FLUIDX, in conjuction with OXFORD LABORATORY MEDICINE, invite you to a LUNCHTIME SEMINAR ADVANCES IN BIOBANKING Friday 7th December 2012 10.30 ­ 14.00 Seminar Room 2B, George Pickering Education Centre (GPEC). Level 3, John Radcliffe Hospital, Headington, Oxford. Stratum (UK Biobanking Project) Building Blocks for a UK Biobanking Network. Julie Corfield. Director/Project Leader, Areteva Ltd. Quality in Organ Donation (QUOD) Translation from Untransplantable to Transplantable. Rutger J. Ploeg MD PhD FRCS. Professor of Transplant Biology, Director Clinical and Translational Research, Honorary Consultant Transplant Surgeon, Oxford Transplant Centre. Oxford Laboratory Medicine / Oxford Radcliffe Biobank ­ Overview Gemma Marsden. Biobanking, Oxford Laboratory Medicine. Gamma Irradiation Sterilisation of Polypropylene; Implications for Long Term Storage Robert Moore. Director, FluidX Ltd. 10.30 ­ Coffee 11.00 ­ Presentations 13.00 ­ Lunch ­ FluidX Exhibition