9th Grade Spelling Vocabulary List

abash - v - embarrass
abominate - v - loathe; hate
abscond - v - depart secretly and hide
accelerate - v - move faster
accessory - n - additional object; useful but not essential thing
accomplice - n - partner in crime
accord - n - agreement
accost - v - approach and speak first to a person
acquittal - n - deliverance from a charge
actuate - v - motivate
adapt - v - alter; modify
addiction - n - compulsive or habitual need
admonish - v - warn; reprove
adverse - adj - unfavorable; hostile
advocate - v - urge; plead for
affected - adj - artificial; pretended (personality - not object)
affiliation - n - joining; associating
affirmation - n - solemn pledge by one who refuses an oath
agility - n - nimbleness
agitate - v - stir up; disturb
barb - n - sharp projection (i.e. fishhook, or on wire)
barrage - n - barrier laid down by artillery fire
bedraggle - v - wet thoroughly
belated - adj - delayed
benefactor - n - gift giver; patron
benighted - adj - overcome by darkness
bestow - v - give
bizarre - adj - violently contrasting
blasphemous - adj - profane; impious
blatant - adj - loudly offensive
bleak - adj - cold; cheerless
bloated - adj - swollen or puffed as with water or air
bolster - v - support; prop up
bountiful - adj - generous; showing bounty
bravado - n - swagger; assumed air of defiance
brevity - n - conciseness
brochure - n - pamphlet
brooch - n - ornamental clasp
bulwark - n - earthwork or other strong defense
bungle - v - spoil by clumsy behavior
alias - n - an assumed name
allusion - n - indirect reference
aloof - adj - apart; reserved
ambiguous - adj - doubtful in meaning
amble - v - move at an easy pace
amenable - adj - readily managed; willing to be led
amphitheater - n - oval building with tiers of seats
ample - adj - more than sufficient
amputate - v - cut off part of the body
analogy - n - similarity; parrallelism
animated - adj - lively
animosity - n - active enmity
annul - v - make void
antagonism - n- active resistance
anticlimax - n - let-down in thought or emotion
antiseptic - n -substance that prevents infection
aplomb - n - poise
append - v - attach
apprehensive - adj - fearful; discerning
apprise - v - inform
callous - adj - hard; unfeeling
calumny - n - malicious representation; slander
canny - adj - shrewd; thrifty
cant - n - jargon of thieves; pious phraseology
caption - n - title; chapter heading; text under illustration
caricature - n - distortion; burlesque
carrion - n - rotting flesh of a dead body
cascade - n - small waterfall
casualty - n - serious or fatal accident
cavalcade - n - procession; parade
celestial - adj - heavenly
censor - n - overseer of morals; person who edits for morality
cerebral - adj - pertaining to the brain or intellect
chafe - v - warm by rubbing; make sore by rubbing
chagrin - n - vexation; disappointment
chaotic - adj - in utter disorder
chasm - n - abyss
chastise - v - punish
checkered - adj - marked by changes in fortune
chronic - adj - long-established as a disease
arbitrary - adj - fixed or decided; despotic
arcade - n - covered passageway usually lined with shops
aromatic - adj - fragrant
arraign - v - charge in court; indict
arrogance - n - haughtiness
ascribe - v - refer; attribute; assign
ashen - adj - ash-colored; gray
askew - adj - crookedly; slanted; at an angle
aspiration - n - noble ambition
assail - v - assault
astute - adj - wise; shrewd
attribute - n - essential quality
austerity - n - severity; sternness
authenticate - v - prove genuine
autocrat - n - monarch with supreme power
autopsy - n - examination of a dead body; post-mortem
averse - adj - reluctant
avid - adj - greedy; eager for
awe - n - solemn wonder
babble - v - chatter idly
circlet - n - small ring; band
circumscribe - v - limit; confine
citadel - n - fortress
clamber - v - climb by crawling
clavicle - n - collarbone
cleave - v - split asunder
climactic - adj - relating to the highest point
