Experiences (SCEs), including
documenting the learning experience
in SimChart. Students are required to
complete any pre-work and submit to
the faculty facilitating the simulation
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prior to the start of pre-briefing. If
you do not complete the pre-work and
submit to faculty facilitating the
simulation prior to the start of prebriefing, you will not be permitted to
participate in the simulation. All
components of this required activity
must be completed. The SCEs will be
scheduled to occur during
Week/Units 3-8. Assignment
Guidelines and additional information
about this learning experience are
found in the Experiential Learning
tab under Course Home in the
navigation pane to the left.
Be sure to check with your instructor
for specific due dates.
Unit 8 – Items on any page within this unit
Item to be updated
Need to Add in Standardize
Clinical Experience (SCE)
In the section added above,
we need verbiage
Please add in a section and call it
“Standardized Clinical Experience
Please add the following verbiage:
“During NR320, you are required to
complete two Standardized Clinical
Experiences (SCEs), including
documenting the learning experience
in SimChart. Students are required to
complete any pre-work and submit to
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the faculty facilitating the simulation
prior to the start of pre-briefing. If
you do not complete the pre-work and
submit to faculty facilitating the
simulation prior to the start of prebriefing, you will not be permitted to
participate in the simulation. All
components of this required activity
must be completed. The SCEs will be
scheduled to occur during
Week/Units 3-8. Assignment
Guidelines and additional information
about this learning experience are
found in the Experiential Learning
tab under Course Home in the
navigation pane to the left.
Be sure to check with your instructor
for specific due dates.
Gradebook – Any updates needed to the Gradebook
Item to be updated
Doc Sharing – Keep in mind that items housed in Doc Sharing that are
 Student facing are located in either Course Resources or on the Unit Assignment pages, and
 Faculty facing are being migrated to the For Faculty Pages and should be listed within the Unit table above.
Item to be updated
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