Chapter 3


Chapter 3 : Data Transfer and Microoperations

3.1 Bus system


-shared comm. link (Data Transfer)

-use 1 set of wires to connect mult subsystems**

Parallel & series connect’n

-Be wired in Multidrop or Daisy Chain topology


-Versatility (New devices added easily/

Peripherals can be moved btw C system)

-Low Cost **


-Create comm. bottleneck (Bandwidth limit max I/O throughout)

-Max bus speed is limited by (Length/No of devices/The need to support a range of devices)

Types of Buses (Components of C) a) Internal (PCI/AGP/PCMCIA)

-Int. data/M/ System bus

-Connect all int. CMPT of C (CPU & M ->



-Independent of the rest of C op.

Data Bus

-Allow data to travel (carry data) btw

MicroP(CPU) & M(RAM) or I/O devices

-Bi-directional (out-Read / In-Write)

-8,16,32,64 lines

-No of lines = width/wordsize

-Signal names (D0,D1,D2,D3,etc) = D0~D15 b) External (USB/FireWire)

Expansion bus

-Connect dif external devices

Address Bus

-Carry an Addr (info about locat’n of data) from

CPU to M or I/O


-16, 20, 24, 32 lines

-Width of Addr Bus = Max M capacity

-Addr supplied by CPU

-Signal Names (A0,A1,A2,A3,etc)

Control Bus

-Control signal that ensure EV is flowing smoothly from Place to Place

Collect’n of signal -> Coordinate CPU acts

-Each Signal has a uniq purpose

(M R/W, I/O R/W, Bus Rq, interrupt R, interrupt Ack, Reset, Clock, )

-10-20 lines

-Signal = O, I, bi-directional

Types of Buses(Org) = Point-to-point/Multipoint/Daisy chain

Type of Buses (Fn) a) Dedicated

-Separate D&A lines

-Adv = Faster

-Disadv = Physically larger b) Time Multiplexed (AD0 ~ AD15)

-Shared lines

-Addr valid/ Data valid control line

-Adv = Fewer lines

-Disadv = More complex control

= Degradat’n of performance

Bus Design Issues

1) Bus Width (D&A buses)

2) Bus Type (Dedicated/Multiplexed)

3) Bus Arbitrat’n (Centralised/Distributed) / Priority

-Obtain Access to the Bus (Problem=How is bus reserved by a devices that wishes to use it?)

-Chaos is avoided by masterslave arrangem’t

-Only Bus Master (CPU) control access to bus (Initiates & control all Bus Rq)

***DRAWBACK = involv e in every transact’n

Slave (M) = respond to R/W Rq

-Arb Sigal (Bus Rq/Bus Grant/Bus Priority)

Multiple Potential Bus Masters need Arb

◼ Bus arbi scheme:

◼ Bus M wanting to use the bus asserts the bus request

◼ Bus M X use the bus until its Rq is granted

◼ Bus M must signal to the arbiter after finish using the bus

◼ Try to balance :

◼ Bus priority : Higher priority service first

◼ Fairness : No Rq is locked out a) Self Selection

-Many Rq lines

-The one w highest priority self decides to take bus b) Collision Detect’n (Ethernet)

-1 Rq line – Try to access bus,

-If collision device back off

-Try again in random + exponential time

c) Daisy Chain Arb

-grant line runs thru all device, highest priority device 1 st

Disadv = X assure fairness ( low-priority device locked out)

= Limit Bus speed d) Centralized Arb

 Simple Implementation of a Bus Arbiter

4) Bus timing a) Synchronous (simple)

-Include a clock in control lines

A fixed protocol for C’m’n’c’t’n

Adv =very little logic & fast


= Device on bus run at same clock rate

= X be long if fast (avoid clock skew)

= Mixture of Fast & Slow devices, wait for the slowest device ( Fast X run at their capacity) b) Asynchronous

-X clocked

-Accommodate a wide range of devices

-It can be long w/o worry clock skew

-It requires a handshaking protocol

 Synchronous Timing Diagram Read Operation Timing

 Asynchronous Timing Diagram

5) Data Transmis’n a) Parallel

-Carry data words in parallel on multiple wires b) Serial

-Carry data in bit-serial form

-D, A, and C are sequentially sent down single wire -There may be additional control lines

6) Bus Operat’n (R, W, block transfer, interrupt)

7) Bus Transact’n

perform 1> bus Operat’n

-sequence of actions to complete a well-defined act (M R, M W, I/O R, Burst R)

**2 parts

-send Addr -Receive/send data

Master = initiates the transact’n (send Addr)

-Slave =Responds to Addr by

a) Send data to Master if master ask for data

b) Receive data from Master if master wants to send data

8) Bus cycle ( Each Operat’n may take several bus cycles)

3.2 CPU-memory transfer

Read Machine Cycle

 Place on the address bus ,the address of the location whose content is to be read .Done by the processor.

 Assert the read control signal which is part of the control bus.

 Wait until the content of the addressed location appears on the data bus.

 Transfer the data on the data bus to the processor

 De-activate the read control signal .The read operation is over and the address on the address bus is not relevant anymore.

Write Machine Cycle

 Place on the address bus , the address of the location to which data is to be written.

 On the data bus, place the data to be written.

 Assert the write control signal which is part of the control bus.

 Wait until the data is stored in the addressed location.

 De-activate the memory write signal. This ends the memory write operation

3.3 I/O transfer

I/O (Input/Output) ports ( I/O addresses )

 Unique locat ’n in M reserved for c’m’n’c’t’n b tw the CPU & hardware D

 Be commonly associated with specific devices and should not be shared.

 How is I/O differentiated from memory? a) M-mapped I/O

reside in the same “space”

-access in the same manner (diff by Addr) b) I/O-mapped I/O

Occupy Dif “space”

-access by unique instr (dif by instr)

-M instr = reference M

-I/O instr

◼ move data to/from a specified I/O address (“port”) and a CPU register (e.g., the accumulator)

◼ IN port – inputs data from a device

◼ OUT port – outputs data to a device

 Implementation of I/O-Mapped I/O

◼ same Addr & data bus

◼ A dedicated Control bus signal differentiates a “memory cycle” from an “I/O cycle”

◼ On Intel’s Pentium CPU, this control bus signal is named M/IO

◼ M/IO = 0 → memory cycle

◼ M/IO = 1 → input/output cycle


4 Micro-operations

 Micro-operations (micro-ops or μops )

 Be detailed low-level instr used in some designs to implement complex machine instr(macro-instr).

 Perform basic operat ’ ns on data stored in one or more R, including transf ’ g data btw R or btw Rs & external buses of the CPU, and perfor m’ g arithmetic or logical operat ’ s on R.

 In a typical fetch-decode-execute cycle, each step of a macro-instruction is decomposed during its execution so the CPU determines and steps through a series of microoperations.

 The execution of micro-operations is performed under control of the CPU's control unit, which decides on their execution while performing various optimizations such as reordering, fusion and caching.
