BRAND NAME DECISIONS & BRAND IDENTITY DEVELOPMENT NPM SESSION 12 & 13 ELKANA EZEKIEL BRAND RESONANCE MODEL (KELLER) Branding objective at each stage RESPONSE What about you MEANING What are you IDENTITY Who are you Intense, active loyalty Resonance (In sync) RELATIONSHIP What about you & me Judgements (personal Opinions) Feelings (emotional response) Performance Imagery Salience Positive accessible reactions Points of parity & difference Deep, broad brand awareness DAVID AAKER MODEL • Brand Loyalty • • • • Brand Awareness Brand equity • • • • Perceived quality • • • • • Brand associations • • • Other proprietary assets Reduced marketing costs Trade leverage Attracting new customers • create awareness • reassurance Time to respond to competitive threats Anchor to which other associations can be attached Familiarity - liking Signal of substance/ commitment Brand to be considered Reason to buy Differentiate/ position Price Channel member interest Extensions Help process/ retrieve information Reason to buy Create positive attitude/ feelings Extensions Competitive advantage Provides value to customer by enhancing customer's • interpretation/ processing of information • confidence in the purchase decision • use satisfaction Provides value to firm by enhancing • efficiency & effectiveness of marketing programs • brand loyalty • prices/ margin • brand extensions • trade leverage • competitive advantage PAPER BOAT CASE 1. Discuss the brand strategy of Paper Boat? Has it established a distinct position in the consumer’s mind? 2. Analyze the marketing mix of Paper Boat? What is working well? What would you improve or correct? 3. What impact could Dabur Yoodley have on Paper Boat’s business and future plans? 4. Would you recommend that Paper Boat reduce the number of variants? What are the advantages and disadvantages of doing this? 5. What marketing strategy recommendations can you make to grow Paper Boat revenue and market share faster?