Contract Language APPENDIX F.1 Proposal for R.N. Preceptor Differential Eligibility for Preceptor Differential 1. Inpatient Registered Nurses working at Sunnyside Hospital. This includes IV Therapy Nurses. 2. Must have attended an approved (by Staff Development) preceptor training course within the last three (3) years; for renewals, must have attended a preceptor update in the last three (3) years. 3. Must be a designated preceptor assignment, per the Manager. Examples of designated preceptor experiences: New R.N. Program (3N, 2N) Cross-trainings and Nurse “internships” (Tele, ER, ICU, Onc., OR, etc.) Designated unit orientation for Kaiser Permanente R.N. staff (i.e., before Nurse released for regular assignment). Note: Does not include agency/traveler orientation. ONA-KPNW CBA Article 8G Preceptor Differential: The Employer will pay Registered Nurses a “Preceptor Differential” of $1.20 per hour to an RN that is involved with: • Assessing RN skills; • One-on-one training; and/or • Documenting RN deficiencies. To any new hire employee or transfer that requires one-on-one assistance/evaluation during the orientation period (to be specified by Management). Periodic written reports shall be supplied to the Manager. Vision Essentials Optometric Assistant Preceptor Guidelines and Pay Differential (January 2017) Purpose To provide clinical end procedural guidelines and a financial Incentive/reward to Certified Optometric Assistants who accept the additional responsibility and workload of being assigned to function as a coach and teacher in orienting and precepting current employees, new hires, and transfers in the annual competency process, as well the provision of remedial training. Certified Optometric Assistant Preceptors Certified Optometric Assistant Preceptors will complete on boarding competencies and train new staff, conduct annual or biannual competency validations, and provide remedial training as well as new technology training to staff. The general orientation of new employees, and provision of Informational support and guidance to co­workers, does not by itself constitute acting in a preceptor capacity. Employees act in the preceptor capacity when they engage in one or more of the tasks described above. UNAC RN – KP CBA Letter of Agreement #26 Preceptor: The preceptor is an experienced and competent staff nurse who serves as a clinical role model and resource person to new hires and new graduates. The preceptor is an individual who is selected to work alongside an individual who is new to the field/specialty. The preceptor may be relieved of a caseload while precepting. The preceptor role extends beyond basic orientation. For example, an experienced Med/Surg RN who goes into a critical care program needs to be precepted for a period of time before working totally independent. New graduates also have preceptors who spend time with them. The preceptor orients new hires and new graduates to their roles and responsibilities on their assigned unit and introduces new staff to the formal and informal rules, customs, culture and norms of their co­workers and workplace. The primary role of the preceptors are as follows: Staff Nurse Role Model – by example Assist new hire or new graduate into workgroup Insures the individual is exposed to all aspects of the job and gains the necessary experience; assists in the evaluation of learning needs and implements learning plans, and provides input regarding the job performance. It should be noted however, that the preceptor is not responsible for developing the learning plan, nor is the RN the sole evaluator of the learning performance. UNAC CNM – KP CBA (Page 34) CNMs performing preceptor duties in accordance with agreed upon criteria will receive an allowance of one dollar ($1.00) for each hour spent performing preceptor duties. Preceptor allowance is limited to work performed as a preceptor to newly hired CNMs. The preceptor allowance does not apply to preceptorship of residents and students. It is understood that the utilization of preceptors is at the sole discretion of the Employer. HA Nurses Association – KP CBA Article 12.2E Preceptor: A bargaining unit employee who is assigned to serve as a Preceptor, shall receive a differential of two dollars ($2.00) per hour for any shift (or portion thereof) during which the employee is assigned to perform Preceptor responsibilities. (1) This applies to an RN/APRN who is assigned 1 :1 for a defined period of time to another RN/APRN (with less than 6 months experience in the designated area) for the purpose of evaluating competencies and teaching new skills required for the unit/department/clinic or specialty area, per discretion of the supervisor or charge nurse. A list of qualified preceptors will be maintained in each unit. (2) The preceptor candidate should have at least 2 years of experience in the designated area and have had a minimum MR (meet requirements) Performance Review. (3) In situations where there are no precepting volunteers with 2 years of experience, a less senior person with at least 6 months experience with Kaiser Permanente may precept provided they have had a minimum MR (meets requirements) Performance Review. (4) Each preceptor must successfully complete the requirements for the Preceptor Training Program. CNA-KP CBA (2006) Section E - Preceptors 508 A preceptor is a Registered Nurse designated by the Employer to perform that role. Qualified RNs who volunteer to be designated as preceptors will be selected by seniority to attend an Employer-provided preceptor training program. In each department where preceptors are assigned, the Employer shall make such assignments on a rotational basis by seniority from RNs who have volunteered to be preceptors. 