2017-2018 ACADEMIC YEAR - FALL SEMESTER ENG-201 RE-REVISED WEEKLY SCHEDULE WEEK Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 OBJECTIVES By the end of this lesson, students will have revised: analyzing an expository essay examinining the elements of a wellstructured essay By the end of this lesson, students will have: identified context and grammar clues for correct article use followed and practiced the steps in the writing process By the end of this lesson, students will have: analyzed a process essay CONTENT CHAPTER 1: Introduction (p1), Organization, A clear Thesis Statement, Topic Sentences, A strong Conclusion Analyzing the model (writing model), Noticing Vocabulary CHAPTER 1: Grammar (Articles), The writing process (Steps 1-5), Applying Vocabulary (Negative Prefixes), Expansion CHAPTER 3: Introduction, Analyzing the Model (Writing model / What scientists do), Noticing vocabulary Organization (Introductory, Body and Concluding Paragraphs), Outlining INPUT Expository Essay Expository Essay Process Essay Choose one of the topics below and write a well-organized Process Essay of about 250-300 words. *50 % (Outline: 10 pts., Introduction: 10 pts., First draft: 10 pts., Second draft: 20 pts.) *how to deliver an effective presentation *how to achieve academic success at university *how to do academic research *how to run your own business Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 By the end of this lesson, students will have: identified, planned and organized the steps of process analysis By the end of this lesson, students will have: recognized and corrected common sentence problems such as run-on sentences, comma-spliced sentences, choppy sentences and stringy sentences By the end of this lesson, students will have: followed and practiced the steps in the writing process will have revised: finalized analyzing a process essay CHAPTER 3: Sentence Structure (Run-on and Commaspliced Sentences), Choppy and Stringy Sentences CHAPTER 3: Preparation for writing, Making Transitions between steps in a process Process Essay *Submission of the Outline: 10 pts. & Introduction: 10 pts. Process Essay *Submission of the First Draft: 10 pts. CHAPTER 3: Writing a summary and abstract, Procedure for summarizing an article Process Essay *Submission of the Final/Second Draft: 20 pts. Week 7 By the end of this lesson, students will have revised: analyzing a problem-solution essay examinining the elements of a wellstructured problem-solution essay --- CHAPTER 6: Introduction, Analyzing the model (Writing Model), *Giving feedback to students’ Process Essays before the Midterm Exam Week 8 Week 9 MIDTERM By the end of this lesson, students will have: used active and passive voice in appropriate context written, editted and revised an essay Problem-Solution Essay CHAPTER 6: Noticing Vocabulary, Organization MIDTERM EXAM (20%): Students will write a Process Essay (20 pts.) Problem-Solution Essay Choose one of the topics below and write a well-organized Problem Solution Essay of about 250-300 words. (Then, students will make a presentation about the Problem Solution Essay they have written in weeks: 12., 13., 14.) *Submission of the Written Version: 15 pts. * How can we solve the problem of homelessness in our country? * How can the problem of illiteracy be solved in rural areas? * What can be done to cope with stress at university? *What can be done to deal with the disciplinary problems of teenagers at school? Submission of the Outline: 5 pts. Week 10 By the end of this lesson, students will have: analyzed a problem/solution essay CHAPTER 6: Grammar, Preparation for Writing, Applying Vocabulary Week 11 By the end of this lesson, students will have: analyzed a problem/solution essay CHAPTER 6: Writing Assignment, Writing the summary, The Problem Solution Essay Students will have delivered a presentation about the Problem-solution essay they have written. -- Students will have delivered a presentation about the Problem-solution essay they have written. -- Problem-Solution Essay *Submission of the Final draft: 10 pts. Week 12 Week 13 Problem-Solution Essay *Giving feedback to the students’ Problem Solution Essays before the Oral Presentations *Presentations (individually) will be delivered by the students. *Each presentation will take 5-7 minutes. * Oral Presentation: 15 points *Presentations (individually) will be delivered by the students. *Each presentation will take 5-7 minutes. 2 Week 14 Students will have delivered a presentation about the Problem-solution essay they have written. -- *Presentations (individually) will be delivered by the students. *Each presentation will take 5-7 minutes. ---END OF FALL SEMESTER--Useful Links:http://www.essay-writing-tips.com/ Check the following websites for expository essays https://letterpile.com/writing/100-Expository-Essay-Topic-Ideas-Writing-Tips-and-Sample-Essays https://www.kibin.com/essay-writing-blog/17-expository-essay-topics/ http://writewellapp.com/expository-paper-example-and-outline Check the following websites for process essays https://www.kibin.com/essay-writing-blog/15-process-essay-topics-that-make-sense/ https://letterpile.com/writing/Sample-Explain-Essay-Topics https://bestessayhelp.com/essay-topics/process-essay-topics https://www.iwriteessays.com/samples/process-essay-examples https://academichelp.net/samples/academics/process-papers Check the following websites for problem-solution essays http://www.ieltsbuddy.com/problem-solution-essays.html https://letterpile.com/writing/100-Problem-Solution-Essay-Topics-with-Sample-Essays https://letterpile.com/writing/How-to-Write-a-Propose-a-Solution-Essay http://www.admc.hct.ac.ae/hd1/english/probsoln/tj_run_dict.pdf 3