clique - n - small exclusive group
cog - n - tooth projecting from a wheel
collaborate - v - work together
collateral - n - security given for a loan
colossal - adj - huge
comely - adj - attractive; agreeable
compact - n - agreement; contract
compatible - adj - harmonious; in harmony
complement - n - that which completes
compute - v - calculate
concentric - adj - having a common center
conception - n - beginning; forming of an idea
concise - adj - brief and compact
concoct - v - prepare by combining; make up or devise
concurrent - adj - happening at the same time
condescend - v - bestows courtesies with a superior air
condiments - n - seasonings; spices
congruence - n - correspondence of parts
connotation - suggested or implied meaning of an expression
context - n - writings preceding and following passage quoted
contingent - adj - conditional
contortion - n - twisting
contusion - n - bruise
convene - v - assemble
convoke - v - call together
coquette - n - flirt
corroborate - v - confirm
cosmic - adj - pertaining to the universe; vast
covenant - n - agreement
cower - v - shrink quivering as from fear
crass - adj - very unrefined; grossly insensible
creed - n - system of religious or ethical belief
cull - v - pick out; reject
dross - n - waste matter
drudgery - n - menial work
earthy - adj - unrefined; coarse
ecstasy - n - rapture; trance-like joy
eerie - adj - weird
effectual - adj - efficient
effusive - adj - gushing; pouring forth
egoism - n - excessive interest in self
egotism - n - conceit; vanity
elicit - v - draw out by discussion
elusory - adj - tending to deceive expectations
emanate - v - issue forth
emancipate - v - set free
embroil - v - throw into confusion or strife
emulate - v - imitate
encompass - v - surround
encumber - v - burden
endearment - n - fond statement
energize - v - invigorate; make forceful and active
enormity - n - hugeness
culmination - n - attainment of highest point
cursory - adj - casually or hastily done
dally - v - trifle with; procrastinate
dearth - n - scarcity
decadence - n - decay
decoy - n - lure or bait
deducible - adj - derived by reasoning
defamation - n - harming a person’s reputation
defeatist - adj - attitude of one who is ready to accept defeat
delete - v - erase
delusion - n - false belief; hallucination
demean - v - degrade; condescend to do
demise - n - death
demolition - n - destruction
demure - adj - serious; coy
depict - v - portray
deplete - v - reduce; exhaust
derelict - adj - abandoned
despotism - n - tyranny
detergent - n - cleansing agent
enthrall - v - capture
epigram - n - witty thought
epilogue - n - short speech at end of drama
epitaph - n - inscription in memory of a dead person
equestrian - n - rider on a horse
equinox - n - equal hours in day and night
equity - n - fairness
erode - v - eat away
escapade - n - prank
espionage - n - spying
estranged - adj - separated
evoke - v - call forth
exemplary - adj - outstanding; serving as a model
exhort - v - urge
exotic - adj - not native; strange in a foreign manner
expediency - n - that which is advisable or practical
expunge - v - cancel; remove
extant - adj - still in existance
extort - v - get illegally
exuberant - adj - excited; joyful
detraction - n - slandering; aspersion
devious - adj - going astray; erring
dictum - n - authoritative and weighty statement
diffusion - n - wordiness; spreading in all directions
digressive - adj - wandering away from the subject
dilemma - n - problem; choice of two bad alternatives
dint - n - means; effort
dire - adj - warning of disaster
dirge - n - musical lament
discerning - adj - mentally quick and observant
disclaim - v - disown, renounce claim to
disconcert - v - confuse; upset; embarrass
disdain - v - treat with scorn or contempt
dispersion - n - scattering
dissemble - v - disguise; pretend
dissolute - adj - loose in morals
dissuade - v - advise against
diverse - adj - differing in some characteristics
diversity - n - variety; dissimilitude