509 Preceptorships shall be conducted in accord with each department's established criteria, after review by the PPC. 510 To be considered for assignment as preceptor, a RN must have been employed by the Employer for at feast six (6) months, shall have at least two (2) years of satisfactory experience as a RN in the relevant area of clinical expertise, and demonstrated current competency in the department which the RN is assigned. If there are no qualified volunteers In a department, and a qualified nurse with less than two (2) years of experience who meets the other criteria of this paragraph volunteers, that nurse may be designated and assigned as a preceptor. 511 Each RN designated to perform as a preceptor shall attend an Employer provided preceptor-training program prior to performing those duties. Each RN shall be paid the RN's regular hourly rate for attending the training. 512 A RN who is designated as a preceptor shall receive additional compensation of $1.50 per hour above the RN's hourly rate for each hour that the RN is assigned to perform preceptor duties and responsibilities. 513 When a RN is assigned to perform preceptor duties, the Employer will make reasonable efforts for the preceptor to be relieved of a direct care assignment, according to the department's preceptor program. 514 The preceptor will not be called back into the staffing mix except during an emergent situation In which reasonable attempts to obtain appropriate staff resources have failed. The RN being precepted will be assigned duties as determined by the preceptor, manager and the RN being precepted. ARTICLE XX - NURSE PRACTITIONER MENTORING PROGRAM 5ection A - Definition of a Nurse Practitioner Mentor 2002 The role of a NP mentor differs from the role of a NP preceptor. A NP preceptor is a Nurse Practitioner II or III who voluntarily agrees and is so designated by the Employer to provide clinical experience and guidance to nurse practitioner students during the course of their educational program. Professional Organizations Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics To volunteer as a preceptor contact an ACEND representative at for a list of internship programs needing preceptors or mentors in your area. On occasion, students may contact you to see if you are willing to precept them. If so, ask for the name of the program and information about the program's expectations. Whether you are a new or well-established preceptor, you should go through preceptor training provided by the program to make sure that you can fulfill the specific requirements of the program such as: Teaching and modeling knowledge, skills, professional values and behaviors needed for students to successfully complete practitioner competencies Instilling the need in interns or students for patient advocacy, lifelong learning, evidence-based practice and giving back to the profession Supervising the practice abilities of the intern or student on a regular basis Evaluating the intern or student, providing feedback for improvement and documenting her/his progress Providing feedback to the program on the effectiveness of the education experience for continuous quality improvement Notifying the program if you become unable to precept interns or students Demonstrating no bias or conflict of interest in the education of interns or students Upholding the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics' Code of Ethics American College of Nurse Midwives Responsibilities of Clinical Preceptor(s): 1. Orients the student to the clinical site. 2. Selects patients, with student input as appropriate, for assessment in relation to course objectives, student’s goals, and level of expertise. 3. Outlines, with the student, professional and site specific parameters of responsibility for patient workup, documentation, feedback, and disposition. 4. Observes interactions with patients during the clinical experience to evaluate the process and quality of care provided (including student identification and assessment of chief complaint, significant history taking including relevant symptom analysis, physical exam, laboratory procedures, assessment, and plan). 5. Listens to student present the case of 1-2 patients seen during the day using a formal case presentation format. 6. Encourages the student to commit themselves to an assessment of patients and suggestion of possible management plans. 7. Validates findings and consults with the student about the patient workup and management, 8. Reads student chart notes, o-signs if chart notes are part of patient chart and documents their own note in the patient chart 9. Makes time to review the clinical experience at the end of each shift and to assist student in meeting ongoing learning objectives 10. In the last week of clinical, completes an evaluation of the student’s performance, using the form provided by the education program, and discusses this with the student. 11. Communicates immediately with program faculty regarding a student whose performance is unsatisfactory or unsafe, or whenever there are any concerns about student’s progress. 12. Seeks out feedback from the student and the Community Liaison/program faculty regarding clinical experience provided at the site.