Patients info label here Thyroidectomy Nr. Nursing Diagnosis Deficient knowledge: Preoperative Date Nursing Intervention/s and tasks Teaching: Preoperative Related factors: Unfamiliarity with disease and treatment Symptoms / Risk factors: Increase in anxiety level Multiple questions Outcome / Goal: Patient verbalize understanding of procedure Describe the preoperative routines Anxiety Anxiety reduction Related factors: Threat to or change in Health status Symptoms / Risk factors: Anxious Assess reasons for anxiety Restlessness Outcome / Goal: Will experience a reduction in anxiety Determine the patient's expectations of the surgery Provide time for the patient to ask questions and discuss concerns Assess voice and facial movements for comparison after surgery Check lab test - serum calcium level Reduce unnecessary externa stimuli Spend time talking with patient. Allow to express feelings Calming Technique Maintain calm, deliberate manner Reassure patient of personal safety or security Acute pain Pain Management Related factors: incision Symptoms / Risk factors: Facial mask Verbal or coded report Outcome / Goal: Patient appears relaxed and comfortable Patient verbalizes relief of pain Asses cause of pain Risk for injury Neurologic Monitoring Related factors: Incision Recurrent laryngeal nerve damage Symptoms / Risk factors: Breathing difficulties Inability to speak Aphonia Outcome / Goal: No sign of speaking /breathing difficulties Assess symptoms of breathing/ speaking difficulties Impaired skin integrity Incision Site Care Related factors: surgical procedure Symptoms / Risk factors: surgcial wound bleeding Outcome / Goal: surgcial wound clean Obs dressing (bleeding) Risk for imbalanced fluid volume Fluid Monitoring Related factors: Nausa Symptoms / Risk factors: Fluid intake low Outcome / Goal: Maintain adequate fluid balance while hospitalized Obs fluid balance (inntake and out) Administer medication as prescribet Administer O2 as orderd Obs. pain (effectivnes of medication) Optimize the patient's comfort in bed Obs. signs of infection Change dressing as prescribet Obs fluid balance __________________ 24 hour Obs vital signs Bp. O2 and pulse (Plan continues on the next page) 1 Sign. Patients info label here Thyroidectomy Nr. Nursing Diagnosis Deficient knowledge: Postoperative Related factors: Lack of previous experience with surgery Symptoms / Risk factors: Questions Outcome / Goal: Patient verbalizes understanding of need for follow-up care Plan created:12.11.2016 Date Nursing Intervention/s and tasks Discharge Planning Discuss with physician the discharge plan and obtain orders if needed Involve the patient/family in the discharge process Dscharge planned _________ Wound Care Teach the patient / caregiver about wound care using aseptic technique by:_________________________________________ signature 2 Sign.