divest - v - strip; deprive
fabricate - v - build; lie
facilitate - v - make less difficult
faction - n - party; clique; group
fallible - adj - liable to error
fancied - adj - imagined; unreal
fantastic - adj - unreal; grotesque
fawning - adj - courting favor
feint - n - trick; shift
fervent - adj - ardent; hot
fester - v - generate pus
fetter - v - shackle
fictitious - adj - imaginary
finale - n - conclusion
finesse - n - delicate skill
fitful - adj - spasmodic; intermittent
flagging - adj - weak; drooping
flay - v - strip off skin; plunder
flick - n - light stroke
flout - v - reject; mock
fluster - v - confuse
forbearance - n - patience
fortitude - n - bravery
frantic - adj - wild
fraught - adj - filled
fray - n - brawl; fight
frenzied - adj - madly excited
friction - n - clash in opinion
frigid - adj - intensely cold
frustrate - v - thwart
fulsome - adj - disgustingly excessive
fusion - n - union; coalition
gainsay - v - deny
gape - v - open widely
gauntlet - n - challenge
generality - n - vague statement
gentry - n - people of class
ghastly - adj - horrible
glaze - v - cover with thin surface
glean - v - gather leavings
gloat - v - evil satisfaction
incite - v - arouse to action
inclusive - adj - tending to include all
incongruity - n - lacking harmony
incredulity - tendency to disbelieve
increment - n - increase
indict - v - charge with a crime
indisputable - adj - cannot be disputed or argued
infamous - adj - notoriously bad
inference - n - conclusion drawn from data
inflated - adj - enlarged
influx - n - flowing into
infraction - n - violation
infringe - v - violate
inherent - adj - firmly established by nature or habit
inhibit - v - prohibit; restrain
inkling - n - hint; clue
innate - adj - inborn
instigate - v - urge; start
integrity - n - wholeness; purity
interminable - adj - endless
goad - v - urge on
gory - adj - bloody
granary - n - storehouse for grain
graphic - adj - vividly described
grueling - adj - exhaustive
gruesome - adj - grisly
gruff - adj - rough-mannered
guile - n - deceit
haggle - v - argue about price
hallowed - adj - blessed
hamper - v - obstruct
harass - v - annoy by repeated attacks
harping - n - tiresome dwelling on a subject; nagging
harry - v - raid
hazy - adj - slightly obscure
heresy - n - opinion contrary to belief
hibernate - v - sleep through the winter
hindmost - adj - farthest behind
holocaust - n - destruction by fire
homespun - adj - domestic; made at home
intrepid - adj - fearless
intrude - v - trespass
intuition - n - power of knowing without a reason for knowing
invulnerable - adj - incapable of injury
ironical - adj - result is unexpected and contrary to manner
irreconcilable - adj - incompatible; not able to be resolved
iterate - v - repeat
jargon - n - language used by a special group
jeopardy - n - exposed to danger or death
jocular - adj - said or done in jest
jubilation - n - rejoicing
knell - n - funeral bell or sound
labyrinth - n - maze
lacerate - v - mangel; tear
laggard - adj - slow; sluggish
languid - adj - weary; sluggish; listless
latent - adj - dormant; hidden
latitude - n - freedom from narrow limitations
lavish - adj - liberal; wasteful; plush
lethal - adj - deadly
humid - adj - damp
humility - n - humble
hypocritical - adj - deceiving; pretending to be virtuous
ignoble - adj - of lowly and unworthy origin
imbecility - n - weakness of mind
imbibe - v - drink in
imminent - adj - impending; near at hand
immobility - n - state of being immovable
immune - adj - exempt
impasse - n - predicament with no escape
impending adj - nearing; approaching
impertinent - adj - insolent
impiety - n - irreverence; wickedness
implacable - adj - can’t be pacified
implication - n - hinted or suggested
impropriety - n - state of being inappropriate
inanimate - adj - lifeless
inarticulate - adj - speechless
incapacitate - v - disable
incessant - adj - uninterrupted
lewd - adj - lustful
loathe - v - hate
longevity - n - long life
