Condition of Teeth At Different Ages Generally: 1- Teeth begin its calcification long before its date of eruption. 1 2- When tooth erupts the crown and about 3 of the root is completed. 3- Roots are completed after eruption by 1-1.5 years (for deciduous) and after eruption by 3 years (for permanent). 4- Roots of deciduous teeth begin resorption 3 years before shedding. Chronology Of Deciduous Teeth :For deciduous teeth • Enamel organ for deciduous teeth appears from 7-9 w.i.u. • Beginning of calcification of deciduous from 4-6 m.i.u. • Deciduous Canines erupt after deciduous1st molars. • Mandibular teeth erupt before maxillary teeth. • Shedding occurs at the same date of eruption of successors. • Shedding of deciduous teeth occurs from 7-11 years Lower before upper A B A B 5 3 C C D D 4 E E 2 1 4.5 C C D D E E 6 7 6 8 7 18 16 14 12 24 20 5 . 1 3 2.5 3 years be fore shed d 4 5 A A B B ing 3- Beg. Of Eruption Root Beginning (m.) calc. (m.i.u) completed (Y) of root res. Chronology Of permanent Teeth For permanent teeth: At birth, first permanent molar is the only permanent * . tooth showing evidence of calcification Dates of eruption of permanent incisors is the same as * .deciduous incisors but in years 1 1 . Premolars start calcification between 1 2 & 2 2 y* .Lower teeth sequence of eruption is 1 2 3 4 5* .Upper teeth sequence of eruption is 1 2 43 5* .Lower teeth erupts before upper opposing teeth * First, second& third molars erupt at ages of 6,12,18 * . years respectively 3-4 10-12 3-4 4-5 years 3- 1 1 2 2 3 3 7 6 8 7 11 9 years 3+ Beginning Crown Eruption Root .of calc completed )years( completed (month) Beginning Crown Eruption Root .of calc completed )years( completed 12 134 2 1 22 10 10 11-12 11-12 years 3+ 1 years 3-4- 4 4 5 5 Beginning Crown Eruption Root .of calc completed )years( completed 3y 8y 6y 12y 18y years 3+ At birth years 3-4- 6 6 7 7 8 8 ML cusp Separate cusp Less than1/2 Occ.S Cusp tip ½ crown • Permanent teeth ML cusp of lower 6. • No erupting teeth months 6 cusp tip Crown&1/4 root most of crowns formed C&D&E start eruption separate cusps of 6 Incisal 1/3 of 1&2 3 2 1 6 E D C B year 1 A 5 4 3 2 1 B A 6 E D C years 2 years 3 small part of 4&5 More than ½ crown of 1&2 formed separate cusps of 7 All deciduous teeth erupted with fully formed teeth crown of 6 completed crown 3½ crowns of 3&4&5 formed is erupted 6 less than 1/3 of the root formed crown&1/3 root formed Root of lower A resorped crown of 7 not completed E no resorption B&C&D some amount of resorption years 7 years 7-8 5 7 4 3 6 2 E D 1 C B years 7 not yet erupted &less 5&4&3 than 1/3 of root formed Calcified separate 8 cusps are formed C&D&E most of their roots resorbed crown& less than 7 1/3 root formed root of 6 completed is erupted their 2&1 root completed All permanent teeth erupted except 8 .