REsume (1)

Kilgore 1
Emily L. Kilgore
40210 Millwood Rd, Dunlap, Ca 93621
Phone: (559) 974-5432
I have been a stay at home mom for a few years. I have learned to
handle finances, make minor repairs and multi task.
Job Objective:
FRONT DESK ATTENDANT, 1 year 3 month experience
HOUSEKEEPER, 3 months experience
Job Title: Front Desk
Employer: Montecito Lake Resort LLC, KCNP, CA
Dates: 05/13 to 07/13
Duties: As a front desk attendant I answer phones, take reservations, and
explain what the lodge has to offer the guests. I also help in hospitality
and make sells for the gift shop. When needed I would also do the dish
Job Title: Care provider
Employer: IHSS, Fresno, CA
Dates: 08/12 to 11/12
Duties: Provide assistance with medical care, household duties, assist with
medical appointments, trachea care, feeding tube care, bathe, etc.
Job Title: Front Desk
Employer: Montecito Lake Resort LLC, KCNP, CA
Dates: 11/11 to 09/12,
Duties: As a front desk attendant I answer phones, take reservations, and
explain what the lodge has to offer the guests. I also help in hospitality
and make sells for the gift shop. When needed I would also do the dish
Job Title: Front Desk
Kilgore 2
Employer: KCNP Services LLC, KCNP, Ca
Dates: 08/11 to 11/11
Duties: As a front desk attendant I was answering phones, taking reservations,
processing information into the system, etc. I also learned how to run
the espresso bar, and would help in the gift shop to clean and stock. I
have learned a great deal about communication due to this. I was
transferred to another lodge under same ownership
Job Title: Student Helper
Employer: SCCCD- Reedley College, Reedley, CA
Length: 6 months
Duties: I assisted in the kitchen. I mainly was in the food service, however
would help in dish room and buss tables when necessary.
Job Title: Housekeeper
Employer: NPS at KCNP, FRESNO,CA
Dates: 6/04 to 8/04
Duties: My duties were to clean the rooms. I had to dust, sweep mop, vacuum
wipe down furniture, clean coffee pots, take out trash, make beds, put
away clean towels, etc. I also cleaned bathrooms.
High School/GED, 2005
A.S. Business Management, Nov. 2012
Cert. of Completion; 52-hr Life/Health Agent, 11-28-2013
I am willing to learn new things. I learn easily and adapt to new
surrounding well.
Available on request