lout - n - clumsy person
lucrative - adj - profitable
lunar adj - of the moon
lustrous - adj - shining
machinations - n - schemes
magnanimous - adj - generous
magnate - n - person of prominence
maim - v - mutilate; injure
malignant - adj - having an evil influence
mammoth - adj - gigantic
mandatory - adj - obligatory; required
maxim - n - proverb
meander - v - to wind or turn its course
meddlesome - adj - interfering
meditation - n - reflection; thought
melee - n - fight
mercenary - adj - interested in money or gain
mete - v - measure; distribute
metropolis - n - large city
mettle - n - courage; spirit
migratory - adj - wandering
misadventure - n - mischance; ill-luck
misgivings - n - doubts
mishap - n - accident
missile - n - object to be thrown
mobile - adj - moveable; not-fixed
molten - adj - melted
moodiness - n - fits of depression or gloom
morbid - adj - gloomy; given to unwholesome thoughts
morose - adj - ill-humored; sullen
mortify - v - humiliate; punish the flesh
muddle - v - confuse; mix-up
multiplicity - n - state of being numerous
muse - v - ponder
musky - adj - having the odor of musk; dank and damp smelling
mutilate - v - maim
natal - adj - pertaining to birth
perpetrate - v - commit an offense
pervade - v - spread throughout
perverse - adj - stubborn
pessimism - n - belief that life is bad
philanthropist - n - lover of mankind
pied - adj - variegated; multi-colored
pithy - adj - concise
pittance - n - small allowance
podiatrist - n - foot doctor
podium - n - pedestal
polygamist - n - more than one spouse
pommel - v - beat
portend - v - foretell
portent - n - sign; omen; forewarning
portly - adj - stately; stout
postulate - n - self-evident truth
potential - adj - express possibilities; latent
potion - n - dose
potpourri - n - mixture; medley
practical - adj - useful; based on experience
nauseate - v - make sick
nettle - v - annoy; vex
nib - n - beak; pin-point
nicety - n - precision; minute distinction
nonchalance - n - indifference
noncommittal - adj - neutral
nostalgia - n - homesick; longing for the past
novice - n - beginner
nutrient - n - providing nourishment
oaf - n - a stupid, awkward person
obliterate - v - destroy completely
oblivion - n - forgetfulness
obtrusive - adj - pushing forward
occult - adj - mysterious; secret
odorous - adj - fragrant
olfactory - adj – sense of smell
ominous - adj - threatening
onomatopoeia - n - word sounds
onslaught - n - vicious assault
ordinance - n - decree
precipitate - adj - headlong; rash;
preclude - v - make impossible; eliminate
precursor - n - forerunner
predatory - adj - plundering
premonition - n - forewarning
procrastinate - v - put off; delay; postpone
profusion - n - lavish expenditure
prognosticate - v - predict
prolific - adj - abundance; fruitful
promiscuous - adj - mixed indiscriminately; irregular; haphazard
prone - adj - prostrate; inclined to
propound - v - put forth for analysis
propriety - n - fitness
prostrate - v - stretch out full on the ground
protrude - v - stick out
provident adj - thrifty; foresight
provocation - n - cause for anger
proximity - n - nearness
proxy - n - authorized agent
puny - adj - insignificant; tiny weak
oscillate - v - vibrate pendumlike
overt - adj - open to view
pacifist - n - one opposed to force
palatable - adj - agreeable
pallid - adj - pale; wane
paltry - adj - insignificant; petty
pandemonium - n - wild’ tumult
panorama - n - comprehensive view
pantomime - n - acting without speech
parley - n - conference
parody - n - humorous imitation
partiality - n - bias inclination
passive - adj - not active
pastoral - adj - rural
pathetic - adj - pity; sadness; compassion
patriarch - n - father or ruler
pediatrician - n - expert in kid’s illnesses
pell-mell - adv - in confusion; disorderly
pensive - adj - dreamily thoughtful
perdition - n - damnation; complete ruin
quack - n - imposter
quell - v - put down; quiet
quibble - v - equivocate; play on words
quip - n - taunt
