Early Stage 1 Science: Living World Unit Plan

Early Stage 1 Science & Technology Unit
ODD Years
Observes, questions and collects data to
communicate ideas STe-1WS-S
Develops solutions to an identified need STe2DP-T
Explores the characteristics, needs and uses of
living things STe-3LW-ST
Term 1
Element: Living World – Watch it Grow!
Inquiry Questions:
What do we notice about living things?
Focus question:
How can living things be used to meet our needs?
Working Scientifically
Planning and conducting investigations
make observations using senses through participation in guided scientific investigations
record observations using drawings, simple digital recording methods, oral descriptions and/or simple visual representations (ACSIS011)
work cooperatively with others to investigate ideas
develop safe skills when using materials and equipment
share observations and ideas based on guided investigations (ACSIS012)
Design and Production
Identifying and defining
 identify and describe needs or opportunities for designing
 identify the technologies needed to achieve designed solutions (ACTDEP005)
2 &3
Start of by splitting the class into two groups. To split them up, hand out
pictures to each student and they will have to sort themselves using their
picture. Animals will be on one side of the room and plants on the other
 Plant strawberries and snow peas ready for the last
week’s task
 A class set of pictures half animal based and the other
plant based
 Magazines catalogues etc
 A simple chart for individual students
 Class display charts (animals/plants &
Vegetables/bread/meat dairy etc.)
 Jack and the beanstalk animation by British Council
 http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/shortstories/jack-and-the-beanstalk
 Bean investigation materials:
- glass jar or bottle
- cotton wool balls
- seeds eg lentils
- water
- spray bottle
Students will recognise that living
things have basic needs including
air, food and water compare the
basic needs of some plants and
 Plant strawberries and snow peas ready for the last week’s task
Students will then create a display of pictures on a particular food, eg dairy
foods, bread, vegetables etc. from catalogues or magazines and predict
where the foods come from. Discuss and table which foods they
Ask students to name as many living things as they can, then with teacher
guided questioning in a class discussion, students provide suggestions that
air, water and food are needed by all living things (including humans) to
stay alive.
Whole-class activity
 Read or watch Jack and the Beanstalk
 Discuss:
- What do you think plants need to grow? How do we know?
- What do seeds need in order to grow?
- How could we find out if seeds need light to grow? (Encourage
students to identify light and dark places in the classroom.)
 Students will be growing some beans for Jack and testing whether or
not they need light to grow.
Small-group activity
 Organise students into STEM teams of three.
 Students:
1. Lightly wet the cotton wool balls
2. Place the bean seeds in the jars resting on the cotton wool balls
3. Place one jar in a light place and one jar in a dark place
4. Draw a diagram of their jars and label using teacher-prepared
5. Spray some water on the beans every few days.
Students will draw the steps needed to grow the beans.( They should have
5 pictures as there are 5 steps)
Ask students to discuss and draw what they think they might see on their
seeds in a few days
Explain to students that their beans should start to grow roots after a few
days. This is called germination. Ask students to think about the changes
that might take place in their investigation and to make initial predictions.
A class set of science journals
Students will participate in guided
investigations to identify living
things and the external features of
plants and animals in the local
Discuss and define living things as things that eat/drink, move,
grow and have babies. Brainstorm different living and non-living
things we would find in our school environment or take a walk
around the school and locate items. Guide children’s discussions to
include plants & animals.
Look at various skin coverings of animals (fur, skin, scales, feathers
etc) with real examples where possible. Have children use
adjectives to describe each.
Compare and contrast two living things in a Venn Diagram. Discuss
the animals external features (body parts, skin coverings etc) and
the way in which they move.
In groups of 3, guide students to identify 3 different plants and
describe their features - including the parts of a plant (e.g. Trunk,
branch, leaf, bark…..) and height, leaf shape, flowers etc.
Each group will sketch and label 3 selected plants.
In groups of 3, guide students to identify 3 different animals and
describe their features - including the parts of the body such as (e.g.
legs, tail, skin…..) and height, body shape, pouches etc.
Demonstrate how to draw a plant and an animal. Each group will
then sketch and label 3 selected animals (one each). Allow time for
each group to share their drawing with the rest of the class.
Class display chart of living and non-living
PowerPoint of skin coverings for animals
(some real examples if possible)
Worksheet that shows all the pictures of the
PowerPoint to allow students to describe
each one
PowerPoint of different types of plants that
showing different characteristics but are
useful to animals and humans eg. cactus
Venus Fly Trap, Palm trees, fruit trees,
vegetables, herbs, strawberries etc.
PowerPoint of different types of animals that
showing different characteristics eg. animals
we eat. Animals that provide other food
products for us and others that are used for
their skin etc.
Individual science journals
Students will recognise that plants
and animals can be used as food,
or materials (fibres) for clothing
and shelter
explore a range of foods
obtained from plants and
animals, for example:
customary Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander
foods from a range of
cultures, eg African,
American, German, Indian,
Students make a list of all the foods the children like to eat in their
science journal. Limit 5 favourite foods per student. (no take away
food) then sort the foods under the headings plant or animal.
Show the class a range of pictures that relate to foods (plant and
animal) from other countries including customary Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander foods and discuss why they are specific to
that country.
Individual learning journal
PowerPoint of foods from around the world
PowerPoint of objects from around the room
or school
Ask the students to name one of their favourite meals. Make a chart
using a world map that shows where that food comes from.
Ask students to name some of the objects in this room that are
made from plants. (You could take photos of some objects in
preparation) What plants/animals do they come from? Make a list
of things that don’t come from a plant or animal. (again you could
take photos of some objects in preparation)
Students will make pom poms (with year 6 buddies) using wool or
? to demonstrate how animal products can be used for other things
besides food and clothing.
Students will explore everyday
items that are designed and
produced from fibres sourced
from plants and animals, for
 fabrics and yarns used for
 wood products used for
Students will design and make a shelter for a pet that they would
like to have. Follow a simple design brief and keep a journal of their
Why are you building the shelter?
Individual science journals
Work sheet or notebook that has design brief
questions on it.
iPad to take Photos of the shelters
What will you use to build it with? ie. Paddle pop stick, sticks from
the garden, small branches etc. string etc.
What will it look like?
Can you build it?
Did it work
Students will make a simple fruit salad using the strawberries from
the vegetable garden that the students have planted. They will also
make fresh hummus with the teacher and cut up fresh vegetable
sticks to dip into the hummus.
Students will draw why plants and animals are important for us to
How to make Pom Poms:
Various fruit
Hummus recipe and ingredients
Snow peas