quirk - n - startling twist; caprice
quizzical - adj - comical; bantering
rabid - adj - furious; like a fanatic
ramp - n - slope
rant - v - rave
rationalize - v - reason
recant - v - withdraw a previous statement; repudiate
recession - n - withdrawal; retreat
recipient - n - receiver
reciprocate - v - repay in kind
recluse - n - hermit
reconcile - v - make up
recurrent - adj - occuring over again
redress - n - remedy
redundant - adj - superfluous; repetitious
reek - v - emit odor
relegate - v - banish
relevancy - n - pertinence
remnant - n - remainder
rend - v - split; tear
render - v - deliver
renegade - n - deserter; apostate
renovate - v - restore; renew
replete - adj - filled; full
reprieve - n - temporary stay
reprimand - v - reprove severely
resonant - adj - echoing
respite - n - delay in punishment; rest
retaliate - v - repay in kind
retraction - n - withdrawal
retrieve - v - recover
revile - v - slander
revulsion - n - sudden violent change in feeling
rift - n - opening; break
rigor - n - severity
rococo - adj - ornate
rote - n - repetition
rummage - v - ransack
ruse - n - trick
salient - adj - prominent
saline - adj - salty
sallow - adj - yellowish
sapid - adj - savory
sardonic - adj - disdainful
sate - v - cloy; satisfy to the full
satiate - v - surfeit; fully satisfy
saunter - v - stroll slowly
savant - n - scholar
scavenger - n - collector of refuse
schism - n - division
scourge - n - lash; whip
scuttle - v - sink
sedate - adj - composed; grave
seethe - v - disturbed; boil
seine - n - net for catching fish
shimmer - v - glimmer intermittently
simile - n - comparison using like or as
simulate - v - feign; fake
skimp - provide scantily
soliloquy - n - a speech to oneself
spasmodic - adj - fitful; periodic
specious - adj - something that looks good but wrong
squalid - adj - dirty
staid - adj - sober
stint - n - supply
stipend - n - pay for services
stoic - n - impassive
stolid - adj - dull
strident -adj - loud; harsh
subsequent - adj - following
subsistence - n - livelihood
subtlety - n - nicety
succinct - adj - brief
suffuse - v - spread over
sully - v - tarnish
supersede - v - replace
supplicate - v - petition humbly
surly -adj - rude; cross
surmise - v - guess
swelter - v - be oppressed by heat
synthesis - n - combining parts into a whole
tactile - adj - sense of touch
talisman - n - charm
tantalize - v - tease
tenuous - adj - thin; rare
terse - adj - concise; abrupt
testy - adj - irritable
tether - v - tie with a rope
throttle - v - strangle
timidity - n - shyness
tirade - n - extended speech
torpid - adj - dull; lethargic
touchy - adj - sensitive
toxic - adj - poisonous
transcend - v - exceed; surpass
transition - n - change
transparent - adj - permitting light to pass through
tremor - n - trembling
trenchant - adj - cutting; keen
trite - adj - hackneyed; commonplace
tumid - adj - swollen; pompous
turbid - adj - muddy
turbulence - n - state of violent agitation
ulterior - adj - situated beyond; unstated
ultimate - adj - final
unassuming - adj - modest
unbridled - adj - violent
uncanny - adj - strange; mysterious
uncouth - adj - outlandish; clumsy; boorish
unearthly - adj - not earthly; weird
unfaltering - adj - steadfast
unique - adj - without an equal; single in kind
upbraid - v - scold; reproach
vapid - adj - dull; insipid; inane
variegated - adj - many-colored
veneer - n - thin layer; cover
vent - v - express; utter
versatile - adj - many talents
vie - v - contend
vindicate - v - clear of charges
virile - adj - manly
virus - n - disease
vivacious - adj - animated
volatile - adj - light-hearted; evaporating rapidly
voluble - adj - fluent; glib
voracious - adj - ravenous
vulnerable - adj - susceptible to wounds
vying - v - contending
wan - adj - pallid; pale or sick in color
wanton - adj - unruly; unchaste; excessive
wary - adj - very cautious
witless - adj - idiotic
wont - n - custom; habit
worldly - adj - not spiritual; of the earth
wrest - v - pull away
wreak - v - inflict